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My Thoughts on The Bachelor!!

HERE are my thoughts on last week’s episode of The Bachelor, just in time for the Women Tell All tonight!!

Here is my take on what’s going on:

After spending some time with Juan – i think he is just a unique character (which is a good thing). I think he is different than the rest of the Bachelor Family and thats ok. (lol) Being different is what makes the world go round. it doesn’t mean he is an awful or bad person! I think he just marches to the beat of his own drum which might be or come off as selfish. I know a lot of men like that … not every person is able to communicate their feelings or navigate their feelings in this kind of environment. No diss to Ed (my ex yes) but i think he would be the same if he were the Bachelor, and I don’t think Ed is an awful person…he just needs someone who is a good fit for him… not what the rest of society thinks is a good fit.


Justin and I had fun with Juan so it’s hard for me to wrap my head around all of this.  I am also very sensitive to what is going on right now because I remember when I was at this stage of the game – there were a lot of nasty things said about me and assumptions that hurt my feelings. Despite having ‘signed’ up for something like this – nothing can prepare someone’s heart for the hurt that comes with the backlash and opinions of the world, and for every 99 good things people say, that ONE comment will sit inside of you and eat you up. So, I am going to put myself in his shoes and reserve judgment.

However saying all of that. I DID I find his behaviourON THE SHOW a bit perplexing … but remember there is A LOT we don’t see. And if he truly believes in being honest – then IF he is connecting with someone more (say Nikki) it might be hard for him to have the same kind of conversation with another girl… you know?

ALL OF THAT ASIDE…If Andi felt the way she felt,  I am SO proud of her for realizing her feelings and being able to act on them and voice them. Speaking from experience, in that kind of environment when there is SO much going on it is VERY hard to change the course and act on your feelings let alone feel them if they are anything but what the show traditionally is. I feel like she was very brave and very emotially intelligent for doing what she did, and although maybe she took it a HINT too far – I like that she continued to try to explain herself instead of just being submissive and saying goodbye. He might not understand and he might not agree but after all it was HER feelings and she wanted to articulate them…so I think that’s…ok lol.

I’m not taking sides – it’s not really my style but I’ve loved Andi from day 1 and this proves her emotional intelligence – but AGAIN, just because they weren’t a good fit and she isn’t a ‘fan’ of him… doesn’t mean there isn’t a good fit for him out there. Different people bring out different things in different people as well.

Sorry this is really politically correct – I have nothing against Juan – and want to see the best for him regardless of everyones opinions. I was sad to see Andi go because she was one of my favourites but because she is so emotionally in tune I think this was the BEST thing for her…now moving forward…who is the best for Juan? Well…I LOVE Nikki – I think she is adorable!!! but sadly…I don’t see a ‘forever and ever’ fit with any of the remaining girls…but we shall see!!



My thoughts are also available on Wetpaint!

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