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The Jilly Box

We’ve Made Changes to The Jilly Box: Here’s What You Need to Know!

We have been busy behind the scenes over the last few months! After multiple meetings, phone calls, and emails tweaking, adjusting, and refining things, we are excited to let you know we have made a few changes to The Jilly Box based on all of the feedback we received from all of YOU! That’s right, we take your suggestions and concerns seriously around here and in an effort to make the Jilly Box fair for everyone we have come up with a few solutions that we are so happy to share with you today!

Here’s what you need to know!

Previous subscribers are grandfathered in

If you were one of the lucky ones to snag your Jilly Box subscription during our official launch day you are grandfathered in. This means you will continue to receive your Jilly Box subscription. If you are a subscriber, you will receive an email later this week with the details on how to update your account, credit card, and sizing information. Stay tuned for the details regarding add on’s as well as Jilly Box members will have first access to these items! Please note, Jilly Box Subscriber billing will be on January 20th!

If you decide you no longer want your quarterly Jilly Box subscription and you decide to cancel, you will no longer receive your Jilly Box and will not be able to access your subscription. If you decide later on that you would like to get another Jilly Box, you will have to sign up to the waitlist and wait until you’re randomly selected in the lottery for your one-time purchase.

We have moved to a lottery system

That’s right, you asked and we listened! We received so much feedback in regards to changing the Jilly Box from a subscription model to a lottery system that we decided to hop on the wagon and give everyone exactly what they were asking for. We were able to secure more boxes for our upcoming launch (but certainly not enough to fulfill ALL requests, we still have a very limited amount of boxes) so the additional boxes we were able to secure above and beyond the 5,000 subscription boxes will be a ONE TIME PURCHASE “lottery boxes”.  At this time, we will not be releasing more subscriptions, but we are working on this!

So, with this change comes a few important things you need to know about our upcoming launch on Wednesday, January 22nd! 

1. Make sure you’re signed up to our waitlist

If you are signed up to our waitlist you have a chance to be selected as one of the lottery winners. Please note, if you are NOT signed up to the waitlist you must do so as soon as possible to be eligible.

2. A limited number of lottery winners will be selected via email

The lottery will begin on Wednesday, January 22nd and will continue through Friday, January 24th. All you have to do is look out for an email during that period. If you are selected as one of the lottery winners you will receive an email from us notifying you that you have been selected. After the lottery is completed, we will also email those who were not selected.

3. If you have been selected you have 24 hours to purchase your Jilly Box

If you are one of the lucky lottery winners you have 24 HOURS to purchase your Jilly Box. After 24 hours we will select another group of lottery winners, and this process will continue until we are SOLD OUT. Your invitation will not expire…but interest in the boxes is huge and when they are gone, they are gone! Some of the items in the box are sized, and quantities for each size are limited. Please remember to check your junk and spam folders and purchase your Jilly Box as soon as you receive your email so you are guaranteed a box and your desired size! 

4. This is for a one-time purchase only and is not a subscription

As mentioned, if you are selected from our waitlist as one of the winners of the lottery draw, this entitles you to purchase a Jilly Box one time. This does not mean you have now obtained a Jilly Box subscription.  We are working on adding more subscriptions but really want to give everyone a fair chance at a box so for now, this is our best option.

5. Don’t forget your add-ons!

That’s right, as a Jilly Box subscriber and lottery winner you also have first access to add a couple of exclusive items to your order at an additional cost. Our add ons are hand-selected and designed by the Jilly Team! We’re BEYOND excited to share these with you! Don’t forget, two weeks after the Jilly Box is shipped some of the Jilly Box items and exclusive add ons will be available for public purchase via the Jilly Box Boutique! Please note, quantities are very limited!

6. The draw is completely random and the queue is exempt

By changing from a subscription to a lottery system there will no longer be a queue during launch day. This queue was only in place for our very first Jilly Box and does not mean that you hold the spot you were in. This means everyone who is on our waitlist has a fair shot at scoring a Jilly Box!

I hope this makes sense and I hope you’re just as excited about it as we are!! We truly do wish every single person on our waiting list could score their very own Jilly Box but unfortunately, it’s not feasible for our small business at this time. We really hope the changes we are implementing based on all of the feedback we gathered from all of our loyal fans will give everyone a fair shot! Remember to check your emails on January 22nd through to January 24th!! BEST OF LUCK!!



Leave a Reply

  1. Dear Jilly box staff: I thought I had signed up previously, how can I be sure my name is still included? Can someone please contact me by email. I was on the initial list but didn’t get the box because there were so many people waiting. Thanks Diana

  2. If people opt out of the subscription (can’t imagine there will be any but you never know) will those spaces be filled with possible new subscribers? or will the extra boxes go to the lottery list?

  3. I went to put name on list for lottery, days already registered? So I’m on the waitlist?
    Please confirm want option to get a Jilly Box

    Thanks kitty

  4. My daughter was lucky to get in on the first Jilly box and loved everything about it, I hope I am as lucky. You are doing a great job organizing this box.
    Simone Cooper

  5. The only way this would feel truly fair is if EVERY box was released via the lottery system. It doesn’t feel fair that the 5,000 people who snagged a box on launch day continue to get a box in perpetuity. My interest in the Jilly Box has waned in recent months. It shouldn’t be this complicated to give you our money!

    Everyone, remember to check your junk mail daily as there is a good chance it might get caught there and you’ll miss your chance.

  6. The lottery system makes the most sense and I believe it’s fair. I would be ecstatic to win a chance to purchase a Jilly box 💗

  7. Very well explained, thank you! Fingers crossed for a lottery spot! Can’t wait to see what you come up with for this box either way!!💕

  8. This is awesome, what a great idea! Appreciate the notification and excited to be a part of the new lottery system xo

  9. Hi Team Jilly!

    If I am drawn for the lotto **fingers crossed**, am I still eligible for future boxes? Or does the ‘one time purchase’ truly mean I am on eligible once as a wait listed subscriber.

    Ps – I’m super excited for the add on romper!!

    1. This means you get the chance to purchase a Jilly Box one time (you won’t be a subscriber) so there is a chance you could get picked again for another Jilly Box purchase down the road as a lottery winner as you will still be on the waitlist. Hope that makes sense! xo

  10. So does that mean there are no options to subscribe until you’re able to increase the number of boxes available?

  11. I sure hope it’s my turn soon!
    I’ve been waiting since the first box like so many others!
    I’ve already got my ADD ON’s picked out!

    LOVE everything about Jillian and The Jilly TEAM etc.,

    Keep up the spectacular work you do for all of us!

    Wishing you continued and great success always,

  12. I’m hopeful but also sad because the lottery option… I’m not lucky enough to be picked out of the lottery! Understand it’s the best option to keep things smooth… but as one of your number one followers it was sad enough I didn’t get the first box. And I added my name to the wait list in seconds hoping I had a chance for the next round. Now my hope has been squashed again! Maybe my luck with turn but doubtful haha.

  13. thank you so very much for the lottery.
    it really is a lovely olive branch for those of us who missed out.
    and those that get chosen are lucky even though it’s a one time and not a subscription!

  14. Am I on the waitlist if I signed up for the last JIlly Box but was too far down the queue to receive one or do I need to sign up again?

  15. The link to the wait list is broken and takes you to a “404 error page not found”. Has the wait list been closed?

  16. Hello!

    I just read this blog post and I want to make sure that I am subscribed to the waitlist. I just clicked the link, but it says the page is not found. Will it be up and running within the next few days? 🙂

  17. Hi there. I signed up for the first box wait list for the second. I have not recieved an email. How do I find out why this was so and how to rectify it please.

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