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What We’re Grateful For this Thanksgiving

Good morning loves! If you caught my Instagram stories yesterday, you’ll know that I’m preparing a big VEGAN Thanksgiving dinner at our place tonight … I’m a little nervous and a tad bit overwhelmed but mostly excited that my family is willing to give this a try and THANKFUL for my cousins who are going to help me prepare it!! Anyway, I thought today would be nice to slow down a little this morning (calm before the storm) and reflect on all that I’m grateful for.

This past year has been a little bit of a whirlwind for our little family, lots of exciting changes, growth, lessons learned, tears, laughs, irreplaceable memories, and lots of love. There’s no doubt our life is a little hectic at times and we are always on the go but I’m thankful for the days that make my head spin just as much as the days that allow us to kick up our feet up and enjoy a glass of wine.

I’m not sure what I would do without all of the amazing people in my life (and fur people aka Nacho ? ) … lol. Leo has been such a light in my life, his little giggles, his fuzzy little chicken hair, his chubby little toes, everything about him makes my heart so full and happy. I’m so grateful for Justin, for the relationship we’ve built, for the home we’ve created, and the little man we made … LOL!!!

I’m also so lucky to have my wonderful family, mom, dad, Tori, Sammy, Steph, my Aunt’s and Uncles, Justin’s family … everyone, I absolutely love each and every one of you with all of my heart. My best friends, Shannon and Carissa … Team Jilly, you girls are amazing.

I also have to give a huge THANK YOU … to YOU. That’s right, YOU … the one reading this, thank you for your support, for following along with me on my journey. For taking time out of your day to stop by my blog, to comment on my photos, to send me words of encouragement when I need it most. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you and for that I am truly and forever grateful.

In the past I have always done these blogs alone so this year I thought it would be fun to get Justin to chime in here as well, to allow him to share with you who and what he is grateful for this year, so I’ll let him take it away for his portion!!

Jillian Harris What I'm Grateful ForJillian Harris and Leo Apple PickingJillian Harris J Crew Red Bell Sleeve Shirt BeachJillian Harris Steps to Becoming a Morning Person

Hey everyone. Thanksgiving is a funny time, it’s all about friends and family and good health and celebrating the good times but it’s also a time to come together after the hard times. Throughout the year everyone has their ups and downs and Thanksgiving allows us to look back and reflect on these experiences and to take the hardest challenges head-on with the support of our loved ones. To eat, laugh, giggle, cry, whatever it is you do with your family, having them there helps you get through the good times and gives you the confidence to take on the shitty situations.

I have to say, I think we’ve been pretty blessed over the last year. We have a happy and healthy 1-year old, a beautiful home and a crazy dog. I’m so thankful for Jill and Leo and of course our family and friends!

This last year we’ve seen so many changes, I was introduced into a new career through my families business and I consider myself so lucky to have this opportunity. We had our show which was a totally awesome and crazy experience, my mom retired this year and she now has more time on her hands to swing by and hang out with Leo. There’s so much that happened over these last 12 months that I’m pretty thankful for.

I also have to second what Jill said, I’m too am thankful for you guys, for having Jill’s back when an online bullier pops up and for those of you who reach out and send well wishes to Nacho and Leo. It’s super cool to see that people care so much about us and that you don’t hesitate to show your support. Without all of you, we wouldn’t be able to share this sort of stuff. I’m pretty honored that people take time out of their day to check in on us!

Justin Pasutto - On FatherhoodJustin Pasutto - On FatherhoodJillian-Harris-Leos-Birthday-137

What are you most thankful for this year?? Make sure to share it with us in the comment below!

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Jilly & Justin

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  1. We all have so much to be thankful for! Myself, I’m most thankful for good health:)
    I love following you Jillian. You are an inspiration! When you have a moment I would love to know where I can get the print of the building that is in your dining room. Much thanks!

  2. Such a cute and happy blog 🙂 Just finished watching your show Jillian & Justin. Loved it and hope there will be more seasons 🙂 xx

  3. I’m most thankful for my supportive friends and family! I left the corporate world this year to pursue my goals of entrepreneurship, and there’s no way I could have done it without them.
    Thanks for this post and for sharing your world with us!

  4. Thankful for your insta stories, and all that you share. As a stay at home mom, when I get those few minutes of alone time I often find myself checking up on what my friend Jilly is up to!

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