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25 Things You Don’t Know About Me

Everyone has little quirks about them that you don’t really KNOW until you get to reallllllly know someone. I was thinking about all of the different questions I get asked and all the things you don’t actually KNOW about ME!!! And well, I thought I would share some of those little things with you so we can get to know each other a little bit better!! Without further ado …. here are 25 things you PROBABLY don’t know about me …

1.  I don’t usually dig new music. My genre of choice is anything from the 80’s and 80’s Country.  Tanya Tucker, Clint Black, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Boy George, Cindy Lauper …

2.  I am a list MANIAC. I have lists everywhere. I use my notes in my phone, Wunderlist, but I also have lists ALL over my house.

3. I absolutely love gardening and horticulture. I have since I was a little girl. When we bought our house I fell in love with the garden (which is really hard to keep up with my schedule) because it looks like a garden from England! Tons of hydrangeas, wisteria, peonies, lilacs, dogwood, lavender, Japanese maple, boxwood, rhododendrons, and roses!!! I spend a TON of time out in my garden every year … it’s one of my favourite hobbies!


4. I have a really weird little bump on my hip that Justin calls my ‘push start.’  I’ve had it looked at so many times and its just ‘nothing’ … I was going to get it removed but Justin likes it … maybe one day I’ll show you lol

5. I’m really small. Well … 5’2. When I was little everyone was worried that there was something wrong with me because I was ‘so small’ so I spent a week in the Children’s Hospital… turns out, I’m just small LOL …

6. My mom was going to name me Janelle but then she watched a soap opera and there was a girl named Jillian on the show, and she loved her so … Jillian became my name!

7. I kept the ring from the Bachelor.


8. I LOVE Marmite. I eat it almost every day on toast.

9. I can never figure out how to spell decisions or Wednesday.

10. This is probably because my first 10 years of school were French Immersion so English was never my strong suit.

11. I can’t really speak french anymore. ZOOT!


12. Everyone asks what my tattoo is on my foot. It says Marjorie, which is my granny’s name. She’s wild and hilarious and I thought it would be a fun 80th birthday present lol…

13. I work in Vancouver, Canada during the week but drive “home” to Kelowna EVERY single weekend to be near my family. We rent a little place in Vancouver but our house is in Kelowna … makes for quite the schedule!

14. I have a huge crush on Jimmy Kimmel. When I was on his show I thought I was going to die.


15. I have been on the Ellen, Jimmy Kimmel, and Regis & Kelly shows TWICE… THANK YOU Bachelor Nation!

16. I store candy in my nightstand. Usually any kind of gummy will do.

17. I hate showering. If I didn’t have a job that was on TV I would probably go a few days without showering!! But I also LOVE the feeling of being clean!!!


18. I’m a neat FREAK … I need a clean house at all times!!!

19. I used to make fun of vegetarians and think everything was better with bacon (I’m ashamed to share that now lol).

20.  I think poop and fart jokes are funny …


21. Despite everything I juggle, I’m actually very impatient and quite disorganized. I’m late for EVERYTHING and if I don’t put it in one of my lists or in iCal, it ain’t happening.

22. I like eating other people’s food and always have food FOMO.

23. I hate umbrellas I find them super inconvenient and annoying.

24. I don’t pay attention to expiry dates. If it’s not mouldy or doesn’t smell rancid I’ll do a taste test… If it passes I’m gonna eat it.

25. I lost my licence for speeding when I was in my 20’s. I was so embarrassed I never told anyone and just kept driving… Very very cautiously (I hope I don’t get arrested now).

Now … what about you!!!! Share something about yourself that I don’t know in the comments below!!!!


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  1. I’m the same way with showers. I hate them and especially dread taking them after a long day of work. I always feel so clean and happier after I do though. 🙂 I will skip a day or two sometimes in the colder months though. Shh.. 😉

    1. It’s unusual to keep it when you’re no longer engaged to the person who gave it to you. I think that’s the point. Otherwise, they definitely keep the rings!

  2. I totally hate umbrellas too!! such a pain to get in and out of the car! I’d rather be drenched or at home snuggled up with a fire! (Side not: no clue that the Neil Lane rings were not intended to be kept on the show! Advertising at its finest I guess!)

    1. It’s unusual to keep it when you’re no longer engaged to the person who gave it to you. I think that’s the point. Otherwise, they definitely keep the rings!

  3. Oh my, we have so many of these in common… #2 ,3, 5, 16, 17, 18, 24!!!! I thought I was the only person who doesn’t like to shower, but LOVES to be clean and has to have good hygiene.

  4. 1. because of being diagnosed with Mild Cerebral Palsy at a young age most did not think I would graduate HS (please keep in mind this was close to 30 yrs ago when they knew very little about it and how to help people such as my self, also it was NEVER told to me directly, every single teacher/ aid I had growing up, all except 1 did everything they could to help me succeed) I ended graduating with a 3.5 GPA 2 I am thankful for my diagnosis had it not been for that I never would have been put into Special Education and never would have met my best friend of 20yrs. 3. I collect snow globes, my favorite one is one my sisters friend brought back for me after climbing in the swiss alps, he had only met me once, knew I collected them and brought it back for me, it became even more precious when his life was taken a couple years back in White Water Accident. 4. I ever once and while hint as to what my chosen career is both on Facebook and Twitter, but for those that have yet to figure it out, I am Server/dishwasher at a local assisted living home, and I Love it, yes there are times it gets beyond frustrating, but these residents have become my second family, they have watched my nieces grow up in pictures and love them as though they were their own. 5 I am an auntie to two of the cutest, smartest, funniest kids you will ever know, though I am pretty sure everyone says that about the children in their lives.

  5. I can NEVER spell restaurant, ever. I’m a neat freak and I loveeee my nightly showers. Maybe my fave part of the day haha.

  6. Well, I was one of the first people in the US born under water. It was a very big deal at the time and people didn’t understand it and even threatened to call child protective services on my Mom! Crazy right? She wrote a book about it called “The Healing Power of Birth”. My Mom’s the coolest!

    1. Oh my goodness, both of my kids were born underwater! I’m sure it’s still a bit odd, but no one’s ever said boo to me about it. That’s awesome about your mom!

  7. My mom was going to name me Sandra but she was watching a Eurovision Festival and she saw a singer named Sheila (I think from France) and she fell in love with her name absolutely! So…my name is Sheila ?

    1. My mom called me Sandra but seriously considered calling me Jillian. I don’t know why because I get called Sandy!

      1. Sandra is a beautiful name! I like Sandy because this name makes me remember “Grease” and I love this film ??

  8. I’m also a wee human. 5 feet nothing. Some days I say 5’1. Lol. My maiden name was also Wee which made for a lot of jokes as a kid (Wee one, weiner, etc). ?

    I love showers and can’t go a day without one. Although it’s not the shower itself I love. It’s the clean feeling. Even if I’m home from a late night out and passed out, my friends know to leave me on the couch. I’ll get up at some point to shower and crawl back in bed lol. I have a fear of smelling even though I’m sure I don’t … (Right? Lol).

  9. I hate showering too! Every single person thinks this is so bizarre! I work in schools, so summertime I’m able to get away with a couple days without showering 🙂

  10. My mom was going to name me Angela until she watched a soap opera and heard the name Jessica! Thought it was funny that we have the same name story haha

  11. I hate showering, also, and it scares my fiance a little. we just moved in together and he is a little worried about my lack of weekend showers. But if I am not going anywhere…who cares!!

  12. I am a generation before you and my mom and dad were going to call me Jillian (seriously!). At the last minute I became Sandra but everyone calls me Sandy.
    I am short and getting shorter as the years pass and sadly perhaps a little wider. My daughter is expecting her second daughter in mid August so you may see her if your baby is born at KGH!

  13. I have the same story with my first name. I was named after a character named Lisa on ‘As The World Turns”.
    And I love Barry Manilow songs. There. I said it!

  14. I’m 5’0. I spent a lot of time at children’s hospital, admitted from time to time and followed till I was 13 because everyone was worried about my size. Finally they were satisfied that I was just small as well! Lol!

  15. Jillian I can’t spell either her is a tip for Wednesday – Sound it out- Wed-nes-day works every time for me.

  16. Poop and fart jokes are the best! I still can’t help but giggle when my husband farts especially when we’re fighting.

    1. Agreed. Only because I hate dealing with my hair afterwards. Its naturally curly and kinda poofy and a pain to blow out.

  17. Something you didn’t know about me…YOU are my fave Canadian (any nation for that matter) celebrity. I look forward to your hilarious snaps, Insta, and blog posts on the daily. Thank you for keeping it real Jillian X

  18. I like (and need) things neat and tidy at all times too… It’s a problem! If my environment is a mess, so is my mind! I need lists to get me through the day or else I’m unaccomplished and forgetful, and showers are an annoying necessity… But feeling clean is amazing! I do however LOVE bubble baths. I also have an obsession with throw pillows… It can’t be controlled! And I literally love my dog Wrigley like he was my child.
    Thanks for sharing Jillian!

  19. Hi sweetie i also have driven without a license for almost 2 years. And how I remember Wednesday is break it down. Wed nes day strange but it’s works. And ds and bs give me a hard time! !!!!!

  20. I just found out I am pregnant! I don’t want to find out if it’s a boy or girl, and I think most people find that crazy!

  21. I also love Marmite (seeing I’m from New Zealand), hate umbrellas, and love poop and fart jokes!! Haha. We are like sisters from different misters

  22. I was going to be Bridgette, but they opt’d for Shelly. I count steps as I climb them (super annoying) I have lists all over my house too. I had my first Peanut butter and jam sandwich when I was 29.

  23. I also was named Jillian because my mom saw it on a soap opera. I was supposed to be Jennifer. I’m pretty confident we got the better choice.

  24. I lol’d at “food FOMO”… I definitely have a serious case of this too :/ the struggle is real.

  25. Love that you are so honest Jillian. I am honest to a fault, I can’t lie, I feel like a fake if I do, so if you are a part of my life you will get the honest truth from me, always. I also have lists, everywhere, home, work in my purse, this comes from my mother. I cannot go to bed until everything is in it’s place, I will get up out of bed if I remember there is something that I didn’t do, I hate this about my self, a little obsessive compulsion there. I don’t pay attention to expiration dates neither, my husband and kids hate this, I’m still alive and I never get sick (I’m touching wood when I say this!). They throw things away when I’m not looking.

  26. You crack me up Jillian!! I went natural the first time and believe the pressure is everywhere. Some people poop during labor?2nd & 3rd babies were emergency c-sections!! No worries if you have a c-section but recovery sucks!!

  27. You rock Jillian!! Just had purchased “The Oh She Glows Cookbook” for two wonderful Moms…mine and my boyfriends! ❤️
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Dreaming of Whistler, BC! I am a huge skier and just know it’s amazing there!!!

  28. – I go by my middle name and my school used that as my first name on my diploma, so I technically don’t have a highschool diploma.
    – I consistently lose my car on parking lots, to the point where people have offered to help me find it.
    – My Mom and I were once the only passengers on the backhaul of an inaugural flight. We had a Boeing 737 to ourselves. And she STILL sat right next to me!
    – I don’t like to keep track of time so I set all my clocks to different times.
    – I’m completely obsessed with your Snapchat (not in a creepy way lol)

  29. I also can’t stand umbrellas!
    I like cold mashed potatoes
    I eat salt like it’s a good group
    I can’t carry a tune to save my life
    I used to carry rolling papers and gum and stamps at all times, just to help others out in a time of need
    I have bubblebaths almost daily

  30. Love this! I broke the “25” rule- sorry!

    I broke my arm in grade 1 jumping off the playground.

    Although the cast was cool, as was the beard I grew under it, I always thought crutches would have made the whole thing more fun.

    Because of that, I spent the next few years jumping off the highest objects in the playground until I got my first snowboard in grade 4 and I realized my legs were better used carving the slopes at Big White.

    I was never one for wearing shoes. I’ve gotten into trouble a few times for not doing so: elementary school, cook county saloon, and at work once. I appreciate places were being barefoot is celebrated: country weddings, my moms yard running around with my nieces and even going through security at the airport.

    I’ve never been broken up with but have gotten my heart broken.

    I very much dislike menial tasks. Brushing my teeth, getting gas and having to go to the washroom. All three have landed me in a few pickles by not doing so. Cavities, bladder infections and only once having to push my car (with a friend) to the nearest gas station.

    One of my favourite things in the world are my uncle Randy’s hugs. (Dexter’s come in at a close second). They both seem to know when I need them the most and can throw down a mean bear hug.

    I was wearing Dexter’s plaid jacket that I hate when he proposed to me. Now he will never get rid of it.

    Knives are pretty much meaningless to me unless they are cutting an avocado or asiago cheese. I spread most food with my index finger.

    I cry, a lot. Most people know that but what they may not know is that I hate the way I look when I cry so I try really hard to fight back my quivering chin.

    No matter how hard I work I still judge myself for not working harder or being smarter. (I’m working on it).

    When I jump into water I still plug my nose. It’s way cooler sans nose plug but I still haven’t mastered the art of blowing out at the right time to not get water up my nose.

    It’s okay though because I just realized that “not being cool is the new cool”, I like to tell myself that, anyways.

    My first kiss was in grade 1. He lived in my neighbourhood and kissed me behind my shed. The older neighbour kids saw and made fun of us. I, of course, cried.

    I was a girl guide and a pathfinder. While I thought that was lame for years, I now think it’s rad that I’m always the first to start a campfire.

    Before I became a vegetarian, one of my favourite foods was beef jerky. I used to get a whole stocking full every Christmas.

    My brother and I used to watch Buffy the vampire slayer every Friday, eating a mixed bowl of popcorn and nacho Doritos in our plastic bowl that had melted kernel imprints in the bottom. Hiding at scary parts but peaking through the very large holes in our rust orange knitted blanket. Side note: I used reverse phycology on him to watch it “I don’t even like that show” to which his response was always to go directly to ytv. We both secretly liked it but didn’t want to admit we actually agreed on something.

    My best friend and I won first place in the science fair in grade (7?) in the physics/engineering category for building an “Otto-mobile” i.e. An old ottoman on wheels. Big secret- it started with an ottoman on a skateboard which wasn’t really riveting enough so Or made a crossbar out of wood with a steering component with us merely nailing Karen’s old shoes to the wood as breaks. Don’t tell on us.

    I punched one of my (now) best friends in the nose in grade 1 for butting in line in front of my other best friend. We’ve since made up and Claire’s nose has healed nicely.

    I was under “high school arrest” in grade 10 for some lunch-time shenanigans which the RCMP deferred to the principal. Thank you, Mark, for your “unique” punishments. Rural communities don’t have enough to do for kids.

    When T-swift was just starting out, I caught her bracelet in one of the MANY concerts I went to of hers.

    I have learned everything about living a powerful yet humble life from my mother except how to grow and tend to plants. (I’m also working on that).

    Dexter was one of the first people I met in Lethbridge because he was wearing a Westlock snap back.

    I was called “Social girl” in my new high school in grade 12. Not because I was cool. Because dexter told everyone about me. We met in social class.

    I wish I was a read head with freckles. Don’t ask.

    I love old school country with some new, Adele (obvs), acoustic covers and the odd pop song for like 5 minutes.

    I can harmonize perfectly with T-swift if I turn the volume up high enough.

    I think the meaning of life is to connect deeply with other living beings.

    I’ve ran through the forest and swam in a lake both naked. I won’t comment on the clothing state of my a-town besties.

    I believe that JABE has some amazing “attributes”, the greatest of which: our drive, intelligence and courage to live the lives of our dreams.

    I used to hate reading. Probably why I’m not great at spelling. I now love reading but have to remind myself how to spell ‘receive’ every time I spell it.

    I don’t like sharing. I make extra of everything now because Dexter always eats off my plate and its all I can do so it doesn’t big me. Something to do with being the youngest child?

    Family means everything to me and I will drive the QE2 the rest of my life multiple times a year to see their beautiful faces.

    Salt over sweet.

    Wine over beer.

    Dogs over cats.

    Love over money.


  31. I love the smell of old books! I once worked in a library and went into the basement where they keep the really old books and just started grabbing at random, flipping through them and smelling! The older the better!

  32. 1. I didn’t have my license until 25.
    2. I’m allergic to latex.
    3. I have webbed toes. (As does Ashton Kutcher!)
    4. I don’t like raw tomatoes.
    5. I changed the spelling of my first name. My great aunt did the same, so it runs in the family.
    6. I love the name Ezra.
    7. I like showering.
    8. I’m currently involved with a film based on a true story that has never been done before. I can’t go into too many details yet, but there hasn’t been anything like it. Cliché, but it’s true.
    9. The wallet I use is almost 16 years old! It’s Ralph Lauren.
    10. One tiny bit about the film–main girl and I have the same sign–Taurus.

  33. 10 & 11 – I struggled for years with then and than for years thanks to french immersion! I think I thought it was just a british english vs american english type thing, even though my english teachers were constantly correcting my mistake and my mom was constantly trying to explain the difference to me. Wasn’t until university that I finally figured out the difference! Oops.

  34. I used to think that in order to be an adult, I needed to have all wooden hangers instead of plastic ones. So now I have wooden hangers. This is before #adulting was even a thing. 🙂

  35. -I have OCD really bad and my one year old chocolate lab’s hair is eating my dust bunnies!

    -I can’t stand hearing people chew. It’s called misophonia.

    -I love smelling everything.

  36. I don’t like raw broccoli, I also love other peoples food (unless it’s raw broccoli), my toenails are always gross from distance running, I don’t want to have my own kids (I want to adopt) and I plan on letting them make up their own minds up about everything (including raw broccoli)

  37. I’m super short too! 4’11” to be exact. I spent 6 years as a kid seeing an endocrinologist and a handful of other doctors, MRI’s, blood tests, bone growth tests, geneticists, and at the end of it all they told me I’m short because my parents are short. No —- sherlock… 😉 I also kept growing super late into my 20’s because my bones grew slow. Weird.

  38. Jillian, what is Kailyn’s website, your make up artist so we can read her story you talked about on snapchat. I couldn’t get the one you gave to come up. Can’t wait for your little one to arrive. I think your having a precious little boy. Congrations Justin & Jillian!!

  39. So weird, I have a “push button” bump on my hip as well (left side). And I am an interior designer (professionally). AND I have an adorable baby boy (Isaak). AND I absolutely adore you!!

  40. My daughters name was Emily Anne for the first 3 days of her life. Then i was watching All My Children in the hospital. Never watched it before then. Saw Kelly Ripa’s character – Haley…low and behold..3 days later her name was now changed to Haley Anne….! Her dad came in after work, all smitten with “Emily” and i had to break the news that we had changed her name…! He got to name the next

  41. Love the story about your name. When my biological mother was pregnant with me she watched a soap opera and there was a character named Amy…..that’s how I got my name.
    Before knowing that story I always wanted to name my son Dylan (Luke Perry’s character on 90210) and my daughter Isabella “Belle” (Kirstin Storms character on Days of our lives).


  42. I was born in the same generation as you Jill and aren’t we so lucky to have been born in good old 1979! Funny story is my name was also picked from a soap opera show. My mom love the name Cassandra but in the show they call her Cassy. So now everyone just calls me Cass. Maybe that’s what our parents generation did was pick our names from soap opera shows lol.

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