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5 Tips To Host The Perfect Thanksgiving Dinner

If you are anything like me … you have left the ultimate Thanksgiving decisions until the last minute. Decisions like whether or not YOU are hosting … or if you’re attending a dinner party or  maybe just celebrating everything you’re thankful for. But guess what?!? The decisions are real and you need to figure it out soon before Thanksgiving weekend is over.

If you do end up being the one hosting the dinner … just have fun with it!!! Get creative with the plants and pinecones in the garden and all of the plate-ware and silverware that you already have. You d be surprised what you can come up with when you get creative. To get organized before the guests arrive, use my tips below and add in your own twist if you like …

1. Centre Piece:
Whether it be pumpkins, flowers, plants, pine cones, or candles use something you already have to make this a focal point of the room and, more importantly, the table. Thanksgiving is the one time of year (with Christmas) that it’s not ONLY about the food. It’s about family, decor and all things you are thankful for! And well for me … decor is in that mix!


2. Set your table
The trick here is layering. Layer plates, napkins, name cards, cuttlery, you name it, just layer!!!! It will make your table look professionally styled and is SO easy to do!!! Don’t forget to pair the dinner with a feature cocktail that can be sipped on by all upon arrival and into the wee hours. My secret is to always add fresh herbs like rosemary or thyme so that it pairs nicely with the dinner.

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3. Set the places:
Thanksgiving and holidays are a great time to get creative with name cards. Snip off a branch, weed or flower from the garden and stick it through a name card to add a special and expensive looking touch to a regular old piece of card stock. Again, this is so easy and you can really get creative. For thanksgiving in particular, you can go as far as painting names on pumpkins or writing “I am thankful for” on brown paper. No matter what, this will leave your guests feeling special and honoured to be sitting at your table.


4. Get creative with pumpkins:
Pumpkins don’t need to be just regular ol pumpkins … I mean it is definitely nice to have a few real and fresh ones scattered around to add to your home decor. BUT using pumpkins in a creative way is a cheap and festive way to add to your dinner party! I love the idea of making a pumpkin a vase and painting it white. This would also make for a great centre-piece. OR … making it an ice bucket, cooler or drink dispenser!!!! Both of these options are fitting for my type of Thanksgiving dinner!


5. Festive Decor:
Adding festive decor throughout the rooms your guests will be in is easy and can also be inexpensive. Simply adding a few pumpkins will give your room a festive room-to-room harmony. It will also get YOU in the fall spirit!!! Another great idea is either creating or purchasing bunting with a cute saying on it to drape on your wall or over your fireplace. You can do this  yourself as easily and inexpensively as cutting out letters written on paper and linking them together with string.


photo credit: liz marie, style caster, cr decoration, monika hibbs, camille styles, paper and lace, the lily pad cottage, cheryl style, lemon tree dwelling, home dit, the polo house

What other creative and easy ideas do you have for ME to get organized for Thanksgiving dinner?!



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