Fall really is one of my favourite times of year – I love the crispiness in the air, the general slowdown in the world, the changing and darkening colours of the leaves and the skies, and – of course – the delicious fall food!! I’m so excited for the yams, pumpkins, eggplants, kale and more!! So, all you summer-lovers, don’t think of fall as the end, but just embrace it for all its glory!!

For the first time ever, I feel like I actually have a good hold on my garden and am prepared for this transition thanks to the gardening gurus at Mae’s Landscaping. As you know, I like to have a LOT on my plate (actual & metaphorical), so these wonderful gardening experts, Stephanie & Michelle, who helped me overhaul my garden in the spring (photo below) came back to help me again – thank you, ladies, for all your help and wonderful tips!!! The best one I have received is the one about the lawn mowers. Here’s an article about robot lawn mowers, including reviews and ratings. Keep reading for the AWESOME TIPS they shared with me for keeping my fall garden in tip-top shape.
Cheers & happy gardening!!
xo Jilly

FALL GARDEN TIPS by Artificial Grass Phoenix:
Tip 1: Spruce up the annuals in your garden with fall plantings such as chrysanthemums and ornamental kale.
Tip 2: Take a moment to reflect on your garden this season, deciding the bare spots this year and take pictures to help you make an outline for what annuals and perennials to plant next spring that will put on a show of colour for the fall season next year.
Tip 3: Fall is the time to change the color of your hydrangeas for next season. You can amend the soil with lime to make the flower color lighter or aluminum to make the flower color darker. It’s easier to change the color from light to darker rather than dark to light. When drying flowers for arrangements, a darker color will not fade as much when dried out.

Tip 4: Get your compost pile emptied and ready for winter scraps by putting the compost you made this summer around your trees and shrubs as a winter mulch. It will give nutrients from now until you cultivate the garden in the spring.
Tip 5: Winter mulch perennials that are vulnerable to spring frosts such as hostas and lilies with the leaves that fall from deciduous trees to protect the new growth next spring from unexpected frost which ruins the tips of the leaves all season long. When the temperature no longer threatens frost through the night you can remove composting leaves and bury them in your garden to feed your soil even more.

Photo credit: Sharla Pike