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5 Ways To Pearly Whites

I always get asked how I keep my teeth so white. Well to be honest … it’s a lot of work!!!! I’m sharing with you my top 5 tips on how I do it. I’m sure that there are other ways and maybe even better ways but this is what works for me and what works with my busy schedule. If you need a jumpstart to your dental hygiene routine … I recommend starting here at the Asecra tooth care site!!!

1. Brushing:
First and foremost I brush my teeth two to three times a day. Brushing is VERY important but so is the toothpaste that you brush with. I only us crest white toothpaste. The feeling your teeth have after a good brush … is addicting!

2. Flossing:
I try my best to floss a minimum of 3 times a week (I know this one is hard). Think about all of the food that gets stuck in between your teeth and just sits there and rots until you floss it out …. gross!!! Incorporate this into your routine and it won’t feel like a chore.

3. Whitening:
Some of you might disagree with this step but I think it’s the cherry on top to show off all of my brushing and flossing. Taking an additional step to whiten my teeth brightens my overall smile.

4. Oil Pulling:
I have tried this a few times and absolutely LOVED the results. My breathe was so fresh and so clean … something I’ve never experienced before. BUT, it does take 20 minutes out of your morning, every day. I am too busy to keep it up but if you can … I definitely say do it!

5. Electric Tooth Brush:
Last but definitely not least, I use a Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Amethyst. I had heard a lot of great reviews and I wanted to see if what they said were true. Besides, my dentist said that this was the very best electric toothbrush on the market right now. I guess she would know best. I have had other electronic tooth brushes in the past and have never been satisfied with the results. Sometimes you feel like you could scrub harder yourself. But this one is different, it’s like a clarisonic for your teeth and leaves them feeling like you just got back from the dentist. I’ve only been using it for 2 weeks but my teeth are definitely already cleaner, shinier and pearlier white!

Photo 2015-10-12, 11 45 53 PM Photo 2015-10-12, 11 37 30 PMPhoto 2015-10-16, 7 52 20 AMPhoto 2015-10-12, 11 33 53 PM Photo 2015-10-13, 12 04 09 AM Photo 2015-10-12, 11 39 26 PM Photo 2015-10-16, 7 52 41 AM

I’d love to hear your tips on how YOU keep your teeth pearly white, let me know in the comments below!!!




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  1. My favourite thing EVER is oil pulling with activated charcoal. Melt one tablespoon of coconut oil and mix in one capsule of activated charcoal – oil pull as usual (for me that’s 20-30 mins) I have never been so pleased with whitening results, plus no sensitivity 🙂

  2. which whitening strips do you use? getting married in a month and a half and definitely want to make my pearly whites as white as can be!

  3. I swish my teeth with peroxide and water. and it really helps. Only a little bit of peroxide, and DO NOT SWALLOW it!! Then rinse with regular water afterwards!

  4. I love this post! Thanks for sharing! As a Dental Hygienist, it’s nice to hear others advocating flossing 🙂 I often tell my patients that your teeth has four surfaces and brushing only cleans two of them! and you are right, that toothbrush is amazing and the best in my opinion!!! 🙂

  5. I recently found out that the tiny blue beads in that toothpaste are PLASTIC. They don’t break down which means they are terrible for the environment, plus you’ll probably notice that you see them on your floss which means they’re getting stuck in your gums… I was horrified and switched brands once I realized.

  6. Jillian, I own a dental hygiene and teeth whitening boutique in Vancouver. I would love to provide you with a complimentary teeth whitening. Please see my website and raving reviews. We have the best teeth whitening in the city and would love to treat you to one! Thanks for the post! #loveyourpearlwhites

  7. One way to help kids want to brush and brush longer is to play the game in the book “Brush Your Little Pearly Whites” available at My kids would brush until I had to stop them and make them go to bed!

  8. For the first time ever I heard of the concept of oil pulling indeed it is just amazing thank you so much for this amazing article that you have shared with us, indeed these tips will surely help us in getting much white and better teeth.

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