So, it has been over a year since Justin and I have been engaged, and we STILL don’t have a wedding date! LOL!! We are getting closer to setting one and we are getting more and more excited about the big day. Since we got engaged so much has happened, we filmed our own reality TV show, built a house, moved in, landscaped it, and then juggling parenting, each running our own businesses and working other jobs … well … we just haven’t really solidified any big plans, and we’re both totally ok with that!!! I think we REALLY want to enjoy the moment, planning it AND the big day, what’s the point of rushing it when we’ve waited this long right!? Being the end of summer, having been to a few weddings, getting a few inquiries from family and friends… I’ve been thinking so much about our wedding lately and all the little details around it!!!
There is so much to think about when it comes to planning a wedding and I’m still trying to sort most of it out but there are a few things I know for sure … I know that we want to do a vegan or vegetarian meal, it will be a small intimate wedding, and we are pretty sure it will be at our house!! That’s honestly ALL I know at this point!!
However, having this all swarming around in my head has also got me thinking about how much things have changed when it comes down to gift giving at weddings. It seems as though the traditional “gift opening” (which generally happens the day after the wedding!) is pretty much non-existent anymore! Well, at least it has been for the weddings we’ve attended.

I’ve also noticed that most people aren’t really ASKING for particular items as gifts anymore, they tend to be requesting no gifts … I mean, who needs a set of china or a crystal salad bowl anyway?? Or, they’re requesting gift cards (so they can do their own shopping!!), donations to a charity they love OR contributions to their honeymoon.
I mean, I know people LOVE to shop for others and picking out a gift is exciting but when it comes down to it, not everyone will have the same taste and style as you. I’m all about giving people what they want (or need), trying to give them experiences over “things” and making sure what I’m giving them isn’t going to be wasted.
So, this really got my wheels spinning and I’ve been thinking about what to get a couple that already has everything. I did a little poking around and realized that not only can you send money securely via PayPal but they’re also partnered with millions of global retailers which means you can also purchase digital gift cards for these retailers via PayPal! This makes this process SUPER easy when shopping for cool wedding gifts … even for those couples who have it all!

Here are some of my favourite ideas when it comes to gifting via PayPal!
1. Send Money via Paypal
First off, if you think the couple would prefer money over a digital gift card. PayPal is the perfect way to send money in many denominations, easily and securely! The best part is, they can choose what they would like to spend it on!! Funds go into your friends PayPal account. If they don’t already have one can easily open one for free. Not to mention, if you can’t make the wedding as your friends/family live in a different country, you can still send them money or a digital gift card globally!
2. Airbnb
An Airbnb digital gift card is pretty cool considering you can book and stay locally OR you can find unique places anywhere in the world!! This could go towards their honeymoon or they can save it for a romantic getaway when they need it the most!
3. Uber
Cover their travel costs with an Uber gift card (I wish we had this in Kelowna and Vancouver!!). If the happy couple wants to escape to a new city for a quick vacay, they don’t have to worry about finding a ride AND having to pay for it!!

4. Home Depot
This Home Depot digital gift card is perfect if the couple is planning on getting started on some renovations in their home. This way they can get any necessities they need in order to complete their project!
5. Wayfair
There you have it!! Not only are these 5 suggestions handy and helpful, but they’re still genuine, thoughtful gifts for the newlywed lovebirds!!
What do you think??
Thank you PayPal for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own.
BRILLIANT wedding gift ideas. I, myself am getting this weekend (insert heart palpitations) and would love to receieve Airbnb gift cards for our honeymoon in Italy & Greece vs. a royal chinet set 😉
I’ve been to lots of weddings over the years, and I always either give a cheque or pick something off their registry (my preference). EVERY couple I know has a registry… it might not be a traditional Williams Sonoma list, but they always register somewhere. I’m surprised some couples don’t go this route. The gift is something you want, but there’s still an element of choice for the gift giver.
I always give a picture frame best to their style as they will need some for the wedding pictures and then I frame the cashola! That way they have something to open as well!
Love this blog post! There is always so much grey area surrounding wedding gifts. In this modern day era, a paypal transfer or giftcards would surely be accepted with open arms!
You dont have Uber?? My husband is going to start driving for them on the side to pick up some extra cash because I am home with our 2 boys. We live in a University city and by Niagara Falls so big night life here.
We had a small intimate wedding at my parents, they have a small orchard on their property and it was the best. We look back now (only 2 years ago!) and wouldn’t change a thing. We were starting our home renovation at the time and loved how many people gave us gift cards to Home Depot/Rona/Lowe’s!
While I absolutely agree with your thinking on an intimate, personal wedding and, giving a gift that is useful I think there might be something missing… Time will tell on what I’m about to say: fast forward 20-25-30 years from your wedding day; the people who love you and you chose to invite may or may not still be alive and well. It really is special to look at something that was chosen with love and remember that person on your special day…
I think that the happy medium is a focused registry where you select things that are important to you – take it from me – beautifully handcrafted picture frames, silver and sophisticated china are useful as you age 🙂 They are the heirlooms that will make your children smile.
I personally am not a fan of asking for monetary gifts-it feels tacky. Like you I married at an older age, where you already have so much stuff and the financial means to buy whatever you need. I would have been embarrassed to ask my guests to help fund my honeymoon or home improvements when I am clearly not in need. In a situation where the couple has everything, I think asking for no gifts is best. The company and the opportunity to host those that you love is gift enough.
Fun wedding idea: cover your pool and voila, dance floor! Would look really cool with your pool lights
Where is your phone case from? It’s so cute!
Great ideas!!! All those photos are SOOOO pretty! <3
Possibly a gift card ( if they have them ) to something like Hello Fresh or Blue Apron? Or one of those 1yr subscriptions to a wine of the month….who doesn’t love wine? lol
Love your glasses, may we have details?
They’re from XOXO
Actually when we got married, we never wanted gifts because we just wanted people to join in on our day but infact they actually gave us cash as gifts. When we tallied it all up, we had enough for a down payment for our first home. It was a mobile home but all the same, since we had enough hand me down dishes, furniture, etc, the one thing that we really wanted that would make all the difference to our life would be a home. We succeeded and 5 years later, our mortgage was paid off and we had our very own home. That was the most treasured thing that we ever could of been given at that point. Maybe think of what the couple treasures most in life that they would want above all else and get a bunch of your family/friends together and pass the word along to all that if they could donate a portion towards the cause versus trying to think/plan/purchase their own ideas for the couple…..
Jillian + Team Jilly!
I really needed this post a few weeks ago while planning another wedding gift (we are in that phase of life where it is likely we will attend up to 8 or 9 weddings a year…going on 3 years now). The Airbnb gift card idea had me SO excited…however when we went to purchase one we found out that these can only be purchase by and for customers in the US. Colour me devastated. That being said, it might be worth including a note within this blog as a heads up to fellow Canadian followers!
And just because I don’t want to leave you hanging as to what gift we went with instead… WestJet dollars! (I know you are a fan)
Thank you for all of the wonderful tips!
I like the ‘No Gifts Please’ concept. You are both successful business owners, have been together long enough that you have everything you need and are easily able to afford your wants. Why not suggest that your guests donate to a charity of your choice in celebration of your marriage. Good PR and good role modelling for your children!
Waw what a nice ideas!!!
Thanks for sharing ..