Good morning everyone! For those of you who may not know, today is Pink Shirt Day and while this day is primarily to promote and encourage anti-bullying throughout schools we think it’s equally as important to encourage anti-bullying on a grander scale: in our workplaces, community centers, online and beyond.
So, today we thought it would be the perfect time to round up a few ways to spread the love!
Please note: this blog post was originally posted in 2022, but in honour of Pink Shirt Day this year, we decided to re-share it.
What is Pink Shirt Day?
So, what is Pink Shirt Day exactly? Pink Shirt Day started in 2008 to bring awareness to anti-bullying. Over the month of February and throughout the year, CKNW Kids’ Fund‘s Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness of these issues, as well as raise funds to support programs that foster children’s healthy self-esteem. Since 2008, $2.55 million has been donated across Canada to anti-bullying initiatives like Kids Help Phone, KidSafe Project, Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC, Boys and Girls Clubs of Western Canada, I Am Someone, Ending Bullying Society, Vancouver Out On Screen Film and Video Society and Stigma-Free Society. If you would like to find out more about Pink Shirt Day, check out their website here!

Practice Acceptance
Human beings come in all shapes, colours, sizes, orientations, abilities and personalities, we are different in a myriad of ways. We all have shortcomings, imperfections and flaws. Accepting people the way they are without judgment and with compassion will transform our communities for the better.
Learn to Communicate in the Wake of Differences in Opinion
Developing our communication skills will undoubtedly enhance our ability to problem-solve. If we put more emphasis on communicating better, I am convinced that there would be fewer instances of people lashing out and hurting one another. Even a toddler can learn how to take a breath and use their words, check out this cutie: @bareyoursoul2020 via @jayshetty
Stand Up to All Forms of Oppression
We have to continue to cultivate safe communities, squash hateful stereotypes and condemn violence against any member of our communities. Let’s each do our part.
Foster Love, Not Hate!
Your words can have a huge impact on others. When interacting with peers, colleagues, clients, and strangers—be mindful! Instead of using condescending language, set a tone of peace, if not neutrality.
Fill Someone’s Bucket
Build others up, don’t tear them down! It’s time to normalize respecting differences and being kind to one another. Use your influence for good. Be the person who leaves people feeling good about themselves rather than causing harm.

So, please “Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about!” – Unknown. You can instantly brighten someone’s day with a nice compliment or even buying the person behind you a coffee.
Check out this candid conversation Jillian had with Leo & Annie about anti-bullying in honour of Pink Shirt Day (filmed in 2022)!
Team Jilly
Be a Buddy! Not a Bully….
hi team jilly
it is true, we must be kind, friendly and give love to others.
I know what Bullying is, unfortunately I went through it when I was 11 or 12 years old and it is very sad to be attacked or put aside just because we are different. 😔😣
I often thought that I could not stand to be mistreated. I was often afraid to go to school, to cry.
That is why I wish everyone to be good to others. I love you Jillian ❤️❤️❤️