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A Little 2021 Family Milestone Update!

Hey everyone! Over the years you have all watched our family grow and I’ve brought you along on almost every single one of our adventures. After covid hit, we didn’t have anything new and exciting to update you on. But, this year has turned a leaf and I’m so excited to share some small and big family milestones with you today!

Jillian Harris and Justin Pasutto's 2021 Family Update

Leo & Annie’s Milestones

I can’t believe how fast time flies with kiddos. Leo and Annie have become so self-sufficient in the last year. They dress themselves, are out of diapers, fully toilet trained, and love potty humour just like their mom… which Justin isn’t as big of a fan! LOL! They love talking about poop, farts, and butts, I think it’s the most hilarious thing, but it will be interesting to see how that pans out when they go to school!

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that Leo JUST graduated Pre-K. Justin and I were both in tears, and we simply couldn’t believe our baby is heading off to Kindergarten soon. Leo and Annie just completed their annual swimming lessons for the year and it’s official, Leo is swimming in the deep end on his own!

I wish I could say that they absolutely love the farm (for those who don’t know what I’m talking about, click here! LOL!) but it’s pretty rugged and rustic for them right now and even though they love running around and getting dirty, they still prefer to lounge and play at home. I am sure that they will learn to love it eventually, but we currently spend almost every weekend there and always put them to work.

If anyone is wondering, the kids are still not sleeping great. In fact, I swear our kids are freaking night owls. We have had handfuls of sleep trainers to help out, but the problem boils down to … us. We still love how they like to come and cuddle with us in bed at night and we aren’t ready to give that up just yet. Our schedules are also all over the place, so sometimes they go to bed at 8 pm and other nights it’s more like 10 pm. Overall, they are happy-go-lucky kids (for the most part). While it’s a little tough to manage right now, I’m confident we will get their sleep schedules under control one of these days. Until then, my nights may consist of little to no sleep but I promise you that I will thoroughly enjoy every middle of the night cuddle.

Leo and Annie Pasutto's Life Update

Justin’s Milestones

It has been such a blast doing projects alongside Justin lately while we work hard to get the farm in tip-top shape. A few weeks ago we bribed our family to come out to the farm and help us plant hundreds of flowers! We still have no idea what we are doing, but we are we’re taking it day by day, having fun, and making lots of memories in the process.

This month Justin also launched a website of his very own (check it out, here!). He has been working so hard on the website design, and all of the content, and it’s finally LIVE. I am so proud of him for taking a chance on pursuing something he is so passionate about. His blog is filled with lots of recipes, everything you need to know about sprouting and so much more!

Justin Pasutto's 2021 Milestones

My Milestones

I assume you’re probably already pretty up to speed on everything going on in my world, as I share most of it on Instagram so I won’t go into all of the little details. However, I DO have a couple of exciting things to share with you! This past week I was in Whistler with Shay and Mindy filming a Ted Talk (yes, a freaken Ted Talk!). We have been working so hard to perfect the speech over the last six months, and it was such a cathartic experience. If you’d like to reserve your spot for the TEDxWhistler 2021 Legacy virtual event, click here to purchase your tickets!

This summer, I have decided to cut down my workdays to three days a week in July and two days a week in August. With Leo going into Kindergarten in September and not getting more than 6-weeks off for mat leave with either of the kids, I thought this would be the perfect time to soak up some quality time with them.

And last but certainly not least, we booked our very first TRIP since covid hit in December. My fingers and toes are crossed that we will be able to soak up the Hawaiian sun, permitting that everything is going smoothly, of course.

Jillian Harris 2021 Milestones

That’s our update for now! Thank you so much for following along and being here with us through all of our milestones.



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  1. Wonderful, newsy post, Jillian! I love your attitude about parenting, work/home and day to day living! You are awesome! Still one of my favorite Bachelorettes!

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