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A Tear-Jerking and Heartfelt Renovation

Some of you may remember way back in November Team Jilly, 85+ sponsors and a WHOLE COMMUNITY came together to renovate the Mamas for Mamas space. It was kind of a crazy project, they had asked me to come in and help with a paint color … but after I found out what they were doing for people and families in need and for OUR community … I wanted to do more… and we DID!! We all pulled late nights and countless hours, we shed some tears and shared some laughs and together we raised over $70k for Mamas for Mamas to start their new venture off with AND gave them a reno valued at over $200k … it was a MASSIVE undertaking.

I think at the time we didn’t realize exactly how this would impact the lives of so many people and it wasn’t until the project was complete, the floors were mopped and the last picture was straightened that it hit all of us. We were nervous and excited for the reveal and we couldn’t wait to see what the Mamas for Mamas team thought of it … and boy, did it ever open the floodgates for the waterworks. Now, it’s been a few months in the making but we are so excited to finally invite you into the process and share the incredible reveal with you …

Thank you so much to Rylan for pulling this entire video together so we could share it with the world … and once again, thank you to our community, to those who brought pizza and beer and lent a helping hand … and to the sponsors who supported us the entire way … we simply cannot thank you enough for your generosity and for the impact you’ve generously made on our little community.

To see ALL of the incredible transformation photos and to read more info on the entire project, check out our previous blog, here!

Ladies and gentleman … I give to you … the final REVEAL!!!!!

Pssssttt … consider this your warning to grab yourself some tissue!!

Thank you again to all of the incredible sponsors and volunteers who helped turn this dream into a reality. We couldn’t have done it without you.



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  1. All I can say is AMAZING!!! Job well done to Jill and all the people involved . Kelowna is a great city for community involvement . Proud to say that Kelowna is my home.

  2. Wow… such an amazing community to donate everything from items, to time & manual labour. Such an inspiring story!

  3. Beautiful renovation for a wonderful organization. Love the wood accent wall in the reception area. Can you advise where I can find this type of wood/colour? Thank you.

  4. This is, without a doubt, one of the most inspiring projects I’ve ever seen ❤️
    We should strive to have this in all our communities.

  5. Helping Mother’s & their children in this way is 10+.
    It looks great and will bring smiles to many people…it did for me.
    (Yep…i should have had the tissues nearby) ?

  6. You saw the need, you stepped up, you made it happen…congratulations on helping these Mamas! ? We have friends who retired to Kelowna and would one day love to visit.

  7. Tears are still running down my ckeeks. Jillian you are such a wonderful amazing women.
    Your compassion to the human race is unbelievable, your beautiful family will grow up with the same
    Values as you have.

  8. Wow! You are amazing ! You saw the need for these wonderful women and took action ! You make our community so proud for having you be a part of it! Thank you for all you and your team do for the mamas out there!

  9. Wow! Shannon is brilliantly articulate. I love her message about poverty. And the space! Wowza! It’s amazing how a space can energize and inspire. This space will make mamas feel so comforted and at home. I heart this so much. Well done, Team Jilly and all the volunteers and sponsors.

  10. This is incredible! Way to go to all involved. I was in tears right away, happy and sad. Happy that there are such amazing organizations like Mamas for Mamas that are helping so many. It also reminded me how many people are in need. I live in Nanaimo, BC and poverty numbers have doubled . There are some local resources available for those in need. But not enough. It also saddens me that so many people in my community judge those poverty. They don’t understand that they just need a helping hand and someone that is willing to give them a chance to make a better life for themselves.
    My first job in high school was for a non profit, that supplied lunches to kids in the summer when the school meal programs were not available. I will never forget that experience and how far just giving a child a lunch could go. Something that most of us take for granted.
    Watching this video has inspired me to think of ways I can give back to my community and encourage others to do so. Thank you for being a great inspiration!

  11. This is what makes the world go around . . . helping thy neighbour, success via lifting others up . . . Thank you for sharing this incredibly moving & inspiring story – we need more of these stories . . . Congratulations to All involved!

  12. Way to go Jillian, suppliers and the community of Kelowna in the amazing transformation of Mamas for Mamas space!! It is nothing short of amazing and beautiful.
    I think you have set a precedent Jillian and the bar is pretty darn high. Wouldn’t it be amazing if every community had a Mamas for Mamas in their midst for struggling families? Thank you so much for sharing this heartwarming video with all of us, your awe struck followers!!

  13. Amazing ! In tears at work watching. What a communal effort, and Jillian, you should be SO proud for the impact you have made in spearheading this!

  14. Jillian, you are simply amazing! I love how you can transform spaces and turn them into inspiring, bright atmospheres where people can feel comfortable and calm. (I am a big fan of Love It or List It!) I loved the reactions of the Mamas For Mamas team during the reveal. Kudos to all the volunteers, donors, workers and suppliers for banding together to make a difference for so many families and to the community.

  15. Crying in the airport….i know, I know, you warned me! WOW….this project is so awesome and inspiring Jill, thank you for sharing the reveal. ❤

  16. Probably watching this at work was not the best idea. Tissues please……. Such a great charity and I LOVE that you all came alongside them and made their space so beautiful. This is what giving back is ALL about. The space is absolutely beautiful and the heart of the ladies volunteering is so amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.

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