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Ask Jilly: All About Justin!

Hi Everyone!! Today I’m sharing EPISODE 4 of ASK JILLY!! If you missed episode 3, you better make sure to watch it right after this episode because I dished some prettyyyy juicy info from my time on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette that you might find interesting! LOL!!

But today isn’t about my PAST love life (that’ HISTORY!!), it’s ALL about my greatest love … JUSTIN!!! That’s right, I’m letting you in on ALL of the details, from our first date to our first kiss and everything else in between! This is one episode for the books! I won’t spill much more than that … you’re going to have to hit play for the rest!!

Also, if you’re LOVING these videos make sure to subscribe to my YouTube page as my subscribers get to watch these FIRST before anyone else!!!

Before I let you go … I want you to answer a question for me … what would YOU like me to dish in EPISODE 5 of Ask Jilly?!?! Share your ideas below!!

Until next time!!



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  1. JILLIAN, very cute video on you and Justin !!! But girl, I can totally relate to getting up early to start the day, and having to wait on my fiancée who spends a solid 30-40 in the bathroom,, like hello what is going on in there that’s taking so long! LETS GOOOOO!! Haha

  2. This video was by far my favourite. Thank you for being so raw about your relationship with Justin. It is reassuring to know that you can have hard times in a relationship, and get through them, and love someone even harder than you did before. Thanks for always being real with us girl!

  3. Loved this video! I wish it was longer with more juicy details though ?
    Congrats on baby #2 Jill, cant wait to see all the baby photos.

  4. Loved your vlog !! I don’t think you need advice just don’t take each other for granted.. you, Justin Leo and baby are an amazing family… thanks for sharing ?

  5. Hi Jillian! Loved this post so so much. It reminds me a lot of my boyfriend and our relationship. I feel like a lot of your fans/viewers would love to hear about the few years you two struggled with (as you mention in this video). To hear about what the struggles were are how you overcame them 🙂

  6. Loved you from the bachelorette and still today! Have truly enjoyed watching your story and understand what it means to go through a failed relationship (marriage/engagement) and have a new relationship that’s crazy, fun, frustrating, but awakening and full of love every day! My boyfriend is moving his entire life/where he grew up to follow me and my career to Dallas this month. What are a few things that you and Justin do to make sure you keep the fun going in your relationship??

  7. Idea for the next Ask Jilly: All things travel. Where have you all been? What are the must see/do things at those places? What’s your travel bucket list that you still need to complete? Could do one of Canada and another one International.

  8. Jillian! You are such an inspiration to me! Thank you for sharing so much of your life with your fans! I love seeing your posts! Keep it up!

  9. Hey Jill,
    Love your transparency in sharing your life. Funny how love always shows up when we least expect it. You have great chemistry together. Would love to hear more about both your parents…..they seem to be very instrumental in both of your lives and I am sure had a huge impact on the people you have become. Truly anything you choose will be great!! Best wishes on the new baby (girl I hope) then you will have even more to share……Best, Wendy

  10. Pregnancy recommendations! Especially, comfy underware (20 weeks here and all my undies are becoming quite uncomfortable-riding, bunching, rolling, YOU NAME IT!!), maternity/nursing bras, favorite pants (leggings, around-the-house, professional).
    Not digging my newly acquired “love handles” and I’m having a hard time finding comfy, cute clothes! ? There’s no one better to ask than you with your amazingly adorable style!

  11. Would love to hear your advice for your 20 year old self! Also would be cool to see an interview with you and your cousins and hear how you managed to stay so connected over time 🙂

  12. Love you and your vulnerability! Thank you for sharing! Ive been married 30 years ; continue to put each other first!

  13. I love how real you guys and your love makes my heart smile.

    I would love to know how you decorate when you have a kid. I feel like I can’t have nice things lol

  14. Yippee! I love your Ask Jilly series! And though I’ve never met him, I’m a big Justin fan!

    For your next one, I’d love for you to tackle CELEBRITY — maybe starting with your sudden fame as Bachelorette and moving forward. What’s it like being on the cover of a national magazine? What’s it like being recognized when you’re out and about? What are the perks and the drawbacks of a high profile? Any funny stories about sightings, autograph requests, times you took advantage of your celebrity or moments you resented it?

  15. So heartwarming to see where you have come as a couple and family, specially with the early doubts. I think one of the sexiest things about a guy is when they become an amazing dad.
    What would be YOUR advice when it came to you and Justin early on and not knowing if it would work, both wanting attention from the other?
    Also you mentioned your mom and dad going through a time when you were younger, they look so happy now! Have you ever asked them advice from those times and how they got through?

  16. I love this so much!! I’m a person who just loves love – the good & the bad about it!! I too met my man at Roses – we’ve only been dating for two years – it’s actually our anniversary this weekend & my heart couldn’t be more full! I literately burst into tears when I saw that [happy tears-heartwarming tears] & I couldn’t help but share!! I’ve been a fan of yours for a very long time & I love these little videos!! Thanks for sharing & spreading real love!

  17. Always remember why you fell in live with Justin. I have been married 47 years and that phrase has gotten me “to the other side” when I have wanted to choke my husband. Lol

  18. I’m actually LOLing right now because my husband is the EXACT same way in the mornings! Like who needs to measure the length of a wall at 9am before we’re off to the Zoo… not Home Depot but the zoo!! You’re not alone girl 😉 Thank you for sharing, this is my favourite one yet.

    1. My husband takes forrreeever in the mornings too. I’m like you, let’s get ready and GO! Haha!

  19. Jilly
    I love love watching your Instagram. I am obsessed with Love it List it…
    I’m 65 I have 8 kids, Grammy of 7 so far. Another wedding my daughter in Nov. I love you design style but can’t afford much. I have 2 in their masters program not much $$ to redecorate.
    Can’t wait to see sex of ur new baby…I’m saying a girl. ❤

  20. You and Justin remind me of me and my husband! You’re love for each other is obvious to anyone who sees you live or in pictures. Thank you for sharing and for saying what do they do in the bathroom for so long!!!!!!

  21. Can I just say HOW CUTE all the videos and photos were of you two… my heart is melting!

    Loved this episode! It’s funny because when I knew my husband was The One was when I saw him with my family and also with my little cousins… it was relationship changing. We don’t have kids yet but we have three nephews and seeing him with my nephews is the most adorable thing and I know he will be the best dad!

    Thanks for sharing!

  22. It’s very clear that you love Justin so very much but I also LOVE the honesty in this video. My husband also is so slow to get going in the mornings and takes FOREVER in the bathroom in the mornings, I had to laugh, I guess I am not alone :).

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