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Bachelor Canada Recap: Sugar and Spice

Happy Friday everyone!! Mindy here!! I’m back with another recap of The Bachelor Canada … I know I’m a little late with this one butttt better late than never, right?? I mean, at least this way I can’t spoil anything for anyone! Lol!! Truth is, we have all been SO crazy busy this week that Jillian and I didn’t have a chance to watch this weeks episode until last night!! So when we finally found time to dig in, we curled up on her beautiful new pink bed with Nacho, some wine and a TON of snacks, and got our fix of The Bachelor Canada!!

Jillian Harris Master Bedroom Reveal

Ps. If you haven’t seen Jillian’s new bed you HAVE to check it out in her last blog for ALL of the pretty little details, it’s seriously STUNNING … AND if you haven’t heard, The Cross is giving away a $1000 gift card to ONE LUCKY WINNER which you can put towards ANY of Jillian’s picks, like the ones below!!! I wish I could enter!! LOL!!

Okay, back to the blog … here’s the low down of what we thought of week three!!

So, last week Chris let Shanti go, which I think we can ALL agree that that was a smart move on his part … to be honest, I was SHOCKED that the drama queen out of the group was sent home so early … that never happens!! Over on my last recap I mentioned that we might have a new drama queen on our hands … and she goes by the name of Brittany M!! Not only is this girl determined to get what she wants but the girl knows how to ride a bull … seduce Chris … AND she makes a mean sugar packed protein bar … LOL!! How funny is that whole situation by the way?! That the girls in the house think she is trying to fatten them all up by putting a ton of sugar in everything she makes … lol!! I mean, maybe she IS trying to do that (or maybe she just likes her sugar! lol) but in the end, the girls don’t HAVE to eat the food that she cooks so maybe they should make their own meals … just sayin!

Anywayyyy, I actually feel like Chris was on to Brittany at first, he even called her out on the fact that she is always trying to say the “right thing” and just as he was starting to put her on the spot … WAMMMMM!!! She hit him with a sexy kiss and all of his red flags just started disappearing one spit swap at a time. Anyone else notice that?? All of a sudden he was all lusty-eyed and then he gave her the rose!! C’mon Chris, I don’t think you’re thinking with your big head anymore … lol … too much?? Actually, you want to know what I think was TOO MUCH?? The fact that Brittany wore the rose in her HAIR the next morning … move over SUGAR, someone is feeling extra SPICY and she’s not afraid to show it!!

Jillian Harris Bachelor Canada Recap

Alright, moving on. I’m definitely not surprised at all that Mikaela got the rose on the group date, there’s certainly some chemistry between these two! However, I DO think it was a little unfair of her to pull Chris away to chat during the cocktail party though, I mean, I get where she is coming from and frankly, I would have probably wanted to do the same thing if I were in her shoes but I think there is a better time and place to sneak some extra quality time in and in my opinion this wasn’t it. Butt, on the other hand, like she said, she isn’t here to impress the girls, she is here to impress Chris, and she is completely bang on there … Hmmm … what do you think??

Jillian Harris Bachelor Canada Recap

I thought that Chris and Kait’s one on one was pretty cute, you could tell she was nervous about it but Chris handled it like a true gentleman, I loved how he was so flirty with her all while giving her the low down on surfing. He totally made her feel comfortable and was so patient with her! I do have one question though … WHY didn’t we see Chris surf?? And WHY wasn’t his shirt off?? Ok, that’s two questions but I think they are both very valid. Lol.

I’m excited to see what happens next week, can you believe that there are only 11 girls left already?! Why do these seasons seem to be flying by quicker than I remember? Does it have something to do with the amount of wine I consume while watching the episodes?! LOL.

On that note … I leave you with this … because I think Chris owes it to us. LOL!

Jillian Harris Bachelor Recap

Until next week …



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  1. I was impressed Brittany stood up for herself and we can’t forget good old editing. Hrs of conversation down to minutes. Was super conflicted about the cocktail hour. Was Mickela taking initative or should she have stepped back? Should the other girls habe stepped up? Love your recaps! Fun to watch along 🙂

    1. Hi Krista, we have been so busy lately with the Mamas for Mamas brunch and renovation that we haven’t had time to get caught up! Eeeppp!!! We’re working on it!! XOXO

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