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The Bachelor Recap: Hometown Hardball … and Raquel

I don’t know about you, but I got a totally KICK out of last night’s episode of The Bachelor!! Hometowns have to be one of my favourite episodes of the whole season simply for the fact that you get a little glimpse into the real life of the contestants and you get to see what their families are REALLY like … are they sweet or are they cray cray?? LOL!!

The hometowns kicked off in ARKANSAS!!! I want to live here OMG!! Raven’s date with Nick was my absolute favourite totally my style!! I love that they just let loose, had lots of fun and not to mention got a little down and dirty in some marshy fields … YES PLEASE!!! She even got her brother who is a cop to show up and pretend like they were getting in trouble!! This girl is the bees knees, I feel like her and I could get up to some good fun … and maybe a tad bit of trouble!! LOL!


Not only did Raven score an A+++ in my books for her laid back date but her family also NAILED IT!! OMG could they be ANY sweeter?! I was sitting there fighting back tears when her dad announced that he was cancer-free … holy crap … what a moment for Nick to be a part of!! As Nick and Raven sat together on the couch I thought they looked like the cutest couple, I think Raven is the perfect mix of fun and serious for Nick. She has spunk but she also seems to ground him, which I think is really really good for him!!


And then there was Rachel’s hometown, she is seriously so cute and her style is on point all the time!!


How many of you almost died laughing like I did at the conversation that was happening around the dinner table?! Especially when Rachel’s sister asked Nick if he knew what everything was on the table and he responded: “I’m not from Mars!” LOL … PRICELESS!! Well played Nick, well played!!


Her family was tough with a capital T on Nick!! It was awkward and a wee bit uncomfortable at times but they certainly got the answers they wanted out of him, there’s no secret this family is used to the court room!! Lol!! OMG … I wonder how her family is going to handle it when Rachel is The Bachelorette?? Look out guys …

Next up was CORINNE … LOL … I was eagerly waiting to see SO many things on this hometown such as her NANNY and getting a glimpse, well, into all things Corinne!! I had so many questions and I hardly wait to get some answers.


It’s no surprise that she took Nick shopping at one of the most exclusive shopping malls in Miami … oh boy, Nick, I hope you paid off your credit card … oh, wait, nevermind, Corinne’s dad’s got this!! LOL!! But in all seriousness, this girl has expensive taste and certainly doesn’t bat an eye at price tags … at one point Nick mentioned if he ends up with Corinne he will have to get a couple of jobs … LOL … more like 10 jobs Nick, you might as well just stay at work cause this girl like her things. All the things. No matter what the things are, she likes them. Having said that … she DID buy Nick a $3000 outfit sooooo ….


I kind of fell in love with Corinne a little more this episode and I know some of you may disagree with me here as she was kind of flaunting her moola a bit but I actually DO think she has a heart of gold … and you know what?! She MAY even have that platinum vagine with the way this girl spends money … LOL!

Eeepppp who else was excited to FINALLY see Raquel?! How adorable is she?! OMG … she cares so much about Corinne, it’s the cutest! I gotta say, I thought Corinne’s family was pretty awesome, they seem super down to earth and caring and they certainly want the best for Corinne which I totally respect … I kind of think they are going to end up together!!! I just have a stinking suspicion!!


And last but certainly not least was our lovely Canadian gal, Vanessa!! Words can’t describe how MASSIVE this girls heart is, wholy man. When she brought Nick to her school to see her students I got all of the warm fuzzies just BUZZING around in me, they absolutely adore her and that says SO MUCH about her!!


Wholy crap … Vanessa wasn’t joking about Nick meeting her large Italian family, I think she mentioned there were 15 people there … cue the sweaty pits!! And that was just her mom’s side!! LOL!! That’s ALOT of people to impress!! Ps. How HOT is it that Vanessa can speak so many languages?! Life goals, right there.

Unfortunately I have this feeling that I don’t think Nick can actually picture a life with Vanessa, it kills me to say that but just based on his responses last night to questions like where they would live and if he wants to get married, there was some hesitancy on his end and I don’t think that’s a good sign for Vanessa at all … is it just me who felt this way?? Oh and Vanessa’s brother … OMG … what a freakin gentleman!! Can we vote a brother and sister Bachelor/Bachelorette season?! Vanessa can be the Bachelorette and then her brother will be the Bachelor?! PLEASE?!!!


Nick and Vanessa made their last stop at her dad’s place and while there were less people there, the intensity didn’t drop as Vanessa’s dad drilled Nick with some pretty tough questions and statements … I would have preferred to be around the crowd of 15 over the one on one time with pops if I were Nick! Eeeepp!!!


AND OMG ANDI?!?! WTF?? I’m so confused as to why Andi came to see Nick!! WHY does this episode have to be continued?! Eeeepppp … I’m not sure I can take waiting another week to see this unfold!!


Well, all in all I REALLY enjoyed this episode of The Bachelor and thought it was the perfect mix of warm fuzzy moments and laughs!! What did you think?? Who do you think the top two girls are going to be now?? I have a feeling it’s going to be Raven and Corinne!!




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  1. now that we know Raven and Corinne were sent home – that leaves our Vanessa and Rachel…I guess the spoilers are right if Rachel is the next bachelorette! however – I had Vanessa picked from the get go – not because I think she’s a ;match for Nick (hmmm…who is?) but because I thought she was so classy and put together and she called Nick out on his sleezy behaviour on the show…he really does need to grow up and buy some class from Vanessa!

  2. I cannot stand Corinne. She’s like an overly sexual child. She’s so immature. I dont know how she’s stuck around this long, my whole family and I are watching this thinking that if Nick doesn’t send her home he’s an idiot. Im sorry, but this season is so messed up. I was really looking forward to it and hoping Nick would finally find love with someone, but keeping someone like Corinne around.??? Seriously? I dont see a connection with anyone this season like we usually do. And whats with the bachelorette reveal?!? @#$@!!

    1. I kind of think Corinne is actually really funnyā€” But I think the producers are giving her humor one big edit with the intent of making her look stupid. I do agree that she comes off a little immatureā€” but she is only 24!

  3. Love Corinne for her love and playfulness, but I dont think Nick could ever keep her happy.. therefore, I choose Raven for Nick. She has the perfect amount of playfulness, common sense and beauty. Nick also fit in well with Raven’s family ā¤ļø

  4. This was a really good episode, but I am annoyed that they left us hanging without the rose ceremony, AGAIN! I doubt the Andi thing will really amount to anything. They always try to mislead us with the previews. I LOVE Vanessa, but don’t think he’s going to choose her. Maybe she can be Canada’s next Bachelorette? Love Rachel, too, and she will be great as Bachelorette, but I think his relationship with Raven seems the most natural. They are a good fit. Though he’s attracted to Corinne, I just feel like she’s too young for him. A mature 24 might work, be she’s not that. If I had to guess how old she was, I would have thought 19. It will be totally awkward though if he kicks her to the curb and keeps the $3000 worth of clothes! Maybe he can return them?

  5. Love your blog! And loved all the hometowns in different ways! My favorite was Ravenā€™s! Not only her fatherā€™s great news, but it seems like she brings the fun out of Nick! She seems to get him to let loose, be himself and have fun! He seems the most relaxed with her. I think she wouldā€™ve been a great bachelorette if Rachel wasnā€™t picked already. Although I think Rachel will be a great bachelorette as well.

    I loved Vanessaā€™s date as well. Especially when she took Nick to meet her students. Talk about a tearjerker. I think the was a huge step for her to include Nick. Very special.

    Rachelā€™s date seemed kinda tough at times, but fair. You can tell Nick is really attracted and interested in her. At the end of the day tho, I donā€™t see them long term tho which is obvious since sheā€™s the next bachelorette.

    Corrineā€™s date kinda showed a different and more caring side to her which is nice. Nick looked a little uncomfortable in some places tho. I think Nick is very attached to her and has a good time with her, but I donā€™t see any depth with them as he has with the other three.

    I think he should choose Raven. He seems to have the best natural connection with her. BUT, I think in his heart he wants Vanessa. The way he looks at her is completely different verses the other girls. Plus he always looks so focused on her during their conversations. Last but not least, he kisses her forehead! Done that a few times! Hasnā€™t done that with the other girls! I think itā€™s little things like that, that can tell a lot!

  6. I think he will end up with Vanessa, but Vanessa is too good for him. Nick did not grow on me this season like I thought he might. I am also very curious as to what Nick does / will do for a living post-bachelor. Like, who wants to say: ” I met my fiance on a TV show where they gave us this amazing free ring so he could propose to me, but now he is unemployed and I support us while he is still finding himself”. Ummm…not me. And if that is his direction, he should actually choose Corinne. lol

  7. Enjoyed your post on the last episode of the Bachelor have to agree that I can hardly wait until next week to see what happens! I think the top two girls will be Corinne and Raven. Nick and Vanessa don’t seem like the strongest match. I really liked the hometown dates and was most excited to see Corinne’s šŸ™‚ I like how she doesn’t hold back how she’s feeling and just is herself even if everyone might not like it she ‘does Corinne!!’ And how she refers to herself in the third person is hilarious! She seems like she would be a fun person to be around as long as we weren’t interested in the same guy lol

  8. I think he ends up with Vanessa but it’ll never work out. Nick wants to be on tv and the LA lifestyle. Vanessa is mature and settled.

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