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Is Ben What Every Girl In America Is Looking For?

The Bachelor is back and with it, my weekly recaps!!! The first Bachelor of the season is always hard for me to report back to you about. There aren’t many connections made and it’s too early to tell who is right for who, other than first impressions. BUT I do know that … Ben … is really hot … but I am just feeling like he might not be as entertaining as I want him to be. Which might transfer into him not being great marriage material. But then again I always go for the bad guys so who am I to say. I do know that he’s articulate and intelligent and even his parents are cute. Becca is right, Ben is what every girl in America is looking for. And for the first time, in a long time, I think that he is one of the only guys who is really ready for marriage.


Every time I watch this show I get butterflies … good and bad. Memories of the limo ride, the night after and the feeling I had. It was definitely the most bizarre and weird experience of my life. And props to all of you girls for putting yourselves out there!!! Watching the first night is always the most vivid for me, I feel like I’m right back at the mansion…

I surprisingly am never impressed by the girls but this year I think there are a lot of hot, smart, funny chicks for Ben to choose from. This group of bachelorettes proved to be a lot more willing to stand out from the pack. A chicken enthusiast, a set of twins, a woman in a unicorn mask, a cowgirl and her horse and four Laurens!!! The two girls that I’m rooting for after the first night are Sam – the lawyer with the raspy voice just like me. She’s smart and has a lot going for her and I think she would be great for Ben.

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Oh and yes … the two girls that stood out the most … starting with Lace. She may have had a few too many drinks … making her protective of Ben and making herself look crazy!!! Not the best first impression. And Olivia, the TV anchor who quit her job for Ben … she’s ballsy and I think deserving of the first impression rose. I’m excited to see what’s to come and what these girls will bring to the table.

What were your thoughts on last nights Bachelor premiere? Let me know in the comments below …


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  1. I am excited for this season! I agree that Ben is adorable but I can’t get past the fact that he looks like Peter Brady! (Go Google it!)

    I like Olivia and Sam as well but I adore Becca so she is who I am rooting for! I also have one of the Lauren’s on my list and Caila – I think she is a cutie!

    I look forward to your blog!

  2. I’m hopeful that Beccah is the last woman standing for Ben … she’s wholesome and refreshing. I think she’s the perfect match for Ben who seems to have really good morals. I like that he wanted to get to know people before locking lips. I think Lace is extremely insecure and will be causing a lot of drama. I like Sam too and I think Olivia is beautiful but from the previews it looks like she might not be telling the whole truth, but then the editing can lead us to believe anything.

  3. Girl! Ben is very much husband material. He reminds me a lot of my husband so I’m taking that comment personally! Just kidding, but really he is a bright guy with a lot going for him. Good call on the first night being tough to determine if there are real connections. Way too early to tell. And I also think Olivia deserved the first impression rose. Her and Ben had a very smooth yet flirty conversation right out of the limo. Looking forward to this season and your write-ups!

  4. So I always look to the preview of the season for some clues…and I’m not sure if it’s clever editing, or not – but we didn’t see anything of Becca in what looks like the later half of the season?? Darnit, I’m really rooting for her!!
    I really like Caila, and I think you see a lot of her….what are the clues there? Is she the one, or are they setting her up as a favourite, because she ends up being #2 and will be the next Bachelorette! HAHA
    I’ve been watching for too long, I’m such a strategist now!!

  5. I am always surprised, but maybe not, that the women that look like they are the oddballs out, are always chosen to continue. In this case, Lace…the drama queen for this season, obviously, and the chicken lady…frankly, I am surprised she didn’t scare Ben to death. She would have me. The twins…now how can that work? Olivia was a slam dunk for the first impression rose, but my fav was Lauren B, the stewardess. My prediction about who will come out on top? Jojo. It’ll be fun watching, as always.

  6. Ben is a real gentleman, as well as, hot, sweet, smart, considerate, and a christian! And he is serious about finding his soul mate! He is the best bachelor ever!!!

  7. All I can see is that Ben likes blondes , he is a good looking guy with good morals and because of him, I’m back to watching these season, hope he find the one and he end up engaged at the end, I really think these season is going to be the best in a long time!!

  8. I also noticed he loved the blondes. But who knows who he will end up with. He is a really cute guy! I love that he called his parents before heading inside the mansion after meeting the girls, too cute!

  9. How come this post has only 9 comments? What?!
    Great summary. I so look forward to reading your recaps each week.

    And have you heard about the Bachelor Fantasy leagues that have popped up recently?

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