Hi everyone! As you may well know, I’ve been sneaking around lately in preparation for a HUGE announcement. “Huge” doesn’t even do it justice… more like GARGANTUAN. With all the hints I’ve been dropping, how good have your CSI skills been?? It’s time to put down your Nancy Drew kits – the big reveal has finally come!
I’d like to formally introduce you to my new project – a little friend I like to call Charlie Ford. Charlie Ford Vintage, that is. Have an affinity for antiques or a voracity for vintage? Then I have a feeling you might love Charlie Ford Vintage almost as much as me. It is an online shop dedicated to bringing curated antiques from all over North America directly to your front door. That means you can buy that hand-cut crystal vase at 3am or that rustic 18th-century French armoire at 4am! All the pieces are genuine vintage, all are beautifully unique, and all will do wonders for making any space more warm & welcoming.
My cousin/bff Tori and my girlfriend Alyssa are my partners-in-crime on this venture, and I couldn’t have two more incredible women to work with. The three of us have been searching high and low all across the continent for the most incredible pieces to bring you on our new site. With only a few minor setbacks, a.k.a. us wanting to keep everything for ourselves ;), the website is almost ready to launch! In the meantime, we’re going to have tonnes of great blogs on our site to get you ready & excited for what’s to come.
We’re so thrilled to have posted our first blog today. Head on over towww.CharlieFord.com to check it out & let me know what you think!
Thank you so much for all your patience and support. I’m so incredibly happy to finally be able to share this news with you!
Jilly xo
Where is this dress from?