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Cleaning 101: Why I Made the Switch to Saje’s Cleaning Products

Summertime is always busy around our home (as I’m sure most of you living in the Okanagan can relate!!). We always have people popping by throughout the week and on the weekends we almost always have company staying with us! I always like to keep a clean house but even more so when I know that we will be having visitors!

Now, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, we are SUPER lucky as we have a cleaner that helps us out but I find that even with Melissa’s help, I just can’t seem to keep up but I am pretty stickler on how clean I keep my house! I never used to really care about which products I used until I started really looking into animal testing, the roles certain products play on our environment, and how they would impact my health. I think having Leo (and our fur babe, Nacho!), we have become more aware of products that are not only cruelty-free and less harmful to our environment but more importantly, those that are non-toxic for our little family!

I was already a huge fan of Saje (as you are all well aware of) but when I heard that they were going to be launching a 100% natural cleaning line (no artificial fragrances, ammonia, or chlorine … just nature!), that was the cherry on top! I knew I had to give their cleaning products a try! The week that their cleaning line launched I got Melissa (our cleaning lady) to take the products for their first “test drive” in our home and she absolutely LOVED them! Not only did she enjoy the scents of each product but they also WORKED!! The following week slowed down for me and I was excited to give them a try for myself and they did not disappoint!!

Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line

I find that when I use the Saje cleaning line, not only am I getting my house to sparkle and shine (with PLANT-POWER!!) but I also feel as though I am getting a little hit of aromatherapy which is AMAZING!! It’s nice to know that what I’m breathing in when I clean is safe for everyone and I love that I don’t have to worry about Leo smelling it! Needless to say, they are now a staple in our home and I couldn’t be happier about this line!!

Alright, let’s take a closer look at the products Saje has to offer!!

Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line

Multi Clean

Multi Clean is a multi-surface cleaner and great for freshening and deodorizing kitchen counters, sinks, cupboards, etc! This powerful blend of peppermint, lavender and rosemary essential oils help to remove dirt and grease left behind from your little one’s fingers or muddy paw prints … LOL!

Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line

Bathroom Bright

You can use Bathroom Bright on your tub, tile, shower, and sink! It’s made with lemon, tea tree, and thyme essential oils and works wonders when it comes to leaving your bathroom sparkly clean!!

Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line

Glistening Glass

This one is pretty self-explanatory!! Glistening Glass helps to keep your windows, mirrors, and fixtures (or any other glass surfaces) a clean, CITRUSY, streak-free shine!!

Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line

Dish Wish Zesty & Dish Wish Refreshing

Dish Wish Zesty and Dish Wish Refreshing are both … you guessed it, DISH SOAPS! LOL! They both work amazing and I absolutely love the smell of both of them. Zesty is made with a brightening blend of lemon, grapefruit, and orange essential oils, while Refreshing is made with spearmint, lavender, and rosemary essential oils!

Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line

Tidy Trio

These cloths can be used for any sort of cleaning around your home! Whether you use them in your bathroom or for washing dishes, they work well AND they’re biodegradable because they are made from natural plant and wood fibers!!

Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line

Laundry Love

I just purchased this dryer ball and essential oil set last week and I’m so excited to use it!! The dryer balls are made from wool and while I have tried to reduce the amount of wool we bring into our home it gives me peace of mind knowing that this is a sustainable wool from a conscious supplier in New Zealand! I always try to steer away from purchasing products that are made from wool that are mass produced and without knowing where they come from!

Plus, I love the fact that this is a natural option as opposed to dryer sheets! These dryer balls help reduce drying time and static cling! Plus, the Sweet Sheets essential oils make your laundry smell LOVELY!

Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning LineJillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line Jillian Harris Saje Cleaning Line

Have you tried Saje’s cleaning line yet?! If so, which product is your favourite?! Comment below!



Thank you Saje Wellness for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  1. I am just curious to how did you decided to use Saje products over Young Living, DoTerra or other Essential Oil products. I’m very interested in trying and would just like your opinion.

  2. I literally just left Saje with a new diffuser (your favourite – aromaom in white) and was so tempted to buy the dish soap and the dryer ball set. Have you tried the dryer balls yet? I was hoping for a review before I make the purchase!

  3. Hi
    I look forward to try the new products!!!

    I have hardwood floors and do they have any product for this type of cleaning?

    Look forward to hear from you


  4. Hello! This line looks exactly what I’ve been looking for in cleaning products; safe, effective and cruelty free. Doesn’t get any better! Quick question… what do you use for sanitizing in, on and around the toilet?
    P.S. Do you still currently use these products in your home?
    Thank Jill!

  5. Yes, I bought the trio package to try the glass, multipurpose cleaner and bathroom cleaner. I just wish the smell would linger longer. But love them.

  6. I’ve used almost all of this line! I’m not sure if they still have it, but they had a trio starter kit which was great to test them out.

    I love that they’re transparent that their Bathroom Bright isn’t for toilets, but using it for everything else dramatically cuts down the chemicals!

    The glass and multi surface products are amazing!

    My husband really loves Dish Wish Zesty, as do I, but we find it takes a million (well thats an exaggeration lol) pumps to get, and maintain, bubbles. This one I would advise a cost conscience person to be careful with. The other products noted above have more bang for their buck, in terms of how little you can use for a great clean.

  7. For the multi cleaner and or Bathroom Bright, are they safe to use on Marble? I hope so!!! I love the thought of these products.

  8. Yes!! Aren’t they unbelievable? The glass cleaner is far superior to main stream products. And I love that I don’t feel sick or headachy like I do when using the chemical equivalents. So impressed. Good find. I honestly gave these a shot because of your insta story which made me very curious about them. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hey Jillian!
    Your house always looks like it’s sparkling, minus the moments Nacho hops on the couch covered in mud. How do you keep Nacho’s hair off of everything including your furniture, bed and clothes? I never see hair anywhere! Even on your Insta stories.. despite boxers being bad shedders. Thank you so much!

    1. Thankfully I have the help of our house cleaner, Melissa to keep our home sparkling … and Nacho hair free!! LOL!!

  10. Oh man…. the first line :
    “Summertime is always busy around our home (as I’m sure most of you living in the Okanagan can relate!!). ”

    NEVER HAVE I EVER RELATED SO MUCH TO SOMETHING. We just finished building our home and I’m thinking we should have just installed a revolving door and added 5 parking stalls.

  11. Good Morning Team Jilly! I love this article! I work so hard at staying “Green”, I was wondering if it would be possible for you and Saje to have a Promo Code? I love Saje and would love to try more of their products but find them on the pricey side. I’m happy to pay for a great product but as a university student, it can be hard to spend money on myself ( I spoil my dog before myself!). Thank you for being such an amazing role model, I aspire to embody your positive persona. I hope you have the most excellent day!

  12. What do you use to wipe away the Glistening Glass? I tried using a cloth and paper towels and both times I found it left streaks everywhere. I was disappointed. Just wondering if there is a secret behind it. I would love to get any suggestions you have to try and make it work, as I love the idea of using them.

  13. I bought the dryer balls and really like the concept of them as I want to steer clear of dryer sheets. Being said, I find that the wool balls actually create TONS of static. Now that you have being using them for awhile, do you find this?

  14. I recently had a kidney transplant and decided I wanted to make some lifestyle changes for my second of life. My first change was switching my cleaning products and dryer sheets to the Saje cleaning line and Saje dryer balls. I love how they make my house and clothing smell. I never would have tried these products if I hadn’t read your blog. So thank you Jill and thank you saje for a great product.


  15. I actually use Melaleuca products for they are freaking amazing they also have a full line of essential oil‘s. Leslie 604-319-2372 Absolutely love your blog follow you daily ,.. very inspiring light and happy Cheers

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