Eeeeepppp can you believe we only have a few more days left of 2016?!?! What an AMAZING year this has been … I can’t WAIT to see what 2017 has in store for our little family and YOURS!!!! On that note, it’s about that time to start thinking about how you’re going to ring in the New Year!!! Personally, I absolutely LOVE hosting my friends and family for New Years (when I have time to organize everything that is … LOL!!!!) … mostly because I love entertaining but REALLY it’s just another great excuse to buy cute decorations and have a little fun … PLUS if you host the party you don’t have to worry about waiting around for a taxi at the end of the night … win win!!! LOL!!!
The first thing I do other than plan what appies and cocktails I’m going to serve … (stay tuned for some cocktail ideas this week…) is start planning my decorations and how I would like my home to look for this special evening!!! Thankfully there are some really simple and cost effective ways to decorate out there which are fantastic because when you save money on decorations, you can then spend more on bottles of bubbly (no brainer, right?!?! … LOL!!!) … So today I figured I would share some super easy decorating ideas with y0u that’ll save you time AND money!!!

- Napkins | 2. Balloons | 3. Noisemakers | 4. Party Hat | 5. Plates | 6. Confetti Popper | 7. Photo Props | 8. Haywire The Bub | 9. Happy New Year Sign | 10. Champagne Flutes | 11. Paper Straws | 12. Pom Pom | 13. Crackers
One of my favourite items to incorporate into my New Years decorations are the big number balloons, they come in gold or silver and they make a fantastic background for all of your New Years Eve photos!!! You can easily bring the fun to your party with confetti poppers, crackers, party hats and photo props, all of these are inexpensive items that will make your guests laugh their way into 2017!!! Just make sure everyone wears waterproof mascara … LOL!!!
Well, now that we’ve got your decorating wheels turning … have you figured out what you’re going to wear??? If not, don’t fret … I’ve got you covered here too, take a look at my blog post for some inspiration … from sequins to faux fur … read this and you’ll be looking like a ROCKSTAR this NYE!!!
What are some of your favourite decorating items to ring in the New Year??? Comment below!!!
Happy (early) New Year loves!!!