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BACHELOR - "Episode 2002" - Ben greets ten ladies at a local Los Angeles high school where he invites them to take a trip down memory lane with him, but Lace is desperate to redeem herself after her erratic behavior at the first rose ceremony. Chris Harrison gets the first one-on-one date off to an exciting start when he introduces Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, fresh from the set of "Ride Along 2," to Ben and his date, and they are off on a rollicking, unconventional rendezvous, which will end with a special performance by popular singer-songwriter Amos Lee. Finally, a visit to The Love Lab will test six bachelorettes to see who among them has the best connection to Ben. The week culminates when the drama-filled rose ceremony has one lady making a stunning decision, on "The Bachelor," MONDAY, JANUARY 11(8:00-10:01p.m. EST), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Rick Rowell)

Falling In Love With Someones SMELL … Guess What Justin Smelled Like When We First Met!!!

Is it just me or is this Bachelor season off to a boring start? I know it’s hard to determine or have much of an opinion still … but those first dates were boring in my opinion!!! To be honest, thinking back… it always takes a few episodes to get hooked. So I will wait….bal-the-bachelor-season-20-episode-2-photos-20-067For now, my thoughts on episode two! … There was the classic fight and girl talk over not getting enough alone time with Ben. And truthfully it is hard!!! I can speak from experience that by THIS time in the game (very early) you are HEAVILY invested in this guy. You’ve already spent weeks preparing for the “trip” you’ve spoken to a producer about 30 times about “BEN” and how he is “TOTALLY PERFECT FOR YOU … AND ONLY YOU”. You are just foaming at the mouth like a rabid boar waiting to get your hands on YOUR husband and here are all these other broads taking up all of your time!! LOL it’s true… it’s how it feels. For me, I am not that competitive so I remember when I was on the show, I waited patiently for my turn and then just maxed out that time to the best of my ability … but there were a few of ’those’ girls like Lace on my season too … they are a staple of the show!!

On to the first dates … boring! Can you really determine someone’s chemistry based on whether or not you like the way that they smell? Hahah maybe you can? Mine and Justin’s first few dates were campfires, whiskey and catching frogs and he smelled JUST like that! HAHAHA … and I fell in love!! I feel bad for Sam my fellow raspy voice girl, maybe she forgot to put on deodorant that day so that means her and Ben aren’t right for each other??? But actually, I was MORTIFIED for her!! It reminded me of the date on Jason’s season where we all had to go topless and take forms of our boobs for charity. OMG YOU GUYS I HAVE NO FREAKING BOOBS!!!!!!!!!! I mean there is that one boob that is kind of there but the other one might as well not even be there at all and I had to SHOW JASON THAT ON THE FIRST DATE!!! OMG OMG … I remember thinking ok ok how can I get out of this God forsaken mess!!?!?! So to be honest, I would rather smell like Chinese food than show the guy I’m falling in love with my little bee stings. Just saying.


The only other thing I took from the dates is my notice for Caila. She’s a lot cuter than I remember from the first night. I like how relaxed and easy going she is. I think her and Ben have a lot of chemistry and I think we need to keep an eye on her!


And I guess we should talk about the girls that everyone is talking about: Lace and Olivia. Poor Lace, I do just think she is extremely insecure and it comes off as crazy … (again, a staple of the show, and mark my words … she WILL become the most popular!) Whatever happens, I’m not sure if she will be able to handle the competition. Is she the right one for Ben? Probably not, so let’s leave it at that. And Olivia, she’s pretty, firey and I can see why the other girls have their backs up … she is a huge competition to them! BUT they might be right, I didn’t get the best vibes from her this week. Maybe it was the way the show showed her but I don’t know if she’s the one for Ben …. but who am I to say.


Ending this week off with the girls that I’m rooting for SO FAR with not much backing other than their TV chemistry with Ben … I’m rooting for: Amanda, Lauren B and Caila … the rest I didn’t really notice. Until next week my fellow Bachelor fans.

Who are you rooting for? Let me know in the comments below.

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  1. #beestings I freaking love you Jillian!! My fav is Caila and I see her with the final rose. I can really see her and Ben as a real couple.

  2. Boring?? I thought the group dates were fun, and the love test definitely note boring….it was kind of creepy though!! Sad for Sam for sure, can’t believe the chemist read the lowest and highest #’s to everyone!! I am really enjoying this season, Ben has a way to articulate his words so well……and sincere, it is refreshing!! By the way, who decides on all the dates? The Bachelor/Bach’ette, or the producers??

  3. Ben should have walked Lace outside right after the first rose ceremony, when she was whining about him not looking at her during the ceremony. Huge red flag, high maintenance and troublemaker. It doesn’t matter how beautiful she is, she is destined to be a pain in his ass. Get rid of her, bring in someone else (almost doesn’t matter who among those he cut the first night, he didn’t know much about them anyway, and no obvious no-gos).

    Then again, I would have recommended he ditch “rose-head” then anyway. It’s one thing to wear it outside as a gimmick, it’s another thing to keep it on much of the night. Distracts from the fact she is a dentist (and thus educated), doesn’t it?

  4. I agree! I didn’t really notice Caila until their date! Shes sweet and she is definetly on my radar! I was sad to see Samantha go I was rooting for her; I really hope that her low compatibility score had nothing to do with it. Olivia is going to go far because he really seems into her but the drama will eventually overpower their chemistry. My top pics are Amanda, Lauren B, Jojo, Becca and Caila. What do you think about Becca?

  5. My top three: Caila, JoJo and Becca! 🙂

    Felt terrible for Sam- I was rooting for a raspy voiced lady like myself!
    Olivia has GOT to stop opening her mouth like that.
    Lace has GOT to go.

  6. I am rooting for the exact same girls! I noticed Calia in the first episode because I liked her sweater in her intro. Sorta somewhat reminded me of your Luna sweater! Although I’m a fan of the Luna sweater more!

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