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Following in Justin’s Footsteps: Leo Takes on Golf!

We have not one but TWO golf lovers in our household these days … that’s right, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree here! As soon as Leo picked up on Justin’s passion for golf, it didn’t take him long to pick up a gold club of his own and start practicing his swing in the yard (alongside Justin, of course!).

I remember it all started with a set of plastic golf clubs and balls! Leo used to put the balls around our living room and practice with Justin on the putting matt in the basement, it was their thing to do and it was pretty cute watching them bond over golf! Last year we took Leo mini golfing a few times and he loved it … and was actually pretty good at it … thanks to all of that practicing! Even when we took our trip to Hawaii … Leo would spend time on the beach in the mornings and the evenings hittin that ball around! LOL!

Jillian Harris Leo Takes Up Golf Jillian Harris Leo Takes Up Golf Jillian Harris Leo Takes Up Golf

After we had shared Leo’s love for golf the team at Callaway reached out and generously sent Leo and his cousins Max, and Charlie, each a set of Junior Callaway golf clubs … PLUS they also surprised us with TWO additional sets to do as we pleased with. So, I thought it would be fun to do a SPRING GIVEAWAY with these golf clubs so I held on to them for the winter and now that the grass is green, the sun is shining and the LINKS ARE OPEN we thought we would give away one set of clubs to TWO lucky winners! If you have a budding golfer in your home then these little clubs are the perfect way to introduce them to the game!

Jillian Harris Leo Takes Up Golf Jillian Harris Leo Takes Up Golf Jillian Harris Leo Takes Up Golf Jillian Harris Leo Takes Up Golf Jillian Harris Leo Takes Up Golf

All you have to do is follow the steps below and we will randomly select two winners this Thursday at 10am PST!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Jillian Harris Leo Takes Up Golf

Good luck to everyone who enters!! Do you have a little golfer in your home? If so, comment below and let me know how old they were when they started!



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  1. My daughter is 5 and has had a plastic set of clubs since she was a baby. We are still looking to get her a set her size. She will get an iron out of my bag and hit the ball around the front yard. I played golf in high school and went to college on a golf scholarship. I hope she continues to enjoy the game as much as I do!

  2. Dino (Deano) is 15 months old and has been fascinated by watching his daddy golf since he was crawling around. He loves to carry his little tykes golf set around to practice hitting the ball. We haven’t quite mastered the tee yet but are making progress! It’s so sweet when little ones pick up on habits that their daddys are passionate about!

  3. Our daughter and son started with plastic clubs as well. They officially started with real clubs at age 3 and love it. ??‍♀️??‍♂️

  4. These are too cute! I have a budding little golfer of mine own. JohnnyMac just turned 2 in April. His birthday falls around the Masters Tournament every year so let’s just say he was BORN a golfer. I’d love to have these clubs for him! …..and eventually pass them down to his little sister who is 4 months tomorrow!

  5. Hi Jillian

    My littler golfer, Nadia, is 3 and started when she was 2. She also loves to go golfing with her daddy. The first time we ever took her mini-golfing she got a hole-in-one!!!


  6. Hi Team Jill!

    Our son Wesley was just over 1 and a half when he started swinging his plastic set of golf clubs from Dollara. Now at 2 and a half, he has some bigger clubs and a Callaway set would be a dream come true … not only for Wesley, but also my husband! (lol)

  7. My twins started when they were 5 and my youngest is now 4 and loving it 🙂 She doesn’t have her own clubs yet so thus would be amazing as her brothers don’t want to share with her lol

  8. I hope that we will soon have a little golfer. My boyfriend and I love golfing and can’t wait until our 5 month old little dude can take hold of his little Fischer price set!

  9. Love this giveaway!! My son was 3 years old when he first started playing and taking lessons. He is now 10 and is a fabulous little golfer.

  10. My little guy Jack is just a few weeks younger than Leo. He loves watching insta stories when Leo is in them! He’s been playing with his little plastic golf set since he was a year old and is definitely ready for an upgrade! It would be so appreciated!

  11. My son is 2.5. He was born two months after little Leo! He is OBSESSED with golf. He has a small set but would LOVE a good set from callaway! He is a lefty though 🙁 not much of those around we have noticed! We are definitely a golf loving household! My husband and my son are jealous you are getting a putting green. My son tells me daddy has to go to work to make money so he can buy a putting green ??

  12. Were just getting started with our little three year old! Loves his plastic golf clubs even though they are right handed and he needs left! Look forward to him getting out there more this year! It is such a great sport to get kids into that they can play all their lives!

  13. My husband is an avid golfer so when it’s playing on the tv (which is a lot) my 8.5 month old son will sit there with his dad and just watch! We can’t wait to get him out on the course but for now he plays with his little plush set. So cute.

  14. Oh this is such a great giveaway!!! My little boy Pax is 2.5 and golfs with his daddy in the backyard and on our local golf course. They have so much fun together golfing and it would be so fun for him to have a new set of clubs. He has been using some old clubs that we have had cut down to his level. Thank you!!!

  15. My 15 month old daughter Sophia loved watching the Masters tournament and cheering on Tiger Woods! She will be starting this summer so she can enjoy the sport with myself and her Dad later on in life – but also so I can see her kick her dads butt on the links!!

  16. Leo is adorable!
    We also have a two and a half year old budding golfer. He was gifted a plastic set last year that comes everywhere with him.

  17. My son Jaxon got his first set of golf clubs for his 2nd birthday and has loved golf ever since! He’s now 4.5 so we are looking to upgrade his set. He’s an amazing golfer!! 🙂

  18. My daughter is almost three and has had a putter since she was 1 and loves it so much. We really need to get her more clubs so she can go out with her dad (and me too)!

  19. My son is 5 and loves golf. He has been to the driving range with his dad and mini golfing. He would LOVE a set of clubs of his own! Our daughter, is 3, and would love to play with her dad and brother too.

  20. My son is 5 years old and loves anything his dad does. They went to the driving range together once and they both LOVED it. Elliot also loves mini-putt. We went to glow in the dark mini-putt last week and he can’t stop talking about “tricky hole 16. You had to get the ball around the crater” he says yelling with excitement and a huge smile on his face. His younger sister, Harper, would love to play along too. She does anything that her brother does, lol. They both would love a set of golf clubs, just for them.

  21. I also have a budding little golfer who started at 2! His daddy and nana love golf so I think it’s in his blood! Mommy is a nine and done fan! Before he could walk he would crawl around with a plastic club trying to hit the ball. Now,, we have to drag him off the driving range after hours of drive, chip and putting! For me I love to dress him in the cute golf gear and daddy is so proud to see him make contact! Wish I could include a photo!

  22. Lukas is almost 2.5 and has been swinging his plastic clubs since 5 months. He loves to practice everyday and his favourite place to go is the golf club. We did a photo shoot with him at the golf course in an old time golf outfit and that day was perfect even in a little rain. Watching him play and the smile he has makes me excited for when he can get out on the course and play with his family.

  23. I love seeing Leo practice his golf swing. My baby boy is only 5 months old but I’m sure will follow in his dad’s footsteps as soon as he can walk. My husband already practices in front of him with high hopes he will become a golfer.. Golf is a big part of our live and we can’t wait to strat teaching him the sport. Also mini golf clubs are about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!

  24. We have two sons, Ages 5 and almost 7 (June 1st)
    They both started as soon as they could walk with the plastic clubs and then we registered our older son (who was 6) last summer in a golf camp. He loved it!!! He asked us all winter long if we could sign him up again this summer. So we did ?
    For his birthday on June 1st he’s asking for his very own set of golf clubs. ?

  25. Last summer his obsession started… he’s he’s 3 and 1/2 now and still loving it.
    Putting mat inside and driving range mat outside. Dad is just as passionate, and super cute to see them bond over it.

  26. We have two little boys Tristan (3) & Myles (4). They’ve been playing with plastic hockey sticks & golf clubs since they could grab and hold toys.

    We’ve just taken them out golfing with us this week for their ‘first round.’ They loved riding the cart and bringing their toy putters on the green to the flag (hole)!

    Was just discussing with my husband getting them a starter set.

    Happy Swinging Leo!

  27. The two next door neighbor boys love golf as does their dad. They hit balls across our yards. The 9-year old has been playing since he was 3 & was out there today hitting balls; the 5-year old has played golf since he was 2 & frequently hits balls out front. I am blessed as these are such nice boys! Since I don’t have children, I’ve enjoyed watching them grow & would love to be able to gift them a set of Callaway clubs. Your pictures of Leo are precious; especially love the one of Justin & Leo hitting balls at the beach. Thank you for this opportunity, Jillian!!

  28. Our little guy, Benjamin, just got his first set of plastic clubs to play with Daddy! So much fun!! He just turned 2 years old in April xx

  29. Our son watched the Masters with us and helped cheer Tiger to win! Since then he has been curious so we have been bringing him to the driving range and borrowing there clubs! We also play in the back yard! It’s so nice cause we can practice our swings and he’ll swing on his own!

  30. 2 little budding golfers (6&9) in my home! Shocking because neither hubby nor I golf ??‍♀️

  31. Little lady and just starting out golfing this year. P.s. love your runners in the feet picture on this post.

  32. My grandsons, now 8 & 5. They started with the plastic clubs just as Leo did, when they were 3 or 4.

  33. Gosh, these clubs are so cute I didn’t realize they made them so small.
    My little Noah is two and a half years old and loves to golf. He would love a real set of clubs just like dad and all his uncles! He asks daily to wear his golf shirt and shorts… and of course his matching hat and takes his plastic golf clubs out to play, he even does a little shuffle when he’s lining up the ball it’s the cutest!
    Jillian you always have the greatest giveaways! Good luck to everyone 🙂

  34. My husband is an avid golfer and we have a new baby boy who he hopes will be just like Leo and golf as soon as he can stand. Would love to score these for him!

  35. My little 2.5 toddler has a plastic set of clubs and is taking in her fathers footsteps. We love having her in sports, and golf is high on the list. My husband has Calloway and loves their clubs and bags. It’s amazing to see my daughter,Teagan, and her dad bonding over golf. Can’t wait to walk the courses with her!

  36. Hi Team Jilly,

    Our little guy Coby is just starting. He is three and loves everything hockey and golf! My husband loves that he wants to play and we are excited for him to play with this Poppa (my dad) this summer. They are just too cute to watch when they are so small. Looking forward to all golfing as a family one day.

  37. My little guy is only 4 months younger than Leo. He began golfing last summer with a plastic set while camping when he was 18 months old. He had only been walking 2 months before he began golfing. He hit the ball all over our campgrounds and this year he has been using them in the backyard. He is patient, focused, and determined, so I believe he will enjoy the sport for years to come. My favourite part is hearing him say “I try again” when he misses the ball or hits it sideways.

  38. We have a little golf enthusiast as well following in his daddy’s footsteps. He is almost 3 and we are planning to get him a set of clubs for his 3rd birthday! For now he has been practicing with his dollar store plastic clubs and everyone time he makes a good shot he yells “I’m tiger woods!” Hahaha

  39. Charlotte is turning 2 years in a week.i can’t wait to have her on a golf outing! She is already practicing her golf swing “cutely”!! #femalegolfer

  40. I love seeing Leo practice his golf swing. Mini clubs are about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. My son is only 5 months old but I’m sure will follow in his dad’s footsteps as soon as he can walk. Golf is a big part of our life and we can’t wait to start teaching him the sport and watch him fall in love with the game.

  41. These are the sweetest photos! Leo looks like a Pro!
    My husband got our son Ben his first little mix matched set of real clubs last summer just before he turned 3, but he had his very first plastic set when he was 1! Seeing him with the little clubs is too cute!! He will pass those down to his little sister one day (8 months) 🙂

  42. My little guy is 4 months younger than Leo. He began golfing at 18 months, we got him a plastic set and he hit it all around our campgrounds, and this year the backyard. He is 2.5 years old now and is determined, focused and patient. I believe he will make a great golfer. My favourite part is hearing him say “I try again” when he misses.

  43. Well I just won one of the sets of Callaway junior clubs! I’m so excited! My husband has been a golf nut since before we were married. Our sons, now ages 36 and 33, started “playing at” the game when they were around 3 or 4. They are both scratch golfers now. So – my grandson will probably be following in their footsteps so this is a great way to get him started!

    Thank you so much for this opportunity!

  44. I was one of the winners of the junior Callaway clubs. My husband gave them to our grandson Hudson, who is 3. He loves them! Our family is comprised of many avid golfers and Hudson will no doubt be one of them soon. I wish I could post a photo of the smile on his face as he filled the bag with golf balls. Thank you Jill for these awesome clubs!

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