I absolutely ADORE Valentine’s Day (if it wasn’t obvious). In honour of national love day, I put together a recipe for homemade strawberry milk. It is absolutely delicious, (sort of) nutritious and the perfect start to your day. Not to mention that it goes PERFECTLY with a couple of oatmeal cookies! OH! And you can make popsicles, if you have leftovers!
soooooo easy…

Ingredients & Directions
Dice up 2 cups of strawberries, and on medium let simmer with 1/4 cup of sugar & 1tsp of vanilla. Let simmer until syrupy. Blend with a hand mixer & pour through a strainer.
Add to 4 cups of milk & give it another shot with the hand mixer.
Let cool …OR heat up with whip cream for hot strawberry milk (YUMMM!)

If you happen to have leftovers…pour into popsicle moulds and freeze (My secret to great popsicles is the ZOKU!).
Happy Valentine’s Day!
So much love, Jilly