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How to Fuel your Morning Routine

Morning loves!! Yesterday I was doing a little check in with myself and I started thinking back to the goals that I had set for myself in January, one of them was to take more “Me Time” and while my schedule is a little hectic at times and while I’m not 100% there in hitting this goal every day I think I’m doing a pretty good job so far with how busy my days are! So I thought it would be fun to go through my morning routine with you in hopes that it sparks you to think of your own morning routine and analyze where you can sneak some extra “Me Time” in every day.

Alrighty, so generally (when I’m not filming!!) we are up at 6am SHARP, if Leo lets me … lately, he’s been doing really good but Tuesday morning he decided to get up at 4am … which kind of threw me off guard! Anyways, we try to get up at 6am, I make myself some coffee and we get a little snuggle time in prior to kicking off the day. Then I start answering some emails and then once Leo goes down for his nap around 9am, it’s my mini “ME TIME!!”. Want to know what that is? …

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The shower. Yes. You read that right! Lol! It’s the little things like a spare 15 minutes to get ready in the morning that I TOTALLY took for granted before I had Leo. With Justin in Kelowna and Cassandra (Leo’s nanny) in Vancouver I’m starting to get that 15 minutes of ME time back. Nothing beats starting the day feeling fresh and clean with some soft and shiny locks. Am I the only crazy one who looks forward to showering even more when they LOVE what shampoo and conditioner are waiting for them?? LOL!!

Lately, I’ve been using the new Pantene Daily Moisture Renewal shampoo and conditioner. One of the reasons I wanted to try it is because they recently changed their shampoo formulas (it took 15 years  for them to develop). I’ve always been a sucker for Pantene products mainly because they’re affordable but also because they don’t strip your hair, they actually add nutrients BACK into the hair (talk about fueling your HAIR from the inside out! root to tip!!). I can actually run my fingers through my wet hair while I’m in the shower … it’s just so soft!! Lol! Since I’ve been using it I’ve noticed a difference in how shiny, light, and hydrated my hair feels. I’m EVEN trying to let my hair air-dry now because my hair’s just so smooth! LOOOOOVE! 

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I also get excited (and so does Kaitlin my makeup artist) when I find a hairspray that keeps my curls in place but also allows the wind to blow my hair (nothing like a statue of hair on someone’s head … LOL!! You can actually brush through this stuff), so I was happy that Pantene’s Airspray can keep everything in place with a flexible hold for the rest of the day …  plus it smells good, it’s not sticky AND (yes there’s an and!) … it’s the FIRST ever aerosol alcohol-free hairspray!

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Once hair and makeup are in place I’m ready to start my crazy busy day. If I’m REALLY lucky I can also sneak a gym session in as well but if that isn’t possible I also like to unwind at the end of the day with a bubble bath … more tunes … and a glass of vino! Sometimes Leo joins me and we get our quality time in all while totally relaxing!!
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Photo Credit

What are some of your morning routines and how do you find your “Me Time” in order to fuel you up?! You’ll understand the hype of the new Pantene shampoo once you try it. Make sure to comment below once you do!!







Thank you Pantene for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  1. I should try Pantene!!! Ugh I don’t like my hair and not very into getting all dolled up! My me time is kicking back and watching a little tv!!

  2. I’ve always liked Pantene products. I respect jillians advice and feel like she’s a friend giving good advice that reinforced my decision to use Pantene. Thx Jillian! I have to shampoo with something right! 🙂

  3. Interesting that you have talked about being mostly vegan, yet are ok with promoting a product that tests on animals….

  4. Jillian – I am the first person to defend your business model (I love this blog, and I love the recommendations of products to try). I feel like I’ve also come a long way as a fan, to being more understanding of your choices and why you support the things you do. But I want to comment on your responses to some of the criticism on your Instagram post about Pantene. You said (reasonably!) that you are not perfect, that you are trying to find a balance between your principles and your business, and I think that most of us can totally get and respect that. Big time, actually, and I’m so appreciative of your transparency about that. But one of your recent insta-stories was really irritating, keeping those things in mind: you had obviously been drinking, but you were coming at a guy who was buying a hot dog, nagging him about getting a veggie one instead. Girl, I get that this struggle is real: my family and I have been slowly weening ourselves off animal products for a year or so now, and I feel like I live in contradictions. But to be so obnoxious towards someone who is buying a hotdog after a night of drinking while at the same time flogging a shampoo that tests on animals is a bit more than a productive contradiction, I think. So it’s not to say that I think you shouldn’t hawk shampoo that tests on animals if that’s what you feel like you’ve got to do, but maybe don’t get in someone’s face on the internet about eating a hotdog days after that post goes live. Or lol – maybe this is just a suggestion to not drink and insta… 🙂

    1. thank you Jillian. love all that you do and feel I have finally found my happy spot for my personal home design choices. happy days to you and your family.

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