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To ALL the Ladies in My Life: Thank You!

Ladies, ladies, ladies!! Today is all about YOU! Yes, YOU!! Today marks International Women’s Day, it’s a day where women and men come together to celebrate all of the amazing successes of women across the globe!! Any personal success should be celebrated, in my opinion, there is nothing too little or too big to celebrate!! Whether it’s getting up at the crack of dawn to hit the gym to starting a movement!! We are all here to serve a purpose, big or small!!

While there are SO MANY amazing women in the world who have done incredible things, I would like to take this down to a personal level and extend a shout out and all of my love to some very special women in my life (and trust me, I could go on and on and on here!) but today I want to send a shout out to MY GIRLS!!

To my mom, Peggy, who is the STRONGEST WARRIOR I know. If only everyone could be as strong as my mom. My Granny Marge who teaches me nothing is worth worrying about except an empty cocktail glass. Mama Melissa who ALWAYS has a ‘silver lining’ outlook, Sammy who teaches me to take a chill pill and never to grow up. Tori who teaches me about poise, to listen, to care and to give. Steph who believes in ideas, trying new things and sleeping in. Shannon who taught me to stay wild. Karissa who teaches me not to lie, not to jaywalk and to pack as many beauty products on a trip as possible, truly the kindest soul there is. Cassandra, who loves my son the same as me, Shay who runs my life, my business, and knows when I can’t possibly take on one more task and quietly completes it before I have a chance to know it even existed (thank you). Kaitlin, who’s infectious laugh makes my heart flutter, every morning. Mindy who adds life and laughter to our business. Angela, oh my god Angela, you are always just SO cool… 2 kids, a big commute, a baby on the way, a big time job and you never seem to get offended or overly worked up. Kendra who is ALWAYS there, not matter how many unread texts go by! Chantal, who shows me you CAN juggle 3 kids, a full-time job, wine nights and STILL look hot. Melissa our cleaning lady, who does more than clean our house, she fills our house full of positive vibes every Thursday. Claire, how can one woman be so poised, sweet and tender, yet SO FUN? I love my weekends and adventures with Claire! Francesca, she works harder than anyone I can think of, but still makes time for balance, her man, her dog and her culture. My Auntie Mary, Auntie Vivian and Aunty Patsy, who are ALWAYS so bubbly, they’ve taught me to talk to the person in the grocery line, make eye contact and find creativity in every day.

Jillian Harris - Intl Womens Day-5Jillian Harris - Intl Womens Day-9Jillian Harris - Intl Womens Day-6Jillian Harris - Intl Womens Day-1Jill and ToriJill and SammyFullSizeRender 109Jill and Her GalsJill and ShannonJillian Harris - Intl Womens Day-2FullSizeRender 110Jillian Harris - Intl Womens Day-3Jill and ClaireFullSizeRender 108 FullSizeRender 107

Like I said, I could go on and on but if I included EVERY SINGLE lady who inspires me this would be the never ending blog for there are so many incredible women in my life (and some that I don’t even KNOW on a personal level) that fill every day with love and inspiration (and who are totally KILLING IT!!).

Make sure to comment below and give a shout out to the women in YOUR life who you are so incredibly thankful for!!

Here’s to ALL of the incredible women out there!! Happy International Women’s Day!!



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  1. Love this! I know we haven’t met but you inspire me.
    I have a son who’s the same age as Leo. And sometime I think “if Jillian can do it- so can I”.
    Thank you for sharing your life 🙂

    1. AWWWWWW thank you Heather!!! And yes, you can do anything!! You are a strong, powerful mama!! XOXOXO

  2. You forgot Grannie B! My husband and Justin are second (or third or however that works?) cousins. I learned this after I crazy-fan-stalked you in Maui lol! Anyways I met her at my grandpa in-laws funeral and she is a FORCE! I learned so much family history from her in a few minutes and the fact that she’s in her mid-nineties and such a still-with-it social butterfly was inspiring! You’re a very lucky lady to have such incredibly strong women surrounding you!

  3. What a terrific group of ladies you have in your life! Yesterday was a good reminder of the fabulous women who lift us up. I went out for lunch with a friend and then to a wellness session with girlfriends. And of course, I connected with my mom and daughter too. Feeling the love!

  4. Lovely article Jillian!!!You are one of the women that are influencing me a lot as inspo of life,style,decoration,beauty,etc.I have created my own blog as well.I admire you a lot and love LOve it or List it!!xx

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