I have been so hooked on starting every morning off with a fully loaded smoothie lately. I’ve been sampling different kinds using kale, strawberry, pineapple … the list goes on, but this blueberry one seems to always take the cake!!! With my busy schedule and now being pregnant, it’s important that I am getting all of the vitamins, proteins, omegas and greens I need to function my best. Whipping up smoothies is quick and easy for me when I’m on the go and they provide a TON of nutrients to keep me going until at least lunch, if not longer!!
1 cup of almond or oat milk (I have been LOVING oat milk lately!!)
1 cup of frozen wild blueberries
1 full frozen banana
1-2 scoops of Genuine Health fermented vegan proteins+ (linked what I use)
1 handful of kale or spinach
1 tsp of vanilla
1 handful of dates
1/4 cup of chia seeds
Add it all into a high-speed blender and blend until smooth!! Pop a straw in it and some extra blueberries or chia seeds on top and you’re set!!!!

What is your go to Protein Shake when you’re on the go?? I’d love some suggestions in the comments below …
Love this post, and I love that you use Genuine Health Fermented Protein too! Have you tried the chocolate flavour? It’s yummy! I keep my shakes really simple in the morning- Unsweetened almond or coconut milk, scoop of the fermented protein, tsp. of sea vegetables or spirulina, tsp. of fish oil, tbsp. hemp hearts or ground flax, handful of greens, ice cubes and blend!
I mix it up between vegan shakeology and Vega…super excited to try this tomorrow morning?
Yum! My beloved daily shake is similar to yours, but like Kat said, with some more extras like spirulina, fish oil, hemp, etc etc…but I just wanted to mention that half an avocado (maybe instead of the banana or dates for you?) adds such a delicious creaminess!! Plus you are getting those healthy fats! I also throw in a tablespoon of coconut oil 🙂
Sounds delicious- love the idea of adding some vanilla, it is similar to one that I make. You may want to look into adding hemp seed (superfood) and Maca powder to the mix. Since I have added the hemp seed, I’ve noticed a huge difference in how I feel- more sustained energy and level blood sugar throughout the day:)
Love my smoothies…
Thanks for that recipe…