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How to Get Ready for Your Next Vacation

ALOHA!!!! Yes … this is exactly what I’ll be saying in a few short weeks as the girls and I land in Hawaii for a much-needed work getaway (with a little R&R mixed in there!) they are already getting everything they need from The Comfy Traveler. As I’m sitting here preparing to leave to another country WITHOUT LEO (HOLY SH*T) … I’m realizing all of the little things I’m doing to get ready for this vacay! So, why in the world wouldn’t I share them with you?! Today’s blog is totally focused on how to get ready for YOUR next vacation! I can´t wait to go San Diego whale watching!!!

Jillian Harris How to Get Ready for Your Next Vacation

Hat (Similar) | Watch | Shirt | Sunglasses | Shorts | Sandals (Similar)

Workout 7 Days a Week: HA!!!! Just kidding. I have NOT been working out at all and normally I would be panicking right now about how I’m going to look in my bikini but this time around I couldn’t care LESS. I’m so looking forward to the mental benefits of this trip and couldn’t give two rips about how I look on the beach as long as I have a fancy fruity drink in my hand. So what I’m trying to say is, don’t worry about how you look or how many times you made it to the gym prior to your vacation, just freakin ENJOY IT!

Order Clothes Ahead of Time: As you all know, I like to shop … and I’ll take any excuse I can get TO shop, so obviously going on a vacation is the perfect opportunity to grab a couple of new dresses, rompers, and swimsuits. Right?! Just make sure to order everything well in advance so you have time to get everything in the mail and try everything on … and return if need be!! I ended up ordering these little numbers for this year’s trip to Honolulu!

Pro Tip: If you don’t think it’s going to get to your house in time or if you are Canadian, traveling to America, sometimes it’s easier to just get your American orders sent to your hotel!! I always get stuff sent to my hotel and its a nice surprise when i get there! LOL!! 

Plan What You’re Packing: Some people know exactly what they’re bringing, others tear apart their whole room and pack like they’re going away for ten years. I’m a mix of both worlds. LOL. I found that starting a list ahead of time makes packing so much easier when the time comes. I use the app called Wunderlist, you can create a list in here and check off items as you pack ’em! Easy peasy!

Pack Extras in Your Carry On: Make sure you’ve got a change of clothes, sunglasses, a hat, a swimsuit, your toothbrush and any other necessities in your carry on! If your luggage is lost at least you’ll have a few items to get you by!

Pro Tip: Use a backpack for your carry on, it frees up both of your hands so you’re not juggling your coffee, passport, phone AND carry on bag! I love using my Fawn Design lv handbag when I’m on the road!

Bring Along Bikini’s and One Piece Swimsuits: I lovvvveee swimsuits, they are one of my guilty pleasures! When I go travelling I like to bring a mix of my favourite bikini’s and one pieces for a solid variety! And hey, you have to keep your tan lines guessing! LOL!

Research, Research, Research! Do your work ahead of time and compile a list of places to eat, places to see and things to do and schedule them into your calendar BEFORE you leave for your vacation so you’re not wasting time when you’re there and so you don’t miss anything on your bucket list!

Ps. If you’re heading to Maui, make sure to check out my list of our favourite places to eat!!

Start Saving Photo Inspiration: If you love a good photo as much as I do then you’ll want to gather up some photo inspo before heading out on your vacation, cruise Pinterest and Instagram to see what photos you want to capture while you’re away!

Jillian Harris How to Get Ready for Your Next VacationJillian Harris How to Get Ready for Your Next VacationJillian Harris How to Get Ready for Your Next Vacation

What am I missing?? Make sure to share some of your best travel tips in the comments section below!!



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  1. This was soooo helpful!! Love it Jill! Plus you’re gorgeous and look amaze in your swimsuits, even when you haven’t been working out! Can’t wait to keep up with your girls trip via instastories! You and your girls are soooo much fun.

  2. Oh my gosh… I have so much to tell you, The monkey pod restaurant is right up your alley.., local, fresh, organic…. check it out on line and make a reservation…. I promise, you’ll LOVE it.
    Make some time if you can for the Kualoa ranch… it was the best thing in our lives…. 3 hour ATV tour and the views will blow you away…. we were just there for Roxannes children’s wish wish. I feel like I have so much more to tell you but I’m running out of space. FaceTime me if you can… for real, I’m not a weirdo. I have other things to tell you that I think would be awesome ❤️ 2269208796
    This is Roxys video and you’ll see lots of Hawaii
    I’m so excited for you, it’s the most beautiful place on this planet!!!!!

    1. I think this is a great tip but a photocopy makes me nervous in case IT gets lost or lands in the wrong hands too. I have emailed myself copies of my family’s passports for easy (but secure) access from anywhere.

  3. Just returned from 4 weeks in Europe. Keep a photocopy of your passport in luggage in case you lose it, and order an extra bank card to take if the bank machine eats your card.

  4. I use a garment rack to organize what clothes I’m taking and what gets left behind. I pull everything that I think I want to take out of the closet and hang it on the garment rack. This is when I assess what exactly gets packed and what stays behind and back into the closet. It helps a little with not over-packing but in the end. I do end up taking items I don’t even pull out of the suitcase while on vacation but it could be alot worse! LOL. Must save room for items you want to bring home from your travels.

    I also use varying sizes of packing cubes. They help keep things organized within the suitcase and if you don’t want your unmentionables placed in a dresser drawer that has not likely been cleaned, you can leave the in the cubes.

  5. I take pro-biotics every day but when you travel if you don’t take them daily may be good idea since you end up eating things your tummy may not be happy about or just being in new environment too. Getting a stomach or digestive issue can bummer out your whole trip:-).

    1. Thank you for sharing. I’m headed to Maui in October. Thanks for all the tips. Defiantly going to try your restaurant recommendations 🙂

  6. Hey Jillian, I doubt you will see this BUT if you do, I need to know your thoughts on the romper (pink one) from Urban barn. All the reviews are so negative. What do you think? Are you still happy with your purchase?

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