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3 Reasons Why I Love Hair Accessories

Happy MONDAY loves! Yup … Monday … le sigh. It’s days like these that call for extra coffee and hair accessories. Did you just look at your computer like “WTF is she talking about now?! Hair Accessories?!” LOL!! Yup. I’m talking about bow hair ties, scrunchies (yup, these 80’s babies are BACK in style), headwraps, etc.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve got a slight obsession with hair accessories lately, I pretty much wear them ALL THE TIME, but you know you always have to work your way with your hair. If you’re still looking at your computer screen with squinty eyes and a tilted head (Nacho looks at me like this OFTEN) take a little peek at some of the reasons WHY I love these hair accessories below, along with some photos (I’m telling you, they REALLY do look cute)!! I’ve also gone ahead and rounded up some of my favourite hair accessories for you to check out JUST in case you were REALLY curious about these little gems.

Jillian Harris Hair Accessories-11

1. For those days you don’t want to do your hair: Lately I’ve been struggling with the thought of having to get up, shower, do my makeup then do my HAIR. Why does this have to be such a process?! Ugh. So for these days, I like to toss my hair up into a messy bun and secure it with a cute scrunchie. WHAM. BAM. Thank you, MA’AM!

2. Working out: Scrunchies and headbands are the best when working out because I personally find they hold my hair in place better and you don’t get that awful ponytail kink in your hair when you use a scrunchie!! You can actually take your hair out of your ponytail or bun after your sweat sesh and it actually looks good. Well … I mean, depending on how sweaty your hair is. But hey, the option is there! LOL!

3. They just look damn cute: Sometimes it’s nice to simply dress up your everyday ponytail and compliment your outfit. There are SO MANY different colours and prints to choose from! The scrunchie world is your oyster.

Jillian Harris Hair Accessories

1. Leopard Print Bow Hair Tie | 2. Paisley Bandana | 3. Mermaid Print Bow Hair Tie | 4. Seersucker Scrunchie | 5. Striped Bow Hair Tie| 6. Satin Bow Headband | 7. Chambray Cotton Headband | 8. Red Gingham Scrunchie | 9. Black Gingham Bow Hair Tie | 10. Florista Scrunchie | 11. Eyelet Cotton Headband

Jillian Harris Hair AccessoriesJillian Harris Hair AccessoriesJillian Harris Hair AccessoriesJillian Harris Hair AccessoriesJillian Harris Hair Accessories

photo credit

Dress | Hair Bow Tie | Watch | Boots

What do you think?? Have you welcomed scrunchies back into your life? I know some people are weirded out by the reappearance of this trend but I’m telling you … they’re life savers. My advice? Give them a chance. LOL!



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  1. I got back on the scrunchy wagon after seeing them at Jcrew. Love wearing them on the weekends when I don’t have to fuss about my hair. It will be perfect for the beach this summer.

    1. YES!!! Pure love for the scrunchies, got sooo excited when they first got my eye, been secretly missing them since childhood ??

  2. Jillian…I wear flat ribbon barrettes in my hair to hold back the wisps from my face. I love the scrunchies and bow scrunchies you features…so adores…love bows. Elizabeth

  3. Jillian, can you do a blog someday about how you always get your hair into a nice bun? Somehow mine never look quite right. Thanks!

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