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Happy Birthday My Love

I’ll never forget the day I met you, outside Roses … it was LOVE at FIRST sight.  Actually, though … I remember looking at you and stopping dead in my tracks thinking how on EARTH could I snag you that night.  I succeeded and ended up snagging you for life, talk about winning the Lottery.

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I fell in love with your eyes, your laugh, your fun loving attitude. I fell in love with your butt, your style, your love for country music.  I fell in love with you in a cowboy hat. I fell in love with the way you loved me, and the way you loved your family, and my family.  I fell in love with the way you snuggled me, and the way you held me on the highest pedestal. I melted when I saw you with babies, and aunties and friends. You were what I had been looking for my WHOLE life. Then years passed, and we went through lots of ups, traveling the world, highs, magazine covers, fancy events, parties, special holidays.  WE WERE THE LUCKY ONES…..

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And then there were the lows … the fights, the blow ups, the career changes, the long distance.   The jealousy, the tears, the misunderstandings, the family eruptions and family illnesses.  At times, I was selfish, I took you for granted. I can’t believe at one point, we threw in the towel and I almost lost you. I will never forget how empty my heart was at that time. I literally felt like I was going to die.

It was probably then, at our lowest low … that I knew you were my forever.  I knew there was NO way I could possibly live without you.  We had so much to learn and so far to go, but I knew, that without a doubt, we’d be going through it together.

Since then, we’ve grown up, grown together and learned ‘how to deal’ with each other’s weaknesses and strengths. We started a family, created a little angel, and built a house (without killing each other might I add), I’m SO proud of how we’ve handled this project together.

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Justin, you are THE MOST amazing Dad, Fiancé, Partner, Friend, Entrepreneur, Doggy Dad, Uncle, Son, Brother …

Thank you, for being you, for being smart, for being funny, for being patient, for loving us ….  I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW JUSTIN PASUTTO!



Jilly, Leo & Nacho

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  1. I remember when you were taking a break from your relationship. You didn’t tell us but to me it was obvious.
    I could see it in your posts. It made me sad. Now I’m so happy for you. He’s the one!!

  2. Loved this post! Your story and relationship is incredibly inspiring. Following your story and posts have helped me be okay with my timeline as a woman and keep life in perspective, when sometimes the world makes you feel like you are doing life wrong. Thank you for being you and setting such an example for me and all the other women out there. How long were you and Justin on a break or broken up for? I’m sure that wasn’t easy. My boyfriend, well ex, have been broken up for a bit of time and yet it feels like something is truly missing.
    Thank you again, your advice and life are a reflection of the beauty left in this world.

  3. I’ve pondered whether or not to write this, but I’ve decided I will. THANK YOU, Jillian, for being so honest and opening up about the ups AND downs of your relationship and life. That’s truly what brings people to you – your energy, honesty, and your heart. I think sometimes people have unrealistic expectations about relationships and I’m sure that there is so much pressure for you to portray that you have a perfect life. I think it is both refreshing and comforting to see that EVERYONE goes through hard times and that it is possible to come out on the other side. All of us “fans” love that you are unapologetically yourself (and it’s not just cause I’m from close to your hometown neck of the woods!) Wishing you so much love and happiness! 🙂

  4. Stop it! This was way too cute! Warmed my heart and love reading about your growing little family!

    1. What a beautiful message! Happy Birthday to your husband!!! Thank you for sharing! And btw, I think you are AWESOME girl!!!!!

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