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How to Enjoy a Mindful and Eco-Friendly Easter this year!

With Easter long weekend approaching I thought we could touch base on Easter celebrations and a couple of ways we can all be more mindful this year. Also, I thought it would be fun to share a creative DIY with you! Growing up I remember getting so EGG-cited (LOL … I had to!!) about decorating for Easter and better yet, the infamous Easter egg hunt! I loved sitting around the dining room table decorating and painting eggs as a family and my competitive side really came out during the Easter egg hunt.  

Now with kids of my own, I am hoping to continue some of my family traditions and also make some of our own. My focus for the last couple of years has been reducing my carbon footprint, eating less meat and using fewer animal by-products. That being said, a new tradition I am hoping to implement with Leo and Annie is to paint wooden eggs instead of real ones! Don’t you find it weird that when we decorate eggs we waste the actual egg inside? For all that animal had to endure for us just to waste it and use the shell to decorate. 

For those of you already gearing up for Easter celebrations this year, I want to encourage you to either use the egg or find another alternative to decorating eggs. I have compiled a few suggestions for you below! 

Eco-friendly Easter with Jillian Harris

1. Paint wooden eggs

A few weeks ago I ordered some wooden eggs for the kids and I to decorate, instead of using real eggs. I am so happy I stumbled across this Amazon find and I can’t wait to repaint them every year with Leo and Annie! Not only is this a great alternative, but it’s so much better for our environment. The best thing about these is you can either keep the same paint on them each year OR you can paint over them for a new look!

Team Jilly also took some wooden eggs home to paint because I ordered wayyy too many and she snapped some photos of her beautiful designs and included some instructions for you below on how to paint them efficiently – it takes some time and patience but it’s so worth it!

2. If you use real eggs, don’t waste them

If you are not up for decorating wooden eggs or an alternative I would encourage you to use the entire egg and not let it go to waste. Whether that means you blow out the center to make scrambled eggs or hard boil them and eat them once they have been decorated! 

3. Try re-usable eggs for your Easter Egg Hunt

If you are planning on doing an annual Easter egg hunt this year, why not buy some plastic Easter eggs (you can find them on Amazon!) that you can fill with candy year after year? You can fill the re-useable eggs with little toys or any that you have at home whether they be snacks that your kiddos love or their favourite candy that you have stashed away! Feel free to get creative with it!

Pastel paints on a plate for easter egg decorating
Pink, Yellow, and Blue painted Easter eggs in a carton
Overhead shot of pastel painted Easter eggs in a carton

I’d love to know in the comments below if you have any other environmentally friendly Easter traditions or ideas! If you’re looking for another fun DIY you can do with your kids this long weekend, give my Egg Carton Picnic a try!

Happy early Easter from our family to yours!! 



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  1. There are much more environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic eggs. I have both wooden and metal hollow eggs I fill each year. They cost more but are more durable then the plastic versions as well.

  2. Our environmentally friendly way of colouring eggs is to hard boil the eggs, dye them with food safe colouring or natural colours, and then eat the hard boiled eggs. That’s what my family growing up did and what I do with my kids. We just keep the bowl of pretty eggs in the fridge and then set them out to be enjoyed with Easter morning breakfast. Those that aren’t eaten are used to make egg salad sandwiches, devilled eggs. For people who aren’t vegan it seems like the least wasteful thing to do. If people have a problem (ie. allergy) with food colouring dye there are lots of natural ways (ex beets) to produce lovely colour. : )

    For the outside egg hunt I bought plastic eggs 20 years ago and we still use them. Plastic lasts a very long time. The key is not buying new every year or even every few years. : )

  3. I love celebrating Easter even though my kids are now teens! I used to buy new eggs every year and every year I would blow the egg out of the shell and make scrambled eggs. But then my poor cheeks wised up and we just kept the decorated eggs from the previous year and put those on display every year from now on. And I have been using the same plastic eggs, baskets and basket filler stuff from when they were little. I will be honest….this is mostly because I love the sentimental tradition of using things over and over…..but seeing your blog makes me happy to know I have at least reduced and re-used!

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