Charlotte and Sean, W Network’s biggest prize winners, took HOME the big win (quite literally) in the season finale of Game of Homes. With eight weeks to renovate four decrepit homes room-by-room, four teams of amateur renovators battled small budgets, tight deadlines, cramped quarters and each other for a chance to win their dream home. Charlotte and Sean impressed the judges and the public with the broad appeal of their West Coast-meets-modern-style home to beat out the other three teams. All four pairs faced weekly challenges, but perhaps the biggest challenge of all was not killing each other throughout the process.

Char and Sean have outlined the TOP 5 survival tips on getting through a renovation with the one you love:
#1 Recognize each other’s strengths and play to them.
Sean immediately proved far more comfortable and efficient with the technical side of the reno (aka it didn’t take long for him to recognize that Char was more of a ‘creative’ painter then a strategic one…) Char on the other hand was the visionary that came up with the design ideas and overall look and feel of the home (Sean was confused about the term “feature wall.”) This balance helped us A LOT because we rarely stepped on each other’s toes, listened to each other’s opinions and respected what the other one was doing. Go with what you know.

#2 Don’t forget about the hammer that is NOT in the toolbox…
Lets face it. We all need our sleep… ETC. In the midst of the exhaustion, frustration, and overall feelings of negativity it often feels like a little hakuna matata is the last thing you want to do, right? Try to recognize when to stop / rest / and give each other some love – this is SO important. Trust us, you will feel better about everything after a roll in the hay.

#3 Saving champagne for the end? We suggest popping those bottles throughout.
It is too easy to be 100% consumed by your renovation and the overwhelming list of TO DO’s! Just because your in the middle of a reno does not mean your normal lives need to be put on hold. Get out of the house. Go for dinner. Have drinks. Unwind. Get drunk. We find that our most creative juices come flying when we have dipped into the sauce! Get re-enthused and have another? Definitely works for us.

#4 Your House. Your Reno. But be open to a threesome.
And by threesome we mean get a GOOD contractor involved. It’s inevitable to feel like you are in over your head so be proactive about asking questions, seeking help from an expert, and working it into your budget. It is so worth it and will save you so much time and money in the end.

#5 Remember to high kick your way through the reno.
We worked far too many late nights but made it a priority to still make them fun for us. Turn on that playlist, pick up that paint brush, mix a few cocktails and make a night of it! There is nothing like christening your new space with dance parties and memory making. Even today when certain songs come on we still look at each other and wink because we associate that jam with a crazy experience in our lives. Crazy but crazy good.

For more photos of their final house tour win from Game of Homes head here.
Thank you Char and Sean for sharing your knowledge on how to NOT kill your spouse during a home renovation!!!! If you loved this blog as much as me, and want to follow the Fentons head on over to their site here!!!!
Game of homes ha ha ha is very interesting program.
Yes, you are right. Even if there are a lot of work to do, you still have to find time to rest, relax and have fun.