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How You Supported Black Futures During Black History Month!

Image Credit: Jean Augustine

Whew, I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve shared a Cameo update on the blog. Since it’s been so long I now owe you a few months of Cameo updates. We decided to save the funds raised from December and January and donate them to a very deserving cause, we will be sharing more on which organization we donated them to at the beginning of next week. Today, I’m sharing the final amount raised during February and which organization we donated those funds to!

If this is the first Cameo update you are reading make sure to check out where we donated funds to last year and the organizations you helped with your bookings on our new and improved Philanthropy page!

I am so proud to announce that with your help, during the month of February we were able to raise a total of $5,340 through Cameo to reinvest back into our communities. In honour of Black History Month, I wanted to reaffirm our commitment to effecting real change and donate the funds raised to an organization that directly tackles some of the systemic challenges facing the Black Community within Canada. 

The amazing Karlyn Percil contributed an informative piece on the blog this month, The Critical Thinking Guide To Black History, Black Presence, Black Futures During Black History Month. In the blog, Karlyn highlighted an important fundraising campaign: The Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Community and Diaspora at York University, which aimed to raise $25,000 in 25 days. For every dollar raised, Accenture Canada pledged to match it up to $25,000. Once funded The Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Community and Diaspora “will be a bridge among communities across Canada to actively address social justice issues and uncover research opportunities to drive policy change for many generations to come.” We are so grateful for the contribution the Honourable Jean Augustine has already made to the fabric of this nation and are so happy to support her in her efforts to raise funds for this important endowment and her amazing legacy. And we are pleased to announce that we have donated the funds from the February Cameos to The Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Community and Diaspora.

Celebrate Black History Month with Jean Augustine donation graphic

Image Credit: Jean Augustine

Learn More About The Honourable Jean Augustine:

“Jean Augustine’s story is a testament to the power of hard work in the pursuit of social justice”. Jean is a well-known educator, politician and social justice advocate. In 1993, she made history as the first African-Canadian elected to Canada’s House of Commons as a member of parliament from the Greater Toronto Area. She also championed the unanimous vote to officially designate February as Black History Month in Canada. 25 years later, she is honouring her legacy and fundraising for her initiative for The Jean Augustine Chair in Education, Community and Diaspora at York University. If you would like to learn more about all of Jean Augustine’s positive impact she has made throughout Canada and beyond please check out her website here to learn more and follow her on Instagram @honjeanaugustine

Even though the 25k in 25 Days campaign has ended, you can still make a pledge and help this endowment reach its goal! Please visit to make a donation. 

We were so excited to support Jean Augustine this month and we can’t wait to provide an update on where the Cameo funds from December and January were donated to next week! 



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  1. Jean Augustine is wonderful. On my neighbourhood there is the Jean Augustine centre where girls can take classes and camps for free. My daughter can’t wait until she is old enough to join.

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