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Just In Time For Summer… The Best Cherry Cola Recipe!

The perfect summer bevy has arrived… Cherry Cola!

As you may know, we have a beautiful cherry tree in our front yard and most years it grows an abundance of fresh, juicy cherries! This means lots of opportunities to have fun in the kitchen coming up with new and creative cherry recipes!

Jillian Harris's Summer Cherry Cola Recipe
Jillian Harris's Summer Cherry Cola Recipe

This cherry tree is one of the reasons we bought this house. It is so beautiful, and I’ve loved going out each Spring/Summer with Justin and the kids to pick cherries. Over the years, we’ve done everything with our cherry stash: chocolate cherry granola bars, Okanagan cherry vanilla overnight oats and even ice cream sandwiches! But of all the recipes we have tried, there was one thing we could use more of… drinks!! So today, I’m sharing a fun, new recipe for the adults to enjoy on the porch, by the pool, or wherever your heart desires!

So, without further ado… here’s the recipe!!

Just In Time For Summer… The Best Cherry Cola Recipe!

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Recipe by From the Kitchen of Jillian Harris


  • 2-3 oz 2-3 light rum

  • ¾ cup ¾ cherries

  • 1 oz 1 lime juice & crushed ice (blend)

  • Coca-Cola

  • 2 oz 2 orgeat almond extract

  • lime (garnish)

  • cherries (garnish)


  • Pour your Coca-Cola into ice cube trays and freeze!
  • Add the ice cubes to a blender and the cherries, rum, lime juice, crushed ice and orgeat almond extract. Blend until smooth.
  • Pour the Cherry Cola mixture into the glasses. Garnish each one with a slice of lime and a cherry, and add a straw for a little extra flourish!

And, there you have it: The BEST Cherry Cola Recipe, AKA the perfect refreshing bevy to enjoy all Summer long!



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