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Last Nights Bachelor Blog…Ben’s Final Four Are… Drumroll … Click To Find Out!!!!!

I am hooked!!!! Finally after 5 episodes I am REALLY starting to love this season and want to start off by giving props to Ben. I can’t believe how mature he is and the way he is handling all of his tough situations. I wasn’t sure if he had it in him and I am so happy that he is showing this side of himself. He is genuinely trying to get to know all of the girls, cares SO much about them and their feelings and is trying his best to rid the show of any unnecessary drama. I really do think that he is one of the only Bachelors (in a long time) that is on the show for “the right reasons” and is truly READY for marriage. As much as I want him to let loose and get a little crazy … he is doing a WAY better job than I was expecting.

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Ok, on to the episode … I want to start off by talking about Jubilee. She was one of Justin’s favourites from the get go and I KNOW a lot of people really liked her. But I could start to see her resentment towards Ben building up. It brings me right back to that exact same feeling … I remember being there and feeling that way and it will only start to multiply if you don’t catch it early. I think what happened to her was that she looked at the experience like a competition as opposed to a connection.  She let the competition eat away at her and it ended up destroying the relationship that she had or could have had with Ben. It’s the exact same thing as if you’re the type of person that is always wondering if your boyfriend is cheating on you every time he goes out without you. You’re going to end up finding out that he’s a douchebag in the end so it’s not worth beating yourself up about it every single time. You eventually need to trust that person and the connection that you have together. And, if he’s NOT a cheater and you’re constantly questioning the relationship you’re going to end up ruining it yourself altogether. Instead, you need to use that energy towards making it a good connection resulting in a good relationship. Unfortunately, Jubilee let the competition get between her and Ben, which is sad for both of them because they could have had something great!!


WHY did he give Olivia that rose? Having been on the show, I have a feeling that could have been a producer thing?!?! Because I honestly feel like he’s getting pushed away from her. She’s coming on really strong and she’s acting really weird … unless it’s just the way that it’s edited. No offence Olivia. But I just don’t think he really wanted to give you that rose and I think he does regret it. I know I defended Olivia a lot in the last episode .. and I really did feel for her … it was a terrible episode for her!!! But, she’s another one that is losing her mind. I really don’t think this is the REAL her. Again, I think she’s just focused on winning and looking at it like a competition against the rest of the girls. As much as she says “Ben is her future husband,” she’s not focussing on their connection or the actual relationship between them. And it’s the exact same way that it pushed him away from Jubilee. I have a sneaky suspicion that he’s going to send her home next.

THE BACHELOR - "Episode 2005" - The first international stop of the season finds Ben and the 11 remaining bachelorettes traveling to Mexico City, one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. Amanda has a thrillingly romantic one-on-one date with Ben, soaring over ancient ruins in a hot-air balloon. The women will attempt to learn Spanish with Ben but they immediately need to use their new-found knowledge to go shopping for a cooking competition. Lauren H. has a spring in her step as she and Ben walk the runway with top models during for Mexico City's Fashion Week. One heart-wrenching confrontation between Ben and one unhappy bachelorette changes the course of Ben's journey to find love. The women decide to take matters into their own hands and corner Ben about Olivia's bad behavior. Will the Bachelor decide it is time for her to pack her bags? "The Bachelor" airs MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 (8:00-10:01 p.m. EST) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Eniac Martinez) LAUREN H., BEN HIGGINS

The date with Lauren was cute. She seems like such a sweetheart, is intelligent, caring, quirky and really cute but … I just don’t think she’s the right one for him. I mean, I think that she’ll go far and that their relationship will be great to watch unfold … but something is missing (at least as of right now). And I feel the EXACT same way about Lauren B, still …. there’s just something not right.


I am SO excited to finally have some front runners who I think are the only candidates for Ben right now. I love seeing if the one’s I choose are the one’s that he ends up with. SO … here goes nothing … in no particular order, here are my top picks:
1. Jo Jo
2. Caila
3. Amanda
4. Becca

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Let me know who YOU think is right for Ben in the comments below …


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  1. Amazing blog!! I agree with 3 of your top 4 however, I think that Lauren B will be one of the top 4 instead of Becca unfortunately. Ben and Lauren B’s chemistry just seems so out of this world, and I think he already knows that she’s the one for him, even though it’s super early!! It’s a pretty amazing season so far though and I continue to look forward to your blogs!! 🙂 xo

  2. Great blog and thoughts! I feel totally different about Lauren B and think that Amanda is so cute and sweet (like an Emily Maynard) but I feel that there’s something missing between her and Ben! I think caila and Ben are loosing their connection, they need some more one on one time! Also I loved how Emily really broke out of her twin she’ll and spoke her mind and stood up for her and all the girls and owned it. I think my top 4 are Lauren B, Becca, Jojo and…Amanda! Bye Olivia!

  3. I think you are spot on, Jillian. After seeing the scenes that Bachelor Nation showed on the after show, last night, I was really surprised and disappointed. Now I am doubting a “happy ending”, They showed scenes of the end when Ben was crying that he had “fallen in love with two girls! I can’t see that ending well… 🙁

  4. I definitely agree with your top 3 chooses Amanda Becca and calia. I like jojo but I don’t think she will make it to the final 4 I think Lauren B will make it to the top 4 and I could see her making her way down to the end I like Lauren B too. I love Amanda her voice sounds just like Emily Maynard she has two little girls and her date with Ben was amazing to watch and I love how she expressed her feelings and her passed about her marriage. I love Becca she is very sweet and funny I would say she deserves to find love again I mean she didn’t find love in Chris soules and I think she will make it down to being the runner up between Lauren B. I like Calia shes got the funny goofy side of her but she is very sweet and nice and descent. I like how Emily had the guts to tell Ben how she feels about Olivia and stuck up for all the girls when they couldn’t but I didn’t like seeing Emily in tears. Lasted I don’t like Olivia she is rude,mean, selfish and all she could think about is herself and doesn’t care what other ppl think about her. All Olivia could think about was how to get to Ben first and and didn’t let any of the girls get a chance to talk to Ben first she always steals ben first from either the cocktail party or group dates and doesn’t think that the other girls haven’t had time with him or haven’t even spoken to Ben at all. I’m sure Ben knows there’s bound to be a time where he is not gonna be able to handle Olivia and what she is doing to the girls. Olivia was really mean and said to Amanda that it was like an episode of teen mom that is just not right and so wrong. I don’t know how long Ben can keep Olivia but I think he will be sending olivia home on Monday and i have never seen any of the girls in the bachelor seasons ever get there rose taken away and sent home this could be a first and interesting to watch I’m like this season and the great group of girls he has except for Olivia

  5. I am not feeling Jojo. She has a strong character, and I don’t think Ben is right for her. Becca is so sweet and genuine,but I don’t think she is ready for marriage. I think it will be down to Lauren B and Calia. I like Lauren B and Ben together. She was the first out of the limo, and I think that’s a cue from the producers that she will be the one. I also like Calia a lot, I might call Calia as the winner after a couple more episodes.

  6. I’m team Lauren B. I might be reading too much into this, but he took her on a walk in Mexico City for their one-on-one time and it seems like he did that so he wouldn’t get taken away. Him and Becca seem to like each other and she seems like a nice girl, but I don’t think they have that strong of a connection. I’m not the biggest fan of Jojo either. (I swear I’m not disagreeing with you on purpose!) She seems nice and I do think she’ll make it far, but I just don’t know. I do think he’ll pick someone in the end, but he should have kept a handle on telling girls he loves them. Can I just mention, that when Hayley was on the after show, Lauren has a picture of her hanging out in her hotel room?? I might be reading too much into it, but it seems a little convenient.

  7. Interesting choices Jillian!! I think you’re definitely on to something here 🙂 Becca and Caila seem so far to stay out of the drama, so I think either one would be a great choice for Ben at this point. Thanks for sharing! Next Monday night is too far away lol!!!

  8. Love Jojo!!!! She’s bold and fun. But I don’t think Ben will choose her in the end unfortunately. She’s a hoot. I’d do tequila shots with her in Vegas! Ben on the other hand would be the designated driver. He’ll choose someone boring like Lauren B. Womp womp.

  9. I think that Lauren b needs to be added to your list. I really love Becca but not sure about his feelings for her. If Becca is really ready for a committed relationship she might well be the ette. Not sure Ben is ready to take on a family.
    P.s. want to share the status of your relationship with Justin?

  10. I love Ben as the Bachelor. He is thoughtful, kind and considerate and seems to have a good head on his shoulders. There are a great group of girls this season but I think he has already fallen for Lauren b. He is different with her than the rest. Lucky girl ?

  11. Jillian!! My first thoughts after reading your bit about something missing with Lauren B was, “is she being paid to say this??” How can you not see that these two are totally in love with each other, and if they are trying to edit the connection…it’s not working!!! I will be shocked if I’m wrong! He’s got some amazing ladies left, but not sure they will be able to get him to feel what Lauren B makes him feel. Nice try Jillian haha

    1. Jilli’s just giving her opinion, just like everyone else. She’s been on the show and knows how it works, so she’s looking at it from a different angle. And that’s ok. 😉

  12. I’m going with …
    Lauren B

    I think Lauren B will take it in the end. He’s smitten with her, it’s so cute.

  13. Great blog! Totally disagree on Lauren B though. I think she and Ben are amazing. He lights up every time he is with her and they just sizzle together. On the street when they were walking he could not stop kissing and touching her. He is totally enthralled with Lauren B and I see them taking it to the end and getting engaged and then married. They are definitely falling in love with each other ❤️

  14. I like Caila a lot. I would actually pick (in no particular order) Caila, Lauren B, Amanda and Becca too. I feel as if Ben and Lauren B are ‘too good to be true”, even though I see their connection. For me, Lauren B somehow lacks the ‘umppph’ (which could be the editing) and I much prefer Caila’s outlook in this journey so far. She’s got depth, she’s attractive, smart, communicative and affectionate.

  15. Those are hands down the four ladies I would pick in the end!! They’re all so sweet and kind, fun and gorgeous! And I disagree with Olivia about Amanda and her girls, I think that Ben would be more than okay with being a father figure to them. Ben really is one of my fav bachelors, he seems genuinely ready to find the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with.

    The Olivia drama is starting to get pretty bad and I’m glad the ladies are telling Ben how they’ve felt bullied. Even though that doesn’t always go well if we look at past seasons when a girl has been a bully. We usually end up seeing her go pretty far and sometimes end up with the guy (hello, Vienna & Courtney! – nothing against them, but they were kind of bullies!). I think at the end of the episode he regretted giving (or having to give) Olivia the rose.

    Also, in regards to his connection with Lauren B, I think she will get really far and maybe even to the top four. BUT if he chooses her I don’t think it will last. I think it will be a similar connection to what we have seen previously with Vienna and Courtney – very physical. Just because they are wrapped up in kissing and touching a lot in the street does not mean there is a strong and genuine depth to their relationship, I think it’s all physical between them. I agree with you Jillian!


  16. I love Becca and she’s perfect for him. They are both ready and she’s actually really focused this time. I believe she really has feelings for Ben. Amanda would be my second pic as I see Ben as a dad and I think he could see it also. He’s committed to marriage and that will strengthen with her and kids. They are my 2 finalist pics.

  17. We love Lauren B. She is so sweet and seems genuine and has amazing chemistry with Ben!!
    My wife and I are Team Lauren all the way??❤️❤️

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