Our birth story isn’t exactly how we would have imagined it. For me, I feel like I envisioned a quiet night at home with just Justin and I … (and Nacho) just like in the movies, I would wake Justin up in the middle of the night with a gentle nudge “it’s time” and off we would go down to the hospital. I feel like I would have ‘known’ it was coming and I would be totally prepared. Half of that was true … but our birth story was nothing like we expected, but now looking back it is everything that we wanted it to be.
Leo was due on August 21st … we didn’t know if he was a he or a she, and we were excited that I would be done work on the 6th of August giving me a full 2 weeks off prior to his/her arrival. Well, this is not entirely true, as Justin and I were supposed to drive to Vancouver on the 10th and 11th for 2 FINAL Love it or List it reveals … everyone knew this was risky and the ‘baby’ was the real boss … but regardless those dates were set.
So here’s what really happened. August 3rd, Twas the night before Christmas, (or Leo’s Birthday) Justin and I were just winding down for an early night, as we were set to film a BIG exciting day (more news about that to follow) and wanted to get a good nights rest. We were shuffling things around in the nursery for filming the next day and I told Justin that I thought my water had broke. Which was really confusing because (sorry for the graphic details) but it was more of a slow, slow leak and the doctor told us only 10% of women’s waters actually break.
But, we were fresh from a prenatal class and I could tell Justin was in the mood for a mission. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that your water breaking ‘could’ be a slow leak … so, we followed Doctor Rosengarten’s orders, I had a shower, packed my bag and we calmly made our way down to the hospital.
Ok, there is another part to this story that I need to cover … we live in Kelowna but I am only there on weekends. We had to get a doctor in Vancouver to follow my pregnancy (I am there during the week) … and we only got a family doctor in Kelowna to take care of the delivery portion, on Tuesday, August 2nd. We thought we still had tons of time to transition over to our Kelowna Doctor (Dr. Koldkind) … we met her 19 days before our due date and loved her from our first meeting … who would have known the second meeting would be 2 short days later on Leo’s birthday…

We went down to the hospital on the 3rd (again, as a reminder just a day after we met Dr. Kolkind) and found out much to our surprise, while I was 3cm dilated (OMG!!!) my water had in fact NOT broken and so back home we went. After talking to Dr. Kolkind and Dr. Rosengarten the next day, we were told that we could stay at 3cm until the due date … or expect our special delivery the next day… we decided not to tell anyone and just carry on with our regular business.
On the 4th, we got up and carried on like nothing happened the night before. We filmed a VERY long day for our new pilot (ok we are “leaking” some clues here) and after 13 hours of work, I was BAGGED. Actually, Justin is here telling me I was a wreck. I was groggy and cranky and emotional. But I blamed it all on working too hard at 9 months pregnant.
We had another BIG day of filming the next day, the house was totally pulled apart and full of cameras and lighting equipment and I just wanted to go to bed. Kaitlin my makeup artist was in Kelowna with us, and of course, Sam was over … the girls and Justin were having a few drinks and I went to go walk Nacho down at the beach. Kaitlin came with us and we thought it was a great idea to go for a little sunset swim with our clothes on.
I remember floating in the lake, Nacho swimming towards me and feeling so content and warm. I was so happy and CALM even though I was SO exhausted … it felt like a really special night. It was so warm and the sunset was gorgeous (some of you may remember my snaps from that night!!).

We walked back home and more company was over, our neighbor Chantal, my aunty Mary and my cousin Steph. So at this point … 6 people and the film crew were staying just a stone’s throw away at the hotel (this was at about 10pm).
Justin wanted to sleep in our new camper that night, and so Sam agreed to crawl in with me in case we had another ‘leak’ … when I was changing into my pj’s she said “OMG Jill you’re leaking!!” (again sorry for the graphic details and if you don’t know who Sam is by now you have to follow me on Snapchat, she’s my cousin, but also best friend … like a sister. I explained to her that we had already gone down to the hospital the night prior and it was nothing … but then … it really started to flow …
This is the funny part. At some point in my head, I had decided that my vagina was some monstrous vacuum and I told Sam “you know what, this is probably from the swim in the lake, I just sucked up a bunch of water” and crawled back into bed … I remember her staring at me from the end of the bed looking at me like I was crazy, or maybe she was really curious about my vaginas new special abilities to suck up so much water lol … I got up one more time and just like the movies, my water broke. Like big time … SPLOOOSHHHH.
Exactly like the night prior, I put my bags aside, I got in the shower, had a nice big long hot shower and felt totally calm … until Sam came into the bathroom and told me the film crew was on their way …
WHAT THE FRICKKKK WHAT!?!?? NO, umm no no no. How did they know? This wasn’t part of the deal? JUSSTTTTINNNNN!!!!!!!! …. Justin came into the room and I told him, no no no, I love the film crew (they are my team from Love It Or List It Vancouver, I’ve worked with them closely for the last 4 years) but this was TOO much. It was bad enough that I had already been engaged on national television, I was NOT going to have my baby for the world to see!!! LOL …
… Justin looked at me and said “Come on, this would be such a special moment for our babe and who gets the opportunity to capture a moment like this??!!” I went back to my zen (or crazy) self and said, “Ok. But they can only get us walking into the hospital … that’s it” Justin agreed.
Now, in the movies, once the water breaks everyone races down to the hospital. Not us … after the shower, I heard everyone celebrating in the kitchen and I was in disbelief … is this REALLY how our birth story was going to happen???
So, I did what I wanted to do, and I crawled back into bed. Kaitlin & Sam came into the room and we decided now was a good time to take some photos. That’s when this photo was taken.

A few minutes later I heard our producer Stephen and Justin talking outside the room and so I invited them both in. So here we are, the 5 of us and Nacho hanging out in my bedroom making the plan of attack for the night. Oh yes, and Chantal my wonderful french neighbor was sitting in the kitchen drinking wine waiting to see where ‘she came in’ … lol.
So, off Justin and I went again, for the second night in a row, down to the hospital, and sure as shit, the film crew followed (1 camera guy, 1 sound guy, the producer, and the director). They filmed us walking into the hospital and when we got to the door, Justin and I looked at them to say “come on, let’s keep going” … and so into the hospital they came (ps I can’t believe this was happening this way!! LOL).

The resident and nurse confirmed our babes time was here … our water had broke, and we were having a baby!!!! (I’m crying right now by the way!!!) …
We called our Parents, Cousins, Brothers, Kaitlin, Sam, and told them the time had come to meet our little babe!
Before I knew it, I was in the delivery room, with the entire film crew, my Dad, Kaitlin, Sam, Tori, little Max … and of course the medical team.

Most of you know that my pregnancy was text book. I was SO lucky… up until this part of the story so was my delivery. I remember thinking I LIKED the contractions (omfg am I delusional or what!?!) I loved all the company and was laughing between every contraction. It was one of the most amazing few hours of my life. So, fast forward to 5cm dilated, and 3am…
Shit started to get gnarly and the contractions were NOT fun anymore. It was like zero to sixty and I remember I was NOT laughing anymore. All I could think of was EPIIIIDURRALLLLLLL. At this point, it was time for the film crew to leave. SEE YA LATERRRRR!!!
The epidural made me feel AMAZINGGGG but, that’s when things got a little crazy. We found out that the umbilical cord was wrapped around our little babe twice, and during the contractions, his heart rate was plummeting. I could hear it slow down, and we started to panic. I tried changing positions, moving around, but nothing.

We were told, that if I didn’t dilate quick, we were going to have to proceed with a C-section. I didn’t want a C-section, but I remember Justin and I knowing at that point, we had to do whatever it took to get our sweet babe out … QUICK.
Just as they were going to take me into the OR, they checked my cervix and I was 10 CENTIMETRES!!!!!!!! WE COULD NOT BELIVE it!!! I remember having NO energy to push but I knew it didn’t matter, we had to get the baby out!
Our medical team was AMAZING, there was our Doctor, Nurse, Resident, a Pediatrician and an Obstetrician. I can’t believe the love and support that was in that room that night, especially Justin. I’m a pretty independent person but I remember locking eyes with Justin SO hard and literally DEPENDING on his encouragement. I’ve never felt so dependent on someone in my life. I knew we were BOTH about to deliver the best thing that ever happened to either one of us. It came time to push, and after about an hour of pushing, some major ripping, an episiotomy… we welcomed little Leo, at 6:02 am…

He was beautiful, and life was beautiful. I remember feeling like I was truly ‘LIVING THE DREAM” …
After Justin saw that little Leo and I were healthy and happy, he asked if he could go tell “the guys” the news … I remember asking “guys?” Where’s the girls?? The way the night went down, My mom wasn’t well and slept through the delivery, Justin’s mom wasn’t in town, Sam, Kaitlin and Tori all went back to bed … and in the waiting room was literally A BUNCH OF DUDES … that’s it. Justin’s best friend Matt August, Justin’s Brother Matt, Justin’s Dad and of course my Dad (who had stayed throughout the ENTIRE delivery since 10pm) … I thought that was so odd, but then since we just delivered a sweet boy that the guys were wishing for the entire pregnancy… I thought it was kind of fitting … So Justin went out to give everyone the news. The hospital was so silent and I remember hearing his footsteps go into the waiting room, and he yelled throughout the ENTIRE hospital to the guys, “IT’S A BOY” and I heard the entire floor rumble with screaming and yelling and laughter and high fives, pretty sure they woke up the entire maternity ward…… and I just laid there holding our little boy with tears POURING down my face…
Literally, THE BEST DAY of our LIVES and I am so happy I am able to share it with all of you.

Thank you all for your patience with this little story, life has been a whirlwind and I wanted to include as much detail as possible!!!
ALSO thank you all SO much for the LEO love and support during our pregnancy, delivery, and our families expansion!
Beyond sweet and totally honest, Jillian you rock! Congrats you two.
I love hearing birth stories. I cry along. I love the picture with your dad or Justin’s Dad and the reaction of your mom on video chat. It’s beautiful. Congrats!
My eyes could have leaked a little reading about the birth of your very handsome, ok, gorgeous son. Jillian, you inspire me everyday with your post, your zest for life and of course your eye for fashion. Leo is a very lucky guy to have you as a mom and I am sure Justin as a dad, I just don’t know enough about him is why I always talk to/about you, directly. I am SO blessed to have watched that dumb dating show AND loved you from the beginning, I have never stopped. I have supported you through all of your ups and downs and now I get to support Leo. Thank you for allowing your fans to share. Amazing story. I had to have a c-section. my son was in destress and my heart was giving out. It was tough, 32 yrs. later, I am the LUCKIEST mom ever. We are truly besties. You and Leo will be the same. Remember I said this.
Luv, a HUGE long time fan of yours,
bawling my eyes out!! thanks for sharing your beautiful story!
My husband just patted me on the shoulder as we are driving home and I am sitting here crying in the passenger seat. The birth of your baby really is the most special time of ones life. I was reliving my own story while reading yours. Thanks for sharing.
Congrats Jillian! My little guy was born about a month before Leo and I had a similar experience (cord wrapped around his neck, heart rate dropping and nothing working to bring it back up). Luckily I was also 10 cm and able to push him out. Dr. Rosengarten actually delivered him…he was amazing!!! It was so stressful but I’m so happy to have a healthy, happy little guy! Like you mentioned in one of your other posts, I also cry all the time out of happiness for being his mother. 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your experience!
Beautiful story..things seldom go as planned but in the end you have a beautiful baby boy who is truly blessed to have you as his mom! I was blessed to watch the birth of my granddaughter in May and it was a very special moment. Love your posts!!
Congrats! Thanks for sharing your story. I love getting real life experiences from others! I am one week from my due date and have loved watching your pregnancy & now mommy journey through little snippets on Snapchat! I can’t wait to welcome my little Lucas into the world next! I’ll continue to follow along for all the mommy advice you can give! 😉
What a beautiful story Jillian! Thanks for sharing. Just love following your beautiful little family.
My 2nd son was born 2 weeks before your little Leo and this brought back so many emotions. Congrats on your beautiful son. Boys are so much fun!
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!!! <3 And most important, congratulations!
Amazing story. Reading this as I sit here 8 days away from my due date, I’ve got tears in my eyes as well!
Absolutely beautiful!!! Favorite post yet. XOXO
What a beautiful story Jilly!❤ I’ve been waiting for it ☺ Makes me teary!❤❤❤
Birth stories are my favourite! Thank you for sharing yours and thank you for being so REAL! Are you glad that there was a crew there to capture all those memories for you?? I barely have any pictures during my two deliveries because I “hated” the way I looked (so dumb!) and now I wish I didn’t think that way and had something tangible to look back on those special moments! Congrats girl!
Congratulations…loved the birth story and baby Leo is just gorgeous! I’ve been blessed with 3 children and now 3 grandchildren…all boys (and all are “all boy”). I was so very honored to be invited by my DIL to be there for the boys’ births and it’s an experience I’ll cherish and never forget. Bless your family!
I have been waiting for this story!! I follow you on snapchat and remember you posting stories of swimming in the lake with nacho and all of a sudden the next morning I see that you are a new mommy!! I love all your stories you are so inspiring to me as I’m due in 8 days with a little boy myself, and I hope to be half the mother that you are. Thank you for sharing this post and congrats ❤️
OK, now I’m literally in tears. ?Thank you so much for sharing your little boy’s birth story. You and Justin are so blessed, but then again Leo is blessed to have the both of you. ?
Loved your birth story Jillian! Literally holding back the tears reading it. Wishing your little family all the love and happiness in the world ?
Your story brought tears in my eyes and then they overflowed…it takes me right back to giving birth, seeing baby for the first time, the emotion, the aftermath, healing…everything. Congrats again and love following you on twitter and Instagram fan@plumerea
Awesome story ?
I followed you throughout your whole pregnancy. I was due a month later than you. I also had my son, Bodhi, early on August 19. He ended up developing hydrops fetalis late in my pregnancy and passed away 6 days later in Calgary. Nothing teaches you to be more thankful in your life then to have children, and healthy children. Such huge congratulations to you and your family. ?
Ohmygosh I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I wish healing and peace to you and your family ?
Oh thank you for your kind words?
Please accept my deepest sympathy, Kendra.
Thank tou?
Im 7 months pregnant right now with my first babe and your birth story made me cry. “Happy emotional roller coaster cry”
Ahhh crying right now ??? beautiful story and beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing ???
Cried through the whole thing. I have two babies and am just so happy for you. I love following your journey on Instagram, Snap Chat and this blog. You are an amazing person, Jillian. It is obvious how much you love your little family and isn’t that all that matters? Motherhood is BEAUTIFUL, but there isn’t anything glamorous about it and I absolutely LOVE your honesty in your photos and your words. What beautiful pictures that you will cherish for a lifetime. God Bless!
I don’t think there will be a dry eye reading this – thank you for sharing. I’ve been there (twice), and after several years behind me, I will say it is the most challenging yet rewarding path that you will ever walk. I can’t recommend enough that you listen to “The Awakened Family” by Dr. Shefali Tsabary (check the reviews on Amazon – it’s a life changer). I wish I found it when my kids were teeny tiny because things would have made a lot more sense; it will prepare you for all that is to come! I hope to see you as a voice for conscious parenting as little Leo grows ?
What a beautiful journey. I definitely teares up. I’m so glad little Leo came out heathy and so loved. I had a baby in June and it was no where as calm and peaceful. I had to have an emergency c-section, honestly I cried when I found out. But it was a breeze and the recovery time was nothing to me so next time I’m going to plan one for 39 weeeks. Congratulations Jillian, Justin and nacho!! So happy for your adorable family
Loved reading this! Had a good happy cry 🙂 We had our little guy, Finn, on August 6th, and this got me thinking about that morning. It is so, so amazing! Lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, healthy babies, wonderful husbands, family and friends. Such a beautiful transition from being pregnant to becoming a mama! Thank you so much for sharing Jillian! Wishing you and your family so much love and happiness xoxo
I’m crying! So beautiful! I love the part about Justin delivering the news to the guys. LOL. Thanks for the happiness today. xx
Absolutely beautiful, Jillian!
Thank you for sharing with us Jillian! Beautiful story and I love the REAL photos. Makes the rest of us mamas feel better!
Congratulations again Jillian, Justin and Baby Leo. I absolutely Love your birth story! What a wonderful memory for years to come. I’m was in happy tears reading your story and still in tears writing this!!! May you all have a blessed life full of love, laughter and many many good times ????
Xoxo One of your many fab fans ?
Penny from Kamloops/Vernon
As a labor and delivery nurse this completely warms my heart to hear your happy experience. Also that first pic of you is the BOMB. So obsessed with you embracing every cool moment of those first couple days postpartum. You are a rockstar.
Awww, so sweet!! You made me tear up! It’s crazy how everyone’s birth story is so different. My baby girl was due on the same day as Leo but she was way too cozy and didn’t make an appearance until the 30th (not on her own either). I love that you have a new show in the works and I look forward to watching if it airs in the U.S. (hoping it captures your new life as a working mama). Congratulations!
Your butt! Your butt in the amazing mesh padded panties! ALL of these pictures! The video of Leo’s wavery little “wtf why are you doing this to me” cry as you put him in the carseat (because honestly what baby isn’t horrified by that!)…everything here is so amazing. The denial about being in labour (and insisting that you had actually just sucked up buckets of lake water)!!! The FILM CREW!!!!! I laughed so many times in this fantastic story.
Thanks for sharing your sweet story! I have tears running down my face too, lol!
Beautifully written with real, raw details–I absolutely love the picture of your little family showing a real post-birth picture. Beautiful souls. Congratulations on your little guy!
Happy for you Jilly! What a great birth story! Thanks for sharing. Love to you guys during this beautiful time in your lives. ?
I love this ! I have a 9 month old and clearly remember all the details it’s just a day you will never forget ! I love how you put your booth out there it’s real we have to wear those mesh ugly panties lol
I cried reading this. So real and so raw, and so much love surrounding you. I followed your pregnancy on snapchat, instagram and your blog and was SOOO excited when you announced you and Justin were pregnant. To be so accomplished yet seem so humble -you’re truly an inspiration in so many ways. I love having a fellow Canadian gal to look up to! Congratulations and all the best to you, Justin, Leo and Nacho! xo
Congratulations Jillian! I loved reading your birth story as I also had my first little peanut on August 4th! Sounded like we had very similar pregnancies and we also didn’t find out gender,but I also had a little boy! Hope your family is all doing great and little Leo is beautiful.
Christine Beaulac
What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing
So many emotions felt on the day you give birth to your baby! It’s the most intense beautiful love any human can feel. Sending your sweet family prayers & many blessings of love & joy as you & Justin walk this beautiful parenthood journey ???
Thank you Jill for sharing this with us!!! Leo is beautiful and you are amazing!!!!!
There is nothing better than hearing/reading someone’s birth story! I love yours! It was very similar to my son’s. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your story.
I laughed and cried. Such a heart warming story. Thank you for sharing your journey with such honesty. There is no other love like a parents love for their child….as you now know, it is bigger than you could have ever dreamed. Peace, Love and Happiness to all of you?
I remember when our first son, Rob, was born 37 years ago… the night it started until the next night after my c-section… but we didn’t do pictures back then like now… but it is THE most life changing experience ever…and so many things you learn so quickly… enjoy your beautiful baby boy…snuggle, hug, rock and hold him as much as you can…because in the blink of an eye he will be graduating from college and off on his own … wishing you simply wonderful days ahead Jillian
Love your opening photography! Love the honest and beauty the moment. Many congrats!
Love this story, thank you for sharing!!! Little Leo is perfection.
And the hospital undie pic is AMAZING. I wanted to take multiple pairs of those home from the hospital! ?
I love how real you are!!!such a heart warming story I cried and laughed…Cheers! To you and your family!
Thank you for sharing! You are gorgeous and all of the pics are fantastic, so raw and real. Isn’t putting them in the car seat so sad! They hate it ?
This is probably corny as all hell but I was pregnant the same time as you Jillian, however you were almost 3 months farther along than I, and we had our babies pretty close together (my baby boy was 7 weeks early). So I truly felt like I had a friend to go through it with and loved following your blog the whole time. ❤️ Keep it up
So freaking sweet! Welcome to the world little guy! And I LOVE that first picture of you guys. Thanks for keeping it real!
Its amazing having a baby i loved it so much my babies are only 16mos apart it stops there lol lol they are enough work or i would have more. Just precious and every second gets better Cograts on your beautiful growing family!!!
Oh I cried!!!!! This is absolutely the sweetest story. You’ll be so glad I’m sure you let the camera men in, because as hard as it is to believe it, you forget! You are the best momma and so beautiful inside and out. I love all the pics – ESP That first one 😉 and are just so so so so happy for y’all.
I know I said this before, but congrats, Jillian! Boys are the best, huh? I have a 5 year old little boy who is (and will always be) my world! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful birth story and congratulations. As a mama to a 14 month old I can just say every day I fall more and more in love if that’s possible. Here is to a lifetime of happiness for the 4 of you ❤️
Jillian, you are such a sweet and kind soul and I have tears in my eyes for the beautiful words that you shared here in retelling Leo’s arrival into this world. So much love to you and your beautiful family babe xoxo
Congrats to both of you for the birth of your sweet lil boy. Thank you for sharing the miracle of life..the birth of Leo.
You are such a true soul that is so down to earth. Such a breath of fresh air, in a world of stress and unhappiness.
So happy, Jillian, that you have found your “HAPPILY EVER AFTER” You are truly blessed to have all this love in your life. ????????
Many Blessings from a Northern Albertan from High Prairie. ??
This made me tear up! This is such a beautiful Story Jillian. Your Story is so wonderful. I myself don’t have children yet, but i was able to me in the room with both of my sisters earlier this year for their babies being born. It was such a beautiful and frightening thing to witness. But i loved every moment. I love that you are so open with it!! I love you snaps and i love your little family. I can’t wait to see more of baby Leo!
Thank you for sharing your birth story Jilian, It’s very generous of you! Baby Leo is beautiful ❤️
Little Leo is so precious! Somehow life always works out perfectly. 🙂 Congrats!
So cute!!! Congrats Jillian!! He is so precious
Beautiful story, beautiful family! There’s nothing like that feeling of seeing your baby for the first time! Enjoy every moment!
Loved the story, and love the photo with the post birth undies!!! All us moms out here are loving you showing the real side of motherhood!
But it’s fake af… Look how posed the”undies” pic is. Not to mention they are only mimicking a similar pic that floated around the internet recently.. Phony.
It may look posed and also similar to someone else’s photos. But it is still really raw and good to see and know. I had no idea about this and its nice to see it is normal and yes it is posed, but man we live in a time with “selfies” and “instagram” photographers, everyone tries to take as memorable and beautiful a photo as possible in every scenario.
Loved the post-part underwear picture too! Made me giggle! I remember my turn wearing those! She looked so beautiful still. A glowing mama!
Congrats on your birth! We are currently expecting our first… and have the same doctor! We fell in love with Dr. Kolkind the minute we met her as well!! We moved from Vancouver 3.5 years ago to West Kelowna – Lakeview Heights, and super happy with all the amazing care and support available here. Been following your blog and insta account long before I even knew you were a local! Love that we are in the same community/town and share the same amenities! Its so nice to read about the raw and realness of your whole experience.Thanks for sharing!
Tears…beautiful. He is perfect!
Crying like a hormonal preg lady while reading this! What were you favorite things to wear in the hospital? i’m packing my hospital bag this week and would LOVE some specific items I should get/pack.
Thanks for sharing Jilly, all the best to your family!
This made me cry. So sweet and honest and brings back the best most insane memories of becoming a mom. I love how everyone’s birth story is different and insane and awesome. Thank you for sharing! Leo is adorable.
Great birth story Jillian thanks for sharing. Oh my heart..that little cry. Makes my ovaries ache!! But I’m fine with three 😉
Thank-you for sharing your deeply personal story. You could’ve kept it to yourselves, but I’m glad you didn’t! Birth is so amazing and different for every Mom and each and every baby and the realness and rawness in your photos are so so beautiful. I’m so happy for you and your little family! I love how u share everything, the good and the bad, the tears and the hormonal melt downs, the laughter and the happiness. You are so much more relatable to the rest of us because u keep it so real and don’t put out only the fake, perfect looking things that make the rest of us feel inept. Even though you’re a celebrity and famous, you’re just like us and that is why we are your fans ?
Your post is wonderful and very true. very well said.
Anddddd I’m crying. Ahah! (Pregnant and hormonal). Beautiful story, thanks a lot for sharing. All the love and happiness xxxx
I don’t have kids nor do I plan to have them but I just loved this! With tears in my eyes! Thanks for sharing your story! Looking forward to watching your family grow!
I loved seeing your story Jillian & Justin and baby Leo is such a wonderful gift from god. I had tears as I read it and I just loved that all the Dudes were waiting in the waiting room. How cool is that? To share your birth story for us all to see, I really thought an amazing thing to share. After all this is all about life and it’s pretty darn amazing. Something to treasure and showing love and happiness in our crazy world of today. Bless your heart. I look forward to seeing more as Leo grows and we all have wonderful times but not without life challenges also. I loved your birth story. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your birth story. You have done a great job of capturing all the twists, turns, and moments of those 48-72 hours. I’m sorry that you experienced that last minute issue and so thankful it resolved so positively. You have a real gift for communicating. All the best to you, Justin and Leo!
I cried! Lol. Soooo happy for you guys and again congratulations!
As a Labour and delivery nurse it always make my heart skip a beat when people say they stay home after their water breaks. So many times women don’t realize the importance of getting to the hospital as soon as possible!! When your water breaks you are at risk of having a prolapsed cord (the umbilical cord slips out before the babies head is engaged). Once the waters leak out the babies head then drops into place compressing the umbilical cord and needs to be dealt with by an urgent c-section. Reading you story makes me so happy for but I would just like to spread the message to all you 1st, 2nd or 5th time mom’s.. Don’t mess around, get to the hospital as soon as possible!!
That’s exactly what I was thinking! The baby is floating in amniotic fluid and when it leaks (aka, the water breaks) and the floating stops, gravity can easily cause the baby to press against the umbilical cord: their air supply. I’m so glad little Leo was okay, but please rush to the hospital when your water breaks.
Omg that was so special! It brought tears to my eyes thinking of my little Isla born last summer! Oh and that poor sweet cry when you try to put them in the car seat for the first time and fear you are doing it wrong or hurting them! Haha those sweet first moments!! Xoxo Enjoy every moment you can of your baby Leo – so precious!
BEST. FEEELING. IN. THE. WORLD. Many blessings to you and your beautiful family. I have a sweet 14 yr old girl and a sweet 13 yr old boy. Time flies. Enjoy every minute. Because you blink and *poof*, you are looking at trying to hold a straight face without crying when your child school asks for baby pics for their 8th grade year book ceremony. OH GOSH. I just want one more second of that sweet first day. <3
Thank you for sharing so many real and important details about the birthing process. The post-birth photo of yourself brought tears to my eyes…I delivered my premature twins in January (8 weeks early) and will never forget those first few days in pads and hospital
underwear, no one can prepare you for those experiences and it is so important to acknowledge them as normal, difficult, and beautiful all at once. Much appreciation for illustrating every new mama moment in the most real way!
Jillian– I am so happy for you and your beautiful baby boy 🙂 your story is so real and honest and so funny, like you! and that video of him in the carseat!!!! I can’t handle it!! Amazing job birthing a human <3 much love!!
It was so fun to read this! I had my first two babies in Kelowna (25 & 22 years ago!!) where I grew up. I now live in New Orleans and my KGH ‘babies’ have graduated from college. Congrats. Kelowna babes are special!
Great story! Thanks for sharing the details! 🙂
He’s freezing cold. The strap is digging into his little thighs…he’s uncomfortable. I don’t want to feel that material next to my skin let alone an infant with paper thin delicate skin….poor baby..
Are you freaking serious, lady? OMG worry about your own kids. Like this is what a new mother needs to hear and you have NO idea how warm or cold it was and whether they covered him with a blanket afterward, not that it’s any of your business. So rude.
I’m sure they put a blanket on him right after the pic. The strap I doubt Is digging into his legs. Jillian is clearly an amazing mom so be quite!
Beautiful story Jillian!!! I always love how candid and real you are!!! I think that’s what people love about you most… you are SO beautiful and have so much going for you, yet you’re very real about life and you don’t sugar coat things. You show us both sides and it makes people love you that much more!! You’re baby boy is beyond gorgeous!!!! I’m so happy for you and your family!! All the best to you always!!
Thank you for your kind words Shannon!!!!! XO
Such an amazing story! My second son was born the same day, just 20 minutes earlier!
No way!!!! That is so amazing!!! XO
This is so beautiful and I’m so happy for you both. Reading birth stories always has me is tears just thinking that we are getting so close to that day! (I am currently 20 weeks) It’s both terrifying and exciting, and of course the reality that it could be so much sooner than we plan for as you have been a clear example of. Hope you are all doing well, sending you love!
Awww thank you Leah, sending all the love right back to you!!! Congrats!! XO
New born cries are the absolute best, brought tears to my eyes. What a little sweetie!!
They really are!!! XO
It took me 3 hours to read this post. I couldn’t read it without getting emotional and getting tears in my eyes, and I’m working so that wouldn’t be good lol. I’m expecting my little babe in 2 weeks and just can’t wait to experience this! Congrats to you and Justin. Leo is just perfect and has such wonderful parents to guide him through this world!
What a beautiful story! Thanks for being so real and raw. I am 26 weeks with my third child. My other 2 are 12 & 10 so this is definitely our surprise baby. Your family is gorgeous! Congratulations!
Thank you Jill for sharing. As I watch the new episodes where you are still pregnant and having read the news about the birth of your baby I wanted to know more. You described the whole story with so many details that it was as if I watching you tell it on tv.
All the best!
Ok the comment about your vagina swallowing up that water, made me totally LOL at my desk at work!! Little Leo is precious, congratulations!
and thank you for posting the post baby pic of yourself with those wonderful undies and pad! That’s what it’s really like!!:)
We love reading birth stories! It’s the best way to connect mothers! All of a sudden someone you don’t even know feels so close to your heart!
Congratulations you guys! We are so happy you’ve been blessed with precious little Leo!
We’d love to send little Leo a sweet gift. Some of our babes’ favourite! Let us know where we can send these And thank you for sharing ❤️
Laturnus Girls
Plaid & Paisley Littles
I know Dr. Rosengarten! He treated me in an emergency many years ago but he was so kind and caring!
So funny about your vagina swallowing the water bc we were also due August 21st of this year. Our little girl came one the 11th instead but my water leaked right after I got out of the tub and my husband said are you sure it isn’t just some of your bath water coming out! ?
Loved reading your story and it will be even sweeter reading it years from now when you’ve forgotten all those special details. ❤️
I just had my little boy 5 days ago and have such a similar story. Long labour, leading to a very low heart rate. Things got real fast when the ob came in for a forceps delivery and a 2nd degree episiotomy. But I am so in love with my little man.
Im wondering though how your healing went? I’ve done the sitz baths about twice a day but relief is hard to find, especially when I’m trying to get into a comfortable position to breastfeed.
Perfect!!! You are blessed! He is a beautiful baby and so loved. Love his name too. We have a Henry, Jack, Leo, and Teddy who is 10 months old. Enjoy every moment! ???
He is perfect!! Some of us are not fortunate enough to have children so for you to show video and show what it’s like is truly a blessing so thank you for deciding to do that, totally so special just like your little family
Just saw this photo… I Love how real you are! Nobody prepares you for the pad NOBODY!!!!! Congratulations beautiful girl? Lucky baby lucky mama…
Congratulations on your little guy! I saw that first photo last month in a list of best birth photos of 2016 but didn’t realize it was you. Mesh panties are really something. Just had my third babe (2nd boy) a couple months after you. Every birth story is so different and I’m pretty sure I cry every time I read or hear one! xo meghan (from your Farmboy days ?)
Big fan of the show Jillian and I just loved watching your belly grow! When I first suspected you were expecting I was so excited I txt my hubby lol how crazy is that but watching love it or list it ( it’s my fav show btw) and you are my favorite designer ,we feel like we know you ,and Todd of course ! So congratulations to you all on the arrival of precious baby Leo ( I realize Leo is 7 months old now) we are in Australia so news is a bit slow ! ?
So beautiful! Jillian, where did you get that dress? I’m due in a few weeks and I have no idea what to wear to the hospital! I like the idea of a comfy dress like the one you’re wearing. Thank you!
Thank you Jillian for sharing your raw photo of your post delivery body! When I gave birth I was literally Shocked and horrified at how I looked. Ashamed, I hid from photos so people wouldn’t judge me for not fitting into skinny jeans 3 hrs post birth! No one shared those stories with me to prep me for reality.
Thank you for showing the reality of birth and all of its not so glamerous moments! I realize now, as a seasoned mother, that it’s part of the process. I hope your photo helps other new moms to understand the normality of post baby body days !
Gorgeous photo!
This is such a beautifully moving birth story. Congratulations! I love the snippets that i get to see, of your son and Nacho. So precious. Also, my dog was just very concerned, as i played the vid of Leo crying in his carrier. So cute.
Definitely balling over here – what a beautiful birth story Jillian!!! I loved the announcement from Justin in the maternity wing – what an incredible memory 🙂 Leo is so precious and I’ve loved to watch him grow on IG! Keep up the good work, mama! xoxo
How Amazingly Beautiful!! Congratulations mamma, i don’t ever feel the need to comment but this Birth blog was just Beautiful.. I’m at work getting all teared up, and feeling every bit of emotion..