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Leo’s Book Club: 7 Favourite Bedtime Reads

In our household, Justin normally does our bedtime routine with Leo but seeing as how Justin has found a new love for golf this summer and I’m preggo and pretty much go to bed at 9pm lol … I’ve started helping out with Leo’s bedtime routine here and there and LOVE it!! I feel as though we have this pretty down pat … it’s a great way for us to take some time in the evening to forget about all of our to-do’s, put our phones and computers down and really take the opportunity to have one on one time with Leo.

Jillian Harris Leos Favourite Books

Our Bedtime Routine

We start off our bedtime routine with a bath, Leo then still gets a bottle before bed and then we cuddle up in his room and we read him anywhere between 2 – 4 books. If it were up to Leo, he would be happy reading books all night long as he doesn’t like going to bed so we just read him books until WE get tired. LOL!

Some of his old faves from the time he was 6 months old to a year ago are still his favourites … plus he’s picked up some more along the way! Some of his favourites include …

Jillian Harris Leos Favourite Books
Jillian Harris Leos Favourite Books

Because I’m Your Dad 

Justin likes to read this book to Leo and they almost read it together every single day.

Little Owl Lost

This has always been one of his favourite books ever since we started introducing him to reading at night!

Be Our Guest

This is one of Leo’s new recent faves which surprises me because of his age, I thought he would be too young to enjoy it as he doesn’t really understand the book but he loves it because there are images of animals doing human-like things which I guess is funny to kids! This book has actually helped him learn all of the different animals as well!


This was one of MY favourites as a child and I had bought this for Max for his birthday and aso picked up a copy for Leo at the same time to see if he would like it. I absolutely LOVE reading it to him and lucky for me, he loves it just as much! I think it’s meant for older children but he loves to read it every night and he has started running around the house saying “E.T. phone home” and “I’ll be right here” … it’s the best. LOL!

Please and Thank You 

Leo has been struggling with his manners lately so we’ve been working on that and his Nana bought him this Please and Thank You book to help! So far he really loves it and he has really started to grasp the concept of this book which is amazing to see that it’s helping.

The Gruffalo’s Child

This is another book that Leo has loved for a while now, I think he enjoys looking at all of the fun characters within the book!


One of my best friends, Karissa, bought this book for Leo and of course, he loves it because he is finding farting really funny lately, which is great because I think it’s really funny too … and let’s be honest, everyone farts!! When they come out they are hilarious even though you may not want to admit it … lol. I grew up with a dad who told fart jokes and made me pull his finger all the time! LOL!

Jillian Harris Leos Favourite Books

Leo has also been loving Paw Patrol books, he got these for his 2nd birthday and lately, he’s been asking for Paw Patrol in the morning so we changed up our morning routine a little bit … I make myself a coffee and then we cuddle up on the couch and we read for about 15-20 mins … about 3 books. I love this new little routine of ours because it gives me some snuggle time with Leo and forces me to be off my phone … the TV is shut off and it’s just the two of us.

Actually, I saw this meme the other day which really got me thinking about kids and screen time and how I should be on my phone as little as possible which has also made ME want to start reading again as well. So far we’ve done a good job of keeping Leo out of the habit of playing on our phones and we haven’t handed over an iPad to him yet either … so as long as he is interested in books we are going to keep reading them to him!!

Jillian Harris Leos Favourite Books

What are some of your children’s favourite books?? Make sure to share them with us in the comments section below!



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  1. Thanks for this! I will grab some of these books for my daughter. I am glad you say Leo still had a bottle before bed! My daughter is 22 months and obsessed with her bottle. She still has two a day. Trying to cut one out right now! ☺️

  2. Little owl lost is such a cute book and my 2 year old daughter loves it. Another great book is my friend Maggie , it’s about anti bullying and accepting friends for who they are. Great message for every toddler to learn.

  3. Pete the Cat Series! You can get them with Cds to sing along to Pete’s song. My 2 year loves them and I use them in my Kindergarten class as well!

  4. Books by artist Eric Carle are beautifully illustrated with collage art. Very Hungry Caterpillar is one of these. Also look for a ‘wordless’ book by him about a rottweiller named Carl who gets into trouble. Older classics like Bambi, published by Little Golden books have sweet vintage-y looking pages . Re-worked fairy tales like ‘The Wolf and the Three Pigs – the True Story of The Three Little Pigs’ is a funny take on a story he may be familiar with. Oh my gosh, I can’t stop! Any Beatrix Potter books/ stories are wonderful keepsakes as well. Ok, the list is way too long. Enjoy this time with your weebles.

  5. My son is 1.5 and is currently loving some of my old books from childhood. The Richard Scarry ABC Word Book and the Richard Scarry Best Word Book ever. Also the Thingamajig Book of Manners!

  6. I love reading and my girls have been blessed with a grandma and nana who also do. My mother in law gifts us with books all the time. A few that I love are; The pout pout fish, Little Green Peas: A big book of colours, Steam Train Dream Train and We Love to Sing Along by Caroline Jayne Church. My list could go on and on though as there are so many great ones.

  7. I want to get our little Layne these books now! Right now he really loves his Potty book. Written by the same author as Toot. He also loves the Blue Little Truck book. His third favorite is probably Where Is My Belly Button. Those three are always on repeat… He loves to read! I am so happy he loves books.

  8. All of my grandkids love Pajama Time by Sandra Boynton—all of her books are so cute!! I highly recommend them.

  9. The Going to Bed Book has been a favourite for a long time! My little guy is the same age as Leo and he LOVES reading as well. I like the idea of sharing books and discovering ones we may never have known about.

  10. Hi! Nice books you have there.
    Our 7yrs son Leo loves books by Finnish children’s author Mauri Kunnas, for ex Mr. Clutterbuck or Santa Clause ? (I’m not sure if these are available in your local book store or libary?)
    Our 3 year old son Verne likes the most books by Tracey Corderoy and I do too. There are always some educational meaning in the stories and the pictures are awesome. Of course, all books that have either dinosaurs or fire trucks are the best if you ask him ?

  11. Hi Jillian. I just saw your story about Leo hitting and wanted to let you know a couple things that you might know or have been told already. You already know that what Leo is doing is totally normal for his age and I believe that you are responding age appropriately but I also wanted to just point out that when he gets frustrated and starts hitting he’s not doing it to be mean or aggressive but he simply doesn’t yet know how to recognize what he is feeling and Express it appropriately. Something you can try to help him with this is label his emotions by saying to him something like ” Leo I see that your..angry…upset…sad” what ever it might be. Also it’s important to validate how he is feeling by saying ” it’s ok to be angry ” then helping him with another solution to expressing it. I love that you get him to take a deep breath.. so cute. Some other things you can try is getting hom to stop and say ” I’m angry mom” or ” this makes me sad” things like that. And also explaining why he can/can’t do whatever it is that is upsetting him, like it’s not safe..don’t want you to get hurt so he understands. I hope this helps a little.

    Just want to know that I love watching your family and can’t wait until your baby girl gets here. Thank you for sharing your life!! ALSO… Nacho is my favourite!!


  12. Currently my 18 month old daughters favourite books are:
    1 – Little Blue Truck
    2- The Very Cranky Bear
    3 – Moo, Baa, La la la
    4 – Ten little fingers and Ten little Toes.

    We just picked up the Toot book today after reading your post and she absolutely loves it. All around Chapters she was carrying her book yelling Toot! She just started announcing it when she does it herself so it was funny there was a book out there. Thanks for sharing Leo’s favourite books!

  13. We love Dragons Love Tacos, DaDa and of course The Little Blue Truck is a favorite in our household. I have to get the Please and Thank You book, too cute!

  14. Thanks for this little list! Hope to see more in the future!
    My guys are about a month younger than Leo and are also obsessed with reading. They love anything Julia Donaldson, but most especially Tiddler the Storytelling Fish, the Snail and the Whale, and The Ugly Five. Also they are loving the Munschworks Grand Treasury, especially Mortimer and Thomas’ Snowsuit.

  15. This sounds so perfect. I hope to someday have this cute little routine. I have definitely added some of these books to my list to buy for my four nephews, thank you!

    – KB

  16. Hi Leo,

    Books are part of a wonderful bedtime routine. Have you had a chance to read my series of 4 Aviation Books for Boys and Girls called Violet the Pilot? You and your parents would love these Travel Adventures…let know how you like my site violetthepilot dot com Ps my son and daughter both are in the 1st book of the series and she lives in Kelowna now going to UBCO…see you soon I hope, Bettina Bathe

  17. I know this post is a bit older now, but I thought in one of your stories you talked about a book you read to leo about the new baby coming. Just wondering if I made this up or if you have the name of the book! ?

  18. Hi Jillian and Family,
    Check out books by Aaron Blabey, Piranhas don’t eat bananas and Pig the pug collection. We read these stories to my 3yr old daughter every night since she was born. My sister introduced me to this author and she read it to all 3 of her children and has now passed it down to me to read to my daughter. Hope you enjoy as much we do, they are perfect to bring the family together and have a great laugh!

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