I have a little something new for you and it’s something I want to do on a monthly basis going forward because I feel as though it’s important to shed some light on the little shining stars in our communities. It could be a combination of everything going on in this world, and me being a mom but lately, when I see a ‘little one’ doing something good, I tear up and my heart starts to swell and I think “My god, I hope I raise my little Leo to be a leader like this!”… I am SO proud of all the kids out there who are doing SO much good. Those who are growing their hair for cancer, opting out of birthday gifts for charity donations instead, those trying to live a plant-based lifestyle, even kids who are making us laugh or helping out a friend in need. My heart literally wants to burst (I’m crying writing this right now) for these kids and want them to know THAT WE ARE SEEING WHAT THEY ARE DOING and we LOVE THEM! Kudos to the moms, dads and support system these kids have in order to live with such compassion and empathy! The point of this monthly feature is to spotlight these special little leaders and help them with their efforts and hope to encourage other kids, youth, and families to follow suit!
So without further adieu, here is THIS months, “LITTLE LEADER”, COSETTE SWART!!

Not only is this little one the CUTEST ever but she has a beautiful heart as well! Cosette was brought to our attention in an email from Cory (thanks, Cory!!), we absolutely fell in love with her and couldn’t WAIT to share her story with you!
One day (at the age of THREE!) Cosette learned that there were people in the world who were dying as they didn’t have enough food to eat. This completely devastated Cosette and she was determined to help those in need out. With the help of her parents, she decided to start saving money in a jar to put towards purchasing a cow for people in need. Welp, not only did she raise enough money to gift a cow but she also raised MORE money and ended up gifting all sorts of animals and a tent shelter!!
Cosette didn’t stop there either, she was determined to raise even more money and that’s when the idea came about to sell her paintings to family and friends! There was so much interest that Cosette raised $1900 for World Vision in just 4 short months! As of April 2017, Cosette has raised over $15,000 or World Vision and charity:water and she’s not giving up now!!!
You can help support Cosette with her efforts online … but these paintings are selling fast so you may have to go on a waitlist!!! This makes my heart SOOOOO HAPPY!!!

We are all SOOO PROUD OF YOU COSETTE!! You are an angel!!! For more information make sure to check out Cosette’s website, here is the link!
If you know of a Little Leader that you think should be featured, make sure to email us with details and photos at [email protected] and you might just see their sweet little story here!!
Thank you for featuring this wonderful little girl. She and her family have been such a blessing to so many. Love to see them being celebrated!