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THE MEN TELL ALL, I AM SO CONFUSED! Read all my thoughts on last nights episode!!! …

Well… this season is slowly coming to an end… I am SOOO excited for the finale and for some odd reason this is the first time I have actually been excited for Bachelor in Paradise! It looks SO dramatic!!!

I have a hard time writing about MTA (Men Tell All)  because I find for the most part it is just a big ol recap of the season … but it did leave me with a few thoughts that I thought I would share.


There were a lot of apologies this episode and I felt as though all of them were really genuine and cool… HOWEVER. Even though Ian’s apology was so true and heartfelt, he got down on his knees TWICE and I just thought that was REALLY weird…. am I alone here?


JJ’s apology was strange, he seemed to be SO hard on himself and I still am SO confused about his relationship with Clint… I’m not sure if that was just editing but it just came off as SO awkward!!!

And whyyyyyyy was Corey talking SO much? Wasn’t he only on the show for like 4 seconds? I had to tweet an image of him to find out his name!!! I didn’t even remember him on the show!! LOL and he had so many opinions that he clearly took from the final edit NOT from the experience.


Jared was SO cute as per usual. I love that guy. You can see he has not moved on and is still hurt.

It took me a while to really notice Ben H… it wasn’t until his second last episode that I realized what a gem he was. I respect Kaitlyn’s decision because it is HER life and only SHE knows how her heart feels but OMG that guy is one hunk of a catch!!!!

And LAST but not least (I know this blog is a little short this time!) the bullying!! OMGGGG what is WRONG with people! I’m not saying you can’t have opinions or talk shit to your friends and families but WHY in GODS name would you cut someone down for a stranger and the world to see? How confusing and what a double standard, to judge someone on THEIR OWN LIFE decisions that aren’t up your alley… and then communicate your feelings by being a horrible example of a good human and bullying them.

It just blows my mind. I have talked about this in MANY of my blogs HERE & HERE and don’t really feel like reiterating myself again… chances are if you are reading this you and I are on the same page about this one… I don’t think ‘THOSE KIND’ of people read my blog… so all I will say is this, it is OUR job as the ‘cool peeps’ to continue to spread the love, teach people to judge less and accept more, to be more kind, understanding and fill the world with more kindness. After all people, this IS just a TV SHOW with REAL PEOPLE and REAL feelings.

That’s all from me!

Oh yes the blooper reel was AWESOME… reminded me of the one from my season!…


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  1. I totally agree with you. And you forgot to mention Ben Z. Both Bens & Jared are great catches. And noticed Chris Harrison forgot to mention the announcement of the next Bachelor. I heard it’s Ben H. Not sure if it’s a rumor or not. 🙂

    1. They going to announcement next Bachelor probably on ATFR or after finaly on Bachelore in Paradaise.As of Jared he wasn’t that heartbroken like it was look like.He was on Bachelor in Paradaise hook up with Ashly L from Chris season and Clare from Juan Pablo..Last year was the same story with Marcus from Andi season.He was also heartbroken on Men tell all,but he was already engage with Lacy on Bachelor in Paradaise.Probably producer told them to play the role like they are still heartbroken.Last seaon they made Nick villan on Andi season,but he is really great and geniue guy,but couze of edit last year he still have target on hs back and people don’t like him.This season they made JJ and Clint like they are in relationship.I feel sorry for them and them famly

  2. I can’t believe Chris Harrison read the nasty tweets on the show. That kind of garbage shouldn’t be given any attention and it seemed cruel to make her sit their and listen to it.

    1. A part of me felt weird about that too. However, I think it’s important to let her have a response/voice publicly. I think it was real and allowed her to express her compassion despite it.

  3. Hey Jillian!

    Once again another great blog from you :). I definitely agree that it was VERY weird that Ian got down on his knees TWICE to apologize to the rest of the guys and Kaitlyn!

    I am also glad that Chris Harrison brought up the bullying that Kaitlyn went through while on the show! The things that people said to her were absolutely horrifying! Like you said, we all need to be more kind to each other and treat others as we would like to be treated :).

    Looking forward to your blog after the finale next week!

    Take care Jillian!


  4. Great post….loved the blooper reel.

    It’s so important to emphasize continuing to spread the love. Thank you for reminding us to take action in supporting each other more so in response to hate and negativity. We all have an important role and responsibility to “judge less and accept more”.

    Thanks Jillian!

  5. Don’t people cringe when they are writing hateful messages for Kaitlyn and others to see??? It is such a shame that bullying is ok for them! Not everyone agrees with the decision Kaitlyn made with Nick, but it was her journey! She had her guilt too, and did seem to regret it!

  6. I’ve been pretty shocked about her gumption and behavior and the way the show in general has just been a major time sink waste of time and kind of painful to watch! Alas you are right.
    People are cruel and mean and I don’t know if that will change much in my lifetime… But good for you to encourage acceptance. I appreciate that…. Even if it seems extremely idealistic to me at the moment. And even perhaps a bit disconnected from what she’s doing to the other people – much less is poor viewers at home!!!! As a bit of a late bloomer, I can also relate!!

  7. ABC has no right to try and look like the good guy bringing the bullying emails and tweets on and rectifying. If I remember correctly, ABC or the producer/director tried to formulate a “relationship” btwn JJ and Clint via editing or whatever. This is a problem if they are not gay and the editing tried to make it perceived that way. Think of the ramifications of future relationships w women as a result. ABC manipulates and edits/splices situations to stir UP controversy. They are enablers for the bullying. And Kaitlyn is a grown woman. She can do whatever she wants and should not have to feel shamed for her behaviors!

  8. Honestly I’m not really a fan of her or this season, BUT WTF people! I can’t believe that people are so rude. Yes you may think these things about her but didn’t any of their mother’s teach them ” if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all” I just don’t get it!

  9. Did you guys see the look of HATE in Kaitlyn’s eyes when JJ mentioned her connection w/ Nick?? I’m telling you, Kaitlyn DESPISES Nick now! All the signs point to it. First her friends like Becca talk badly about him, she barely writes about Nick in her blogs & completely ignores important parts in their relationship, like him expressing his love, & she totally dodges talking about him in interviews. Jillian even implied Nick was manipulative in her last blog (Being a friend of Kailtyns maybe her opinions have been influenced). I cant wait to find out on the ATFR special to see Kaitlyn & Nicks interaction.

    This is my guess and this is all speculation, but I believe Shawn has BRAINWASHED Kaitlyn into hating Nick, unless he’s done something that really iritated her post production. But seriously that hate filled glare @ JJ at the sound of Nick’s name said it all to me. Nick seems like a really nice guy to me so curious to find out.:)

  10. I noticed Kaitlyn’s attitude towards Nick changed after that Whitney rumor. No I don’t think Whitney & Nick hooked up or anything like that, but maybe Nick said some stuff to Whitney that got back to Kaitlyn & she wasn’t pleased about? Perhaps?

    1. Nick and Whitney didn’t hook up.They are just friends.They were at the bar watching Chicago Blackhawks game with some friends,and somebody took pctures of them like the were talking.Couple days latter it was rumors that they are dating.Jaclyn Swartz who is also friend with Nick and Whitney said on twitter that they are not datng. and never did.I don’t know what happened between Nick and Kaitlyn ,that her attitude towards Nick changed.He was supporting her all season on tweeter.and after Man tell all.I read yesterday on some website that he propose to her ,and she told him that her heart is with somebody else. He was mad and told her;; What the f….k.and he left.Maybe is the way he handle the break up I don’t know.I also read that since filming they don’t talk any more and she unfollow him form twiterr and instagram.Maybe Nick should have handle the break up better,but I don’t blame him at the same time,cuze if she knew her heart was with somebody else why she let him propose.I thnk it was brutal.I cant wait for ATFR but at the same time I don’t know if I will

      1. Kailtyn probably has no choice but to unfollow Nick considering how insecure Shawn is. (Not saying Shawn is in the wrong, must be hard to watch his fiancee fall for another man.)

        1. She still follow most of the guys from her season even Clint.But Shawn hated Nick from get go and after Kaitlyn having sex with Nick probably even more

      2. No I don’t think Kaitlyn is angry at all about his reaction to the proposal. Its completely understandable. She’s in the wrong for allowing it to go that far. Very insensitive.

        1. I agree with you,if she knew she going to choose Shawn ,why letting Nick propose.I THINK IT WAS NOT FAIR,SHE KNEW HE TOOK BIG RISK TO GO TO THE SHOW,AND HE LEFT HEARTBROKEN LAST TIME.

  11. Wow, I cannot believe Kaitlyn was so cruel as to let Nick propose only to reject him!! Why would any kindhearted person do this? Its so inconsiderate & unnecessary, especially since he’s been in this spot before. Very cold & cruel. 🙁

  12. So let me get this straight – Kaitlyn got all upset & complained about Chris Soules not showing her the proper courtesy when eliminating her in a rose ceremony, and then she goes on to let Nick pick out a ring, get down on bended knee, and propose to her!? WHAT!? This girl is a freaking hypocrite! I just can’t stand how inconsiderate she is.

    1. You are right.I remember she was so mad at Chris at Women tell all . She call hm out why he didn’t send her home before rose ceremony.But she let Nick propose,and she damp him later..I saw promo on people magazine,when the guy show up to Nick room with rings to choose,and Nick was very happy when he saw him.Poor guy didn’t know she will damp him later.She is not going to be happy with Shawn. Mark my words,cuze the way she treat Nick.After 6 months she is going to cry to Chris Harisson like Andi did..You will see.You cant be happy in relationship if you treat others like trash.

      1. shes SOOOO into love that she’s become blind to reality. She’ll defend Shawn no matter what or how wrong his actions are.

  13. Sorry if I was Nick I would decline to speak w/ Kaitlyn @ the After the Final Rose Special. Her action to let him propose was despicable. She didn’t show him courtesy by being honest w/ some of the events going on ( like why she truly regretted sleeping w/ him ) & also gossiped behind Nick’s back. She not very trustworthy & as much as I see a true love connection between her & Shawn, I hope she gets the karma of betrayal that she deserves.

    1. I hope Nick decline to speak to her.If he does is going to be the best things what he could do.If he is going to talk to her, its going to be repeat from Andi season . She is going to be ice cold towards him,and then he maybe say some things he could regret it later.I hope he is slowly moving on with his life,and after watching show he is probably lucky that he didn’t end up with her

      1. If Nick does talk to her he should ask her why she would allow him to propose if she knew Shawn was going to be the one. It really is upsetting. & he should ask her why she ignored & made it seem like their relationship didnt mean anything to her in her People Blog.

  14. I originally was not a fan of Nick, but now I feel bad for him being runner up twice (if this is indeed what happens). This may sound crazy but I want him to be the next bachelor! Third times a charm right?

      1. i want Nick to be next bacheglor too but is not going to happened.I read Chris Harrison interwiev and he said that Nick was on the show 2 times and people either love or hate him.It is going to be between 2 Bens who is going to be next bachelor and I think Ben H is going to win

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