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My 2021 New Years Resolutions!

It’s that time of year again… time to write out all of your New Years resolutions!! I always find New Years to be a funny time of year because it seems to be one of the only times where we ALL sit down and reflect back on our past year, well this last year was a complete gong show! LOL!

This year I decided to do things a little differently. I really took the time to sit down and write out a 2021 bucket list if you will. Without further adieu, here are my bucket list items for 2021.

Healthy Lifestyle

If I’m going to be honest, I didn’t really exercise this year, but I did eat all of the carbs and drink all the wine 🤪! I am really looking forward to getting back into a self-care routine, eating healthy, eating plant-based and exercising… but I’ll keep drinking the wine! LOL!


Oh, how I miss travelling! Justin and I would pack up and go to Hawaii or Disneyland again in a heartbeat… if we are allowed to that is!


One of my favourite things from 2020 was hiring and showcasing a diverse group of contributors on our website and Instagram accounts such as Coach CareyKekuli CafeShayla StonechildChef Andrea Callan from Indigenous World Winery, Jean from Salt N Sear Catering, Veggie Peggy, and Wheelchair Rapunzel. Our contributor list is growing and we are SO excited to share with you some new and returning contributors in 2021.

In saying that, this year I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge and the teams knowledge as it relates to diversity, equity and inclusion. We will be working closely with our DEI consultant Sabrina Meherally and her team to help guide us and educate us as we navigate through all of our new learnings and reflections.  

Raia Coach Carey

Team Jilly Products

While this really isn’t a bucket list item because it is already in the works, but this is your official teaser that we are launching our very FIRST Team Jilly product!! And make sure to keep your eyes peeled, as it’s launching verryy soon! 

Special Projects

Not only are we launching our very first product, but I can’t wait to reveal a very special project that we have had in the works since last year. It will be a big shift within my brand and something that will help support our community, women and entrepreneurs… any guesses as to what this could be? 😉 Either way, you will have to wait a few more months to find out!

New Year New Product Launch

Refine JHD

I am excited to continue to refine my brand and what I am putting into it. This past year, I felt like our attention was all over the place. So with that being said, I am excited to hone in on what we are passionate about and how we are going to use our voice. In 2021, you can expect to find more engagement on our platforms as we would love to get to know more about our community, you!

New Years Resolutions

Giving Back

As most of you know, giving back to our community was one of our main goals in 2020. This year I am looking forward to brainstorming more ways that we can give back, hands-on ways that we can be involved in the community and supporting more local charities.

New Years Resolutions

Refining and Creating More Boundaries

Leo’s going to kindergarten in the fall, and I want to make the best of this year with him. This means no devices at dinner time (I hope we can make this one happen!), leaving my phone in the bedroom or just turning it off completely for more one-on-one time with kids. I’m even thinking of cutting my workload down by 50% in August and pulling him out of daycare, so I can have one month with him before he departs on his journey to kindergarten. 

New Years Resolutions to Spend More Time Toddler Baking with Mom


I read a bit last year, but I really want to commit to reading this year. I have so much to learn right now on SO many different topics; parenting, farming/gardening, leadership, activism, relationships, design, diversity, inclusion, and so much more. I need to make some tangible goals so I can stick to this one. 

New Years Resolutions

Well, there you have it! A mix of some bucket list items that I have, along with some resolutions and even a few teasers! LOL! And I have to say that I am SO looking forward to what we have in store for you this year!!



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