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My Bachelorette Recap: Rachel’s Final Four

Hello again!! Did you tune into The Bachelorette last night?! Rachel sure has her work cut out for her! I have to just come right out and say that I am SO FREAKING EXCITED for the hometown dates … these are always my favourite part of the show. I LOVE meeting the families. I’m BEYOND curious about what is going to happen … anyone else?! I mean … did you see the preview?!?! OMG!!

Ok, so let’s kick this off with Rachel’s one on one with Bryan … bentley’s and expensive watches. What??? I’m confused. What happened to spelling bee’s and mud wrestling?? I honestly didn’t get this date … I feel as though it was kind of cheesy BUT having said that, I’m fairly certain I saw a twinkle in Bryan’s eye last night. Or, on second thought, the light must have just reflected off of his ridiculously expensive watch and hit him right in the peepers. LOL!!

Jillian Harris Bachelorette Recap

I’m SO TORN about Bryan … I keep flip flopping back and forth on him … for a moment I think he is too good to be true and then the next minute I think that he is legit and actually a really nice guy and then I stop myself and think … no … no, this can’t be. Yes … I talk to myself A LOT throughout these episodes! LOL! What do you think?! Genuine or disingenuous?? Anyway, I know that Rachel is head over heels for Bryan (did you SEE that spit exchange last night?! LOL!!) and I’m a little worried she MIGHT end up picking him!!!

Jillian Harris Bachelorette Recap

Then there’s Dean … ohhhhh Dean … what a damn cutie. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud when Dean was avoiding ALL of Rachel’s questions and was giggling throughout their conversation but Rachel wasn’t having it, she wanted some answers and I think that’s fair and it was all Dean needed to open up. Holy man … when he started talking about his family, my heart just broke for him. He’s SUCH a sweet guy and you can tell he hides things deep down and covers them up with that sweet smile of his. I honestly thought he was going to make it all the way BUT I’ve heard through the grapevine that he’s on [SPOLIER ALERT] … Bachelor in Paradise!?!?! First off, I HATE how we find these things out BEFORE the current season is over!!! GAHH!!

Jillian Harris Bachelorette Recap

Ok so now to recap my recap … lol!! Rachel is down to her FINAL FOUR! Peter, Dean, Bryan, and Eric … so here’s what I think is going to happen …

  1. Dean is off to Bachelor in Paradise …
  2. Eric will make top THREE
  3. Bryan will make top TWO.
  4. Peter is going to be the FINAL guy!! I mean … HELLO … look at the photo of them below!
Jillian Harris Bachelorette Recap

What do you think of my predictions?? Make sure to comment below and let me know what YOU think!!



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  1. I am really rooting for Peter as well!! She seems REALLY into Bryan though, I think she may pick him. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for Peter until the end though!

  2. Peter has always been my favourite. I find Bryan just a little too smooth, always saying the right things at the right time – really??? After the date with Peter last night….. I think she picks Bryan.

  3. It is very obvious to me that Rachel want Bryan and she is going to follow her heart and pick him, hope to see them together in Miami soon and hoping for Peter to be the next bachelor! Hope Dean find love in Bachelor in Paradise and to Eric good luck that is how I see these season ending!!

  4. Omg I’m with you on the predictions. I mean, Peter, hello hotness and the gap teeth they both have, how freakin cute is that! #teampeter he’s a hunk, sigh.

  5. Oh my!! Rachel does have some serious hunks left, my predictions are Dean top 3!! He’s such a cutie but may be a little too young for her. Peter #2 and she will give her final rose to Bryan. She’s has had eyes for Bryan ever since day one and I don’t think this is going to change. Can’t wait to see what happens!!!

  6. I’m not 100% on Bryan either something about is too good to be true. I’m sorry but no is that perfect. DEAN! SWOON! LOL that smile he’s laugh and charm is just so adorable! CRUSHING SO HARD. Is he for Rachel? I don’t think so. Eric makes top three but I think that’s about it. .. now Peter. He’s a man! Enough said lol. My fingers are crossed for Peter.

  7. I am torn on Bryan as well, sometimes I like him and then other times I think hes’ just a good talker. I mean I think he likes her but I don’t think he’s the one for her.
    As for Dean, I love him!!! and I hope he’s on bachelor in paradise because that means I get to watch him more… lets be honest, who doesn’t want to see more of him

  8. Hi Jillian! Ok, from night #1, Peter has been my pick for the final rose, no question. He is mature, once he KNOWS that it’s love he will take the plunge & give her his heart 100%… i mean, COME ON, the man has it all going on, looks, he’s intelligent, he’s a family guy, he’s passionate & he is being honest with her! Plus not to mention, look at them, they make a stunning couple!! My choice, from beginning, PETER, he would be a wonderful fit for her, I just hope that it all works out! I do believe in fairy tale endings, I truly hope Rachel finds hers with him! Fingers + toes crossed! God bless them!

  9. I think you’re right about final two. I believe it will be Peter and Bryan. I hope she picks Peter. Poor Dean (who reminds me of Ricky Nelson) might be just a bit too young for her. He needs more time to deal with his past. And yes I know that the Ricky Nelson comment basically gives my age away. Lol.

  10. I was always for Peter but Eric has really won me over the past few episodes. I feel that he cares for her more deeply than the others.

  11. Jilly! You’re predictions are bang on girl !!! I really love Peter and that space between their teeth is perfectly imperfect!! I mean….how gorgeous are their kids gonna be?!?!???!?!?!! Peter, all the way!!! .. but wait….then why did she give Bryan that expensive watch? Darn. Time will tell …. to be continued …

  12. is this pic from one of their dates, i agree with you bryan seems too good to be true but in a way so does peter

  13. I think you’re ?% correct. I was totally confused why she gave Bryan that watch. Looking forward for next week.

  14. I hope your prediction is correct – loved Peter from the beginning!! I think he is at least honest and willing to have the tough conversations. Bryan is sunshine & roses all the time – not convinced he is genuine. You can’t deny the chemistry between them, but there needs to be more than that to make a long term relationship work.

  15. Ohhhh! I LOVE Peter!! Is that picture from a date? or Real life?! I’m intrigued! Dean is so sweet, but not quite ready I don’t think. Bryan was my pick from the beginning.. but I’m starting to think he might be a bit too… fake? He really does seem too good to be true. Either way.. can’t wait for the finale!

  16. I hope Rachel picks Peter! He’s amazing and a solid guy with enough life experience! I’ve never wavered on him throughout the entire show and I think the two of them would be great together!

  17. The way she looks at Bryan, and the way he looks at her..I want someone to look at me that way!!!! She will definitly choose Bryan 🙂

  18. I cannot believe it is already down to the final four either!! Dean makes me giggle, his smile is so sweet and I have a slight crush haha but as you mentioned, I think Peter will be her final pick as well. They look GREAT together and they are kind of making it seem like he may not be the winner. Not feeling much of a connection with Rachel and Bryan or Eric. Maybe Bryan will be the next bachelor?? Who else do you think would be a good pick?

  19. I think your so bang on with your predictions. It’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out. Can’t wait.

  20. It’s GOT to be Peter! I don’t trust Bryan, Dean is a bit young and immature and Rachel would get bored of him. She just doesn’t have the chemistry with Eric. He’s nice but not right for her. Peter is sweet, kind, humble and very sexy! Did you check out his personal training website? Did you see him as a model? Oh it’s gotta be PETER!

  21. Peter has been my pick from the start. A little worried about their dinner convo but excited for them!

  22. I think you are spot on!! I was pushing for Bryan….but he seems too good to be true. And IF she picks him….won’t last. The previews have me so confused! I think Peter is the one!! He IS ready….just doesn’t know it yet. And she will know WHEN he gets down on one knee…..that he really means it!!! Eric is all wrong for her!!!

  23. I love Bryan I feel like he’s the perfect match for her. It would break my heart for it not to work out. He’s a great catch. I’m just not sure why he’s still single. I love them together. Bachelorette is by far on favorite show. I can’t wait for Mondays.

  24. I really want her to pick Peter, because something about Bryan gives me the heebie-jeebies. I know we don’t see everything, but he just seems a bit too slick for my liking. That said, if she picks Bryan can we please have Peter for Bachelor?!?

  25. Jillian! I love you’re recaps. Dead on! Except I think Bryan will be the winner! I think she had her mind made up with him from the get go. She lights up so much around him. Who knows. Can’t wait for home towns. Yay!

    1. I agree Peter will be the final guy standing. I totally agree with what you said about Bryan. He seems too good to be true. But I do not see the connection with Eric at all….never have. Surprised he has made it this far.

  26. I want her to pick Peter but I think she is going to pick Bryan!! Her and Peter are so perfect for eachother

  27. Bryan seems sneaky and he kisses her way to much. But then again, she seems to be enjoying it! I like Peter cause he seems cool, lay back, confident…yet he’d go do something spontaneous and active. He’s my pick anyways. Not too hard on the eyes either! lol

  28. Jillian, I think that you are 100% correct in your predictions. Peter and Rachel seem so natural together. Having said that I truly hope that Eric and Dean find true love. PS I am thoroughly enjoying watching ‘Jillian and Justin’ and may I suggest that when the network picks up this show for another season that the name be changed to ‘Jillian, Justin and baby Leo’. Let’s get real – Baby Leo is the star of the show. His smile can light up the room!

  29. I’m with ya on ur predictions as long as she doesn’t fall for the too good to be true Bryan. I see a real loving the attention /tell the world what they want to hear vibe for them. His eyes don’t seem to be as true as Peters. I’m definitely on team Peter.

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