I can’t believe how quickly this season of The Bachelorette is going by … last week the home towns and then this week the guys met Rachel’s family and then the fantasy suites!! Gah!! She’s soooo close to choosing her husband!! I hope she remembered to shave her legs!! LOL!! But in all seriousness, this WHOLE time I thought for sure Peter would be the one to walk away with the final rose but after watching last night’s episode, I have to admit, I REALLY think Eric might be the last man standing and I’m honestly rooting for him like crazy!!! Anyone else??
Ok, let’s start this with off with Peter’s visit with Rachel’s family … I would rate this a solid 6/10. He did well and expressed WAY more of his feelings than I thought he would but he still isn’t committing to her and it’s driving me absolutely nuts!!!! He’s hot and then he’s cold and I don’t like it. I mean, maybe he’s being UBER cautious but I feel like he’s actually not entirely sure WHAT he wants and he’s playing the “I’m being careful” card … insert long drawn out eye roll here … he KNEW what he was getting himself into when he decided to come onto the show and the fact that he’s on the fence about purposing is so effing frustrating.

Alright, moving on to Eric … ohhhh Eric. Wow!! I did not see this coming … I don’t know what happened but all of a sudden Eric came out with fists flying this episode and came out on top in my books!! I honestly didn’t feel much of a connection between him and Rachel until last night. He seems like the most honest and genuine guy in this process and truly seems to LOVE Rachel!! I know there is some hype about him not being in love before but I don’t see that as a red flag AT ALL … if fact, I think it’s a GREAT THING!! It proves that he doesn’t fall head over heels with just ANYONE and I think that when he expresses his emotions … they are completely from the heart. And I mean, him and Rachel just seem to have so much fun together and it seems EASY for them. Neither one is fighting for each other’s affection, it just happens … naturally, as it should!!

Then there was Bryan. OMG. Where is the face palm emoji when I need it?! His visit with Rachel’s family did NOT go over well … I think they could sense the red flags and instead of just letting them pass by and ignoring them, they really called Bryan out on their concerns and I really appreciated that about them. I will say though when I was watching this I went through my emotions … at first I was happy that Rachel’s family was being so hard on him but then on second thought, it dawned on me that Bryan is the oldest of the three remaining guys and MAYBE juuuust maybe … he know’s EXACTLY what it is that he wants and doesn’t feel like wasting any time. I get that. What do you guys think??

A couple of weeks ago I predicted what I thought was going to happen with the top four guys … so I thought it would be fun to revisit my predictions and adjust them based on last night’s episode … take a look at my thoughts below … my updated predictions are in BOLD!
- Dean is off to Bachelor in Paradise … YES!! I was right about this one!! LOL!!
Eric will make top THREE… I THINK Eric will snag the final rose!Bryan will make top TWO.Bryan will be the next to go!Peter is going to be the FINAL guy!! I mean … HELLO … look at the photo of them below!Peter will make top TWO.
Welp. What do YOU think is going to happen?? Do you agree with anything I mentioned above? Make sure to share your thoughts with me below!
I hope Eric makes it I really like him and like him and her dynamic. Peter really should be the next off there is something not quite right in his head. And for Bryan will he is a Momma’s boy all the way, he had a difficult time with the what if questions about the distension between him and his Momma, he has already kicked one girl to the curb because of Momma, I dont think wifey will come first in this case. Please let the Bachelor/ette gods rule and let it be Eric.
I think Bryan would pick his mom over Rachel in a split second. I wanted Peter to be the one at the end…but I think you’re right…that he’s going to end up without her and then at the finale, talk about how he should have put his true feelings out there. If he’s not sure…I wouldn’t be either.
I wasn’t a fan of Eric…but he grew on me this week
I think Bryan will get the final rose. Peter will make top 2 and Eric is the next to go!
No they didnt show that date…it ended after peters 🙂
Am I the only one that missed the date with Bryan in Spain? :/
I totally agree with what you’ve said about Eric! Seriously, I never gave him a second thought until last night and now all of a sudden, I think that’s who Rachel should choose!
Jillian you absolutely amaze me in all aspects of your life ! I just started following you on all social media after watching Jillian and Justin and can I just say what an incredible down to earth beautiful woman you are inside and out ! I’ve always loved you through your seasons of Batchelor and batcheloreete and then when love it or list it Vancouver started awwww right up my home Reno alley !
I think you are bang on about your predictions here but unfortunately I think Bryan will take it all. He’s the charmer but knows exactly what he wants and he won’t let her get away. She’s not going to risk everything on Eric I dont think even though like yourself after last night I fell in love with Eric. Their connection showed true and it felt genuine ….and Peter will never get to the point of commitment with a proposal . My gawd man bend your guidelines a little your about to loose an amazing woman cause of your thoughts on marriage . A proposal still can be the continuing aspect of your dating relationship with the engagement your still getting to know each other then eventually marriage but he won’t budge so I think he’ll get the boot lol
I have been hesitant all season not to comment but…. I like Eric but there is just something about him. I think he has opened up so much since the show. I just don’t think him and Rachael share the passion as she does with the others.
Brian I thought was HOTTTT but I see where he is a smooth talker. I don’t think her family was hard on him. I think the saw right through him. He is such a mommas boy that his momma is going to get in the way of the relationship
I LOVE PETER!!! I think if she picked him they would have an everlasting relationship. I think he is more realistic with not putting it all out there to get hurt. They both share the passion and they have a great balance for each other.
I think she will pick Brian at the end. You can just look at them and tell she is in Love with him. The passion the 2 have is just undeniable.
So I have a question for you….I know this has happened once
I definitely think Bryan is the one in the end. Their chemistry is undeniable. Eric is too young and not emotionally ready . I think she doesn’t want to take a risk with Peter knowing that he can’t commit in the end.
Bryan all the Way!!!
I totally agree with your comments about Peter!! He’s hot, he’s cold. What is going on?! Talk about commitment phobic!! He makes sure to tell Rachel he’s falling in love with her and was uber open with her family (maybe too much?) then pulls the “I won’t propose until I’m ready to get married” card?! Doesn’t make sense. I wonder if deep inside, he’s having 2nd thoughts about Rachel and is hoping to be the next Bachelor?!!!
Bryan is slipping. Her family were meeting guy # 3 so less excited maybe? But he sure does come across as too slick. Her sister and mom picked up on all of that like right now!
Eric has been steadily increasing in position each week. He does come across as genuine and I find him extremely emotionally intelligent and a great partner for Rachel. My only concern for them is his family history and the fact that Rachel is a lawyer and her dad is a judge. I will say though that I loved his family …especially Aunt Verna!! So maybe he’s just not speaking to their successes and has only shared the bad stuff. In the end, I pick Eric too…but am curious about Bryan’s fantasy date. Hmmmmm
Hi Jillian,
Eric and Rachel had great hometown visits, but I don’t believe he is the one for Rachel.
I totally agree with you about Peter. If he doesn’t end up with Rachel it’s because he’s NOT that into her and would like his own journey as the Bachelor.
I also agree with your assessment of Bryan. He told Rachel on night one why he was there and has not changed. There are people calling him cocky, fake, over confident. I’m a huge fan of Bryan and at his age I hope he has found someone to love.
I love Eric and he’s my first choice too for Rachel. She laughs with him which she doesn’t do with Peter (ever) and rarely with Bryan. Even when she does laugh with Bryan it isn’t that lost in laughter thing she does with Eric. I also adore how Eric can be deep and also have his goofy playful side. He’s my first choice for her
I like Peter but I think he is too unsure at this point. Eric has come through very strong but in the end I think she will choose Bryan. I kind of agree that being the older one he knows what he wants. Lots of people think badly of him but I don’t even though Peter would be my choice. I think Bryan really fell hard from the beginning. We shall see!!!
I think you are spot on with your predictions!! Love you nad your beautiful little family and that Leo …oh my what a beautiful boy! Keep smiling girl 🙂
Peter is still my fav! and I honestly think it’s a little nutty of her to want an engagement so badly at the end of it – I feel like she is going to force herself to pick someone who she knows will get down on one knee vs actually following her heart. I think Peter is the best pick for her. Eric will get boring, as he was in the beginning and Bryan – in all honestly, I think it sooo full of it – I don’t feel much truth in what he says and I don’t think he is on this show with the best motives. I’ve never been a fan of his and my opinion on him hasn’t changed, if anything worsted throughout the show! But these are just my thoughts! 🙂
Eric is going home. He and Rachel make good friends, but not a good match. Peter is still the one. I saw an interview he did weeks ago where he talked about Rachel and he looked so in love that I still believe it to be true.
I have been an Eric fan for a while now, and regardless of the majority of the comments out there, I do think they have a connection…but, is her connection with Peter stronger? I wish her well, and hope that she doesn’t get hurt. I don’t think she’d get hurt by Eric, but down the road, she could get hurt by Peter. Just sayin’….
I do like Eric now! But I don’t feel she’s as excited with him as she is with Bryan. Especially when he told her I love you! Her face didn’t look like it was reciprocated. I thought peter would get the final rose but at this point I think he needs to go with his wishy washy emotions! Her and Bryan have the best chemistry and she seems happiest around him BUT there is something about that I’m just not sure about!! So I’m super torn!
I’m with you on Bryan I don’t like him but I think he will get the final rose, my pick would be Peter, maybe more for me than Rachel though lol
I agree 100% with you Jillian?
I hope your predictions are right! Eros is a sweetheart!! Beautiful smile! ❤️
This episode made me feel like Rachel is too focused on a proposal and not on the relationship itself! I don’t think Peter is being hot & cold, I think he’s just not ready to propose after 9 weeks which is really, really normal! I fear she’s going to throw away what could be a wonderful relationship with Peter just because he needs a little more time and takes engagement really seriously, which is a good thing! That said, I also love Eric more & more each episode!!
^^ What Kate said! I think Rachel is so zeroed in on the proposal (which, I get… the producers want, she wants, the point of the show is…) BUT I think Peter is not willing to fast track when he feels ready to propose just for the sake of the show. And that is him trying to stay grounded to real life and how serious he takes a marriage proposal. He’s been more serious every week – just not ready to propose, which I think makes sense. And I feel sad that Rachel will likely let him go before the final because of it, for the sole reason that he won’t propose for the show (which he couldn’t have known until he was on it, whether he would be ready). I think he’s the most likely to be a lasting partner for her, but alas, she’s focused on the immediate proposal. I’ll be so happy if somehow they still make it! I really distrust Bryan but I think he’ll take it because so many seem to go with the person they have the most chemistry with.
Who do you think will be the next bachelor?
I really do like Eric and I have never trusted Brian. I’m still rooting for Peter though. Realistically most of the bachelors and bachelorettes never get married. I don’t think him wanting to get engaged at the end of it and just date is unrealistic. It would not change the outcome of whether or not the relationship with survivor not. I think Peter is extremely sincere and it’s obvious he’s not a player because he’s totally being honest even knowing that it could ruin him from getting chosen. At this point unless Peter makes her feel more confident I do think she’s going to end up picking Eric. But then again who really knows. I actually really liked Ed and was glad that you chose him lol
I am a Peter fan however she will pick Bryan and will have to learn to live with his Mother getting in the way on an ongoing basis. She is Latin and it is her only child and it is a SON! Bryan will be very conflicted as to who to put first – he already showed that in the family visit. Eric will go next.
I have found this season to be very annoying with the editing and leaving the fans to the final week for answers. Next week is men tell all and then the final rose – very irritating.
I honestly don’t like Eric. I don’t trust him. This stems back from the beginning where even her friends said he is not himself around her and he is completely different with her then away from her. I don’t think Peter is hot and cold. I rly think he is her equal. He’s intellectual funny fun to be around and sweet. He’s respectful and sweet. And he is a realist. He understands how he feels about her and that he genuinely loves her but just because he is on a show to find the right person doesn’t mean he needs to rush the most important decision of his life. I’m no expert but I feel like he understands that dating on this show in these romantic settings is not like dating in real life and he gets that. And as much as I like Bryan. I’m sceptical. Maybe he doesn’t just know what he wants. But maybe he just is that slick. I’m team Peter and she is effected by him the most and that makes me think she wants him as the last man standing!
I totally agree with you about Eric! It wasn’t until last week’s episode that he began to stand out for me with hometowns this week I fell in love! I’m really hoping she picks Eric but I have a feeling that she will pick Bryan.
Eric is sweet but no chemistry! Bryan all the way! The way Rachel is with him has no comparison to the other two! I think Eric will be her best friend but not life partner,
I love Eric but I do not think Rachael thinks he is ready, I think it will be Bryan with Peter as the next Bachelor.
I’m rooting for Eric. I think they make such a cute couple! I kind of think Peter will be the next to go, but then again the show could be making it look that way just to throw everyone off… I agree with your thoughts on Bryan. It’s hard to tell if he is really genuine or not, and I think he would choose his mom over his wife in a second.
I’m team Eric!! I wasn’t sure until last night either but he seems very true to who he is and you could tell he meant it when he said he loved her . Peter has some commitment issues( love him) but I don’t think he is cut out for this show. And Brian…. I wish there was a ‘gag me’ emoji icon. He is lacking the sincerity the other two have. And Rachel… just because someone says I love you first, does not mean it’s a good thing. I think I love you comes too easy for this guy.
I’m still hoping that Peter will step up and Rachel to choose him. However, Jillian I think your bang on.
I agree. Until last night I was rooting for Peter. I like the fact that he doesn’t want to rush into something that one should be 100% certain of however,Rachel is expecting a proposal. Eric seems sincere but I don’t think intellectually he is her match. Bryan is to smooth. I think Peter is a challenge for her so maybe she is willing to risk it and wait.
PS Jillian I am so sad that both of your shows are over (for now) fingers crossed it is renewed. Love you and your family sooooo cute and love your chemistry with Todd. Here’s hoping you guys are back soon. Question in the Gail and Mike episode where did you buy the sofa in the living room from? I’ve been searching the website but can’t find it. Finally congrats on your engagement. Wishing you all the love and happiness in the world.
You are right in the money Jilly!?
I think the fact they were making ti look like Bryan’s meet the family went badly means that it probably went well. They always edit it in a way to try a trick you. Much as I adore Peter, I think he’s going next. They just don’t seem to be clicking.
Jill like yourself I was not feeling Eric before last night and then out of know where here comes this genuine, real, ambitious Man. Where was he hiding…Oh I know behind all the Bachelor House nonsense. Thank goodness Rachel was smart enough to see some substance with this man. Now here is the real odd part. …when Eric first came on the Final Rose before even seeing the other Bachelor’s he was my front man…but then when the show started there was Bryan and I got distracted not going to lie.
Now here we are the final stretch and I do hope it is Eric but I have this funny feeling he is our next Bachelor and Rachel picks Peter.
Rachel is not the first Bachelorette to be in this position there have been others where the men are still humming and having and then when it comes down to the final rose they profess their love…I think this is another one of those cases…only two more to go let’s see what happens. #Pinsandneedles
She’s picking Bryan for sure!! Her body language says it all. The passion has been there from day one. And unfortunately most pick passion over what is right for them. And that’s why most of the couples don’t last. They’re my two thoughts.
It’s Bryan, final guy. Setting Peter up for next Bachelor just like they set Nick up in BIP. Been watching long enough to know they edit the heck out of the show to “try” and distract viewers. Btw Bryan got up to talk to her dad off camera.
My picks from the beginning were Peter and Bryan and I still think they will be the last 2 standing. Eric has really grown on me, but I feel like he doesn’t have the same connection as she does with the other fellas. All of them seem like they are great guys!
I’m rooting for Peter…I like that he is being honest about his feelings and not rushing the process. That being said I really hope he proposes.
Bryan will snag it. He knows Rachel is a catch and he has no intention of letting her slip away. Not at his age of 37! Except she doesn’t want him and she clearly does. They are comfortable with each other
loved the Visits with her family!.. They really were able to Zone in on ‘ connections’.. Going by Facial expressions? I share their suspicions where Bryan is concerned.. he is too ermmm ‘ Perfect’.. Too many ” I Love You’s”/ as Rachel’s sister called him on” ok HOW can you say you “Love” our family after only spending an hour here… he seems too eager / and superficial to me.
I like the Honesty of both the other guys. It would come down to Chemistry in the end. Who does Rachel Feel the best connection with..
I would be Happy to see either one end up with her.. I don’t have a problem with Peter saying he wouldn’t want to be Engaged straight off? but Rachel doesn’t seem to share his thoughts on that. I didn’t take it as him not saying he didn’t want to be serious? I took it as ‘ it is my Belief that we need to work towards the point where we are ready to Be Engaged’.
Hi Jillian. I think Eric will be the next to go even though I really like him with her. She may pick Peter in the end leaving Bryan completely heartbroken.
I too like Eric for her now – he seems to be the only one who REALLY loves her and also, like you said, he obviously does not take falling in love lightly. And the BIG BIG PLUS for me is the laugh a lot together and joke a lot. SO IMPORTANT in a relationship don’t you think Jillian?!!! (you have that with Justin from what I saw on your show). My husband and I LOL together SO MUCH, I love that our senses of humours are sympatico – it is SO IMPORTANT – you go through SO MUCH in life, marriage etc is hard – so laughing together is SO IMPORTANT and underated.
But otherwise…Peter to me seems like he KNOWS what he wants – very mature – and I commend him for not jumping quickly – but like you said, that is the show and he knew that. So makes me think he is on the fence about Rachel then the fact he CONTINUES to be relunctant – but then again, he could do a 360 as he does seem to care for her, but caring is not love (so perhaps it’s the way it is being edited to look).
Brian…too smooth, says what you want to hear, I never trust that type of smooth talker (I dated one long ago..handsome like Brian but just too smoth). And she will have major Mother-in-Law problems and that too is important, fitting into a family – and as his an only child, he will WANT to PLEASE his parents, he will be in the middle all the time between a Mom and GF/wife (amIright Jillian?! When you are their one and only..it’s all on you..all their love, hopes, etc. just everything!!).
Peter all the way. He’s genuine and in love. He is sure of his love for her. Bryan has issues with his momma and Wric as sweet as he is, is too fresh for this. This is his first love and she needs someone who is 100% sure! Peter is although he is being cautious as he should be! Married to him
Is a one time deal.
Rachel’s family was really tough on Bryan and he handled it extremely well. Peter is being cautious as he doesn’t want to get hurt. It almost seems as if Rachel is pursuing him!! Eric keeps surprising me week after week. He is a good guy.
P.S. Dean’s Instagram handle is @deanie_babies !!!
I agree totally with you picking Eric.
I don’t even feel like there’s a question. She’s madly in love with Bryan and he’s in love with her. The rest is just the producers telling her to keep her heart open. I think the show could have been over half way through. When you are questioning whether someone is too good to be, that is the person you are in love with.
When asked what Rachel brings to his life Bryan had no response. There’s no substance there. Peter is losing ground while Eric is starting to fly.