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My Top 5 Books for Personal Growth That You Need to Read!

Hi everyone!! It’s Mindy here! As you can probably tell by the title of this blog, I’m ridiculously passionate about personal growth, positive thinking, vision boards, and manifestation (don’t worry, I won’t get all coo-coo for cocoa puffs on you, promise)!! I get quite a few questions on the daily about what some of my favourite “Self Help” (personally, I think it should be “Self Improvement”) books are, so that’s exactly what I’m going to share with you today!

Now, I know some of you may think this topic is a bit of a yawn, but I promise you, it’s all really really good (inspiring!!) stuff!

Jillian Harris Top 5 Books for Personal Growth

When I was living in Vancouver (which was about 4 years ago now?!), I purchased two of my first “Self Help” books. Here I was, baffled that I was even in that section of chapters as I didn’t think I would ever purchase a self-help book. I was more of a “wander around the store, buy a pretty looking cookbook (that would sit in my pantry for a year without cracking it) and sniff the candles” type of girl. But, hey, there’s no harm in trying to better yourself in some way, shape, or form, right?! RIGHT!

The first two books I purchased were “You Are A Badass” by Jen Sincero and “Infinite Possibilities” by Mike Dooley. Every morning before work, I would haul my book down to the beach with a highlighter in hand and I would read by the ocean, highlighting anything and everything that spoke to me, and frantically making notes along the edges of the pages.

Jillian Harris Top 5 Books for Personal Growth Jillian Harris Top 5 Books for Personal GrowthThese two books forever changed me. I mean, I’ve always been a positive person, but these books lit a fire in me that I didn’t even know existed. I instantly became passionate about learning and growing, the power of the mind, and have since had a strong desire to soak up as much knowledge as humanly possible on these topics. I’m happy to say that I’m now a LOVER of self-help books and it would now be weird to NOT find me in that section of the bookstore!

I’ve given both of these books away as gifts to friends and family and I’m so excited to share both of them with you, along with a few of my other favourites today!

If you’re looking to improve any part of your life, whether it’s your love life, your relationship with yourself, money, your career, you name it, these books have you covered and they most certainly have my stamp of approval!

Jillian Harris Top 5 Books for Personal Growth

My Top 5 Books for Personal Growth

1. You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

If you were like me and “self-help” books aren’t you’re jam (yet!!), “You are a Badass” is a fantastic book to get started with! It’s insanely motivating and Jen gives a hilarious “swift kick in the ass” approach to life! It’s a fun read, it’s to the point, lighthearted, and totally badass. Jen likes to give her messages some extra “oomph” so if you’re okay with swear words then this book is for you, as she tends to drop the occasional F-bomb here and there!

Jen also released a book called “You are a Badass at Making Money” which is currently on my nightstand (along with a few other’s below!), and she recently announced a brand NEW book that’s on pre-order called, “You are a Badass Every Day” … which is currently in my shopping cart!

2. Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley

Infinite Possibilities is a GOLD MINE when it comes to key takeaways and “ah-ha” moments! I’ve highlighted SO many parts of this book and have notes EVERYWHERE in my copy. Mike Dooley touches on how our thoughts become things, why our limiting beliefs (which we ALL have!) may be holding us back, how to create an awesome vision board and how to properly use it to visualize and so much more!!

3. The Untethered Soul by Michael A Singer

This book is a bit of a tougher read and to be honest it took me probably three times as long to get through compared to the two books above but it’s well worth the read. It’s a bit heavier and digs into the relationship you have with your thoughts and emotions. If you’re an overthinker (like I am) then I feel as though this book could be really beneficial for you! It allows you to understand why we often entertain the “chatter” in our brains and gives you tools to recognize when this is happening and to silence the mind.

One of my favourite quotes in this book is: “Everything will be okay as soon as you’re okay with everything.” – Michael A. Singer … pretty powerful and so true, right?!

4. Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk

If you’re in the digital world for work or if you’re just passionate about the ins and outs of social media this book is an amazing resource when it comes to all things social! Gary reviews best practices for each individual social channel and he shares some incredible stories of entrepreneurs who are killing it! It’s a super inspiring read no matter your line of work!

5. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

The Miracle Morning was suggested to me by a few people and holy crap is it ever LIFE CHANGING! Hal digs into the importance of dedicating one hour to yourself each morning before you do anything else by implementing a simple routine which immediately gets you into a powerful mindset and helps to kick your day off with some energizing crazy good vibes!

Yes, this routine DOES mean you have to get up an hour earlier than you normally do, and I can see how this might be tough for those with little ones at home but I promise you, it’s so worth it, even if you only do it for 10 minutes versus an hour!

Basically, your morning would look something like this:

  • 6am: Wake up, drink a big glass of water, brush teeth, splash water on face.
  • 6:05am: Sit in silence for 5 mins.
  • 6:10am: Recite daily self-affirmations for 5 mins. Hal provides these for you OR you can create your own!
  • 6:15am: Visualize for 5 mins.
  • 6:20am: Exercise for 20 mins (even if it’s a squat challenge or morning bed yoga!).
  • 6:40am: Read a book for 15-20 mins.
  • Spend the remaining time scribing in a journal.

Jillian Harris Top 5 Books for Personal Growth

Books That Are Currently on My Nightstand

I have a few books that are currently sitting on my nightstand that I’ve been waiting to dig into because I’ve heard so many great things about them, so my next “to-reads” are the following, in no particular order!


There you have it everyone!! I hope you find this post helpful and I hope I’ve inspired you to pick up one of these great reads! Let me know if you have any questions and if you’ve read any of these books, share your thoughts below!!



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  1. I’ve been meaning g to pick up a couple of the recommended books. Heading to chapters this week ?. Can’t wait for Friday

  2. Great list. So many to choose from that it must have been hard to pick 5! I absolutely LOVE The Untethered Soul! You’ve inspired me to read it again.

  3. Hi Mindy!!!

    I just bought Girl Wash Your Face last week and have heard A LOT of good things about it, so I am definitely looking forward to reading it!!!!!

    Amanda Panda

  4. I loved Girl wash your face! I love listening to her podcasts as well. Not only does she share her experiences and helps you see that it’s not just you feeling that way etc. but she makes you laugh along the way. I can’t wait for her new book Girl stop apologizing next March.

  5. Love content like this! Thanks, Mindy! This topic isn’t boring, it’s important (especially with the mental health awareness going on). Keep stuff like this coming! And who doesn’t love a trip to Chapters.

  6. I too am always looking to improve and learn ( even at my age ?) and I think it’s a Sagittarius thing too.
    I also believe in the power of suggestion and vision boards. ( the secret)
    so i am going to order a couple of these books today !

  7. This is a great piece! Not something that team Jilly shares on the normal but I LOVE!
    Especially as women the need to see our selves, find release from traditional stereotypes that have been placed on us since birth, not define our self worth in others, and to constantly evolve and better ourselves is a life long journey. Would love to see a follow up piece. Maybe fav podcasts on the subject?
    Great job girl!

  8. I am in the middle of “Girl, wash your face” and am obsessed! I’m listening to the audio book and Rachel Hollis has such a powerful voice and tone throughout. I’m a total Rach fan girl now! Great, great read!!

  9. What’ve you heard of Joe Dispenza. Thoughts? It’s interesting how you are posting of sel help books. My sister who was let go from. Her job two years ago has found a new lease on life and is obsessed with motivational books and asked me to listen to Joe and Denszel Washingtons inspiring speech on you tube. This is coming at a good time for me because I’m in a routine rut. Change your thoughts change your mind…I’m inspired but you all. Grow, change, be, share… Thank you.

  10. I LOVE Jen Sincero!! I didn’t know a new book was coming out, thank you! Preordering that now! Great post, thank you for the suggestions!

  11. Like she own the place is an amazing book. Cara is so real in all her books but this one hit my heart hard (in a great way). Her podcasts are also a great way of making your daily trainings goes so fast.

  12. Thanks, Mindy. When I was unhappy with my job, I found that waking up earlier to do something for myself before heading out the door (even if it was only reading a book with a cup of coffee) made a real difference. I can only imagine how beneficial a ‘miracle morning’ would have been. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts/reviews again after you make it through the stack on your nightstand. Bring on the positivity!!

  13. The Success Principles is game changing. I am listening to it again for the second time and will likely need to 2-4 more times ? enjoy it!!!

  14. Good post! I liked as I am in a middle of a personal journey to find my spot in world. It would be nice if you could also recommend few sites about personal growth.

  15. Girl, Wash your Face by Rachel Hollis is an absolute FAVE of mine. I was completely unaware of self-help books and did not think they would be my jam. I was in the library one day and saw it, and figured I would give it a try! I read the whole thing in no time, and also purchased my own copy and I am re-reading it now! She is so relatable for a 20 – 40 something female going through the motions of life and how to get yourself more passionate about what you lov.

    Love the high-lighting ideas to really take in the content!

  16. LOVE this! I follow along on instagram religiously, but rarely visit the blog. This content is my obsession and would love to see more of it!! The takeovers have been a fun way to see team Jilly’s personalities:)

  17. Hi.
    I have a suggestion for a book.: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Written by Stephen Covey.
    It relates to work and personal life.

  18. You HAVE to read Girl Stop Apologizing! Then give Jill the Audible to listen to! It’s so good! Rachel Hollis is going awesome things! Maybe Jill could speak at her RISE Women’s Conference! She’s coming to Toronto!

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