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Preparing for Baby #2: So It Begins!

As most of you know, our little baby girl is well on her way and this time around I’m making sure to get my ducks in a row ahead of time. I want to be as prepared as I can before I have a newborn AND a toddler on my hands! OMG … my palms just started sweating! LOL! However, having said that, I have learned that you don’t need as much “stuff” as you think you do when you first have a baby so we have been trying to scale back a bit more this time around!

I’ve already been working on designing her nursery and figuring out the layout. I’ve ordered her dresser, crib, sheets, and some clothes (I can’t help myself!! LOL!). While I have MOST of this figured out, there are still some items that I want for her that may not be kicking around from when we had Leo and to be honest, I also want to incorporate a few more girly items! So, I’m always keeping my eyes peeled for great deals and companies that I want to check out when it comes to baby items because what family doesn’t want a good deal?!

Jillian Harris Best Buy Baby Sale

Welp, if you’re in the same boat as me and you’re expecting a babe of your own soon … I’m here to let you know that Best Buy Canada is having a sale on ALL things baby during their Best Buy Baby Event (helllooo perfect timing!)  from now until July 5th! I have been cruising this site like it’s going out of style to make sure I snag things that catch my eye!

Below I’m listing the items that I snagged from the sale so far … LOL … I haven’t shown this to Justin yet as I’m sure he would be all over the smart tech baby stuff!!

Jillian Harris Best Buy Baby Sale

Wipes Warmer

We had a wipes warmer with Leo but we ended up giving it away so I knew I wanted to pick up another one for our little baby girl to keep her tush warm!


I still have some swaddles left over from when Leo was little but I wanted to make sure to have a mix of pink and girly patterns in there too … can you tell I’m already having fun with baby girl?!

Jillian Harris Best Buy Baby Sale


Okay, these are for Leo … lol … but I couldn’t help it! He always wants to be outside when Justin is out mowing the lawn or working on the yard and I thought these earmuffs would come in so handy if he wants to tag along with Justin! Plus, I got our baby girl a matching pair (although her’s are a bit more colourful!!) …

Infant Potty 

OMG not only is this the cutest freakin potty around but I’m actually convinced that this might do the trick when it comes to potty training Leo!! It’s a mini version of a normal toilet and I can put it in the bathroom right near our toilet … this could work for everyone … fingers crossed!!!

Jillian Harris Best Buy Baby Sale

Bamboo Muslin Blanket

I just think this is adorable and you can never have too many cozy soft blankets around with a newborn! We had the black and blue Muslim blankets for Leo and we absolutely loved them!! He STILL uses the same one in black every single night and it’s officially “his blankie”.

Glass Baby Bottles

I always have Avent bottles around the house, generally, we go for the plastic ones because they are lighter to carry around but when I saw the glass ones I knew I wanted to give them a try!!

Jillian Harris Best Buy Baby Sale

Front/Rear Carrier

We had the black BabyBjorn carrier for Leo and I wanted something a little more feminine for our baby girl so I snagged another one in a lighter colour!

For the new mamas or the mamas to be out there … what are some items that are on YOUR checklists?!












Thank you Best Buy Canada for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  1. Oh so cute girly things! I’m so exited to follow you with this journey.

    Being a mother of three boys it would be so lovely to have one more baby in the house, girl especially!
    I would say that my must have thing with our baby number 3 was Dooky sunshade! We had two of them. Other one for summer and it was sky blue and the other one was for winter and it was thicker and black. We loved them! It was good sunshade and also it kept cold air out of the baby on winter. So if we will have another baby ever, I will buy these!

    Have fun with putting all together with your baby girl! So happy for you guys!! XO

  2. Hi Jillian, congratulations! Thanks for sharing all the neat baby stuff. Would you mind sharing where your shirt (the one you’re wearing in this post) is from?
    Thanks 🙂

  3. So far JH we’ve had our babies with in months of each other. My first a boy and now a sweet baby girl. A girly mobile was a must as well as a few head bands (which I wasn’t too sure of at first). And some cute shoes/slippers.
    Looove the baby Bjorne you got!!!! Might snag one of those! Oh and the potty! Apparent the ikea one I have doesn’t work ??.
    Good luck!!!!
    X Colson & Charlie ??

  4. Hi from Norway! I love following you, you’re such a big inspiration!
    I carried my oldest in a baby bjorn, when I didn’t really know anything about babywearing. However, after carrying him for just a little while, my back started hurting. I didn’t really think much about it, until I had my little girl. She constantly wanted to be carried, and I had to look for other options (as the baby Bjorn I had wasn’t ergonomically correct for neither me or the baby). I started with an elastic wrap, which was a lifesaver!! When she got older we switched to a carrier from soul slings. SO soft, so light, and no back pain whatsoever!! So even though the baby bjorns have improved over the last few years, there are so many amazing options that are even more comfortable for both mama (and daddy of course) and baby! Tula free to grow, soul slings, angelpack, to mention just a few. You should look into them! They all have carriers you can use from the babies are newborn. Wishing you all the best, and good luck with all the exciting things ahead!<3

  5. Conragts for the baby number two! You almost there 😉
    Can’t wait to hear what a beautiful name you’re gonna choose for a little baby girl <3
    It would be nice if you could kindly make a post about choosing the right name. Which name is your and Justins favorite and why?
    Do you prefer vintage names or maybe the popular ones?
    I really love your style and think its very inspirational.
    Best luck for the whole family! 🙂

  6. I absolutely love this blog about must have items. Would you be able to offer advise on how you were successful in potty training Leo. I have a newborn and a 2 year old.

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