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Valentine’s Breakfast: For Her

AS PROMISED last week I am sharing the perfect Valentine’s Day breakfast FOR HER today!!! I created this recipe  and blogged about it on Desiree’s site last week but thought it was too good not to repost!!!

I came across this recipe right after the holiday season at the beginning of my health kick. They tasted SO good I couldn’t believe how minimal and healthy the ingredients were…they definitely helped kick my unhealthy cravings in the butt!! This recipe is SO EASYYYY and perfect for a cute (but healthy) Valentine’s Day breakfast. This is also great for all those handsome gentlemen out there wanting to treat the lovely women in their life with a little breakfast in bed….hint hint!!! Gentlemen take note…

Skinny Banana Pancakes

4 eggs
2 bananas
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4  teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1. Mix well in a blender or whisk
2. Grease pan with coconut oil and cook like a regular pancake on medium / low heat until golden brown!
3. Serve with Justin’s Peanut Butter or real Maple Syrup!

Des Pancakes 4jpgDes Pancakes 3Des Pancakes 4jpgDes Pancakes 5Des Pancakes last


Egg Tray | Fry Pan | Heart Mould | Marble Slab | Dish Towel | Plate | Cutlery | Mug | Cookies | Nacho

Happy LOVE DAY my loves!!!


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  1. I just made this recipe and my pancakes came out no where near as fluffy and pretty as the ones in the photo. Did you use a blender or just stir to make the ones in the pics above?

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