Good morning everyone!! Mindy here! Can you believe Colton’s season is ALMOST over and we’re getting closer and closer to finding out who he will be giving the FINAL rose to?!
Rumor on the street says Cassie is getting the final rose and if that’s true … that means Jillian guessed it from the VERY beginning! If you pop on over to our very first Bachelor Recap this season, you’ll see she guessed Cassie right off the get-go! Check it out here! I know, I know, you’re probably wondering WHY I’m even mentioning her getting the final rose after last night … I’ll explain.
First, let’s kick it off with Tayshia’s date with Colton!
I think Tayshia really opened up to Colton last night and in my opinion, she really proved she is here for ALL the right reasons. She let Colton know that she waited until her first marriage to have sex which I feel like Colton really appreciated.
However … am I the only one who thought Tayshia was BEYOND disappointed with how their Fantasy Suite night went?! I COMPLETELY understand why Colton didn’t want to put it ALL on the line (if ya know what I mean) … but I can also see how that would drive Tayshia crazy. I mean … the fact that he left her place in the morning and she knew he had two other Fantasy Suites to get through … my brain would be running wild as well! Gah! This show would be tough to be on! LOL!
All in all, though, I think their night went really well and it SEEMED like they were up late … talking … but I was really confused when he said that Tayshia told him she loved him and he wasn’t quite there yet … didn’t he already tell her he loved her? Or am I going crazy?!

Well, this was a bit of a whirlwind … wasn’t it?? I was shocked to see that Cassie’s dad showed up and had the big heart to heart with her … and then I was even MORE shocked when Cassie decided she wanted to send herself home. Ummmm … WHAT?! PLOT TWIST!!
Ugh … my heart broke for Colton when she dished all of this to him … it was one of those really awkward conversations where the guy is desperately trying to hold onto the girl and the girl just so badly needs to break away from it all and let her thoughts process.
I THINK Cassie is making the right decision by giving herself some time to sort through all of this but it killed me when Colton had to say bye to her. There is NO WAY this is over between them. How much do you want to bet she comes back into the picture next week??

Well, as you know, that’s about as far as we can go this time around considering Colton hopped the fence and the episode is to be continued in a DRAMATIC two-part series next week! On that note, I feel so bad for Hannah that all of this went down … imagine what her Fantasy Suite date would be like with Colton after all of this?? Eeek!!
Will you be tuning into the Women Tell All tonight?!?! I know I will be … I have to get my dose of Demi! LOL! On another note, WHO do you think will be the NEXT Bachelorette?! My instincts tell me it might be Caelynn considering it was such a shock when he didn’t give her the rose. OR … if he lets Tayshia go by chance … I think it could also be her as well. Make sure to share your thoughts and guesses in the comments section below!

Well, I guess we will continue this next week! Make sure to pop by on Wednesday as we will be sharing our FINAL Bachelor recap!
So Taysia was right… Cassie wasn’t ready.
Omg really the most dramatic episode of the season! ?
I felt so bad for Colton because this is exactly what he was afraid of happening from the beginning. However, I think he put a lot of pressure on the need to have an engagement at the end. Cassie was wavering too much to not voice her feelings. We already knew she was doubting their relationship because she was the only hometown date that did not tell him she loved him.
I especially feel so bad for the remaining girls. They are just being strung along for drama tv. I do not think it was right of Colton to say Cassie was the one and how hard it is to date other girls when he already made up his mind. I guess that is the name of the game though and he has to fight for his love, laying it all down. I can hardly wait for the episode next week to get answers. I agree Cassie has to come back because he cannot just pick someone else by default.
Lastly, I hope the next bachelorette is Caelynn. I feel like I was just as blindsided that she did not get a rose as much as she was shocked. ?
I am all for tayshia as the next bachelorette! Although I think she’s the best pick for Colton, he obviously does not feel the same and i think she’ would be an amazing bachelorette! Cassie is just way too young. She clearly needs to work on communication and obviously the girls were right and rumors were true ?. I just feel bad for Hannah now. That sucks.
They already have said it will be Hannah B. I was hoping as well that it would be Caelynn, but I read somewhere online it was difficult for her when he broke up with her. But I do agree Cassie will come back in picture but they will date and take things slow. He went on Ellen and did say he is the happiest he could be.
I totally picked Cassie as well .. also heard / seen spoilers that Cassie got the final rose as well…. and hannah didn’t even get her over night date .. and @itsalabamahannah for the next bachelorette!
I just hope through all this Colton has found his person.
It was very hard watching him profess his love for her and his worst nightmare coming true. Her not reciprocating his love. I hope they end up together.
I hope it’s not caelynne. She is just too young. I don’t think tayshia is right for it either? Maybe someone else from a previous season? I honestly don’t think any of this year’s cast is really cut out to be bachelorette. Except, maybe Katie?
I think Cassie only came on the show to get an Instagram following. I think she put her dad up to it to not give Colton his blessing because did you see how shocked she was and how she kept asking ‘it doesn’t bother you’ ? Like she wanted him to be the one to break things off with her because her dad didn’t give him permission and than she started to panic when she realized he wasn’t going to send her home and was telling her he was in love with her. She said before going to talk to him she just needed more time, than during their conversation, he offers her all the time she wants and she still leaves???
I also think he will cancel is one on one with Hannah. How could you go on a date after that? Also, if I was Hannah, and I rewatched this and saw Colton pouring his heart out to Cassie, saying she was the one and he loved her and thought about her on all his other dates, I would be upset if he still went on the one on one with me after all that.
I read something a couple of days ago that said Hannah B is the next Bachelorette… don’t know if that is true, but it would be interesting. She wasn’t my first choice by any mean, but better than some of the others they could pick. I just wish it was someone a little older that is fully ready to settle down.
I just want Cassie to come back! I picked her from night one too! Lol. I fully understand that she might need some space and time to process but she stayed this far and the closer they got to fantasy suites, she definitely needed to consider that she would be one of those girls in the end. If it wasnt what she wanted then she should have left a while ago. However, I get feelings change at any moment. I just still hope she comes back and Colton and her live happily ever after.
If the next Bachelorette is Tayshia – I hope they don’t announce it tonight…I hate when they announce someone who is still on the show!
I have to say I felt SO bad for Colton watching last night’s episode. It was so raw and my heart broke watching him shake uncontrollably as he tried to tell Cassie he’d wait for her to be ready and get there with him. The poor guy was almost begging her! I am so perplexed at where next week will go after all of that.
I was also so happy and proud that Colton didn’t ‘sleep’ with Tayshia. However, I agree, I could totally see the disappointment on her face the next morning.
As for Hannah, she has definitely received the least amount of air time on this season & I feel bad that she always seems to be left out amongst the drama. . However, she was my pick before the show even started, based only on their photos so I am still cheering her on!
Excited for women telll all tonight:)
This episode was crazy! I just hope it all works out for Colton in the end. I think Hannah will be the next bachelorette!
Hannah B will be the next Bachelorette…
I’d like to see tayisha as next bachelorette
I’m not really feeling like any of these girls should be the bachelorette- they should pull someone from a previous season. There was just so much drama, backstabbing this season – I didn’t like that at all.. there’s always so many great girls from other seasons that get overlooked.
And good for Cassie for holding her own and leaving, she just seemed not really in a place to stay there, it’s jusy too bad she didn’t realize that a lot sooner.
Wow, not sure what to think about last night?! Poor Hannah. I was certain from night 1 that she was the one, then last night he professes his love for Cassie while she’s breaking up with him! What? No question, they have a lot of chemistry, but I think her Dad’s assessment was right that she is not in love with him. When Colton was saying he loved her, she should have been crazy happy, crying tears of joy. The fact she wasn’t tells me he’s not Mr. Right for her. Now I don’t know how this can end well.
Curious to see what more we find out tonight, but it just looks like a giant cat fight on the previews. I will likely be fast forwarding through lots of it, especially every scene with Demi, and Onyeka. Too much drama.
P.S. I have NO idea who the bachelorette will be? I would like to see Cassie, or Caelynn, or one of the Hannahs. I’d say Caelynn is the most likely.
What happened to Elyse? I am watching the Women Tell All right now, and I don’t see her.
Iam sure he said iam falling in love with you he said! ?
Hi Mindy,
So Jillian doesn’t write the bachelor recaps anymore? Isn’t that the whole point since she was the one with the inside view of the experience? Just sayin’-a bit odd to not have her writing it. Maybe I missed something. Is she stepping away from the day to day input of her blog/website?
Hi Summer! Mindy has taken over the Bachelor recaps as I don’t have time to watch them every single Monday! However, when I am able to catch them I call Mindy to give her my thoughts and share my inside view! xo
I think Cassie knew at her home town that she could not get to loving Colton and she should have pulled herself out of the show… to not put Colton through hell…maybe there is going to be a turn around to this story????????