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The Bachelor Recap: Peru? Alpaca my bags!

Good morning, loves! Kayla here and I am back with another recap of The Bachelor! Wowwww! I am still shoooook over how that episode ended last night and I am seriously questioning some of Peter’s decisions! So, let’s start from the beginning of how it all went down!

With hometown dates right around the corner, who else do you call for advice besides your loving mama bear?! Peter addresses his concerns to his mom about the women and wonders if they’re reeeeally ready for a future with him. I feel like Peter is still struggling from getting blindsided by Hannah Brown last season and is also scared of ending up in a Hannah-Jed situation with someone who’s not there for the “right” reasons.

Madison’s One on One

You guysss… this date!!!! The chemistry between these two is undeniable… just natural, flirty and fun! I’m totally here for it. The two spend the day visiting the fishing village of Pucusana and Peter refers to Madison as a “total catch” – how fitting! LOL!

Jillian Harris: The Bachelor Recap: Peru? Alpaca my bags!

They head out for dinner that evening and Madison shows up wearing a stunning red jumpsuit … hot damn! She shares how important her faith is to her and raising a family and Peter’s delayed reaction totally threw me off?! After a veryyyyy long pause, Peter drops the “L” bomb and tells Madison he’s falling in love with her and her reaction was soooo stinkin’ cute! Did anyone else have tears in their eyes?! I’m having a really hard time seeing anyone else but “Maddie” at the end of this?? Do you guys agree?!

Jillian Harris: The Bachelor Recap: Peru? Alpaca my bags!

Natasha’s One on One

I feel like it’s neverrrr a good sign when someone is getting their first date this late in the game and I can’t really say I’m overly surprised with how Natasha and Peter’s date turned out?! The whole date to me was kinda like … yadda yadda yadda … we know she’s going home, let’s wrap it up! LOL!

I’ve never felt much of a spark between Natasha and Peter and it always seemed like more of a friendship than a romantic connection?! This date was definitely no different. After a day spent exploring the Plaza de Armas, Peter ended the date by telling Natasha he couldn’t give her the rose and he didn’t seem too upset about it? And, neither did she? Would you guys agree the connection just wasn’t there? That might have been the least dramatic break up in Bachelor History?? I think it’s safe to say Natasha is packin’ her bags for Paradise! LOL!

Jillian Harris: The Bachelor Recap: Peru? Alpaca my bags!

Kelsey’s One on One

I really enjoyed this date! Kelsey and Peter start their day ATV riding in the mountains and then head to the top of the mountain where they just hang out … and make-out! LOL! They had a conversation about marriage and having kids and I reeeeally liked Kelsey’s answers – I definitely see some maturity in Kelsey that is lacking with the other girls. This date went really well and definitely put them in a good place heading into the evening!

Jillian Harris: The Bachelor Recap: Peru? Alpaca my bags!

During dinner, Kelsey has something she wants to reveal to Peter… dun dun dun! I was waiting for some deep dark family secret butttt Kelsey revealed that after many years, she’s reconnected with her estranged father and her mom isn’t aware yet. So, she basically asked Peter to keep this information hush hush if he visits her hometown. Peter gave Kelsey a rose and he will be heading to Iowa to visit Kelsey’s family!

Is anyone else SHOCKED at how this relationship has evolved?! How Kelsey made it past the night one champagne “finasco”, is beyond me?! LOL! We have seen MANY sides to Kelsey and while she has definitely grown on me, I’m stilllllll not convinced I see a future with her and Peter!

Three on One Date

Guysssss, what the Kell-ey?!! LOL! Was anyone else super bummed that Kelley was portrayed as the villain this week?! I mean, she’s not wrong when she refers to the others as children?? I ALSO question the readiness of Hannah Ann and Victoria for marriage??

Jillian Harris: The Bachelor Recap: Peru? Alpaca my bags!

It was totally cracking me up to see Kelley chillin’ like a villain on this date while the other girls were stressing out hard! I LOVED when Kelley said to Peter, “Not every relationship has to sit here and be jumping through hurdles and super hard and all this stuff. It can be easy and still could be fun.” Amen!!! I think the reality is that Kelley is too mature for Peter and the more I watched them together, the more I found they aren’t as great a match as I had originally thought. Would you guys agree?!

Jillian Harris: The Bachelor Recap: Peru? Alpaca my bags!

During Hannah Ann’s alone time with Peter, she immediately starts crying and tells Peter that she’s emotional from all the stress built up during the week. Oh, please!!! I feel like the girls have figured out that Peter rewards emotional and dramatic behaviour so that’s their go-to now??? Is it just me, or is Hannah Ann’s age reeeeally telling?! She wrote Peter a list of her favourite things about him (“things” spelled with a heart above the i … LOL!) and I mean, it was kinda cute … for like, your high school boyfriend?!

Jillian Harris: The Bachelor Recap: Peru? Alpaca my bags!

I am officially OVER Victoria! Peter tries to have a conversation with her about the issues going on between them and it went downhill REAL fast! It’s ridiculous to me that Victoria called Peter out for “always being in a mood” when I feel like SHE is a mood herself?! I used to really enjoy Victoria but now everyyyy conversation she has with Peter is sooo exhausting to watch! They really struggle to talk through their differences and I don’t think their relationship would ever survive in the real world! Peter feeds into the drama once AGAIN and rewards her behavior with a rose?! Seriously?? Run Peter, Run!!!!

Jillian Harris: The Bachelor Recap: Peru? Alpaca my bags!

Peter shockingly ends the three on one date giving Hannah Ann the final rose and sending Kelley home … Ummm, what in the world?! Would you guys agree that Kelley seemed totally unphased?! Who’s with me when I say, Kelley for Bachelorette!! #JusticeForKelley

Jillian Harris: The Bachelor Recap: Peru? Alpaca my bags!

Can you guys believe that hometowns are next week?! It literally feels like this season JUST started! The preview looks SO good and I’m especially interested in Madison’s hometown date since she has something very important that she needs to share with Peter! I mean, it wouldn’t be a season of The Bachelor without someone exposing they still have their V-Card! LOL!

I’d love to know what you guys thought about this episode! Let me know in the comments below!

Until next week!



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  1. I couldn’t agree more with everything in this post!! Maddie is the clear front runner now and the only one I can see him really being serious with in the end. I also HATED that they portrayed Kelley the way they did. She is definitely too mature for him but would make THE best bachelorette! Team Kelley allllll the way 😀

  2. Yet again another spot on recap. Love this girls writing style ! Can’t wait to see what hometowns bring.
    Keep rocking it Kayla !

  3. Really appreciate these recaps! Sometimes I don’t get a chance to see the show each week. I also can’r believe hometown visits are next week?! WHAT??? I am gonna miss Kelley. Damn.

  4. I think the season has gone so quickly because the first 3 or 4 episodes were totally blown apart with drama!
    First time wasted with Hannah coming back! Not cool! The New Gals were forced to cool their heels while Peter came to terms with her showing up . Then the champagne palava.
    Then the Drama over “ she said this but No she didn’t / who is lying? Etc etc ‘ a LOT of wasted time. I think Kelly would be a good option for Bachelorette? She’s far too grounded and mature for this group of nut cases. I’m never seen so much Boo-hooing every week! And if I continue hearing them say “ Like” 17 times in every sentence ? I think my ears will start to bleed. . Madison is so cute but she is heavy on the “ Like” habit. It’s not just the girls! Peter does it too.
    He is a cute fellow but seems far too immature for a process that is supposed to end with an engagement. Sorry! Just My Opinion.

  5. I’m all about Peter but this has been a disappointing season due to all the drama, and some bad decisions on Peter’s part when he could have weeded out some drama. Madison is the only girl that I’ve liked since week 1, but she got super churchy on him last night. I’m not really sure they are on the same page on that front? Anyway, it’s clear to me she and Kelsey will be his final 2. The group date was painful. Kelley was not wrong about Hannah Ann and Victoria not being mature enough for marriage, but she was really bitchy about it. The chemistry with her and Peter had totally fizzled anyway, and I was wishing he would just send all 3 of them home.

  6. I totally agree with you! Victoria is always emotional. I don’t see him with Kelsey at the end & Kelley is too mature for him! Here’s to Maddison or Hannah Ann. Xoxo

  7. Great recap Jillian. Did you notice that Victoria can hardly look Peter in the eyes and she is more concerned with her hair on camera?? I’m still not sure that Peter’s perfect match is even on the show this season. I wish him well.

  8. OMG you NAILED IT!!! It’s like you just expressed everything that was in my head while I watched this episode.
    Pretty sure the blast from his recent past will appear it wouldn’t be drama TV without it. I think we all know who had the “presex”……LOL
    My husband just rolls his eyes at me because I am truly to old to watch this, but my oh my it is entertaining on a Monday night in February so I will be staying tuned

  9. Another great post, Kayla!
    Again, we are on the same page! Kelley possesses a maturity far beyond most of the others and I’m not sure if Peter is ready for that. Hopefully we see her in paradise! Maddison seems so sweet, I hope it works out for them.
    Can’t wait for next week!

  10. I think it really is only between Madison and Kelsey with Madison being the clear lead.
    I agree that Hanna is extremely immature and seems to be putting on act with the tears as a way to get his attention.
    And Victoria does not handle emotional conversations maturely. She would be a nightmare to date in the real world.
    As for Kelly….sorry but I do not agree with you. I think she is full of herself, jaded and has a bad attitude which he clearly picked up on. The first thing she said to him on their date was a complaint that he made them walk so far. He is very good natured and loving and I just didn’t see either of those characteristics in her.

  11. Totally on the money Kayla!! For a guy who has been through it all before he didn’t learn very much. Kelly for Bachelorette!!

  12. Wow, Kayla is doing a great job on the Bachelor reviews! Fantastic comments and a real review, I’ve got to say this site has improved since she has joined it!!!

  13. Such a good recap – I couldn’t agree more with you more!! And yes, Victoria F, I am so over her… she needs to take her mood elsewhere.

    I second Kelley for Bachelorette. Fingers crossed.

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