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The Bachelorette Recap: Labour Simulator & The Pity Party

Morning everyone! Mindy here and I’m back with another recap of The Bachelorette! I don’t know about you but holy smokes, last night’s episode started off with a BANG! The first group date was probably one of the funniest dates I have ever watched in the history of The Bachelorette! LOL! There was a good mix of drama right along with the hilarious moments and there were some really telling times that revealed some of the guy’s TRUE colours … it was an interesting episode, to say the least! So, should we dig into it?

The Group Date

Oh my goodness … the first group date was actually one of the most entertaining group dates I’ve EVER watched! It was hilarious to see the guys get a reality check when it comes to pregnancy and labour!! It was so entertaining to see the men struggling with the babies and getting a little “feel” for what it would be like to breastfeed. But then, they busted out the labour simulator and while they were cringing in pain, I was busting a gut at their reactions! LOL! I don’t think the guys realized JUST how painful it would be! How many of you ladies out there LOVED that??

I mean … I’m sure they could have at least left them hooked up to the simulator for a few more HOURS to really get the feel for it … but the date had to carry on! Ps. Don’t you think that EVERY guy should have to try this?? Or is that just me?? LOL!

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap


I think Jed and Hannah have such a great connection … they seem so comfortable with each other and they just seem to click!! Jed seems like such a genuine guy and I think he would be awesome for Hannah to have at her side during labour! LOL!

Mike J

Wow! I was so pleasantly surprised by how vulnerable Mike was! He really opened up to Hannah last night and his sweet (yet manly!!) personality really shone through! I’m a big fan of Mike and I think he’ll make it far!! But if he doesn’t … it would be AMAZING to see him as the next Bachelor!! What do you think??

Tyler C

Tyler seems like a really sweet guy … I love the fact that he called his mom after the group date! LOL! I think Hannah likes Tyler but I don’t think they are at the level as her and Jed. BUT … maybe their relationship will grow?? So much can still change at this point!

Connor’s One on One

Even though Connor’s date was technically cancelled, he totally handled it like a champ and was so sweet to Hannah! I mean, now that I think about it … he kind of lucked out with this date … he got to hang out with Hannah in bed all day (once she got home from the hospital, of course!) and he got some quality one on one time with her with ZERO distractions! Then, to top it all off he sealed the deal by leaving her sweet notes throughout her place and snagged himself a well-deserved rose!

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap

Group Date #2

This date was all sorts of awkward! I mean, the animals were really cute but the photos were a bit odd and Luke REALLY took it to the next level! Luke started out by asking Hannah to get on his back while he did push-ups … then he was clinging to her like lint, following her around and offering to walk her to her change room … then he basically stalked her ALL night trying to talk to her. He is totally ruining this for himself and Hannah had to tell him to back off a bit … oh man … this should be interesting.

But then there was Peter who absolutely KILLED it on this group date!! He is SUCH a sweet guy and even though I know her and Jed have a great connection … I REALLY want Peter to score the last rose! LOL!

Jillian Harris The Bachelorette RecapJillian Harris The Bachelorette Recap

Tailgate Party

Well, the tailgate party kicked off with … CAM. This was insanely tough to watch because instead of a tailgate party, it turned into a PITY PARTY. What the hell was that even about?! I don’t even understand what he was going on and on and on about.

I feel bad for the other guys there because this has just turned into a “party” solely focused on Cam and zero fun was had for the others. Needless to say, I was happy to see that Cam was sent home but it doesn’t look like that’s going to be the end of the drama ….

Until next week!!




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  1. I wish she would have kicked Cam to the curb during her discussion with him. Though I was not very impressed with Mike for lying about Cam telling all the guys he was trying to get a pity rose. That’s not really what he said, though I do tend to ffwd through most scenes with Cam in them! Maybe I missed something? Anyway, I was super impressed with how Hannah handled Cam, as well as the way she told Luke his arrogance is a turn off. You go girl!
    The labour simulator was hilarious, but does not really capture the essence of squeezing a watermelon out your yin yang! The other group date was a little lame.
    Connor was super sweet, so now I have a top 3, him along with my 2 fave’s since day 1, Peter and Jed. Was so nice to see lot’s of those guys last night. They are all great guys that have a true connection with Hannah and a lot of respect for her.

  2. I totally agree with your comnments. I thought the labour date was going to be lame but I thought it was totally hilarious. I said the same thing about Mike – next Bachelor!!! I am sure Cam is going to get a ticket to Paradise = the ABC is just too good not to have him there. I think he is going to be closely followed by Luke P – his drama has a place on the Mexican beach!!!

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