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Tori’s 40th Birthday Whistler Getaway (And Giveaway!)

If people don’t know who Tori is by now, she’s my cousin but she is more like my sister! Tori and I have been super tight for as long as I can remember and I’ve always idolized and looked up to her. She is by far one of the kindest, most selfless people. Not only is she stunningly gorgeous on the inside but she is breathtaking on the outside too … and the crazy thing is she doesn’t recognize it, I’m always telling her “Look at me, and say … “I’m beautiful and hot” “LOL

When Tori turned 40 I knew I wanted to do something special for her but I can’t take all of the credit for this because her best friend, Marlo, was really adamant about doing something amazing for Tori too, turned out Marlo was pushing the gas pedal and I was steering the wheel! LOL.

When we were planning her birthday party we knew we wanted to do it in Whistler and I knew that I wanted it to memorable and special and based on how amazing out weekend was for Sam’s Bachelorette party, I KNEW there wasn’t a better place for all of us girls to stay than at The Four Seasons Resort in Whistler!

Jillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort WhistlerJillian Harris Toris 40th Birthday Weekend Getaway in Whistler The Four Seasons Resort really pulled out all of the stops! When we arrived we walked into a massive suite with 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms (the more bathrooms for a girls trip, the better, am I right?! LOL), there were balloons and the most amazing appetizers waiting for us PLUS a bartender that greeted us with a cocktail. We couldn’t even believe our eyes. I’m so grateful to have a platform like this because it does give me some bonuses for sure but their customer service is seriously the best around and they pay attention to the smallest of details … I mean, even the appetizers that were waiting for us were vegetarian focused!

That night we went out for dinner at Sidecut and while it is a Steakhouse and Bar they had the best vegan options and great wine!! I remember us sitting around the table having dinner together, all of us girls, most of these ladies don’t ever take time for themselves (Tori included) so it was nice to see everyone really relax, laugh and just enjoy not cooking dinner! LOL!! After dinner, we were so exhausted and hit the sheets nice and early … these mama’s got a GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP!!! Eeeeppp!!!

Jillian Harris Toris 40th Birthday Weekend Getaway in WhistlerJillian Harris Toris 40th Birthday Weekend Getaway in WhistlerJillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort WhistlerJillian Harris Toris 40th Birthday Weekend Getaway in Whistler

The next morning we had brunch served in our room and it was OUT OF CONTROL! We had mimosas, coffee, bran muffins, breakfast burritos, yogurt parfaits, caesars, fruit, etc. You name it … we probably had it. LOL. We spent a good chunk of the morning catching up and indulging then little did the girls know … I had something in store for us that day.

Jillian Harris Toris 40th Birthday Weekend Getaway in WhistlerJillian Harris Toris 40th Birthday Weekend Getaway in WhistlerJillian Harris Toris 40th Birthday Weekend Getaway in WhistlerJillian Harris Toris 40th Birthday Weekend Getaway in WhistlerJillian Harris Toris 40th Birthday Weekend Getaway in Whistler

I wanted to do something completely unexpected so we went on a RZR Tour, I booked it through The Adventure Group (TAG) Whistler … I was a bit worried about how 9 girls would react to this sort of thing but and it was so much F*CKING FUN!!! It was honestly the MOST fun we’ve all had in such a long time, I had a perma-grim on my face the whole time, we were driving through mud puddles, climbing up steep mountains (at one point the girls said I was on 3 wheels lol!) …   we were all laughing so hard … it brought me back to the good ‘ol Peace River days!! Actually, a fun fact about Tori that most people wouldn’t know, is that she is a total ADRENALINE JUNKIE!! LOL!! She absolutely loves this sort of thing, she was even the first person to take me skydiving!! Don’t be fooled by her sweet nature … this girl has some balls!! LOL!!!

Jillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort WhistlerJillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort WhistlerJillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort WhistlerJillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort WhistlerJillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort Whistler

I mean … after an experience like that you have to balance it out with a little spa day right?? Just to get all of that mud off?? LOL!! Some of us girls went and got pedi’s and holy man … this was one of the best pedicure’s I’ve ever had … they actually lay you down on a bed for it!! Have you ever had a pedi laying down?? It’s a whole new level … I almost fell asleep!

Jillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort WhistlerJillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort WhistlerJillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort WhistlerJillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort WhistlerJillian Harris Toris Birthday Four Seasons Resort Whistler

photo credit

This weekend was the perfect mix of fun, adventure, and relaxation. Not only was it was so much fun celebrating Tori but it was so nice to see every single one of us just live in the moment and soak it all up. I think it’s so important to get together with your girls and spoil yourself. If you are planning a Bachelorette party or just want to get away for the weekend I would highly recommend pooling your money together and experiencing this place … you can even bring your own food and beverages to save some money, we did this too!!

Actually, I think that every group of girls needs to do this … it’s so good for the heart and soul … so … I’ve teamed up with the Four Seasons Resort Whistler and they want to give away a two bedroom private residence for two nights (maximum 4 adults)!! This does have to be booked and used by November 23, 2017! Oh, and also … The Adventure Group will provide Superfly (which operates year-round) for 4 adults. If this sounds like something you would LOVE make sure to enter below and follow all of the steps! I also want to give a little shoutout to Landeau for the beautiful flower delivery ANNND they will ALSO be sending the winner of this giveaway some gorgeous flowers!! The winner will be randomly selected and announced on Saturday, October 28th!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tori’s ACTUAL birthday is October 29th and we have a few more things in store for her … sssshhhhh …. it’s honestly so crazy that we are at this age now … I mean, I remember like it was yesterday when we were little girls running around, holding hands and exploring the backyard. Where did time go??







Thank you Four Seasons Resort Whistler for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own.

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    1. As woman, myself a mother of 4 grown children who still has not gotten use to nor do I care for being an empty nexter. I have been a daughter a sister, a wife, a mother. I have lost my partner to a brain tumor, my lover fell off a building in January and I was forced in to an early retirement after a life changing accident 5 years ago but I telll you whatever Life has thrown at me or any of us we as woman keep marching on.
      We ALL could use a getaway, and to have friends or family to join us..actually to have Jilly join us would be best I often boast of the flight we shared to LA one time she is amazing company…so that would be fun to…HEck maybe we should just book a BIG getaway for all of us what do you think….
      Anyway my point is from what I have read here today is any one of these amazing woman deserves a get away. So to all of you good luck…and to the lucky winner have an amazing memorable time.
      Life is about the times you share with those you love and care about creating memories that last a lifetime.

  1. Amazing!! I turn 40 in Dec and wasn’t going to do anything…working mom of 2 doesn’t really have time to focus on me. But your post inspired me! Maybe I deserve more. Entered your contest with fingers crossed and a decision to do something for moi, regardless! ?

  2. December 13th I will be 42, as of yesterday day, I worked full time while raising my 5 year old twin girls along with my amazing hubby. But yesterday after exactly 9 years with my employer (and 17 years in the industry) I was let go from my job (which they changed my job description while I was on Mat Leave, I fact they informed me after I had been in a NICU for 2 months with my Girls who were born 3 months early-so my place at work never felt right for years).
    Long story story, I could really use a holiday like you and your girlfriends enjoyed. And I would love to enjoy it with my hubby and girls who have just been amazing.

  3. I followed both yours and Tori’s insta stories and it looks so amazing! I began googling it as I just recently moved away from my sister and we promised to take a retreat each year and how amazing would this be.. we are now both pregnant (her pregnancy comes after 3 miscarriages) so we both have to do this before life gets crazier!

  4. YESSSSS! Oh my goodness this would be AMAZING! Please pick my sister Hannah and I! We would love to take a long over due girls trip! <3

  5. Okay so for submitting we just follow, like and visit and we are submitted? Really could use this little getaway especially with the craziness of just getting married, 2 kids and back to school routine while working full time – fingers crossed I can win this little weekend get away. Xo

  6. Jillian, I love you. Just all of you. I’ve been following you ever since the Bachelor days, I’ve seen you grow and be an amazing mother. You are just a wonderful person. Not like any other “famous” person. You’re so real and so unique. I love that you are always so grateful and positive, but that you still show hard days and just how normal your life is to everyone else. Little Leo is growing so fast! I think he looks so much like you. I just wanted to leave a message and say that you are amazing and I hope someone wins this fun girls getaway. I think it is so GREAT of you to do this for someone!! Like, seriously, who goes out of their way to do this? I know famous people who stay in fact hotels but they never do this. And that’s totally fine, it’s their life and they can live however they want to. You really really didn’t even have to do this. But you did. I think you’re so sweet. Happy birthday to your cousin Tori!

  7. I loved our summer vacation at Whistler this year! TAG was amazing and treated us like gold! We would LOVE to go back and try the rest of the adventures they offer (plus the pampering!).

  8. Jillian, you are so thoughtful and giving. I admire you in so many ways. Thank you for always thinking of others. You have an amazing heart ❤️

  9. Me and my girls really need a trip! Between new houses, growing families and education we need a break! Help us out. Xoxo

  10. Oh my goodness, me and my moms group would LOVE THIS! We tried to recreate all your fabulous spa days but in our city. When we saw your weekend getaway we all talked about how much fun it would be to go on something like this. We are ALL entering in the hopes of taking each other! ??

  11. Happy Birthday Tori another October baby!!! My birthday is the 30th and I’ll be 41… would love a birthday girls trip, how awesome!

  12. Your weekend away looked like absolute paradise!! Thanks so much for the opportunity to have a chance to win this gem for my girls and I as well!!! I have just moved to the Okanagan (Salmon Arm) and miss my girls back on the Sunshine Coast!! This would be an absolute blast and a chance to reconnect!! Thanks Jillian and the FSWhistler!!!! xoxox

  13. Please please please!!! I would love to win this for my 40th! It’s Nov 21st. I have eight kids one with special needs and my hubby and I need a getaway!! ❤️

  14. Have been watching all your posts and Tori’s bday getaway looked like a dream 40th! My bday is October 30th and I am starting celebrations this week! Cheers Tori!!! Cross your fingers I win a bday surprise girls getaway just like Tori’s!

  15. What a rad weekend-amazing memories. Fingers and (hopefull soon to be pedi’ed) toes crossed to win this sweet contest. Cheers!!

  16. Where are Tori’s brown boogies from in the pic of you two on the driveway at hotel?! She’s wearing ripped jeans as well?! I’ve been liking for similar style!


  17. Oh my goodness! That would be crazy awesome. My boyfriend always laughs at how religiously I follow your posts and stories. This would be so cool to win. Love you Jillian Harris!

  18. Wow wow wow! I have been looking for the perfect winter getaway for my best friends bachelorette and this is it! Fancy and adventurous!! I entered the giveaway so fingers crossed. Thanks so much for sharing!

  19. Happy Birthday to your sister- cuz Tori ??. Sisterhood is such a special bond and share so many memories over the years. Thank you for the chance to share one more memory with you of what “sisters”are all about…love…laughter…and the chance to share

  20. So after a long hard year of living in our travel trailer our dream home is finished… my husband who is a builder worked his ass off keeping our business going…building our house and putting up with me and my champagne taste on a budget lol
    It was fun watching your house at the same time… and i took every little bit of info and tips you gave! So thank you for all of that! With all that being said, we usually take a vaca this time of year but have decided not to since we went over budget?… but this has been a bucket list fantasy for Steve to stay at the Four Seasons in Whistler and what a cool wife I’d be if i could set this up for him??? His birthday is Dec. 27th so he gets the shaft most the time lol Any ways i could go on and on.
    Thank you for all the entertainment on your Instagram stories, I just adore you, your family and the way you give to your friends is so inspiring 😉 Thanks – Amber Kurtz

  21. Would be just amazing to win this! The list is long why… 😉 but let’s be honest everyone could use this! Youre the best Jillian! Love all your funny stories and great post! My friends and I eould make you proud! #champagneallday ???

  22. What a wonderful way to treat someone close to you !!! I do not have FB so hoping all my other social media will help me qualify?

  23. Oh my oh my . This would be an absolute blast. I would love to stay in such a gorgeous hotel in the mountains with my girls.

  24. I follow you ladies on instage am and loved sing all the happy posts! You girls know how to do it right and in style! Would love a weekend away like this for my 30th birthday next month! Cheers!

  25. You and Tori have become my little daily escape. I watch your Instastories each night as my guilty pleasure, admiring your beautiful homes, your precious families and your killer fashion. Thank you for taking my mind away for just a few moments each day. You guys are both fabulous ?

  26. What an incredible trip and beautiful place to spend time with girlfriends or even another special couple in your life. Keeping my fingers crossed!!

  27. I would so love to bring my husband here for our anniversity!! He is a hard working farmer and it’s not very often he takes a few days off!! He would love this!!!

  28. Oh my gosh!!!! I followed you along the whole journey and I thought of how amazing it was and how badly it is neede for me and my mommy friends!
    You all are so sweet and Generous! Best of luck to you all 😉

  29. This would be such an amazing getaway!! My 40th bday is next year and this full time
    Working mama of 3 could totally use a girls weekend away!! ? It looked liked you guys had a blast!!

  30. Oooh! This would be perfect for me and my sistas! Happy Birthday to Tori! Thanks for the opportunity to enter Jillian, you are amazing as always!

  31. This would be an amazing experience, even though I just live on Vancouver Island I am embarrassed to say that I have never been to Whistler before! Would love to be able to take my sister and my mom! Thank you!!!

  32. I would love to win this trip and take my besties. Never been to Whistler. Best of all I love the snow so it would be a great adventure.

  33. Entered! I loved following along on this sweet adventure! I recently traced my ancestry to Canada and now it has moved to my #1 place I want to visit! This is the perfect birthday present best friends, adventure, and lots of robes and spa/relaxation time all wrapped around beautiful Whistler! New dream trip!

  34. This would be an awesome birthday outing. My birthday is in November and i w9uld love to get out of the house. Been suffering from depression the last few months. I need a pick me up! I lived in Vancouver years ago and visited Whistler with one of my bestest friends and we had a blast. Would love to experience these fun times again. My fingers are crossed i get to partake in this amazing getaway. Thank you Jillian for giving everyone an opportunity to win this. Cheers! Good luck everyone!

  35. This resort looks amazing. My best friend is turning 50 and this would be a perfect place for our friends to celebate for her love this!

  36. Ohhhhh, my birthday is October 28th! The day before;) happy birthday Tori! This would be a great way to spend a birthday, surrounded by friends ?

  37. Two of my closest friends are my cousins. It’s such a special bond! We were each born 9 months apart, all got engaged and married within the same 18 months and now all have babies a few months apart. My nickname for them is “couster” aka cousin-sister. Hahaha!

  38. This place is amazing! What a great give away. My bday is in November and this would be a lovely way to spend it xo

  39. A soon to be Ol’ 60 year old that feels like she’s still 40! Would be a super fun vacation for us Alberta girls that LOVE to have a good time!!! Done our fair share of quadng and not afraid of Caesars for breakfast!! Sounds like a GREAT time. I enjoy your blog Jillian!

  40. I have to comment and just say, even if you’re not Jillian the service at FS Whistler is spectacular. Worth the splurge on a hotel if you can manage it. My favourite place to stay in Whistler!!

  41. Just turned 40 and would love to enjoy Whistler like zTori did! My newborn is almost 3 months and now. Would love to celebrate!

    1. My 4 year old grandson was diagnosed with ALL leukaemia last year on November the 8th. It has been an extremely difficult year for our family. I know my daughter is so deserving for a weekend away. Please consider us. We thank you.

    2. This would be an amazing getaway for us busy hockey moms!! So needed to recharge and enjoy the next 6 months of being the best hockey; ALL around mom I can be!! Would love to share this with me dearest friends ❤️

    3. Hi Jillian

      This trip would be so amazing as we were forced to live in our rv for 7 months now as the condo we purchased went into Receivership due to the developer’s shady deals! We remain hopeful that we will have our home in the next few months! I have been following you since you were on the bachelor and loved your show “Love it or list it” Also watched the episodes of Jillian and Justin…congratulations on your engagement!

      My daughter had our grandson a few weeks after you had Leo and now follows you and loves your posts and pics! (Family affair lol) Wishing you all the very best and thank you for your “getaway ” draws. ?

  42. OMG! I would LOVE to win this! It’s my 50th on December 24th. It would make an amazing early b-day for me & my friends!

  43. LOVE your blog! Your amazing ideas and pictures inspired me to reno our house the past few months!Thank you!!

  44. I would love nothing more than to celebrate with the women I love. I just turned 59 on October 21, 2017 and could use a getaway with my girlfriends. Thank you for considering me!

  45. Would love, no I NEED, a girls weekend! I’m a single mom of a 15 year old son and have not made time for myself (like we all do). It’s been eight years since I’ve had a vacation, so some rest & relaxation is much needed!

  46. What an amazing getaway this would be. I love the mountains but have never been to Whistler. I would love to visit this hotel and take in the stunning scenery.

  47. This has been my first year as a single mom and this would make my birthday next week the perfect end of my 31st years

  48. Jillian so you are so thoughtful and giving!! This would be an amazing trip and a great way to celebrate my 30th!! I find it hard to believe I’m at that age…. I guess time flies when your having fun! 🙂

    1. Wow, you have the best group of friends and cousins ever.! Every girls getaway you have looks absolutely amazing!! I want your life so bad. I need some serious fun in my life right now. My life is a shit show. ??

  49. My 60 th birthday is today! I plan on visiting my newly wed daughter mid November (she lives in Vancouver)- what an awesome gift this would be!!

  50. I love you Jillian! I really hope you and Justin have a second season of your show coming up. I would love to win this trip – it sounds so amazing, I was following your Instagram story the whole time you guys were there.

  51. What a generous getaway! It sounds like a perfect way to celebrate a milestone birthday. It’s my sister’s 40th on October 30th and I would LOVE to treat her to this. She’s always putting her family first and it would be so wonderful to give her a chance to just relax and enjoy some time away. Thanks Jilly for always giving your fans an opportunity to self-care like this! xo.

  52. What an awesome and fun-filled birthday weekend that was for Tori and the girls.
    This would be soooo amazing for my Mothers 60th birthday, which is November 17th.

  53. We are 6 beautiful ladies in the office @ byrne creek community school. Our office has 5 birthdays in one week. A great group of Scorpions! One is celebrating her 40th another her 60th! We love to party and would love to hang out with your birthday crew too! Maybe see you in Whistler at the Fairmont

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