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10 Tips on How to Pack Your Home

Whelp. As most of you know (from my multiple emotional insta stories … sorry guys … LOL!!) that we have packed up our house, it’s now in the possession of the lucky new owners and we are staying in Justin’s mom and dad’s condo for a bit until we can move into our home!!

While we are moving within the same city we didn’t necessarily have to be as planned out as MOST moves (with the moving trucks, etc.) … BUT we have a 3 week period in between moving into our new home so we had to pack as if we were going on a 3-week vacation … we have clothes and necessities stuffed in our luggage and that’s about it!!! It’s going to be interesting, to say the least … lol!

As I was packing up our home and getting ready for the big move, I thought to myself that it would be fun and probably super helpful for some of you for me to share my top 10 tips to packing up your home so I’ve gone ahead and listed them for you below!! Let’s dig into them!! …

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1. Purge as you pack: This is so important to do to make sure you’re not packing useless junk!! Also, pack your junk drawers FIRST, I made the mistake of doing mine last this time around and realized that I had a bunch of random stuff, and boxes that that stuff belonged in had alread been packed up and moved!! Oh and label freakin everything so you know exactly what room it needs to go in, that makes unpacking a BREEZE!

2. Stock up on newspapers and boxes: Before you even have to start packing ANYTHING, the moment you know you have to pack start saving newspapers and boxes to save money!! The newspapers can be used to wrap fragile items and can be recycled after!

3. Don’t pack your blankets and towels: Before I start using paper or bubble wrap – I run around the house and use every throw blanket, pillows, towels, etc. for “padding” on delicate items! It saves plastic, paper, money, and packing space! I also use face clothes and dish clothes in between plates and duvets and blankets to wrap mirrors and art!

4. Garbage bags are your best friend: Yup, that’s right!! Make sure to grab some big durable garbage bags and load these bad boys up with all of your clothes and shoes!! Plus, you can use them to purge while you’re at it … just don’t get the bags mixed up! LOL!!

5. Don’t leave it to the last minute: Try to pack ALMOST everything a few weeks prior to moving, only leave 2 glasses, 2 items of cutlery, 2 bowls and pack EVERYTHING else … you likely won’t want to be cooking in your home so leave the absolute BARE minimum to throw in a random box at the last minute! AND don’t grocery shop for the last 10 days. I found I got REALLY creative with cooking and made some of my best meals when we only had rations in the house! Which made for very little wastage and very little thrown out!

6. Pack fragile items together: As much as possible try to limit ALL of your fragile items into a FEW BOXES – especially if you’re hiring a moving company, I hired the best Movers Boston has to offer and I still make sure I move my own breakables …. don’t throw fragile items here there and everywhere … anything really special just bring with you in the car.

7. Make a to-do list: Go around the house and make a TO DO LIST of what needs to be done – fix this cupboard handle – fix this paint chip – fix these holes so that you have everything laid out so that when you’re at the store you know exactly what you need … and you can plan and organize how and WHEN you are going to do everything … it will just help you clear your mind a bit.

8. Hire a cleaning company: Do yourself a favour and hire professional cleaners on the LAST DAY! I don’t know what I would have done without Melissa’s help … she really went the extra mile to make sure our house was in tip top shape for the new homeowners. You’d be surprised at how inexpensive this is and it saves you probably close to two days of cleaning. If you don’t want to do this … start cleaning EARLY … do little by little each week … do your cupboards, and fixes so that you only need to do one final wipe down and vacuum the day you’re moving out( I would use the best robot vacuum cleaner in this case ). Or, round up your family to help too like I did!! Lol!! Thanks again everyone!! You know who you are!!

9. HAVE FUN: I can’t stress this one enough. Blast music, order pizza and crack open a bottle of vino!

10. Don’t stress: Remember this is a  tense time for everyone… take a deep breath and let things go that would normally drive you crazy!

Jillian Harris - 10 Tips to Move

I’m also that crazy person that likes to pack AND unpack all in one day … I don’t know how or WHY I do it but it’s just something I’ve always done … lol … I don’t actually recommend this though because as you can imagine it’s freakin EXHAUSTING!!!

Another important thing to remember is, think about how you would like to receive a home. Leave it beautiful, leave it clean.  As much as you can, scrub out every cupboard, corner, and window. Leave fresh flowers or your favourite bottle of wine for the new homeowners. Remember, this process is stressful for someone else too, they’re moving as well and what a beautiful way to pay it forward by leaving LOVE in your home.

Jillian Harris - 10 tips on how to pack your home

There you have it!! I hope if you have an upcoming move that you can put some of these tips to use!! Also, for those of you who have had their fair share of moves and have some pro tips to add, make sure to share them in the comments section below!!



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  1. Great ideas! I used to be professional organizer and banker boxes are great for packing since they are small enough to move, have handles and are easy to label. Also invest in plastic storage boxes that have built in tops that fold in. Those are great in general for moving and storing things you don’t use all the time. They also stack on and into themselves for easy storage. Happy moving!

  2. Hi, I’m in tears for you watching this. I discovered you on “Love It or List It Too” and have followed your journey ever since. Your home was my absolute favorite thing you would ever blog about or share photos of. Any chance there’s one last blog post left to show your whole home before you moved? I’d love to see the different rooms, etc..still “Jillian” furnished before. Thank you in advance. Good Luck on your next chapter.

  3. LOVE this! We’ll be moving into our new construction home in the next month, and am currently going through all of our un-organzied possessions from our last move! Thanks for the tips + I can’t wait to see your beautiful home complete!

  4. Jillian where did you get the gorgeous gold trim mirror from and your black patio set in your yard? I can’t believe you left those behind! Congrats on your new house i’m sure it will be as beautiful as your old one. I can’t believe how cute your little Leo is, he’s adorable waving at Tori cleaning the windows. I’m so happy for you can’t wait to see your new home in your insta stories.

    1. I hope it’s ok if I add in? The VERY BEST things I did for our last move was to :
      #1. Buy a Steno Note pad from a Dollar Store. Number each box . Make brief Notes in Steno pad for contents of each Numbered Box. Obviously starting at #1 and going Up.
      As you proceed along you can do a Summary Page .. ” Boxes 1 – 25 are KITCHEN ITEMS ” … And then yes define Fragile Boxes etc.

      #2. I also got a pack of Brightly Colored Medium Heavy paper… Letter-size sheets. Then you can further define by using one Color for Rooms … LIME GREEN = KITCHEN ….. YELLOW = MASTER BATHROOM… Etc etc. Using the Clear packing tape to secure onto the SIDESof each box… Not Tops! Because the boxes will get Stacked .

      If you are able to arrive at the New house before the Movers? Use Painter tape to gently stick a Colored paper to the door of each Destination…

      Hopefully your movers will be ” with it ” enough to follow the Directions !! And unload each color of boxes into their respective rooms!

      I have to say!! I absolutely LOVED this method and it saved so many steps and headaches wondering just exactly where they nuts were and where to place them…

      If you wonder where the bedding is? Extra toilet tissue ? You have it all listed on your Steno pad.

      Also! If for some reason a box should go astray? You can easily have the list for the Moving company as well as the contents …

  5. I’m up to my eyeballs packing! Thanks for the tips !!! Purging and selling my furniture. I want a new look!!!Care to come to Victoria to help me decorate??!! I Looooooooooove your style!!!!!!

  6. I have moved so many times and could list many tips but I HIGHLY recommend wardrobe boxes over any other tip. They are worth every cent. It not only saves time but keeps all of your clothes organized and ready to be put away in your new closet. And, you can throw random shoes or even folded sweaters/sweatshirts at the bottom. You’ll never move without them again!

  7. I love that you have shared this with us. I have moved so many times. The hardest was the house I brought my two babies home to. I teared up when you got teary as well. I am from New York, but I’ve moved to Virginia, Pennsylvania, Sweden, Brazil, back to Pennsylvania, Texas, and now Ohio. The only thing I might add is to treat your movers well-buy them breakfast and lunch, keep a variety of beverages and snacks for the taking., especially water. They are so hard-working . They truly appreciate it and will take extra good care of your things. I adore the idea of leaving L?VE in your home for the new owners. Blessings in your new home!

  8. Hi Jillian
    Hope you shared the wine with the lady waxing the floors. ?
    Moving can be an emotional time…wishing You & your family much happiness in your new home!
    (The guest house is darling)

  9. Thank you Jilly for sharing with us all those vids and great tips!I have used some you mentioned in my past moves.My problem is that I always have to leave some things behind because I cannot take everything with me,so sometimes it is sad to get rid of some items.I am also lazy when unpacking,so just unlike you,I procrastinate a lot and have boxes all around for a long time,upps! 🙂 xx

  10. Nice post Jillian 🙂 Labeling should probably be highlighted as one of the most important points lol! It’s so simple yet overlooked by many. Makes it easy for the movers to drop the boxes off in the right places as well when you reach your new home.

  11. These are excellent points about moving. When we moved into our new home, most of the things that ended up breaking didn’t break in the box… they broke when I was rushing myself to unpack. Thankfully most of those items weren’t irreplaceable or expensive! Being mindful of when you move in is also a really good idea. We got lucky and moved in over a 3-day-weekend that my husband had off, and we both took the following Monday off as well.

  12. Nice tips! I’m moving soon and just started packing some items. I’ve purged more than half of what I owned and now it seems much easier. Your tips and advises are very helpful for me, some are quite smart. Thank you for the packing ideas!

  13. Thanks for sharing this informative post!! Packing is one of the main thing involved in the moving process. People might think it as an extra expense, but according to me it is totally worth spending an amount on moving.

  14. Wow, these are some really great ideas for anyone planning a move.
    I think it’s wise to start planning from early because a house move can be very overwhelming.
    Thank you for the post!

  15. Moving doesn’t need to be stressful! All it takes to have a successful move is to stay organized. When planned well, all you’ll need to do during moving day is load the truck so that you can take your and thanks for your tips.

  16. Packing is really stressful work. Not an easy work. You share the information about packing is really very helpful. Great blog. Thanks for sharing valuable info here.

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