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My 2017 New Years Resolutions!

A New Year … a new chance to kick ass and show 2017 who’s BOSS!!!! I LOVE the start of a new year, there are so many exciting (and certainly some challenging) times ahead but I always get excited about the month of January. It’s a time to look back on 2016 and reflect on what made you most happy and make a goal to do MORE of that in 2017 … it’s also important to make yourself aware of what you would have liked to improve on going forward. It’s a FRESH start and it’s time to make yourself proud!!!

Last year one of my goals was to work smarter, not harder and spend more time with my family … I think I’ve achieved that but I also want to continue that AGAIN this year… and just keep improving!!! I also added a few more resolutions to work towards this year and I would love to share them with you!!!


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1. REDUCE WASTE: I’m going to try and use reusable coffee cups with the end goal of no longer using paper cups and plastic lids! I already use the extra tall venti water cup with the straw from Starbucks and take it EVERYWHERE with me, I love drinking from a straw because you don’t need two hands to take off the lid!

2. TAKE MORE “ME TIME”: I think this is an important goal for EVERYONE. Find something that makes your soul happy and makes you feel good and make a commitment to yourself to set time aside and just do it. I would love to get into arts and crafts … or even get back into a regular routine of working out!!! Whatever I decide on, I’m going to be scheduling in that much needed “Me Time” consistently.

3. REDUCE LEATHER AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS: I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to drastically reduce if not eliminate the purchase of leather and animal products in my wardrobe and home … this is something that is so dear to my heart (I’m already a no fur gal!!!). I’m not going to lie, it’ll be a little bit of a challenge … but you have to start somewhere and it’s so worth it!!!!

4. HELP OTHERS IN NEED: There’s no better feeling than the feeling you get when you help someone in need. Every year at Christmas I like to support two families in need through the Kelowna Food Bank, but this year I would LOVE to be able to help out in other ways and support so many great causes MORE like Mamas for Mamas and BabyGoRound … it just makes me feel so amazing to be able to continue to give  back!!!!

5. EASE UP ON CLEANING: Let it goooo ….. let it goooooo ……. LOL!!! It’s true, I’m a CLEAN FREAK and I’ll be the first to admit that I need to just let it GO!!! I’m going to make a huge effort to stop obsessing over the dishes and the dust and the laundry going forward … heck, I might even let the laundry pile up a little bit!!!

6. GET OUTSIDE: I absolutely love being outside and I certainly know I don’t get out there and enjoy it as much as I should. We live in such a beautiful city with so many amazing hiking trails and lakes so I need to get out there and start taking advantage of it!!!

7. HAVE MORE CONVERSATIONS: I mean REAL conversations … not email or texting … I want to pick up the phone and have an old-school conversation with my loved ones … or better yet, have more face to face conversations!!!

8. HAVE ANOTHER BABY: Which I guess means lots of practicing LOL … 😉

9. KEEP IMPROVING MY PLANT BASED LIFESTYLE: Practice makes perfect, right?!?! I’m really excited to continue my journey with my plant based lifestyle which means this year I’ll be focusing on learning more recipes, photographing them and SHARING THEM with all of you, so YOU can enjoy them too!!!!

10. MANAGE STRESS: Learning to manage stress and help my team and family do the same. I have recently hired Jamie Wood from Sanga Living and we have weekly meetings either via phone or face to face. Her main goal is to help me, and the important people in my life be the best version of themselves that they can be … all while managing their daily stresses. It has been amazing so far … for me and my team … I’m looking forward to working with her more this year and mastering my stress!!!

11. QUALITY CLOTHING OVER QUANTITY: This one is really really important to me. I’m going to start making an effort to move away from fast fashion and invest in more quality pieces when it comes to my closet. We all know certain styles come and go but there are a few KEY items that tie an outfit together and never go out of style. Investing in quality staple items will mean more of an investment initially but these items are the ones that prove to stand the test of time. The cheaper the clothing the quicker it tends to wear out which unfortunately means the quicker these items pile up in our landfills and sadly most of these clothes don’t decompose. By investing in quality clothing not only will your bank account thank you over time … but so will Mother Nature!!!!


What are some of your goals for 2017?!?! Share them with me in the comments section below!!!




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  1. Love a lot of your resolutions because it’s all about becoming better and being more aware of our impact on this beautiful planet we call home and the people in our lives. I’m going to work on some of them too and hopefully together (all of us) can make this world a little bit brighter! Keep shining the light Jillian.

  2. Quality clothing is a big resolution for me this year as well. I always find myself running into H&M and spending over $100 and then wearing what I’ve bought once or twice. I always consistently find myself in that “I have nothing to wear but so much to wear” state of mind. I think investing in some quality pieces from higher end stores will actually help me save money in the long run and will definitely help in those “nothing to wear” moments we all have.

  3. Good Morning!!!

    I love love love your resolutions for 2017!!!! If you need some awesome new lines to check that are Canadian Made check out Jeane & Jax (VEGAN) and I Love Tyler Madison (Canadian made and proud supporters of SPCA & ASPCA)… I sell both at my store and they are quality & are feel good companies! Your #5 made me laugh because this is my year to CLEAN UP MORE… I find a clean home helps production! As a new boss lady I need all the clutter gone! #2,4, and 6 also resonate with me!!!! What a year we have ahead of ourselves! Oooo guess who else I sell at my store… Melanie Auld! I am hoping to get your collection in for summer 17 😀 All my love, Lili B from The Dancing Lily in Victoria, B.C.

    1. Hi @lilibutterfield:disqus thanks so much for your suggestions!!! Your store sounds so cute!!! All the best to you in the coming year!!! XOXO

  4. Looking forward to your blog and recommendations on your ‘quality vs quantity’ clothes. Could you also include a section on work attire? Thanks!

    1. I’m looking forward to sharing more on that topic!!! Thanks for following along @disqus_hE9XoxLiAt:disqus XOXO

  5. All great things Jill. I want to do more baking, keep working out for me and lose my baby weight. Take care of my self ie skin it hasn’t been the same post partum. XO

  6. This was a great list! I’m a fairly new reader, but watched you on then bachelor franchise 🙂 Did you blog about why you decided to go toward a plant based lifestyle? I’d love to hear more about that journey. I think I remember you having Jason Mesnik make a hot dog, or something? Maybe I’m totally making that up – ha ha!

  7. Awesome resolutions! I am a vegetarian and in 2017 I’m really wanting to find cruelty free makeup, clothes and hair products. Also when I am wanting to declutter, build a capsule work wardrobe as I’ll be going back to work in June (any advice on that would be greatly appreciated). I’m also really wanting to focus on the now. Having my son who is now 6 months has taught me to put the phone down and take in every little moment with him. Congrats on the engagement! I am loving your blog and your constant positive attitude! Happy New Year!

  8. Love your resolutions and love how open and honest you are with your life in general. I laughed at the baby one because my daughter, Mattea, was born June 8th and I plan on doing the same…hence why my Christmas resolution this year was never to turn down a drink ?
    Keep smiling and inspiring us, mama!

  9. Just wanted to say that I love how down to earth you are, so realistic, and your instagram stories with no make up on, crying being real.. not that I want to see you cry, but so real! Just keep being lovely you!!! 🙂

  10. Going to snag some of your resolutions for my own 2017 list! Love that you say that it may not be easy or perfect but gotta start somewhere. Happy New Year!

    1. Yes!!! Snag away!!! And it’s soooo true, we are all so hard on ourselves but we have to take it one day at a time!!! XOXO

  11. Another baby!!! OMG, that thought totally gives me anxiety for y’all. And I mean that in a loving manner! You are like super woman and the duracell bunny (no pun intended in the bunny and practicing for the babe…hahahah) that goes, goes, goes and goes. 😉

  12. To be the best mother to my baby girl. To figure out how to support us financially being a single mother is hard and Iv never really figured out what I’m good at or what career I should be in. Now more than ever I need to be the best me for her. 2017!!

  13. Love #11! You should really investigate Fair Trade fashion! Thinking about not only saving mother earth by avoiding fast fashion, but also ensuring clothing is made fairly, ethically, and safely by shopping fair trade. It promises that the people behind the clothes are being treated and paid well! So many good brands out there going fair trade!

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