Good morning BOSS MOMS!! That’s right, I meant what I said, Boss MOMS! Some of you are probably thinking, what the hell is a Boss Mom?! Well, it’s exactly like a Boss Babe but we have mini me’s! Being a mom is no easy feat … you’re thrown into a world where nothing makes sense, your grasping at straws and learning as you go, all while battling post pregnancy emotions … you’re mentally and physically different than you were before and life is CHAOS!!! Lol. The moms out there know what I’m talking about and if you don’t have children of your own yet, I’m sure some of your friends do and you’re probably witnessing some of this first hand vicariously through your friends and family.
Welp. In all of this craziness, I think it’s important for us to remember that we GREW A HUMAN AND GAVE IT LIFE and we are nothing short of BADASS!! So as soon as you start doubting yourself, stop, and remember that you’re a BOSS MOM. This is exactly why I wanted to share some simple tips and reminders with all of you Boss Mom’s out there today because I know just how hectic life can be from time to time … here we go!

1. You are still a BABE: Read that again … YOU ARE STILL A BABE! Got it?! I know what it’s like after having a baby, your body is different … you have extra lumps and bumps in places you didn’t even know existed, you lose some of your hair, you breakout, you get stretch marks, you’re emotional … you have a mom bod. But guess what?! Screw it. Screw all of it. YOU ARE STILL A BABE!! We are all so hard on ourselves and it’s time we just eased up on ourselves and embrace the damn mom bod.

2. Dress Comfortably: Yup. We all know JUST how much I love my dresses and heels but there’s nothing better than tossing on a comfy pair of sneakers and getting sh*t done!! Just because you have to kick some ass and take some names (I’m talking about errands here … lol!) doesn’t mean you can’t do it all while looking cute. I love rocking jeans, a cozy sweater, and cute sneakers like these Nike Air Max Thea Premium kicks! Not only are the ridiculously comfy and light but HELLOOOOO, they’re PINK! Lol!! Even if pink shoes aren’t your thing, you’re in luck because these Air Max Thea’s come in 5 different colours! So here’s to you, errands … you can go ahead and #KissMyAirs!!
Ps. Do you remember when Nike Air’s FIRST came out?! Lol!! I’m dating myself here but I remember everyone freaking out about how cool the see-through heel was … do you remember that?! Lol!

3. Schedule Everything: I have NO idea what my life would be like without my iCal … as I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, it’s a staple in my life. This is the only way I can stay on track with everything from work, to date nights to Leo’s naps, working out, grocery shopping, the list goes on! Chances are if something isn’t in my calendar, it won’t get done. It might seem daunting at first but trust me, when you can schedule in what you need to get done on the daily you’ll surprise yourself at how much you can get done in a day! Soon your OOTD will consist of jeans, your fave cozy sweater or tee, Nike’s, and a damn cape! You go superwoman, you GO!

4. Take Me Time: This is a MUST in order to keep your sanity and your well-being, you have to make sure to put yourself first once in a while. As I mentioned above, SCHEDULE this in for yourself! I totally do this!! Happy MOM, happy EVERYONE … am I right?! Lol. Go on and book that spa date, go out for dinner and wine with your girlfriends, hide in a closet and eat candy … whatever it is you need to do to relax your mind and feel rejuvenated, do that.

5. Be Kind To Your Body: I can’t stress enough how important it is to get enough sleep, to stay hydrated (for your health AND to get that glowing skin! WIN WIN!) and to fuel your body with proper nutritious meals. The last thing us Boss Mom’s need is to feel tired, sluggish and unhealthy. Blah!

So there you go ladies, I hope you’ve found some inspiration in this blog and pulled some useful tips and tricks to start incorporating into your routine. I want to hear from YOU now … what is your advice for other Boss Mom’s out there?? Comment below!
Ps. Some of you are probably wondering where Leo disappeared to in half of these pics but not to worry, Justin was there and he took Leo for a few photos while I was wrangling Nacho … our first babe. Lol!!!
Thank you Nike for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own.
I’m confused. You just did a post about hating the mom bod now you are embracing it? I guess your thoughts change depending on who is paying you to post, eh gurl?
The sponsored content is out of control. #adsouttheasshole
If you dont have anything nice to say- dont.
If you disagree with Jillian and dislike that her blog has sponsored posts I suggest you stop following and reading.
No one likes a negative nancy.
Jillian, thank you for the positive Mom post! All Moms need this reminder.
Girl power! Mom power!
@Mrs Ford
Welcome to the internet. It’s a place where you WILL in fact read opinions different than your own. I suggest you get used to it.
I’m no stranger to the internet.
The internet can be a place to express opinions which is wonderful. Freedom of speech is an amazing thing. However, I do not feel that attacking others is wonderful especially when you don’t have any facts to base your defence.
In my earlier response I was simply stating that if you or anyone else disagrees with what Jillian posts on her blog that you should simply not read.
Be positive. You’ll feel better.
Thank you for your comment.
I should be shocked by these comments but sadly I am not…which in itself is sad. You are awesome and I love reading all your posts! I think you are honest, funny and I admire that you share your life! my daughter, who is 12, also follows you and we talk abut your posts, clothes and how cute Leo is all the time! You keep doing what you are doing and do not let anyone ever make you feel bad about you you are and what you are doing! XOXOXOXOXO
Hey Bojinder. You’re an awful human being. Sincerely, the rest of planet earth.
Jillian! I know the negativity can be hard to take. You really have to have tough skin to survive the world of social media.
Thank you for being positive. I will continue to read along. Xx
@Emma – Obviously your MBA is getting you nowhere and is irrelevant because that made no sense. Also, before you go to graduate school for business, you should probably learn how to treat people – I’ll give you a hint . That’s not it!!!!! If you have enough time to spare on your hands to go and troll on the internet then you aren’t doing grad school correctly. I know they told you to network but you’re not off to a good start. You’re getting a Masters in business yet fail to understand that blogging is a business.
No one forced you to read this blog post. Try being nice or don’t say anything at all. Have a great day.
I look forward to your insta stories and pictures of Justin and Leo. THEY ARE ADORABLE and show that you have a real life. I’ve loved you ever since you were on the Bachelorette. Keep doing you my friend. The people who take the time to say mean things are just jealous anyway.
Have a fabulous day!
I’ve also noticed how totally out of control the sponsored content is – I just made a comment on the last post too. Sorry Team Jilly, don’t mean to pile on here but…yah. These posts that are supposedly about motherhood that are actually just ads are really sad to me. The post about Leo’ eating solid foods was especially sad-making, I thought. If you want to trade on your newfound status as a mom to sell some pink shoes, I mean, I don’t buy it, but ok, but please please please don’t use your child as a tool to make money. Don’t dress up a story about some gross mush in a tube as if it is you giving us an honest assessment about the choices you’ve made as a mom. Those are choices you made as a business woman. It just makes me shudder. I get that you say you truly endorse all these products with your own opinions etc but…using your kid to sell stuff is just gross. It’s just compounded by the way that you pretend that you are taking little insta videos about him when you are really just starting at yourself in the screen and fixing your hair in the mirror. I mean, you don’t really expect us to believe that you ACTUALLY ask your tiny baby “how are you doing?!” in a fake sing-song-y voice all day every day…I also don’t believe that the opinions you are expressing are true. How can you say you use Pantene every time you wash your hair, and then turn around a month later and plug a new shampoo, and oh, this one’s cruelty free, which is your main priority, never mind that Pantene tests on animals and you’re still promoting leather shoes.
**disclaimer: please don’t accuse me of being an unhappy person. I’m not. I have an MBA and have spent the last 2 years studying the influencer business model. Whoever is advising Jillian on her marketing is giving her lots of bad advice, from her post about being “vegan-ish” to the way she uses her baby as a marketing tool. If you read reviews of Love it or List it Vancouver they almost always mention Jillian’s obsession with selling products…this is someone failing at using this business model. I have no idea what kind of person or mother Jillian is, and I do not mean to levy ANY criticism against either of those things. I just think the business model is bad, and is clearly getting out of hand.
Yikes you should be ashamed of yourself with such a hateful message towards such a great person. Jillian- I love looking forward to your Instagram posts, blog posts and your Instagram stories and I am a huge fan!! People are so tough behind a keyboard and a screen. Just ignore the haters!! Keep doing a great job! Leo is so cute!
Thanks Jennifer – I try SO hard to ignore. Something about seeking approval i guess… it just eats me up when i can’t please everyone. My energy should be going to people like yourself. Thank you for being SO lovely and the support xo
I know it must not be easy to ignore all of the awful comments – I’m sorry that you have to even read them. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you. Thank you for being positive and uplifting. Thnak you for helping raise other women up, instead of trying to tear them down. Thank you for introducing to me to a number of amazing products that I would have not known about, had you not blogged or posted about them ( I could not care less if they sponsored the post, so long as you have tried the product and believe in it). Thank you for introducing me to a “vegan-ish” lifestyle – yep, I use that word, lucky for me I don’t have to be subjected to hundreds of people dissecting every word I use. I love my more plant based diet and I go at there thanks to your blogs and stories !
If you choose to ignore only one thing that these keyboard bullies wrote, please ignore everything pertaining to your child and your actions as a mother. My career is based around dealing with the worst parents there are – that is the furthest thing from you. I do not know your personally, but do you love Leo? Would you do anything for him? Do you wake up everyday and try to make sure his needs are being met, that he feels loved, and that he feels protected? You are a great mother.
Please continue to blog. I cannot wait to read the next one! Also, remember there is a big differences between constructive feedback and negative comments – do your best to ignore the keyboard bullies – they must have too much free time on their hands ❤️❤️❤️
You are great Jillian! Sadly some people can’t handle that you are a boss mum and totally rocking it. You have an adorable baby and hubby and other people can’t handle their jealousy because of this. I LOVE your insta stories of Leo, they brighten my day! So please don’t disappear on us!
One thing I’ve learned is there’s no pleasing everyone. You could be the sweetest juiciest peach and there will still be someone that doesn’t like peaches. I can imagine how hard it is to read those comments and not be affected by them. You are beautiful so sweet and so so talented! You inspire me daily! You should t have to apologize for wanting to share your talent! You have so many people that love and appreciate it! ?
Jillian we as woman seek for affirmation all the time. We need affirmation that we are good mothers, good friends, good workers, that everyone loved the meal we just worked our ass off making. You are human. Who cares if you endorse products. We all do! Whether we get paid or not. And guess what? I might like a shampoo a month ago and then I try something new and I like that too! And all mothers talk to their babies and dogs…but people with babies or dogs don’t understand that.
There is a song that I love called “Garden Party” by Ricky Nelson. I especially like one line from the song….”you can’t please everyone, so you’re got to please yourself*! I admire you Jillian Harris! You are an amazing human being!
I actually catch myself doing the same “sing-songy voice” every morning when I wake my 7 month old son up. Yep, can you even imagine?! The horror! Haha. Yes, people with small children talk to their small children with sing songy voices #momproblems
You do you, Jillian. We all love ya for it.
Wow. Ignore the haters. I asked my baby how he is every day and finally one day he replied with “gooood”
I love your posts and videos. I think you are a great mom. Also your gramma is incredibly cute!!!
Hugs from chilliwack ❤️❤️
Emma/shay and any others…
soooo embarrassed for you. Yikes
You go Jillian!
Jealousy is an awful thing ladies. Keep it in check!
Hi Emma.
No one is advising me of anything. I am a very imperfect human who is sharing my very imperfect life, views & decisions. Criticize me for it, its ok. I would rather be criticized for being imperfect or inconsistent than everyone loving a FAKE persona.
What you see is real, and its not always correct and consistent and I am proud and ok with that.
Just trying to address a few of your notes here:
Why is it wrong to share that I am trying to be plant based? I called it ‘vegan-ish’ once … and realized that was the wrong word to use and continue to get shit on because of it. My god people. its a WORD… i am DOING MY BEST to do THE RIGHT THING. to do something positive and make a change… or is it wrong to talk about it because i haven’t totally succeeded? because I’m not perfect at it? I’m just confused why this was wrong to share.
Also, i DO feed leo Love Child Organics. Does this make me a bad mom in your opinion? are you a mom? have you tried it what perfect food do you feed your child? why do you think its gross? I’m not sure WHY you think i am lying when i say i use something… but, i’m sorry, if i say i use something… i use it. Leo loves it, and that is why i posted about it. I tried Love Child Organics for 2 months and then accepted the sponsored post. Love Child was also happy to not only compensate me for promoting her business, but we also donated VERY VERY generously to our local food bank as well. Should I start to question you what YOU do for you community? how YOUR job allows you to help others?
I also use and test MANY different products. Its a part of this business is trying different products out and giving me assessments. There is more than ONE good shampoo out there… I use Pantene hairspray everyday and tried Pantene Shampoo and Conditioner everyday, long enough to give my true honest opinion about it. I continued to use it at my Vancouver apartment and also use Avalon Organics in Kelowna. This is a TRUE STORY, which is WHY i wrote about it.
When i run out of those products, i will likely try something else and blog about that (have any suggestions??) and, if i get approached by another hair company, I might put those products on hold and give it a try… and then decide if its a good fit to blog about! I LOVE trying new products and thus, the appearance that I flip flop.
You mention that from a marketing and business perspective that what i am doing is “not working” and bad business… but, however, i would disagree. Of course I know because I see our financial statements and how happy the girls are that work for me. I also see the analytics and so Im afraid your statement is incorrect.
This ‘blog’, while it is a true representation of my life, is also a business (yes sometimes tricky to navigate and balance) but as a business, it has been lucrative, fun and succesful. I have employed several girls / people over the years and paid them well, taken them on trips, treated them, helped them reach their financial goals. I’ve been a good boss and I’ve loved this business i’ve built.
lastly, your comment about ‘how i use my baby for work’ is ‘GROSS’ … I asked your previously, If you have kids? Have you ever had to LEAVE your baby with a stranger so you can go back to work? Have you ever sobbed in your car wishing you didn’t have to go back to work and just wished somehow you could continue to do what you love, and bring your baby along? Maybe one day, when you have a baby (assuming you don’t have one because no MOTHER would ever attack another NEW mom for trying to stay afloat and support her family in the way SHE feels best) you will see, how PAINFUL and HEARTBREAKING it is to leave your baby to go back to work. .I started this blog to build a business, so that ONE DAY i could DO exactly what i am doing now… MAKING MONEY, SUPPORTING MY FAMILY all while getting to BE WITH MY BABY. What i am able to do is AMAZING and wonderful and i am SO grateful that i can throw leo on my hip and get my photo taken and get paid for it. SO SO grateful. I only WISH and hope every woman and mother out there had the opportunity to bring their baby to work… and not be criticized for ‘selling them out ‘
Good luck what your career Emma. I hope it brings you the success and happiness that my career does! I have so much fun doing what i do i have NO time to criticize others on their business! 🙂
Ps. I really do talk to leo like that all day.
Jillian- you really came off as a right bitch here. Thanks for finally showing people your true self
Now go eat some meat and wear some leather shoes. You really don’t get it do you.
In NO way does standing up for yourself make you a bitch… despite what ‘Shay’ had to say. You work hard to build a life that you love, be a good person, and be a great new mom in the process. All of that is overwhelming without even being in the public eye.
Eat what you want to eat. Promote your business the way you want to promote it and talk to your son in WHATEVER voice you want to talk to your son in!
It drives me crazy to see how people pick apart everything that another person does. How do you dictate what is right & what is wrong in someone else life? Stop coming on her blog, or on any of her other social media accounts if she drives you so mad you feel the need to cut her down like that.
Jill, you’re amazing!Keep doing what you do. There are way more people that love you, than hate you.
Hey Shay….go find something to do and stop hating.
How would you feel if someone said that to you? Or your daughter? Or your mom? Or your friend?
Jill don’t listen to the haters! Everyone is tough behind the anonymity of their computer. I love all your posts and IG stories!
SO unkind. I guarantee that you would never say anything like this to someone’s face. So go ahead and hide behind the screen and one day, maybe you will get the balls to say something so cruel to someone’s face and you will feel repercussions of realizing that people actually have feelings that are delicate and worthy of better. I hope you remember this the next time someone says something hurtful to you.
Speaking of balls…Jillian, good for you for being vulnerable to the world! MANY of us would never have the courage or strength to do so. Keep practicing you self compassion! You are loved by so many who matter more than anyone on the internet.
Shay, What is the point in making those kinds of remarks? What good could it have possibly added to your day? Why would you spend your time reading not just a post but also comments on a blog of a persons who you clearly have already formed a negative opinion of. Please explain it to me, I genuinely would love to know. It’s almost laughable how pathetic it is, if it weren’t so sad that that is how you chose to use your time.
Holy shit dude. You’re a class act. Are you for real!?? What on earth made you say such a jerk thing. Go find another site to read because obviously you have issues.
That was incredibly rude and uncalled for. And i’m pretty sure that Jillian hasn’t done anything to deserve your harsh words. Freedom of speech is one thing but attacking someone for defending themselves is unfair. What you just did is bullying, please stop. Have you ever heard of the saying “if you have nothing good to say, don’t say it”, so don’t say anything.
Jill you don’t deserve this, don’t let these people win. You are a super cool person and have done so well for yourself and family. We choose to follow you and these people who don’t agree with something you do on your blog or social media should stop following you before they say any more mean things.
Nothing good to say…it’s simple don’t say it.
@Shay The only person coming off as a “right bitch” here is you. I get that you have freedom of speech as we all do but that does not mean you have freedom from consequences or the freedom of the rest of us calling you out on your hatred. Go take a long look at your soul and see if you like what you see. Would you show your family and friends and co-workers what you posted here? Proudly? Probably not. that should be a clue that you never should have typed it in the first place.
You’re a horrible person. Just because you have an MBA does not mean you have the right to treat people like less than humans. Giving business advice is one thing, what you did was hateful and unnecessary. I think karma will kick in soon enough. Have a great day!! 🙂
I think Emma and Shay are the SAME person. No way in HELL are there are 2 women (or men) out there as RUDE and HATEFUL as these “women” are. Who the hell shit in your Cheerios this morning? Certainly wasn’t Jillian! You get off on making people feel like absolute dog shit??? Well congrats, you succeeded in making Jillian feel awful. Do you feel good about yourself? How do you sleep at night? It’s shocking to me the amount of people that are willing to sit behind a computer screen and say some of the most vile, shocking things.
Jillian, I am so sorry that there are people in this world that intentionally try to make you feel bad about yourself. You are a beautiful soul, and it hurts my heart that this world is full of so much hate. I can say don’t let that nonsense affect you, but I’m sure it does. Just know that there are so many good people in this world! Ones that want to build up other people! Hope you are feeling better today 🙂
To the nasty commenters…Are you really kidding me right now! I am so PROUD of Jillian for standing up for herself. Did your mother ever tell you if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all! Don’t read Jill’s blog if you don’t like who she is and how she road maps her way thru life. I’m certain you are not perfect! It’s shocking to me that in this day and age, that grown women would speak to another this way! We are suppose to be building eachother up!
Jillian, as a working mama of two, I truly enjoy your realness both on your good and bad days. I hope that this small moment of nastiness from others doesn’t change you
Sending you ❤
you’re a right idiot.
You are a horrible person for writing that about Jillian. If you don’t like Jillian GET OFF HER PAGE! SIMPLE!
Do you have children? Have you been harassed like this? That AWFUL person Emma wrote evil things about Jillian – stopping so low as to mock how she speaks to her son. Jillian was far more courteous than I ever would have been.
Get off her page you miserable person. I pray for your sad soul that feels the need to speak so horribly about others.
Jillian, you are brilliant, an outstanding designer, and a fucking awesome mother.
Sorry Shay, that girl deserved it . Don’t attack mama bear bc the nicest ppl have a limit too.
Look on the mirror Shay! Jillian’s post was so well written and just the right amount of standing up for herself without being nasty.
You seem like such an unhappy person. Figure out what makes you happy rather then try to drag everyone else down to your miserable level.
Wow. @Emma, what you wrote was just horrible. You judge Jillian for having her head in the clouds but take a look at yourself! How dare you presume to know what she’s thinking or feeling or how she talks to her child on a regular basis? How can you come off SO incredibly high and mighty and be SO sure that you’re better than her. I feel incredibly sorry for you, despite your possession of an MBA which apparently means you know everything. I will not stoop to your level and criticize you (as I really want to) but I will say that I’m not sure how you managed to get an MBA when you couldn’t even master the basic “if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing” as a child. I really hope that you understand that words hurt and I sincerely wish that no one ever criticizes you and starts drama with you the way that you just have with Jillian.
Whether you’re a mother or not, you should know that it a low blow to criticize someone’s parenting skills and especially someone who is so dedicated and devoted to her child as Jillian obviously is. Mothers do the best that they can and it isn’t for you to decide how every one of them should parent. Please think about the hurt that you have caused and decide for next time whether it is actually worth it. I hope for everyone’s sake that you decide it is not.
I don’t normally comment on any of these blog posts but it is so upsetting to me that something that brings most of us so much joy can then be turned around and used with such malice. I watch Jillian’s InstaStory every morning when I wake up and consider it a highlight of my day. Maybe, @Emma, consider that your opinion is not the only one out there before commenting next time.
I have nothing more to say other than I’m so sorry that people like this exist and you know for every negative there are a thousand more positive comments from people like me who enjoy and appreciate all that you do.
Oh no, Shay and Emma, it looks like someone switched out your morning coffee with some hater-ade. Hopefully, today you jumped down from your almighty throwns to pour yourself a tall cup of compassion instead. Actually, make that a venti, extra shot of “how to be kind” with room for humility.
Jillian, jealousy has reared up its ugly face your way again. DUH. You are wonderful and transparent and kind and a powerful & inspirational woman. Of course they are jealous. “How can she work so hard, have so much going on and be so happy…. I know, I’ll ruin her day”. What a dumb idea. Don’t give them, another thought, girlfriend. YOU do YOU. The rest of us love it.
Dear Shay –
It’s REALLY simple.
Before speaking – ask yourself
1.Is it kind?
2 Is it true?
3. Is it necessary?
Certainly it wasn’t kind, no argument there eh?
CERTAINLY it isn’t true. Knowing Jill personally and having the privilege of working with her, I can unequivocally tell you she is the furthest thing from a bitch, as you falsely claim. She is kind and funny and about as genuine as a person can be. Truly – and I’ve worked in hospitality for 21 years, so I feel this gives me some level of expert regarding people.
And lastly, was it necessary. One might argue that maybe it was. Because the 99.9% of us that support Jillian, perhaps maybe, just maybe, might have some teeny tiny impact on your choices to add your unkind thoughts in the future. I really hope that the outpouring of support has you realize just how in the minority you are with your ‘opinions’ and I sincerely hope you think twice before speaking/writing next time.
The thing is, it’s totally ok to have opinions. But there are so many more constructive ways to communicate and engage in a robust dialogue than to name call or insult someone’s parenting. I mean really? Really? C’mon. Surely you know that’s not effective. Has it ever worked for you? Garnered a positive outcome. I highly doubt it.
I’m sorry you’re struggling Shay. It’s so important to be kind. For everyone we meet is fighting their own battle
I hope you find some peace
She came off as real. As a human being who has been unnecessarily attacked by petty people like you and is simply trying to stand up for herself.
It’s you and this Emma person that have come off as ‘real bitches’ here.
Jillian is a beautiful human being and we need more people like her in this world and FAR less people like you in this world.
I will never understand why women like you insist on tearing amazing women like Jillian down. She deserves better than that.
Shay, I can’t believe your comment. Did you even read what Jillian was responding to? Sorry hon but you’re the bitch in this case
Shay – Jillian was the one that came off like the bitch? What planet are you living on? Wow. She had every right to defend herself against that hateful, judgmental post from Emma. She had an answer, for every false statement that Emma made about her, and was willing to address Emma’s “concerns”. If you can even call them that. People like you and her need to take a long look in the mirror. Are you perfect? Do you think everyone agrees with everything that you do in your life? Spoiler alert: they don’t. If you disagree with everything she does so much, then move on, and follow someone else, who’s interests better match yours, instead of going on social media just to tear down such an obviously sweet, funny, hardworking woman. Not once has she EVER come off as fake to me. She’s one of the most genuine people I follow on social media, which is why I love her, and her posts so much. She is so full of joy, and her posts always bring a smile to my face, even on the worst of days.
Jillian – Please keep being you. You are not doing anything wrong, AT ALL. I’ve got nothing but love for you, your fantastic team, and beautiful family. Keep smiling xo
Wow! And the award for the rudest comment online goes to… Shay.
Jillian, keep doing what you’re doing. You’re amazing and so real! I look forward to your insta stories and posts everyday!! Take a break if you need it, but we’ll really miss you, please don’t go for too long 🙁
Ew this is “gross”… can you block this person? Why are you spending so much time bashing Jillian?? I don’t understand the logic behind it. Jillian you are one badass and so real. This nonsense is despicable. There are more important things than defending yourself against shitty (and yup, jealous) people.
Jillian – You are such a boss mom. Loved this post – thank you for the little boost. I’m a first time mom with a 6 month old and have loved following your journey with Leo. About some of the negative comments, I personally love seeing the products you post about because I’m from Canada and you post about things I CAN ACTUALLY FIND, and usually without import fees etc etc etc. Only a Canadian online shopper would truly understand how important that is. Thanks for being you, honest, sincere, kind-hearted…you!!! xoxo!
Ignore all these negative people! They truly don’t know what they are talking about. My son is almost the same age as Leo and I genuinely talk to him in a “sing-songy” voice all day long. My husband actually teases me and says I’m starting to talk like you lol. I also feed my son Love Child Organics all the time. Your post was clearly sponsored, but as a mom reading it, felt genuine. Keep doing what you’re doing! xo
JILLIAN! Yes. Yes. Yes.
You are doing a great job. You are an awesome business woman. We all love your content and are inspired by you every single day. Whatever decision you make for yourself or your business is ultimately best for Leo. As a new mom myself (my son was born 2 weeks after Leo), I am a firm believer in the fact that whatever decision you make for you and your family is what’s best for your child. We all want what’s best for our children, and you are doing such an awesome job. Leo is lucky to have you, as are we.
Hang in there. Have a cocktail. Or five.
p.s. I’ll feed my son some Love Child in your honor tonight. I will also wear heels to dinner. Might even spray some Panetne on my dirty hairs to top it all off.
In NO way does standing up for yourself make you a bitch… despite what ‘Shay’ had to say. You work hard to build a life that you love, be a good person, and be a great new mom in the process. All of that is overwhelming without even being in the public eye.
Eat what you want to eat. Promote your business the way you want to promote it, and talk to your son in WHATEVER voice you want to talk to your son in!
It drives me crazy to see people pick apart everything that another person does. Stop coming on her blog, or on any of her other social media accounts if she drives you so mad you feel the need to cut her down like that.
Jill, you’re amazing!Keep doing what you do. There are way more people that love you, than hate you.
In NO way does standing up for yourself make you a bitch… despite what ‘Shay’ had to say. You work hard to build a life that you love, be a good person, and be a great new mom in the process. All of that is overwhelming without even being in the public eye.
Eat what you want to eat. Promote your business the way you want to promote it and talk to your son in WHATEVER voice you want to talk to your son in!
It drives me crazy to see how people pick apart everything that another person does. How do you dictate what is right & what is wrong in someone else life? Stop coming on her blog, or on any of her other social media accounts if she drives you so mad you feel the need to cut her down like that.
Jill, you’re amazing!Keep doing what you do. There are way more people that love you, than hate you.
Jillian. Your response to that was amazing!!
You should never have to make excuses or apologize for being you!!
Perhaps if all of these negative Nancy’s made themselves as public and open to everyone else as you do every day and received the harsh backlash and criticism you do they might have more compassion and understanding!
Jillian is human just like you and I. She has a heart and feelings.
If you don’t like what she has to say close your computer and walk away!
No one likes a bully!
You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, I LOVE the ‘Good morning Leo’. Its my fave – and so are you. Keep doing what you’re doing!
Thank you for being genuine and kind and sharing your life! I look forward to seeing your posts and think you are just fabulous! Keep being the talented, compassionate, and beautiful bad ass that you are!
Mic drop! Oh ya haters, Jillian just dropped the mic on your sorry asses!
Jillian I love you and all your stories and posts and that little Leo is to die for! Keep being amazing ?
Clearly not a mom because taking to your baby in silly voices really is what we do! Love ya girl, keep up the awesome work ❤️❤️
I am so sorry you have to put up with people who say such horrible things on the internet and would have absolutely no nerve to say things to your amazing and wonderful face!! Your insta stories are the first and sometimes the only thing I look at on Instagram! I am only 22 and I want to be you when I grow up! You do what you do for YOUR family and I think people are just jealous and negative and I really hope you don’t stop anything your doing because I love you and seeing Leo and everything you do! Also, I think the way you talk to Leo is so freaking cute! And I never once thought it was fake. Your an amazing mom and Leo is one lucky little dude!
So half of this boils down to shampoo and baby food? Seriously? The rest of these gross comments are unfounded and coming from dark and selfish places.
Those of us who understand your message Jillian will continue to come back for your inspirational and positive material. We all know you have much bigger fish…or rather veggies to fry!
Although today must have been a rough day, I am so happy to see the outpouring of support you have received, it is well deserved.
Looking forward to your next posts and all that is ahead for you in your exciting career and life!
You know that saying saying “Lions Don’t Lose Sleep Over Opinion of Sheep”, well that is my advice to you.
The world is filled with trolls, haters, and naysayers. No matter what you do, someone will always have something negative to say. These people aren’t worth your tears or time.
And cheers to you for building such a successful career and life for you and your family. Good things come to those who work hard – You are one of those people.
1. You are so brave to make your life your work. You are BRAVE.
2. I love being told what to buy. Sponsored content opens my world in ways that would otherwise keep the doors to this great big world of entrepreneurs and small (and big) business closed.
3. My Pop said cry when people hurt you, give it all you’ve got. For 15 minutes. Don’t give the haters your heart space any more than that. I’m pretty sure you already know how much the rest of us love you!
4. Did I mention how brave it is for you to put your life out there for all to see as a means to provide for your family and encourage your followers?
(Mom of two boys 3 and 6…I know it’s hard to imagine but every phase of boy-momhood is better than the last)
Preach ?? Jillian. Love you! As women we should be supporting other women and men for that matter. We are all human. Be kind to one another.
I have loved following your posts through the years, and will never understand why someone would post the things they do. It went beyond criticism, and went to attacking you and your life. You answered so wonderfully, and though I usually am not one to comment, I wanted to share that I think you are lovely. Snuggle that beautiful baby of yours and take a break if you need, but just know there is a huge community of people who support you and appreciate you opening your life to us.
Just want to add that my daughter is only a week or so younger than Leo and I ask her ‘how she’s doing ‘ all the time ☺️ (We also sing yankee doodle a million times a day).
I feel like I’ve entered into this whole adventure called motherhood with you Jill and you’ve been an inspiration and a friend.
We love you!
I also have an MBA… From an Ivy League School. If NIKE is asking you do endorse a product… you are doing something right Jillian.
Love your content and KEEP talking to Leo in “that” voice. Whatever that means…. Who doesn’t speak to babies that way? Please.
who is she kidding, EVERY mom talks to their kids in a “fake sing-song-y voice” and that mush in a POUCH is delicious I had one – whoops I mean my baby had the one with coconut in it today and nom nom. How dare you Jillian for promoting a company that you believe in and actually use the products.
Please don’t change, don’t start questioning yourself now before you make that next IG story or post your next blog – these “followers” shouldn’t have a voice and definitely shouldn’t succeed in bringing sadness in your life. Everyone has an opinion when you become a mom, nothing will be good enough, I can’t imagine what it is like to be a celebrity… let them hide behind their “MBA” and “vegan-ish” word hating miserable lives!
and what I say to my girl – chin up buttercup!
I NEVER respond to these things (EVER) but I feel like I have to respond to your post because I think you made one mistake while writing it… WRITING IT! You do NOT need to apologize, explain yourself, or justify your actions! You are doing great! You have way more people supporting you and drawing inspiration from you than those who take time out of their day to bring you down. I will never know why someone would take time out of their day to write something that is hurtful (and this was hurtful.. Clearly it was not a constructive post suggesting improvements), but whatever the motivation, it did not deserve you taking the time out of your day to actually respond to it.
I don’t know you, and from what I do know I don’t always agree with you, or your views (to be quite honest I think we are on complete opposite isles when it comes to politics, lol!), and I don’t parent in the same way that you do BUT in my opinion NOBODY can accuse you of not trying your best, of not having the best of intentions with your actions, and using your platform to harm or mislead. You are a woman making money, being successful, and fulfilling your dreams, there is nothing wrong with any of that. And if anyone expects perfection from you, that is on them, NOT on you.
You do you, the best way you know how, with your best intentions, and remember that you are an inspiration to many.
I am a mom, studying to change careers so I can follow my dreams – and I follow you for inspiration and motivation! I love watching you fulfil your dreams and even if our views don’t align, and we do things differently, I am inspired watching strong women, putting themselves out there, achieving success, and making it happen. We don’t have time to waste, that’s why we don’t spend it on making other people feel bad or responding to those comments.
Don’t apologize! Don’t explain yourself! Don’t justify! Your Stop correcting “privilege” allows you to do more good in this world. That is all. Good luck to you in all your endeavors! I wish you all the luck and sending you all the goodwill in the world!
Yes Jill!! ???? Seriously this is why I love following you! I one day I dream of having a successful blog that I can do full time and you are a huge inspiration!
Something that has stood out to me after reading so many of these posts is the overwhelming about of support for you Jillian as terrible as the experience has been for you I’m sure, I hope you can find strength and comfort in knowing there is so much love for you out here!
It’s so wonderful to see women can support other women instead of cutting them down, in the female dominated industry I work in I’ve learned that only those who are insecure about themselves and their own short comings resort to bullying tactics especially from behind the screen of a computer. I feel truly sorry for the girls who shared their rude and irrelevant comments on this site I also find it interesting that they would take the time to not only read a blog post of someone they clearly have different opinions than, but also comment on the post. That seemed very interesting to me and mentioning that you have an MBA also seems very strange and irrelevant! Wondering if I should sign off this post saying I have a Bachelor of science and a masters in nursing does that make me more credible….. Anyways keep doing what you do I love your insta stories and your posts and thank you to those out there that take the time to lift each other up not knock each other down.
Sorry for all the hate you’re getting Jillian. I have a six month old and let me just say, I’m with you. It’s been hard and amazing at the same time. I had all these great plans to make my own food but having a baby with acid reflux who wakes up every hour still leaves me tired. So I’ve definitely gone and used Love Child food pouches. It means my baby gets good food that she likes and I can feel good about what’s in it. And secondly, I definitely also ask my daughter how’s she’s doing in high pitched voices and chat with her all the time. It makes her laugh and smile. So you can’t beat that. I don’t know you personally but it’s obvious that you love your family and try your best. That’s all we can really do, and for the rest we all just need to give ourselves a bit more grace. We all need it.
You go girl!!!
I have a 12 week old little boy, just started following you recently on instagram.
You’re my mom inspiration !!!
Don’t stop doing what you’re doing, you have such a unique perspective and it’s very refreshing and uplifting!
Honestly Jillian…don’t engage in the negativity. Just keep on keeping on and be that amazing woman and stay strong. People love to see others get knocked down. Adult bullying at it’s finest. Thank you for sharing your ups and downs with us and showing us that you are human. Big hugs and keep smiling 🙂
Love you and what you’re about Jillian. You’ve created a space and brand that people believe in and trust and what a brilliant thing you’ve built. Good for you standing up to hate with positivity. There is no pleasing some people and in fact they’re the ones with sadness in their lives that they’re trying to fill with hate. Clearly from the level of support on these awful comments you are doing an AMAZING JOB 🙂 keep doing you and know that you have a whole community of people who love the content and everything you stand for. 🙂 <3 <3 <3
Well said Jillian!
I know I’m just adding to what everyone else is saying.. but you are incredible! ❤ You are talented in every way! We all see your abilities through social media and through your show but what is most important is you’re an incredible mom. Working and doing all that you do while raising a child is so tough, but there is no doubt in the fact that your family comes number one in your life.
I am 24 with a 7 month old son and you honestly inspire me. I love being a mom and nothing in the world is better, and I know you know that 😉 but I also have a passion for design and I hope someday to own my own business. You show me its possible and I thank you for that.
I hope the good comments will soon out weigh the bad… I’m so sorry people have such terrible things to say…
You have every right to take time off from social media; you are human and you have feelings. Just know that you inspire many!!
The Buddhists say there are eight winds. They are gain and loss, praise and ridicule, credit and blame, and suffering and joy. If you aren’t aware of them, they will blow you away like dry leaves in an autumn breeze. For example, when someone praises you, and that tastes sweet, like candy in your mouth, you are being blown away by the wind of praise.
One day in ancient China a young man thought he had become enlightened. He wrote a poem to his master about how he was not blown by the eight winds. Then he sent it to his master who lived three hundred miles up the Yangtze River.
When his master read the poem, he wrote “Fart, Fart” on the bottom and sent it back.
The more the young man read those words, the more upset he got. At last he decided to visit his master. In those days, a three-hundred-mile trip up the Yangtze River was a very difficult journey.
As soon as he arrived, he went straight to his master’s temple. “Why did you write this?” he asked, bowing. “Doesn’t this poem show that I am no longer blown about by the eight winds?”
“You say that you are no longer blown by the eight winds,” replied the master, but two little farts blew you all the way up here.”
I saw your IG story this morning and my heart goes out to you. I don’t normally comment on celeb blogs and such but today you aren’t just a celeb to me but rather a human being. A fellow human, a fellow woman and a fellow mom who needs to be rallied behind. The only thing you did wrong here, in my humble opinion, was engaging with these haters. Definitely take some time to recover and regroup but please don’t let these little farts blow you completely off social media. Take the time to process what happened in the bigger picture. There will always be haters and negativity and people that try to keep us down and we all have to deal with that as sadly it will never go away. When you are ready I’d love to read a blog post on how you got past this. I look forward to your next blog post, your next IG post and your next IG story.
P.S. I am an “ish” girl too…for me it’s about not putting myself in a box and it’s about maintaining some balance and maintaining the freedom to choose differently sometimes. I’m just finished cancer treatments and I’m revamping my day to day eating habits in hope to stay healthy but I’ve been very careful not to say the “V” word but rather “I’m just trying to introduce more plant based meals into our day”. I’m not a celeb but I just don’t want the headache of being judged and ultimately criticised. You are not alone in what you are going through and how you are feeling. Chin up!
Jillian I applaud everything you said. I follow your IG and your blog and I especially follow it very closely now since you have sweet Leo. I am so envious of the life you get to live that you WORKED HARD for and deserve! But I am not envious in the mean-spirited way these very rude people are, I am happy for you! I am a registered nurse so my career path is completely different than yours! I wish I had the creativity and design talent you do and I hope to be a great mom like you are! What I see in your IG posts/videos (whether sponsored or not) is a HAPPY HAPPY precious baby boy who laughs so much! I see involvement from both parents and grandparents and friends and more family so that’s what I focus on. Not everyone has that and I don’t feel that means you’re priveliged in the negative context, I think that means you are truly blessed! At the end of the day as long as your baby is happy and healthy and spends time with his family, that is what matters! I think you’re doing great, I’ve followed you for years ever since you were on the Bachelor and I’ve loved you the entire time. Keep up the great work and remember you have so many followers who think so highly of you. May God bless and continue to bring your sweet family (especially Leo) great happiness and health!
Much love,
Yes! This person clearly does NOT have children. I also talk to my kid that way. How can you not when they’re that frigging cute?! It’s natural lol. Keep on doing your thing Jillian. As a former (professional) blogger I totally appreciate what you do with this site and know even w/sponsored content you won’t stand behind a product you don’t love. We just don’t do that as bloggers do we and you’re certainly in a position where you can be choosy about what/who you work with. True haters just mean you’ve made it in your little corner of the ‘net 😉 xo from the Maritimes.
Jillian, please do not let the two bad apples ruin the bunch (and bunches and bunches). Focus on the good people you have supporting you – these girls have not been in your shoes, and clearly need more life experience before they can even begin to comprehend what you have explained. It’s just going over their heads. Time, maturity, experience, and a growth of compassion will hopefully someday change their tune.
I thought everything you said was very well-explained, and as a new Mom myself, it’s true that it’s so incredibly difficult to be a working Mom – even if you enjoy what you do. No one can understand what the emotional toll is like of being ripped away as the primary caregiver of your child in order to financially support them, unless you’ve been through it. I used to think I would have no problem going back to work, but boy was I wrong! Every maternal instinct was clawing and fighting its way through my body, telling me ‘it’s too soon.’ Yet in today’s society our families are financially dependent in the short- and long-term for us to go back to work sooner than we are ready.
We all clearly love you, your family, and your business model. You will never please everyone in business, or in life. I, too, am a pleaser. But as a Mom, I know my biggest need is to please the bigger picture. And the bigger picture is your family, and your plethora of supporters who adore and support what you do, and how you do it. There are probably many-a-girls reading this who would love the opportunity to be a part of the Jillian Harris machine, including myself, and that is proof right there that you’re doing something right.
Keep on keeping on! Love, peace, and baby grease.
Jillian- I love your response to this Emma chick, you are so right!! I nearly laughed out loud when she said something about your marketing “not working”… like seriously!? You are clearly so successful and what you are doing is obviously working very well!! You wouldn’t be where you are right now if it wasn’t working. I mean look at all these comments from people who have your back and are defending you!! We all love you!! So maybe a handful of people don’t like it, no one is making them follow your blog but they are obviously reading it so even they are intrigued!! And a lot of us can totally relate to you!! I am a mom, I run my own business from home so I can stay home with my kids too, I seriously love your taste in fashion, products and everything and I seriously value your opinion and have bought and love many of the products you have sponsored!! This chick clearly wishes she could do what you’re doing and be as successful as you but it takes the right personality and you have it… someone like her would never be able to do this! People need to love you to be successful in the business you are in and you are killin’ it!!! And for the record, I talk to my babies too the same way you do, most moms do! So she clearly is not a mom and can’t relate. I’m missing your video with Leo today and hope you come back soon… like so many thousand others have said!! Life is too short to start your day with broken pieces of yesterday, it will destroy your wonderful today and ruin your great tomorrow! So please come back to us soon!! Love you!!
Jillian, I couldn’t imagine how hard it is to read the negative that people write. It is human nature to seek approval. I saw your insta story yesterday and came on to read the comments! Try to remember that people who say mean and hurtful things are just not happy within themselves!! People who are truly happy with themselves don’t talk to others that way!! At the end of the day all that matters is if you tried your best and if you were kind…even though I don’t know you personally I would guess that you can go to bed every night saying yes to both of those!! People need to understand that your blog is also a way of paying the bills. A lot of blogs have sponsored posts. If they don’t like you or your blog they should just stay off!! Focus on the positive. And for what it is worth, it seems like you are doing a great job with Leo!! Hang in there momma!!
PREACH Jillian! you are authentic and true to yourself, obviously a smart business woman, and a wonderful mom. Please don’t let these trolls get you down. Send them a little bit of pity (the thought of using one’s personal time to judge a stranger from behind an IP address is nothing but sad), and then move on. For every Emma or Shay there are 1000 others who love you and support what you’re doing. Keep killing it MOM BOSS!
I’m sorry you are being so attacked. This is literally the first time I’ve ever commented on a blog or insta post but I couldn’t read all this without chiming in to let you know I love reading everything you post!! I am a new mom with a son two months younger than Leo and it’s been such a huge joy and adjustment. You are amazing and classy and sweet and love other people. Don’t let anyone who criticizes you get you down you have a ton of people who love all you post!! Blessings and keep up your insta story I watch it while I’m nursing!! 🙂
Jillian don’t listen to these people that have nothing better to do then hide behind their computer and say hurtful things and bully. You are an amazing person and mother and I personally love your posts and blog and love watching your videos of your beautiful family. So many people like myself look up to you. You’re an amazing role model. It was truly heartbreaking to watch your last video after those horrible internet trolls bashed you. They should be ashamed of themselves. Keep your head up Jillian you’re doing an amazing job! xo
You are AMAZING. Do NOT let anyone make you feel bad for who you are. Clearly they are all jealous that their careers have not brought them the happiness that yours has. People that write negative posts about/to other people only do it because they are unhappy with their lives, and are jealous. Don’t think of it as people hating you, think of it as people who are jealous of your incredible life. I only follow people that have high standards and you are one I always follow. From what I can see you are nothing short of an amazing mother, and Leo will grow up to know that and will love you for it. A few negative comments won’t change that fact. You were and are in no ways are a “bitch” as Shay said. You actually were too kind to those ladies and probably should have been a bitch.
Just remember for every hater out there, you have way more lovers. Keep on posting so we can enjoy!
Forget everyone else!
Cheers Jillain! You are doing a wonderful job…these trolls are nasty bully’s and would NEVER speak to you this way if they were face to face…they’re hiding behind a computer screen like a coward and are jealous….
I love watching you and reading your blog!
I just read those comments and I am disgusted with how horrible and shameful people can be. People like Emma and Shay sit behind a computer and judge someone. If they don’t like what you are doing don’t follow. It’s pretty simple. I don’t need an MBA to tell me that. Why Emma decided to mention her MBA is beyond me. Clearly education does not buy you class!
It’s so evident how much the world loves you Jillian! You are amazing and I love each and every product you mention because I hate using the same product over and over and love to change it up! And I also loved your use of the word vegan-ish! It’s so fitting and I can’t understand why that makes people angry?!
Keep doing what you do and honestly people like Emma and Shay need to grow up and move on. Bullying is unacceptable! They clearly weren’t taught if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all.
The rest of us will continue to follow you and love you! You are and incredible human being and don’t ever let people like those two take you down!
Love you Jillian! Xoxo
@jillian Harris. I also talk to my daughter like that too ? And she is 17. I also talk to all kids with that voice. I love it.
Love you so much Jillian!
Do your thing, and come back to us on Instagram we all already miss you and Leo!
And why even bother to respond, they don’t deserve it.
Love love love you!
Good for you Jillian!!!! Do not let people bully you! And for those saying that she is showing her true colours…did she say anywhere that she was perfect???? What do your responses to her say about yourself? You must all be so damn perfect and so genuine and angelic. And please don’t forget to call me a bitch as well. Hell, if being a bitch means sticking up for myself and others then by all means…PILE THE BITCH ON PLEASE AND THANK YOU. We could all benefit from some real talk and real people in our lives. Thank you Jillian for being you. You are so real and relatable. And I find it really great that you stick up for yourself.
Mic drop! You are the best Jillian! I am not a mom, but enjoy watching/reading about Leo. I’m not a designer, but I look forward to seeing the progress of your house. I can see the wonderful relationships you have with those you work with and how much fun (and hard work) it all is. I admire your dedication to your family and their unending support of your busy schedule and career.
The fact that someone took the time out of their day to wire that long winded post is crazy to me. Why would they follow you? How do they think bloggers make money? For someone with an MBA, you’d think they would’ve figured that out. Not too mention, you constantly say that you would never endorse something you haven’t tried yourself, and especially for your child!
Keeping doing you. For every hater there is thousands that appreciate you are willing to share your life….ups and downs, tears, gray hairs, messy houses and all! Xx
Haters gone’ hate! I am a new mom too and love your honesty. Keep doing you. Love ya, Jillian!
@Emma – Such terrible things you said! I agree with Jillian that you must not be a mom. Your post sounds very ignorant in that regard. I am a mother and I have followed Jillian on IG and read her blog for a little under a year. My baby is the same age as hers and I totally talk to my baby the way she does….all day long. Yeah, it might seem weird but when you are obsessed with your kid you act like that (I’m sure you would also criticize her if she didn’t talk to Leo). Of course she is going to talk about Leo and his current milestones (eating solids) because that is what is ACTUALLY going on in her life. Also, you say you study the influencer business model. How do you think Jillian can support her family if she blogs for absolutely no compensation??? You must know how much time and effort goes into everything from the research, content creation, photography, etc.
Being a new mom who works/runs a business is hard enough. If you don’t like what you are seeing on IG or a blog just stop following that person..don’t go out of your way to bring someone down and TRY to ruin their day. That is just nasty. I could go on and on about how awful your comment was but I think other people covered most of it. People blog to help others so if this person isn’t helping you just look away! ha
Jillian- I think your stuff is awesome and you are doing an amazing job mommin’! I love how real your IG stories are and can relate to the struggle to balance everything and the immense mom guilt (thanks a lot kids!).
I have a baby a month older than Leo. And yes every day I ask her how she is and talk to her all day. That’s how their language develops. Stop grasping for straws.
You might want to watch Jillian’s Instagram stories now, and then maybe you’ll realize that you’re talking to and about REAL person.
No one needed your opinion on this, you can have it, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be shared.
I am so sad for you that you think your education means that you can talk about people this way.
You might want to watch Jillian’s Instagram stories now, and then maybe you’ll realize that you’re talking to and about a REAL person.
No one needed your opinion on this, you can have it, but that doesn’t mean it needs to be shared.
I am so sad for you that you think your education means that you can talk about people this way.
Good lord Emma. Why don’t you climb down off of your pedestal. Number one, if you are having negative feelings then stop reading or following, it’s that simple. To start criticizing someone for the way they mother is one of the lowest, most disgusting things you can do. I bet she does talk to him in that adorable voice all day, what a lucky boy to have such a happy mom. Jillian is sent things and products to test and report back on, which she does beautifully if I may say so! She’s a trusted resource for me, that’s for sure, which brings me back to my original comment, if you aren’t enjoying them or think there’s too many, no one is shoving your face in front of your screen and making you watch or read. So find another way to spend your time. Jillian – you are a beautiful mama who clearly doesn’t deserve this. Go snuggle that little boy of yours and try your best to ignore the negativity. Xo
Unsure why you mentioned your MBA as if it makes it ok to spew hate?! What does that have to do with anything?! If you don’t agree with or like what she posts, don’t follow! Prettt simple. #getoveryourself
blogs are all about sponsorship. Good luck finding one that doesn’t.
Wow. If you don’t like her content, just go away! Why leave such negative material? There is no good reason to write a comment like this. Just close out of the window and find someone else whose blog style you like more. Byeeeeee.
Kind of funny how you think it’s a bad business model yet here you are, following her… I’d say it works. Just because you have an MBA doesn’t make you a good person especially when you spend your time trolling the comments on someone’s website . Live and let live, lady. The world is too full of hate and division. You’re entitled to your opinion but if is not building someone else up, maybe keep it to yourself.
Jillian, get it girl! Your life, your family, your style is beautiful! Stick to your guns and make choices that make you happy. And forget the negative comments 🙂
Do you read any other blogs??? All bloggers have sponsored content….IT’S THEIR JOB!!! Do you perform your job for free? Probably not. Is it insane bloggers can make so much money? Absolutely. But They work really fucking hard and try hard to incorporate their lives into a sponsorship. If you don’t know that, you need to go back and ask for your MBA money refunded because they didn’t teach you shit about the new influencer marketing. Jillian is really good at what she does whether you like it or not. Next time you go to work, make sure to tell your boss you don’t want a paycheck!
You are the absolute worst Emma!
Jillian, you are beautiful inside and out. You bust your little butt day in and day out and are such an inspiration to young girls and women everywhere! Obviously, this horrible woman has never had a baby in her life because EVERYONE talks to babies in a singy-songy voices. Jealousy is the only explanation for such a hurtful comment! I LOVE all of your posts and insta stories, you are hilarious, adorable, genuine. You are such an awesome mom, daughter, finance, daughter, daughter-in-law, cousin, doggy mom. You do everything with so much heart and love.
Also, vegan-ish is a thing. It is a really hard transition to go full on vegan and I am struggling with the same thing.
Fuck these nasty evil hearted bitches! You are too sweet and amazing to be crying because of some depressed pathetic loser sitting behind a computer with nothing better to do. I never ever post anything but seeing you cry broke my heart, and you deserve to know how amazing and how loved you are.
Keep doing you, and be the amazing ray of sunshine that you are! Anyone blessed to know you and have you in their life is so blessed. You are SO great! Don’t let some bully make you think otherwise.
Totally agree with what you’re saying Par – also can I point out that there’s a real difference in studying something as an MBA and actually doing it. Plenty of people go out and get an MBA but they aren’t all successful. And plenty of successful people never got a degree in their field – so Emma’s point is a strange one to make. Love this group of ladies who support each other – as it should be! <3
Hey Emma,
Perhaps you can take your “MBA” and go to another site? If you don’t like her content why are you here? A ton of celebrities promote products through their blogs. Are you going to be attacking Beyonce or Selena Gomez for promoting Pantene too?!! I think most consumers are very well aware of what a “sponsored content” post looks like but thanks for your attempt to “educate” us all. You most certainly don’t have to do it in such a negative way. I really hope you realize that all your remarks just offended not Jillian but MILLIONS of Mommy bloggers out there. I wish you and your MBA the best of luck in your career.
Wow. How hateful. You cannot assume to know how anyone feels about a product or about their job or their role as a mother. If this is Your opinion,, fine, but don’t assume you know exactly what is going on in another persons head, heart, business, and family enough to go up one side of them and down the other enough to make them feel terrible and question their choices. Even if you feel you are right, you have no right to make someone else feel little. It’s upsetting to see people tearing each other down. No need of it. You have the right to an opinion but no right to make others feel like dirt.
I can’t even begin to comprehend how a grown woman would think it’s appropriate to comment on this and say even a fraction of what you said. If you don’t like what Jillian Harris posts then stop following. One easy simple little click at the top right hand corner of your screen. It’s beyond upsetting that you feel it’s ok to tear someone down like that. Jillian does an amazing job as a mother, as a business woman, fiancée, TV personality, the list goes on and on. I am amazed daily following her on social media all the things she manages to accomplish. It must be frickin exhausting! Mind my language but go fuck yourself. Ad sponsored posts are how many people are able to keep their websites and blogs going. If I am browsing through the internet looking for products for my baby, myself, my fiancée, I’ll be looking at reviews like most people. If someone I follow has reviewed it, that’s amazing! Every person who runs a website knows that advertising helps to pay for portions of running that site. Again if you don’t like it – leave. To leave a comment like you did was malicious and intentional in the fact that it was left purely to try and get a rise out of Jillian. Congratulations you made someone who I’m sure works her butt off feel like shit. Do you feel better about yourself now? Jillian doesn’t use her baby as a prop and to say that is ridiculous. And yes, moms do talk to their children in a “high sing songey voice”. You may have an MBA but you certainly lack class. Jillian keep doing what you’re doing. The rest of us love seeing posts about you and your family and your business and the businesses that you support!
Unsure why you mentioned your MBA as if it makes it ok to spew hate?! What does that have to do with anything?! If you don’t agree with or like what she posts, don’t follow! Pretsimple. #getoveryourself
Wow! Emma these comments you are making decisions alarming. Just don’t read this blog if it makes you that unhappy. For me, this blog is a pleasure to read. Keep it up Jillian. Jillian YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!
These ladies with these nasty comments are deplorable. I love Jillian and find her to be so genuine and lovely, kind hearted and just and all around awesome human being. I have a son born the exact same day as Leo and I LOVE following Jillian’s adventures with her darling little boy and I also LOVE hearing about her Honest experiences. So I don’t know what is wrong with those Crazy lunatic biyatches!
Jealousy looks good on no one. Hiding behind your computer also not cute… Don’t like her find your way somewhere else! Making money, promoting brands, being a MOM – thats called life.
No shame in her game!
Keep on keeping on Jillian!
For every negative comment there is an ugly soul.
@Emma – I don’t have an MBA or any business education to speak of for that matter..but who really cares if she makes money off of products she also endorses? If Leo is taken care of and eating healthy (and he seems to be), what does it matter if Jillian gets compensated for advertising products that she uses. Unless you have reason to believe that these products are detrimental to her child, who are you to beat her up for using them? I for one have benefited greatly by her suggestions and follow her daily for more! You are absolutely entitled to your opinion on the business models that you see, especially considering that you are more educated in that area than I am. But there is a constructive way to air your views without words like “gross”, “fake”, and “sing-song-y”. I, for one, talk to babies (and my cat lol) all the time. Just because you don’t talk to “tiny babies” the way Jillian talks to Leo doesn’t mean its not genuine. It’s one thing to use freedom of speech to share your educated views on a business model. It’s an entirely different thing to use your freedom of b****iness to spew inconsiderate hate-filled comment at a mom who is doing the best she can and just trying to put products out there to help the rest of us.
@Jillian – I teared up reading these negative comments and watching your insta-story today. As women, we come under too much attack from everything else around us to be attacking each other. If these haters spent half of their energy building people up instead of ripping them apart from the safety of their keyboards, womanhood would be a much more constructive place. I am clearly not alone in telling you how much I love you and can’t wait to see you back on social media in full force as the fun, vibrant, and loving wife, mother, and business woman that you are! We are for you Jillian and we aren’t going anywhere!
Wow…… how long did that post take to write?? Go spend your efforts on something positive. Go for a walk, play with your own kids….. stop watch it. It’s her life. It’s her choice. Go away
Wow! Multitasking is one of the best abilities women have. Keeping a home., trying to be sexy and have self love . Supporting your partner, having the worst day ever but tell your kids u love them in that sing along voice. Am all the way in africa , where we women support each other no matter how small the achievement is because we stand in a male dominated region , our voices rarely heard so uplifting fellow women is what we pride ourselves in . Am a doctor also with 3 boys but i take time to read jillians blog to unwind . She does not deserve such nastiness.
MBA my ass. You’re WAY too stupid.
Emma, I don’t typically waste my time w trolls but I just had to ask……who knew there was an Inflencer Business Model police?!?!?! Good on you girl!!!! Tell you what…..since you have your MBA and and you’ve proudly and perfectly studied this model it seems, I’d love to see how successful and consistent your business is! However, something tells me anything you have to show for your educational accomplishments is nowhere near the scale of Jill’s success. And I don’t even think Jill has an MBA, so if she doesn’t and is as successful as she is, then I wouldn’t be too quick that brag about yours if you don’t have anything as successful to show for it.
Lastly, I get and appreciate that people have a difference of opinions and you may actually be very successful in whatever the heck it is you do…..but your approach just flat out sucks!
The Approach Police
Can someone please explain to me the benefits of being so mean to someone? Could you please explain it to me? What did you gain by posting this? Actually don’t! There is absolutely nothing you can say that will change my opinion. Hurting someone is wrong period. Who the are you to say that she is using her son? And if you think you have the right to do so at least do it in private. Where is your decency? You have an MBA? So you are a grown woman. Simply act like one. Your MBA definitely didn’t teach you kindness. Shay, you say she is a bitch. What can I say? You girls got it. You made her cry. Happy? Seriously what is wrong with you?
I never, ever reply on the internet but who are you to decide what she wants to do with her life?
Clearly they are not doing a bad job lol.
And to tell a mom that she is using her baby for products is just insane. Clearly you don’t watch ALL of her stuff or you would see all of the amazing things she does with her “privileged life”.
If you are so wonderful with the business world, then learn how to mind your own.
Jillian- I just watched your Insta story and it broke my heart – that is the ONLY reason I came on here to check out what you were talking about.
Don’t you dare stop being you! Some people love to pick apart other people’s lives, not know the hard work that is put into what you do! Especially about Leo. He is your pride and joy – and it’s very easy to see that ❤️
(Also, to the people who wrote negatively on this, go ahead and say whatever you like- I won’t be responding or care what you think about my post lol).
– Chelsea
Hey Emma, why do you follow and read her blog then if it makes you “shunder”? Something clearly drew you to her blog, you clearly read it. If you’re so against the things she posts then why are you here? How about you find another blog that better suits you rather than reading Jillians and then make your obnoxious comments. Are you a mother? You must not be. If you are I sure hope you’re children learn it’s not okay to be a bully and write/say things that hurt others feelings. Sure you have the right to comment but does it mean you should, no.
I’m not sure if you will see my post but if you do I just want to say thank you. I am a new mom and there were countless times that I needed advice and referred to your blog. i enjoyed it before you became a mom but I now enjoy it and respect it so much more now. I love seeing all the things you try, many of which I have used in my day to day life. I enjoy your blog, insta stories and photos and I love your little family that you work so hard for., and clearly as you can see by these comments you make a difference in people’s lives. It’s so brave to put your opinions out there especially in this world these days where people feel entitled to be rude and mean because they don’t agree. Well I appreciate you and all you do.
I also hope you see this post, and the hundreds of posts from people who enjoy Jillians blog. She is still a person with feelings and I hope you realize that your words hurt. Find another blog that makes you happy…. and take you’re disclaimer and shove it up your opinionated ass.
PS I have a ten week old son, and I do ask him every day “how are you?” Usually in a high pitch singing voice as well. That’s how I knew you weren’t a mother because if you were you probably would do the same thing. If by me asking my son how he is everyday brings a smile to his cute little face as Jillians does with Leo then I will ask a million times over and over again. … and without judgement.
I’m still trying to figure out who asked your opinion on her business model. Bizarre. Who has time to post this negative junk?!
@emma maybe you’re not a sad person but there must be something lacking in yourself when you feel like it’s your place to look down on others and belittle them. Think about the reason you felt it was necessary to share those hurtful comments- it surely wasn’t to inspire and build up another.
Jillian, keep up the hard work (on the job and with little Leo) I love seeing your blog posts and insta stories and I know I’m not the only one. You have so many supporters- keep being silly and sweet!
If you don’t agree with her then get a life and don’t follow her. She’s still probably 10000x more successful than you. Everyone that reads her blog has a brain about the products she likes and can make their own informed decisions before purchasing anything. So perhaps your strong opinion indicates you have not much else going on in your life to have such hatred for someone else. No one cares about your MBA or your business background. You’re behind a keyboard and you are just a shitty person. ✌?
Emma, clearly you ARE an unhappy person. Just because you have an MBA, which pointing out proves you are insecure, doesn’t make you better than anyone else! Get off your high horse!!! Seriously get a life and let people live theirs. You are clearly jealous and apparently your MBA doesn’t make you an intelligent person because intelligent people aren’t closed minded, cold people that attack others for their success.
Jillian, you are the best! I know it hurts but you are better than these jealous, evil, insecure women so try not to let it get you down. You are such an adorable family and I LOVE following your instragram…..and I’m not even a kid person but just love watching you, Leo, Justin and Nacho. You are a great mother!! xoxo
Emma, your 2-year study probably lacks a chapter in controlling the troll population. The influencer business model is meant to relate to people who can relate to the influencer. If you cannot relate, then bounce. A bounce rate will always be a part of any digital ad campaign, influencer or not. Celebs have long been paid to rep a brand, and I think it was long overdue for some of these companies to realize they can partner with people a little closer in reach to their potential customers, at a pro-rated ‘celeb’ fee based on a measurable amount of followers, engagements, and purchases. I hope this is a part of your study – because whoever started this branch of endorsements is a genius, and probably pretty well-off. It’s not ever going to be 100% successful – no business model ever has been. You can find a ton of other business models to study that have been far less successful. If someone is not monetizing their following, then it is a lost opportunity – both for themselves and the communities and organizations that may also benefit from their partnerships. My suggestion to you is to consider these new strategies for how they can be furthered as opportunities, not criticized for what is clearly only the beginning. Because otherwise, my dear, you are missing the boat.
I honestly can not believe people have time in there day to criticize someone’s life like this. You can not make any of these claims unless you are a personal friend or family member. Does something about bringing someone down make you better? Or mentioning your MBA make you look better? I am sorry to whoever hurt you in life but it does not mean you should attack someone like this. This is bullying and simply sad that someone has to make her feel down because she talks about her child. Let her live her life like others let you live yours. How would you feel if someone started bashing you all over the Internet?
Emma – it sounds like you need to go BACK to school. You forgot to learn some manners.
You are completely off base and your comments are completely ridiculous and hurtful. I truly believe jillian stands behind every product she endorses. And is not using her baby as a selling tool! Also are you even a mother? Because I can tell you I talked to my babies like that and I asked them everyday how they are doing. I am completely appalled by how you can attack someone for making a living, supporting there families and sharing there lives with people to inspire them. You are completely jealous. I hope you are happy with the outcome of your post. You got what you wanted. ?
I’m embarrassed to share the name Emma with such a moron.
Super proud of you for having gone to school for Marketing. Hey, I did too! Do you think that maybe Jillian is being genuine with her posts which is why you think she’s “getting bad marketing advice”? Stop being hateful. Embrace who you are; don’t care about what other people do (especially on a freaking blog!).
Jillian, you have thousands upon thousands of people that admire what you write, say, and do. Keep it up. If not for us, but for you.
Ugggg you disgust me. Seriously???? I have 11 month old twin girls and I always video tape them and ask how their day is and how they are feeling. Any mom would know that is how you are supposed to talk to your baby and interact with them.
Clearly you are not a mom….or if you are I would be quite interested how you parent.
And does it really matter what hair care products Jillian does endorse? Let me tell you something….one month I love Nexxus shampoo and then a couple months later I try something else recommended to me and then sometimes end up loving it. Where is there a written law that people can’t change their minds on the products they like or even choose to endorse.
The fact that you have cause a person the literally BREAK DOWN in tears is DISGUSTING.
I am a kindergarten teacher and my students are better behaved than you.
Next time if you don’t have nothing nice to say why don’t you just keep it to yourself or write it down on a piece of paper so you get it out of your head and then burn it, rather than breaking someone down.
Hi Emma,
I wish I could message you this privately, but perhaps this is a good lesson for all of us. I have a feeling that that MBA of yours has taken a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve, just as Jillian has worked hard to get to where she is. I am also sure you have probably more insights and ideas than the average on how that could probably help Jillian grow her brand and business, which she certainly seems open to as she’s even rewritten posts before when people have pointed out things that that didn’t sit well with them. And even if she didn’t, none of us get it right all of the time.
Though I don’t know Jill personally, I feel there is probably a great amount of joy in being able to share her life and what/who she loves with her fans as well as benefit from the influence she has. But I’m also sure it stings even more when people rip apart her work because it then becomes a personal attack, not just a professional one.
I feel like your well educated suggestions would be heard much clearer and better received had you sent the team a private message offering your advice instead of attacking the person she is. After all, you attract more bees with honey than you do vinegar. It feels much better at the end of the day to be a positive voice of change than a negative one.
I hope all of this lends itself towards thinking about how good, possibly GREAT advice can be soured very quickly just by approach and tone alone.
This was elaborate. You seem to have a lot of time on your hands? Imagine a life where you write a chapter of negativity towards someone else. Stay humble Emma.
I’m sorry…how does having an MBA have anything to do with you not being an unhappy person Emma? I’m straight up confused.
Also, just wondering Emma & Shay…should we all start consulting you for your opinion on what we should eat, or is it just Jillian?
While we’re at it should we all ask you if it’s alright to give an opinion on a new product we’ve used also? You seem to have all the answers so just thought I’d ask.
It’s blatantly apparent you do not have kids, your comments are outrageously inaccurate. I’m not sure I know a mom that doesn’t chat with their baby like that all the time.
You are a bully, plain & simple.
I don’t know. I don’t buy that you’re just commenting over the business model. I’m sure you could have found a less nasty way of giving her your opinion on her blog. Sure everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but don’t pretend you’re not being hateful. What? You didn’t like the responses people were making to you? Did it bother you that people were saying you’re unhappy? Clearly, since you had to write a disclaimer. Funny how people react when they get a taste of their own medicine.
? wow keep telling yourself you negative human being that you are happy. Blah blah blah about school….no one cares! You are not happy. Only a jealous minded person would go on like you did on someone’s blog! Keep your negativity to yourself and don’t follow Jillians Posts if you don’t like the content! People have feelings! Didn’t you learn at a young age if you can’t say anything nice don’t say it at all!
Chin up Jillian ✌️You rock girl !
WOW Emma, so glad you’re using your MBA to troll the internet and be an absolute miserable human being just for the hell of it. I guess you just have nothing better to do hey? It’s pretty awesome to sit on your computer and create an entire post that is solely aimed to make someone feel shitty about themselves. I guess at the end of the day, when you think of all the great things you’ve done and contributed this will top your list? Bravo, keep up the good work. There will always be bullies in this world, I guess you’re proud to be one.
Wow. I would like to say something negative about your statements above, but I don’t believe in bashing people I don’t know. But I am happy that you have an MBA and all…
As a new Mom myself , I truly enjoy your blogs, posts and Insta stories. You are honest, and share your struggles, the successes, everything. Please keep sharing.
I imagine a stranger accusing you of using your child to sell products cut like a knife. However, I enjoy seeing what products you use, even if you are getting paid to endorse the product. Mom’s need to stick together!
Don’t let negative people get you down.
PS. Not that it matters, but I do believe you ask your little baby how he is doing every day in you “fake-sing-song” voice (or whatever it was referred to as). Leo is so cute! How couldn’t you talk to him like that! ?
Wow. We as women should be each other’s champions. We should empower, encourage, and support one other. I don’t give a rats arse if you are uneducated or have a BS, MBA, or PHD. NO person has the right to tear another down. It is a shame that social media gives cowards an opportunity to hide behind a message board post. Show your face, and let’s see how fierce you really are.
It is our choice to follow others in this crazy social media world. That, I understand. But why – WHY – use this platform as a place to talk smack about an individual who has done nothing but to fearlessly and without filter share her life with us? I dare you to do the same.
And I for one started to follow Jillian way back when because I am a huge fan of her aesthetic, style, and flair for home decor. Liketoknowit all the way.
I also have a daughter literally the same age as Leo. I talk to her in nearly the same way that Jillian speaks to Leo. This is what we do. This is how mothers speak to their babes. Perhaps it sounds like crazy baby talk to you, but this is motherhood. Jillian could not capture the phases of Leo’s life or the brutal realities of postpartum life or motherhood more honestly. Where do you get off on calling us out on how we speak to our kiddos?
Jillian – I will never be able to feel what you feel in this moment. But, I can say that I am entirely optimistic. Have you seen the outpouring of love and support from so many wonderful women in response to these bogus and hateful posts? Our unity speaks louder than their hate. We got your back, girl. Who has theirs?
I also will be eternally grateful for your posts about WeeSleep. After 5 months of total desperation, sleep deprivation, and a whole lot of tears, and upon returning to work post maternity leave, I saw your tweet about WeeSleep. We quickly gave them a call, and enrolled in a 10-day program. Our daughter now sleeps a good 12 hours through the night and (finally) naps well. Thank you for the recommendation. Sleep is a beautiful thing. Life is good. You saved us.
An avid supporter and fellow new (and working/breastfeeding mom).
Emma- shame on you for beating down another woman and her ability to be a parent, especially behind the safety of your computer screen. You said yourself you don’t know what kind of mother she is, yet you make cruel and hurtful judgements based on what you see on the internet. It’s as simple as this, if you don’t like what you see, don’t read her site anymore!
Jillian, I have enjoyed watching you for years and I think you are genuine and refreshing. I think you seem to be a wonderful mother and Leo is so lucky! Keep doing what you’re doing and what makes you happy! I will continue to support you!
Hey Emma, just wondering if you have anything better to do than being a nasty internet troll?
Don’t look at her stuff if you don’t like it. Get a life, stop being jealous of Jillian’s. And FYI no one cares you have an MBA.
As a mother with an MBA I would like to argue that most of your assessments are wrong. As a mother, I can tell you that I absolutely believe that Jillian asks her baby “how are you doing today” every day because I did similar things with both of my children. As a mom you say all kinds of silly things in the “mom” or “baby talk” voice. You picking on that is especially ridiculous. My son is 5 and I say “hi honey” in a sing song voice to him every time I see him. Big deal.
Obviously your personal opinions are your own but from a business standpoint you are not “buying” anything from Jillian. You choose to come to her blog and read her content and no one forces you to go out and buy what she is featuring. She isn’t tricking other moms into purchasing things and as you stated before, you DO NOT know her personally so you can make no claims on wether or not she is using what she features. You claim to be annoyed by her sponsored posts but her blog is a business, and one that she uses to support her family. Sponsored posts are very common in blogging and I doubt you get this annoyed at every commercial or ad you see on TV or the Internet. You say you are not attacking her as a mother but you claim she is using her child and that it makes you “shudder”. That’s attacking someone as a mother.
If you do not like what you see that is perfectly fine. It’s obviously not your cup of tea. I just don’t understand why you would pick at things that are so ridiculous instead of just not choosing to read the blog if it isn’t in your taste. If you are looking at this from a consumer standpoint and you are wanting to let her know that you don’t like the content she has been producing that’s one thing, but to pick things that are so personal bothers me and clearly a lot of other people! Jillian is doing what hundreds of other bloggers do and is clearly successful despite what you want to claim about her business model.
Having an MBA doesn’t make you a nice person. There is having an opinion and then there is just being malicious. Would you actually say all of this to Jillian’s face? I doubt it. Its easy to say mean things when your hiding behind your computer or smart phone. Be a better person Emma
I’d love to show your family, friends and boss this hateful message so they can see what a piece of shit you really are.
I hope trolling on amazing, happy, positive people helps you sleep at night. Get off the internet and go talk to a therapist. You have issues.
Emma – you’re giving us MBA students a bad name, please stop. I’m sure Jillian can teach you a lot about building an online following/business.
It sounds like you stumbled upon the wrong blog! Hope you found your way out and don’t stumble back in, for fear that my content should offend you again to the point you have to swear and try to hide it behind a hashtag!
Also, I never said i hated my mom bod.
This post ‘happens’ to be sponsored but the content was already written and prescheduled as ‘unsponsored’…. We got lucky enough to get a sponsor to back the post. But the words, the intent and the content isn’t influenced, fake or false… and while it may seem like I flip flop…. I will tell you. One day I am proud of this new body of mine… and some days I don’t recognize it and want to work to change it. Not sure if you’ve had kids but if you have I think you will understand this ‘conflict of interest”
Are you upset that i’m getting paid to do my job? You understand that a blog will over 1 million readers a month is a TON of work and we’d be CRAZY to do it for free… I have 2 AMAZING fabulous women that work for me full time and LOVE their jobs. I get to bring my baby to work, support my family, support my community, support charities, dress up for work and am living my dream job. I am not hurting anyone, or offending anyone.
Correct me if i’m wrong but there are actually BAD people out there, who are miserable, mean, selfish, rude…. if by chance i had a spare moment to criticize someone else’s ‘job’ or efforts…. i would probably start there… but i guess we already know that you and I have little in common.
I wake up every morning and ask, how can i juggle being a great mom, a successful business person all while inspiring my employees, my family, my readers … how can i make the day more fun? How can i be more confident? how can i make my readers happy? I challenge myself daily and I LOVE it … and ,I will keep doing it, and, i will keep accepting appropriate sponsored posts to grow my business and keep my employees happy, so THEY can continue to make the world happier too… and hopefully help ‘cheer’ people like you up so they care less about ‘sponsored blogs’ and more about just being happy.
lastly – I really do try to take constructive criticism to heart, but in this instance i am SO embarrassed i took the time to respond to you… instead of taking the time to virtually hug all the happy lovers who follow me. That is my only regret.
Have a fabulous weekend, sending you LOVE and happiness and praying you find a blog that inspires you and makes you smile, obviously mine is not it. xo
Jillian…your comment here makes a lot of sense to me, and helps me understand my own reaction to this post. First of all, it is totally inappropriate for us to body shame each other, and I actually deeply love the way that you never ever (I am the most ferocious consumer of your blog and all your social media accounts) make me feel like your life is unattainable just because I am a bit overweight. Thank you. Thank you a million times over for that.
But I wonder if maybe you don’t see this post as a bit “off” somehow. It’s interesting to hear that the content was all written and THEN you found a sponsor. The sponsor really dilutes the post, in my opinion. Now that I know you had already written it, I understand it and went back and read it and found I enjoyed it more. But before you said that it really just seemed a lot like your earlier post from Christmas that you edited because you realized that the family emphasis was diluted by the ad. The Nikes just seem so arbitrary to the point of the post, and really made me think you had come up with this whole post just to sell some sneakers (also I like the sneakers from your insta 100% better than these, but that’s just a preference!).
I don’t think these other posters need to be so negative, but I think that the complaints about the sponsored posts have a point.
I am absolutely inspired by you and the way that you have built this blog. I read it at the very beginning post-Bachelorette, and it is a serious force to be reckoned with these days. I check it every day, and I love so many of your posts. I will be the first person to shoot my hand up and say that I want you to get paid for doing it because oh my god I would be so sad without this blog! But this post, the Christmas post I mentioned, that silly post about the Buick…there are so many “sponsored posts” that are great (product reviews, the Sephora skin care routine post, and the original mom and dad bod posts!), but then there are ones like this that just miss the mark, for me. And I’m a loyal, happy, devoted reader, and your blog absolutely does make my day!
Hi Jillian, everything you have written in this post I can totally relate too as a mum to a 2 year old. I enjoy your blog as I can relate to so much of what you write and say. Keep doing what you do as I enjoy waking up every morning here in Australia to see your latest discoveries, thoughts and what has happened in your day. The one thing I love about you is you keep it real which makes me feel normal on those days that get hard trying to juggle everything. Much love to you from Down Under. Xxx
Cheers Jillian!!! Don’t feed the troll. She’s a nasty person hiding behind a computer who needs to judge and bring others down to make her miserable life feel better. What a bully
Just wanted to say that I have been a nanny for years and worked in daycares and preschools and shoes are very important and I really enjoyed this post be it sponsored or not! I also own these nikes and wear them everyday running around with kids!!!
Keep doing you!
@Shaylene, seriously what is your problem? If you don’t like what you see why don’t you just go the F away!?! Jillian is amazing and you’re just a schmuck!
You’re confused? I’m confused as to why you bother reading anything Jillian has to say, since you are quite obviously not a fan?
take your rude, hurtful garbage someplace else.
your mother would be ashamed.
My mom works in tv and reading the things people say sometimes really fires me up. People forget that the people the see on tv are actual people, who have feelings and families and insecurities, just like everyone else. It’s easy to sit behind a computer and say mean things, and throw insults at the way someone is living their life. These people may even have past connections with friends from years prior and whatnot, but they forget one thing; people can change. My advice is to rise above it, be confident in who you are, surround yourself with the right people, and be unapologetically yourself.
Do you have kids? I have 3 and go from hating my mom body to liking it multiple times in an hour, let alone a day
Dear All,
The most precious thing we have as women in the western world is the freedom to choose what we do. While those of us in the states have to contend with an idiot “president” trying to take our freedoms away, as of now we still have the freedom to CHOOSE. We can choose to ACT in any way we want (within the law). So for the women that CHOOSE to be rude, impolite, mean, & nasty…how about you make the choice to not read this blog. Choose not to follow Jillian. Choose to watch a different show. Thankfully you are not FORCED to hide yourself under burkas, FORCED to watch only state sponsored television, FORCED to eat only the food that is rationed to you, FORCED to not be educated because you are a woman, or FORCED to watch, read, or listen to Jillian. She has clearly stated that these are her opinions. I used to love Aveeno shampoo. Guess what? I now LOVE Pureology. Crazy, right? If you are the same person you were 10, 5, even 1 year ago, I would be very much surprised. It is a spoiled & selfish attitude to not respect someone’s opinions that you CHOOSE to read. Jillian allows comments to come in. She is interested in opinions. I don’t see anywhere that she is interested in hate speech. If you live in the U.S., PLEASE turn that vitriol you spew toward your congressional representatives to try to make sweeping changes to how women are allowed to makes choices for themselves.
I love ALL of Jillian’s post! She is so inspirational and motivating.
If anyone has negative things to say, I would have to say, they must be miserable with themselves. Very sad!!
Shaylene…find another blog…no one’s forcing you to read this
I love this! Thanks Jillian for posting. Such a great reminder for all the moms out there. I know I need to remind myself of this more often.
For me, as a new mom, I found having a house cleaner come in, even just once a month has been such a treat. While she is cleaning all those things like windows, baseboards and bathrooms, I go out with the little one to Starbucks or drop him off with my mom while I treat myself to shopping or a pedicure. I love coming home to a clean house, and feeling extra relaxed because I did something for me and, for that day, didn’t have to do any chores.
I just want to say, I love your opinions and recommended brands/products, regardless if the product is sponsored or not, I trust that you give honest feedback and I actually come to your site first if i am looking for anything from eye cream to runners to home decor.
Thanks Jill!
Thank you Amanda. We love what we do and love sharing my life with you all! It definitely gets challenging trying to make everyone happy all while ‘making a buck’ but we are navigating and will continue to try to find that balance! Thank you for recognizing and ‘believing’ that what we post is true, organic and authentic. We remind ourselves everyday how important that is! XO
Did you actually read the post about the mom bod? Not anywhere does she say anything about hating her body.
Hi Jillian,
Not sure why people get their panties in a twist over sponsored posts. If they were in your position, they’d be doing the same thing! I would love to review products and get paid for it. Anyway, I always look to your blog and instagram for new baby stuff. I bought love child organics for my son and he loves it. And the comment about the way you talk to Leo.. she clearly doesn’t have any kids. I talk to my baby like that everyday! Please don’t let these people stop you from doing what you love. A career that lets YOU raise your child! You have a lot of followers who admire you. Keep going mama!
THANK YOU. Panties in a knot lol … love ya. thank you for your sweet response xox
Jillian, you are amazing. My girlfriend and I love reading your posts and following you on insta. We also love you even more because you are CANADIAN and think it’s awesome to have someone like you inspiring others! I usually don’t reply to these comments but after reading so much negativity I just wanted to say something positive. P.S. I love when you say ‘good morning’ to Leo in your cute little voice, it’s like you are saying good morning to the rest of the world and I look forward to it 🙂 Much love, xoxo
Jillian – I am Stephanie’s friend (who also commented) and we both love your posts. I enjoy you as a person, if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be following you on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and on your blog (that’s a lot!). I choose to do this because I enjoy the content you post, the products you promote and I just genuinely enjoy your personality. You didn’t become the successful business woman you are out of thin air. Clearly, you’re doing something right!
You keep on doing what you’re doing the way you’re doing it and I’ll keep following along!
I’ve never commented on a blog before, but your instastory last night broke my heart. No matter what you do, someone will eventually criticize, and quite often it really has nothing to do with you. I look forward to your instastories every day. It really does brighten my day to see you and Leo and your new house, and all your beautiful designs. It always makes me want to move to Canada. I hope you can focus on the overwhelming amount of support you’re getting here, and all the love in your life.
Jillian! You’re a rockstar and I think everyone can suck it. Seriously obsessed with you! Question about the actual post….I want your sneakers. But…on the link in the blog the sneaks are melon and have the white one the toe, yours are totally pink with brown on the toe …where can I get those? Thank you!
I have been meaning to write a message to you for a couple months now but time has got away from me but after reading some of the negative stuff on this post I thought I needed to make time to say a thank you. My little guy was born a few weeks before Leo and I have so enjoyed following along on your motherhood journey. I have lots of friends and support but they can’t always be there at 2 am or for the few minutes of down time I might get in a day but you were there. Through all this technology I could easily take a minute watch a story or read a blog and see someone else going through what I was going through or offering advice. I don’t know you, I don’t have to respond to you, you make no demands on me and so it was just easy to get some support or be entertained. I had to do some work while on my leave and went back full time when my little guy was 7 months. I get the struggle and appreciate your honesty about it. I enjoy hearing about products you use. My little one has lots of sapling child rompers and he also loves Love Child food. The skip hop play station was a huge hit in our house. I enjoy seeing you interact with Leo. I too talk away to my little guy. I haven’t seen Leo start to babble back yet but that will be even more fun. You have an interesting life and business and I am a satisfied fan/customer. Take care.
Your always so cute, always !!!!
Judge much? Yeesh…I just don’t get it. Reading 101 people. As the reader it’s your job to take what you’ve read and extract the information that meets your purpose, whether that’s for research or for enjoyment. Some are here to learn more about products, and some are here just to enjoy Jillian’s honesty and musings. If you don’t fit that category, you probably are in the wrong spot. Take from it what you want and if it doesn’t meet your purpose, I think we are all intelligent enough to find another place to land. Why be so hard on one another? Life is short.
Hear hear- I completely agree! If we could all glance into each other’s lives we are not going to agree 100% with everyones choices. We are different people.
Why take the time to be so nasty? These people aren’t just offending Jillian. I feel offended because Im usually so aligned with what she is saying.
And for the record- I will never mind the sponsor posts because it allows Jill and her team to keep doing what they’re doing. Id rather have sponsor posts than no posts at all. Especially because you can tell it that the are genuine and authentic regardless of who is paying the bills.
Let’s keep it nice and positive 🙂
Jillian – huge new mom wave from Toronto! First of all, you are a boss mom through and through. Don’t listen to the haters. Despite them, thank you for being brave enough to still post about these topics. I have little Jaxon who is Leo’s age and following your journey has been 1) inspiring, 2) so helpful, 3) a huge contributor to me feeling like I’m not crazy! This is hard! Just like you, I love to work, I love to be active, and I love to be social. Since having my little one, a lot has changed and it has been hard to process. So, we need each other to remind each other that we can still be boss moms who CAN ask for help, who CAN work, who can expect equal partnership. So thank you. And hey – I feed Jax Love Child when I don’t have any homemade food left and that is TOTALLY OK. You do you and you’re doing GREAT. Boss mom! xo
Jill you and your team are AWESOME!!!
These posts are terrible. For every one negative person there are 100 behind you.
You give so much positivity to the universe. Don’t give these negative posts a second though.
You forgot step #6: hire a full-time nanny to take care of your kid even on your days off (Step 6.1 make sure you have enough money for 2 houses, so you can fly your nanny in between, or even just in for the day!). That’s most def what I call being a boss!
D.O: LOL ….. i will take this comment as compliment! … also Cassandra doesn’t really ‘work’ on our days off … but she is a family friend that we have known since she was 5 and she LOVES leo and lives with us … so she is with us almost always and has no problem helping out on my days off… which … actually does not exsist because as you know as a business owner – there are no days off! When i don’t work on LIOLIV she helps out around the house so that i can blog, book travel for appearances, book meeting with the girls, photoshoots etc! … Having 2 homes sounds fabulous, but trust me, The novelty wears off quick. I am looking forward to the day when there is NO back and fourth – no driving dangerous highways for 9 hours a week and having to haul clothes and necessities back and fourth. Finding out you only brought one shoe or you left the baby tylenol at the last house! being separated from justin 50% of the time and going to bed by myself.. its not as awesome as it sounds! … ONE house is good for me thank you! LOL .. xo Thanks for the love 🙂 XO
Take it as a compliment! It maybe sounded snarkier than it should have but damn girl – you’ve got a good life. Lots of privilege. You’re lucky!
Jillian, love u, love ur crew, love this site. Block Jane’s IP address. She’s adding nothing new. Of course with all the time on her hands u might have to block her Cellphone and local Library ip too, all her alternative commenting names will probably disappear too. How sad her little life must be.
Oh boo hoo. You have no god damn clue what it’s like to be a real mom who doesn’t have paid help following her around and quite literally picking her nose for her.
You pretend to relate to the rest of us poor schmucks, but you failed. Your little defenders need a wake up call. You don’t live a normal life. You live a god damn privledged one and you are too caught up in the ads to even realize it.
And your responses to people who don’t kiss your ass and agree with your every move is shameful. You have low just sunk to their level and for that I hope you give your head a shake. Or maybe just get one of your paid staff to do it for you so you can claim how amazing you are for “hiring” them.
Sad part is I’ve been a follower and loyal reader for years. Your responses here are quite shocking and have totally turned me off. I’m sure you won’t give a shit anyways and I’ll wait for the retaliation response.
?. Felicia.
Lol have a beautiful day darling, wishing you all the success and happiness in the world!!
Thanks for the response, Shay!
Why should she apologize for living a “privileged” life? She work’s hard for it! Let the woman live, my goodness. Bye Felicia.
Jillian, I LOVE following you and watching little Leo grow. These people are seriously insane and over the top RUDE for taking the time out of there days to write disrespectful novels. Keep doing you, so many people love following you!
Jillian fully admits how priveledged she is. If you don’t like it, focus on the stuff in your life that you do like, and don’t waste time making someone else feel bad.
If you’re gonna Bye Felicia then actually get going Jane. You’re just trolling & you know it.
Jillian you are so amazing please don’t let nasty people put you down. I look forward to every single post and insta story you make because you are such a ray of sunshine. My daughter is 8 months old and I look to your posts for advice. She was such a picky eater and I tried love child organics because of you and she actually loves them. I make most of her food now but for the times I try something new and she hates it I can quickly grab one of those pouches and she’s happy.
You are a mom boss and the nasty people who are trying to put you down have sad lives.
Jealous much? What a tacky thing to say.
I’m a mom….and I don’t talk to kid like he’s a dumb animal. Possibly because I have more things to say to him than “good MORNING”, over and over…because I don’t have someone else taking care of him for me. Just saying.
I’m a working mom who doesn’t have the luxury of being a “boss”, and I resent posts like this where you try to pretend you’re one of us. You’re worth like $2 million. You want my sympathy about how you “had to go back to work” so that you could support your family? Cry me a freaking river.
And yah yah, I know, negative post, don’t bother reading if you have nothing to say. Normally not such a rude cow, but I am tired from actually being a mom, and thought your groupies needed a bit of a wake-up call. Being a bitch sometimes is par for the course in being a mom, in my world. I’ll retreat back into my cranky hole now.
2 Million is actually not that much money. Maybe you could work a little harder and stop trolling on someone successful. Also being resentful only hurts you, it’s like carrying a sac of potatoes around for no reason and complaining about it. Put the potatoes down , get off the internet and go work!
“2 Million is actually not that much money. Maybe you can work a little harder[…]”
This is the grosses thing I have ever seen on the internet, ever.
Goodness, you watch 60 seconds of video for a 24 hour day and decided that all she says to him is “good morning”. You may be a mom but you’re also a fucking idiot.
Jillian, you are amazing!!! I’m not a mom yet but you make me want to have a baby! LOL I enjoying checking your blog daily and I applaud you for being so honest about everything you post! Keep doing you and don’t pay attention to the haters! They hate you cuz they ain’t you! LOL xoxoxoxo
I agree with the some of the comments here. I have nothing against Jillian but I think she is completely missing the point that some are trying make. If she is able to make money off of her blogging and Instagram posts, then all the more power to her but it comes off looking very insincere. You are just pushing a product. Yes, we all have jobs and need to earn a living and if this is one way for Jillian to do that, great. But she (and most bloggers) need to be clear and upfront about the fact that she is making money off of us, her readers. We are the reason she can make money off of this. She gets paid based on her following and amount of clicks she gets from her readers. If that is how one makes a living, they really should be honest about that. When you post blogs about life, motherhood, and fashion it becomes inauthentic the second you throw an ad or sponsor into the post. It then becomes a paid commercial, no matter how you slice it. I know some say this is not different then a celebrity endorsing a product on a TV commercial, but it is. The second a commercial comes on, I know that’s exactly what is and can change the channel. To blog about food, fashion, skincare etc. and then disguise a sponsored ad in there is dishonest to readers. If Jillian (and other bloggers) really want to be upfront, she should put the disclaimer “This is a sponsored post” at the very beginning of the post. Not in small print at the bottom of the post after we have all taken the time out of our busy day to read the blog, or what truthfully is an advertisement. For those who say “If you don’t like her posts, then don’t read or follow”, well that would be great if I knew ahead of time which posts are actual authentic blog posts and which are ads. I have nothing against Jillian and enjoy reading some of her posts but the moment it has as a product link in it, I am reminded she is being paid to talk about that product. Even if she does truly use and like the product, there is monetary incentive for her to blog about and try to sell it to her readers. If I know a post is going to have a product that she is endorsing for payment, I would not read that post. Regardless of whether she truly likes or believes in that product, it is still a PAID advertisement. I don’t need to waste my time reading about something she is being paid to talk about. Again, if that’s how she can make a living that’s great, but please let me know in advance not at the end of the post. This is the problem in the blogging world. What was once an honest way to reach out and connect with others has now become a business that seems very insincere.
Exactly. If she is so genuine, then why does she hide the fact it’s a sponsored post at the end of the post? Jillian, put it at the start of the post – I am not sure how you are getting away with what you are doing, but it’s deceiving. It you truly cared what your readers thought and not just about the $$$, then make the change. It’s been requested if you for months and not sure why you don’t make the change. It would probably cut down on the comments as people just want to know it’s an ad and not feel duped into reading it and finding out later. It’s not good business.
And yet you complainers have still not figured out yet to just scroll to the bottom first before reading???
Ur comments in response to criticism here are disgusting. What kind of selfish rivileged drama queen do you need to be to speak like this to the people who literally pay your bills by reading your blog and buying the products you endorse? You noted that no one advises you…maybe someone should.
That said, to the woman who said Jillian is a bad business woman: you’re wrong. Jillian Harris the person is a downright self-obsessed b*tch – just ask anyone who is friends with her former long-term roommate from Vancouver. We were always looking for a way to avoid Jillian the obnoxious who threw fits when every event wasn’t centered around her. Do you not notice how the only people she has around her are family or paid “friends”???
True colours indeed.
Ada Lee, obviously you and your so-called friends were jealous of Jillian. That’s the bottom-line. If you dislike her so much why are you following her? Probably to get advice as to how to make something of yourself and your life. Step one – – Learn how to be a kind person and stop being a bully
…the point about being a good business woman was meant to include the fact that she has successfully marketed herself as sweet and caring and down to earth. She should win an award for this.
Lol – Ada lee I wonder if we know each other? I too used to run in Jillian’s pre-Bachelorette circles, and she was a MONSTER. I’ve always marvelled at how well her PR team markets her so well. Her responses to negative comments here show some of the true woman under all that sponsored make-up.
Jillian, by all means, run your business as you want. But you should stop short of claiming you’re some sort of mom-of-the-people working woman. You are a celebrity. You blog for a living, and aren’t even a real designer (love it or list it has an actual designer…and Jillian hired at least two for her home reno). You’re endorsements all the way down, and are marrying into a rich family. No need to rub it in. We get it. Life is super great for you.
Irony is, I actually love these Nike’s, and would have bought them if this had been a straight-up ad.
Hopefully her #ad sponsors take note and get a true sense of who they are paying to promote their items. If I were in charge of selecting people, I’d like to think that I’d choose someone who doesn’t throw a huge hissy fit and tell off their fans.
You’re right – she needs to hire someone pronto to manage her attitude and outbursts. LOL
celebrity or not, she is a human being and to attack anyone so maliciously for doing their job and living their life is just so cruel.
be nice to each other!
Ada lee & Marie: how funny that you come here to complain about how bad of a friend she was and that you used to be in her circle back in the day… yet if she is out of your lives now, why are you still coming around, following what she is up to and feeling the need to hate on her and tear her down. if she is out of your life & that is what you wanted, then let it be! move on with your lives, live them and don’t tear people down! you clearly miss her in your lives & are jealous or something. i feel sorry for you! hopefully you can move on and live a happy life!
I am a big fan – clearly, because I follow along on Instagram, Facebook and your blog. I find the negative comments from readers to be surprising. I am well aware you have sponsors, and you make money from your blog, this is not a secret. If I don’t agree with you, that’s fine, I just skip the blog. If I find it interesting I dive in. My choice. So try not to take their words to heart, they are making choices for themselves on what they read, how they entertain themselves, etc. You do a great job at inspiring and I am happy you share products, bringing items to my attention – some of them I would never have tried, and some I will never try (again my choice). Sorry to go on and on but really I just wanted to write and say thanks for your interesting work – I will be following along and enjoying the ride 🙂
ps. I am doing renos and moving right now too, and so I am following along with avid attention. Your tips have been awesome!
I agree, their choice to take it or leave it – it’s the internet. Do they truly expect to love everything on her site or social media? She’s doing what she does, and doesn’t need to be critiqued so harshly, right on her own blog. WHY ARE YOU HERE if it bothers you so much. Leave, haters! It makes zero sense.
Jillian, these comments are rubbish. I hope you sleep well tonight knowing you didn’t speak that way to someone today. Let them roll off your shoulders and drift away. Big hug. Keep doing what you do, for yourself, and for those of us whom you inspire or entertain. xo
I think you are great! I’m a mom of 3, my youngest is close to Leo’s age.
My friend was a crew member on LIOLI I asked him about you…if I could come to set to meet you haha! he said you’re awesome.
I’ve never commented on anything before but I saw your insta story and was so curious to see what had upset you so much. I’m terribly sorry to see what some people have said. That’s hurtful.
Chin up! Have a great weekend.
I don’t even know where to begin.
Jillian, watching you tear up on your Instagram story really upset me. Reading some of the comments on this post is literally making me feel sick to my stomach. I just can’t believe people can be so judgemental and mean.
I’ve loved you since you were on the Bachelor! It was so amazing to see a fellow Canadian on the Bachelorette. Your personality is down to earth and caring – something I don’t think has changed at all. It’s amazing to see how successful you’ve become, from The Bachelor/Bachelorette days, to Love it or List It to your blog, you’ve definitely inspired a lot of people, and they/we enjoy hearing what you have to say.
There will always be people who will disagree with you, but I can guarantee you have a million times more supporters who love who you are and listening to your advice, tips and enjoy hearing whatever you have to say. You have NO need to apologize for any of the decisions you make. This is your life and career and it seems like you’re doing a fabulous job! 🙂 Don’t listen to the critics – it’s only coming from a place of jealousy. Why else would they feel the need to express their judgement?!
I have never left a comment on a blog before, but felt compelled to reach out with some positive words and encouragement. I may only be one person, but I’d hope that by leaving one more positive comment, it will drown out the negativity.
Keep doing what you’re doing, and being YOU because YOU are AMAZING!
Cool post- enjoyed the read.
Oh and also…
“People are dying” as Kourtney Kardashian once said. So if y’all want to fight a cause maybe shift your targets. Alot of other harmful post out there that could use the negativity.
Sips tea
GiGi, that was awesome!
Some of the comments here blow my mind? why is she being punished because she marketed herself and grew her business? you know starting a business started with her and she started from being a normal person like everyone else? yes the bachelorette has something to do with her early success. If you had a business and made money for your family( yes I know she has 2 houses, nice clothes, cars ect but why is this her fault? not like she is a born millionaire.. She worked for this. Honestly it sounds like a lot of your are jealous. Women should empower one another not push each other down, yes she markets and gets paid to mention a product but that is business and has nothing to do with what kind of person she is. Jillian I have always followed you and find you super cute, spunky and a girl with big dreams because she refuses to be ”average” Keep it up!
Without even reading the content of the post, all I can say is – what bitter twisted people you are. I hope none of you have daughter’s who will learn from you and continue the cruel treatment towards people they meet in their lives. You are bullies. Jealousy must be eating you up inside. I get that you can’t agree with or like everyone you meet. But swallow it and move on. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Depresses me that there are people in the world who behave like this. I hope your kids are never treated like this. Shame on you. I’m truly disgusted.
Keep your head high Jillian.
Oh Catherine, what a sheltered life you must lead if this is a shock to you. Its the internet, and the age of social media. Everyone has opinions, love or hate. If you want to make money on the internet, prepare yourself for both. It’s nothing new.
Also, bully shaming is just as bad – stop it.
If she can’t deal, then she should get a job where she can hide behind a desk all day and not be out there to the social internet world. She made the choice to blog. So don’t cry over the choices you made. That’s my only issue with this all – she choose to do this, so she can’t complain. It comes with the job.
Bully shaming is just as bad?
That’s some effed up logic right there, lady.
Grown up bullies deserve to be shamed.
So bullies should just be able to bully away with nothing said from anyone?? I don’t think so, that’s messed up. I hope that if you have kids that get bullied or get bullies yourself that someone would stand up for them or you.
Jillian! Watching your insta video brought a tear to my eye right alongside with you – and again when I read some of the hurtful things people had to say on here. I can only imagine how hard it is to stay positive when faced with so much negativity, but I hope you can remember that for every 1 meanie who takes the time to put you down, in some form or another, there is a stadium of us cheering you on & supporting you. xoxo
Dear Jillian, your Instagram story pulled at me in a way I didn’t think it would. I think it’s so easy to look at you as a celebrity and not a human being. Shame on all of us. You are a superwoman in my eyes. You are an incredible mother, a spouse, a business woman, a tv personality, and all around great person. I know it’s easy for us not in your shoes to say “don’t let them get to you” but seriously. You are a beautiful human being who does good for the communities you are involved in. You are an example to young woman and mothers to go for their dreams and find the balance of being a mother and a human! I hope that things get easier, people get kinder, and that you feel the love and support of those who see you for who you are. A beautiful, kind, and compassionate human being.
The last time I checked, reading this blog is voluntarily. If you don’t like it, DON’T READ IT! The women commenting, hiding behind their keyboards, getting enjoyment out of bashing someone they don’t know is the absolute worst. God forbid someone puts the self out there and dares to build a business. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for these hateful comments. I’m sure each of you love it when strangers pick you apart for absolutely no reason. What if your daughter had to deal with people like you? How would you feel then? Grow up and learn what it means to support other women. Please.
Jillian, just do what you do. Anyone who feels the need to lash out like these women did have to be dealing with some sort of horrible insecurity or life situation. ?
Aren’t you doing the same here Jessica? You’re bashing those woman that you say should not bash Jillian.
Although I am not a new mom I follow your Instagram and blog posts quite regularly. I just wanted to let you know especially after watching your most recent Instagram story to keep your head high. As long as you know your heart is in the right place keep doing what you are doing. 100 percent of your content may not suit everyone but that’s not the point is it. You cannot please everyone and as human beings- imperfections are what we are made of. We live and we learn. I have always felt that you try and embrace positivity and see nothing wrong with you promoting brands that you have tried and tested. Take time for yourself and deep breaths. Negativity doesn’t need to grow… keep your head high. I will continue to follow and read your posts because although not everything may be geared towards me there is definitely still some amazing content !
All I can say is I love reading your blog, and watching how you are with Leo.
You are a GREAT Mom. Keep up the great work!
Chin up Love. ❤ Take what you want from the unsolicited advice, and disregard the rest…think of it as constructive criticism. (Even though it’s not) Do what you feel is right for your family. You’re a business woman, a successful one at that! Unfortunately social media, although lucrative, is also toxic!! Take a break from all the social media and leave it to your employees/friends for a while. Don’t let this negativity affect your day or your relationships that actually count. Xoxo . I LOVE following you on insta and your blog…advertisements and all. Come on down to Essex and I’ll buy ya a beer…?
Reading some of these comments made me a little sick.
The second I became a mother, all judgements went out the window. Mom shaming isn’t cool guys. We’re all just trying to raise our babies in this crazy, scary world.
Instead of bashing someone on the internet, maybe take up a cause that betters your child’s life? I hope when you’re on your death bed you don’t think “I’m sure happy I made Jillian Harris feel like shit that one day!”
Yassss Queen!!!
Just an FYI haters the majority of blogs have sponsors! Good business marketing for the companies and a useful tool for blogs to earn money after all their hard work. I’m sure no one likes working for free, why would you expect Jillian to? At least Jillian endorses products she truly uses. Who cares whether she “flip flops” as someone said. I enjoy reading her blog and finding out new and different ways of living my life, whether it is new shampoo or a new pair of nikes, everyone likes to “flip flop” and try new things that the market has to offer!
This bullying online needs to stop! Shame on you for bashing a hard working woman who is just trying to earn a living. I don’t care if she’s already “rich”. money comes and goes, your INTEGRITY is what matters! It is evident that Jillian gives back to her community, how many of you haters do the same?
Positive vibes Jillian, keep doing what your doing!
Ps I don’t have children, but I regularly speak to my 2 dogs in a baby voice. If I am blessed enough to have children, I’ll tell you there will be more of that voice in my house than ever! Who cares what people think?!? Keep using it girl, your babe will thank you for all the love ❤️
From one Boss Mom to another…’re killing the game Jillian.
Emma may have a MBA blah blah blah, but she clearly doesn’t have a little Leo and Justin who love her dearly or she wouldn’t spend her time trashing another woman who is also just trying to make it in the world. As women we should be building each other up not tearing each other down. I have a 5 year old daughter and I can’t imagine having people say these awful things about me especially when she was Leo’s age and I had no idea what I was doing!!
Plus what kind of a person takes that much time out of their day to post such a hateful message just to make another person feel bad about themselves???
We got you girl! -Birch Hill Studio
Keep on keeping on…block them haters with some sweet shades.
Love the posts and product recommendations! You are fantastic and love watching you and Leo on insta! Don’t ever stop. Your instagram stories get me through those 2 am feeds with my little guy!
Jillian, I so hope that if you read through these comments again, you see all the love coming your way!
I first started following you on all outlets after seeing your post-birth photo on @rawbeautytalks, because it was so so real and, in my opinion, set such an example for women in the public eye. I think that was your most “Boss Mom” moment.
Some people think they are really brave as they type away hateful messages from the safety of their living rooms. I think YOU are braver than they could ever hope to be. The way you put yourself on display all day so we can share in this very exciting time in your life, it’s so beautiful. And I know it’s not easy even though you make it look effortless!
You are a kick ass lady with a beautiful family and you’ve got nothing to apologize for. I can see how some might be just a touch jealous of everything you’ve accomplished, and it’s unfortunate that some might choose to express those emotions as hateful and personal. And while I’m just another face hiding behind a screen, I would confidently tell you everything I’ve typed here in person.
You’ve got this girl!! Keep being your authentic self and give Leo an extra squeeze from all your loyal followers!
Oh goodness gracious, the fact that this is real argument between a bunch of adults (assuming these hateful people are adults) is crazy. I’m sure I’m not the only one who hoped on over here to see what made our Jilly upset enough to post an Instagram story on how REAL her feelings actually were.
Jillian – you keep doing you, and SCREW the rest. This is your job, your life, your EVERYTHING. Keep living each day being you. The haters will always be there, and there are plenty of us following along who admire you for who YOU truly are.
As much as I’d like to address everyone’s shitty comments on here, it’s not worth it. Find another outlet.
From all the followers who love you Jillian –
Keep it up! Boss babe, working mom, killer friend, loving daughter and most of all a rockstar blogger letting us follow along!
Jillian! Wow! Maybe it’s because I’m older and maybe it’s because my baby girl is heading off to college, but damn, I think life is too short for this negative shit! Sorry for the swear, just calling it what it is. There are people who carry a chip on their shoulder and people who carry a grudge and there’s nothing you can do about that. If they read your blog and take their precious time to write negative comments, you must be doing something right! If they were happy, they’d be busy living their lives and not at all worried about your posts. Happy people just don’t behave this way. As for those haters talking about you personally? Pre Bachelor and Pre Blog days were long ago. We all make mistakes and grow as people. For someone to troll on your blog and jump at the chance to hate on you for things you may or may not have done years ago, well, that’s on them not you. Ain’t nobody got time for that much hate!
I hope you continue to post anything and everything, especially Leo! I love seeing him everyday! He’s adorable! My kids are teens, 2 in college, so you take me back to those days! I thank you for that! You support your family anyway you want! I applaud you!
PS I still talk to my kids that way! They roll their eyes!
Hey guys…..can we just vote Yolanda and Emma off the island????
Wow, this is just awful. I love your blog, your insta story’s. Keep doing what you do, you rock girl!
Ps… your face lights up talking about Leo, your a great mama.
Jillian, I don’t normally spend time reading all the comments u get but since I seen u CRYING on IG I went back and read a few….. wow, what a bunch of jealous bitches. Why do they follow u? They are so green with envy that they have to spew their nasty venom at you. Yet they follow along hard to know all that stuff about u. lol pathetic. Jillian don’t you dare take a break… don’t let them win! You got this girl… this is your business, you got bills to pay and employees that count on you. Screw the haters. And anyone that criticizes how a complete stranger!! Parents is just low in my books. You have a lovely family and a beautiful baby that you provide for. Don’t you dare give up. Most of us that follow you look forward to your posts. Your day to day life and and yes the products you endorse. So what?! Everyone that has something negative to say can fuck right off! Sorry, I’m not one to mince words. Lol I’ve actually contained myself pretty well in my rant. Lol so see ya soon?? You are a winner…let them hate.
You got my vote!! Someone take the internet away from them!!
I am not a new mom, but I absolutely adore watching you and Leo each day on Instagram. You provide a beautiful insight into your life as a Mom boss and entrepreneur. As a fellow woman in business, you are such an inspiration! You juggle so many different roles, such as mom, host, designer, blogger, fiance, daughter, friend, project manager, consultant, etc etc etc. I don’t know about these other negative nancys, but just reading that list makes a girl tired, much less actually being that person. There is absolutely NO shame in sponsored content or in hiring extra help – you need to do what you need to do to provide the life for your family that you want to provide. Do what makes YOU happy, regardless of the haters. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and it’s so easy to hide behind a screen and keyboard. I can guarantee that none of these negative commenters would have the gall to say any of this to you in person. Keep doing you! xoxo
Hi Jillain. I never write on blogs and such but just watched ur last Instagram story. Sorry to hear that some people are saying nasty things over the Internet. I love you and ur Instagram videos!! Please don’t let a bunch of morons on the internet stop you from doing that. You have many fans.. Keep ur head up!
Dear Jillian, I have come to really enjoy all your posts on your website, instagram, Facebook, etc. You post about real things that I can relate to as a Canadian and as a first time mom. The fact that some people have come on here and caused you to feel bad about yourself and cry (just saw your insta story) is really heartbreaking. I am a true fan of yours and have learned a lot from you and all your posts. I look forward every day to see what you post because its so relatable and real. I do believe you are being your true self in everything you do. You are a great person and it shows in everything that you post. Please know that you do have real fans who love you for you. Hope you are doing ok xoxo
Jillian, you are amazing! You are a fantastic mom, businesswoman, and person. I love all your post and seeing your instagram stories. Keep being who you are and taking such great care of that adorable Leo.
Don’t listen to all the rude and negative comments. Be you and continue to post the things you love. You are all 100% a real mom and deserve the life you have, you have worked hard!
I have a 4 month old and love all the recent post even if they are sponsored. I still see your opinions and views. I look forward to reading the post as I know they are helping me and giving me ideas on how to be a mom. You are an inspiration!
Give lots of love to that sweet baby boy of yours, sweet pup, and sweet fiancé! You are the best! Xoxo
I always look forward to checking in on your Instagram stories as I have a son born a couple weeks after Leo and enjoy seeing them grow at the same time. Broke my heart to see how upset you were just now and I can’t believe the comments being said to you. You’re a strong woman and I know you will get through this and have lots of fellow moms here for support!
You’re amazing Jilly!! Your beautiful family and friends are lucky to have you in their lives! I always look forward to your posts and recommendations! Frick, I think it’s awesome you get paid for it! Keep on being a Boss Mom! <3
You do you Jillian!
Love reading your blog posts and following along on your instagram! There will always be people who feel the need to put other people down so that they can feel better about yourselves. I am so sorry that you are the subject of all this hate and I truly hope you can hold your head high and move past all these hateful comments!
<3 Wishing you all the best and love in the world! Xo
Themselves* oops! haha 😛
Hi Jillian,
Not a mom, not even close to being ready to having kids, but I work in social media relations and some anti-bullying campaigns, and just wanted this is some horrible SH*T people are saying. Especially woman to woman, mom to mom. The whole “get a thicker skin if you want to be on the internet” is an incredible justification to be an anonymous bully! Plus like any successful blogger, congrats on being able to make money via your blog. Some people need to take a sweet ol’ chill pill. It’s amazing that moms take the time out of their busy lives to comment horrible things like this. Anyways, Leo is adorable and congrats on your ongoing success!
Bitches be crazy… that is all! Easier said than done but try to ignore the ignorance, Jillian.
haha, bitches are totally crazy!
I don’t understand, I read your blog and post everyday because you are always super positive! I’m trying to copy your positivism so hard lol! Don’t give up! Lots of us wish we have the same sucess that you have! And for some reason, you instead of creating good or bad envy you inspire us! Please don’t stop doing it! We are humans and we have the right to change our minds over and over, and whoever loves you or admire you is going to be with you until the end! Keep it up girl!
I truly have no words right now. I got sick to my stomach just reading some of these beyond hurtful comments and they weren’t even about me. To think that we live in a society where women still cannot be happy for and empower other women is beyond me. Writing harsh, cruel and unfounded comments about someone who you have chosen to follow and read their blog makes absolutely no sense to me. If the choices that Jillian has made has somehow offended you then stop reading and better yet stop following and worry about your own life.
Jillian, you are an absolutely amazing woman and “mom boss”. You are truly an inspiration and while I know this is much easier said than done try your best to ignore those who are clearly trying to bring you down because of their own jealousy and insecurities. It is very easy to hide behind a computer screen and be a bully.
Keep doing what you are doing and living your life to the fullest! You have far more people here who support and love you for who you are!
Dear Jillian,
I just wanted to say that I love what you do and keep checking your Instagram stories several times a day just to relax and to get something positive to think about in this hectic and stressful life. Thank you so much for doing that for all your followers! You are great and you have no idea how many people (around the world) you make happy every day by simply being yourself!
Keep on keeping on…block them haters with some sweet shades.
Love the posts and product recommendations! You are fantastic and love watching you and Leo on insta! Don’t ever stop. Your instagram stories get me through those 2 am feeds with my little guy!
You are my idol. Please don’t ever change. No matter what other people try telling you. You are an awesome person and so so so many people look up to you! Especially me haha
I love you! (In a none creeping way) LOL
Chin up, pretty lady!
I should be shocked by these comments but sadly I am not…which in itself is sad. You are awesome and I love reading all your posts! I think you are honest, funny and I admire that you share your life! my daughter, who is 12, also follows you and we talk abut your posts, clothes and how cute Leo is all the time! You keep doing what you are doing and do not let anyone ever make you feel bad about you you are and what you are doing! XOXOXOXOXO
Oops…it printed this twice…I hope I am not shamed for my mistake:)
I should be shocked by these comments but sadly I am not…which in itself is sad. You are awesome and I love reading all your posts! I think you are honest, funny and I admire that you share your life! my daughter, who is 12, also follows you and we talk abut your posts, clothes and how cute Leo is all the time! You keep doing what you are doing and do not let anyone ever make you feel bad about you you are and what you are doing! XOXOXOXOXO
Your an amazing person!! Im expecting my first baby in 2 weeks. Ive been watching your journey with Leo from the beginning. It has been so wonderful to see what you two are upto. Its awesome you can give Leo a adventurous lifestyle. Your positivity towards Leo shows your a loving mom! Your a great influence and Keep it up!
WOW!! I honestly NEVER post on these things! But when I saw your insta story, I actually felt defensive! I have followed you a long time now. I have 3 children of my own and I appreciate a lot that you share. Do I agree or like EVERYTHING? No! But do I agree with every thing I read and all their opinions? No! and thats normal! But why treat someone badly just because you don’t like their job, or outfit or the fact that instead of only home design and fashion she now has her kid involved! Saying things like what is being said on this post is not normal. I hated reading about the sponsored, ad, crap!!!! Yes that is one way you make money, how fun! Wish I could try things out and if I like it tell others about it! How is that harmful! But of all the jobs out there this is the one you judge, really??? She seems to be working as hard as she can to be a great mom and juggle work. There is nothing to judge there! Moms do it every day! I am judged for being a stay at home mom. Moms are judged for putting their kids in day care, or having a nanny and trying to work. WHY?? Its cool that a mom can do it all! And it is A LOT!!! of work, so good on ya! All in all, this is way more than I ever expected to write, never should you have to have a thick skin about people saying rude things about you and your family and your job! If they don’t like it then just stop following or reading seriously no one is forcing you! Just doesn’t make sense to me! Don’t attack other humans for living a different life than you. Every person is different. Don’t like the ads then follow people without ads.
Side note I am obsessed with all the updates of your home! Love your design!
Hey Jillian! I’ve never posted before and probably never will again. True story — I just left an abusive relationship FOUR MONTHS AGO and I look to YOUR BLOG and insta posts for inspiration and reminders of self-love. If that’s not more important than any of these nonsense posts, I don’t know what is.
Besides… Despite what ‘education’ any of these naysayers may have had, or any other life experiences for that matter… You know their social and emotional intellect peaked in high school.
Keep doing you. You’re great at it, and a terrific mom.
Much love <3
wow. FYI PEOPLE. the world doesn’t owe you anything. so just because Jillian’s career doesn’t require her to sit behind a desk in some soul-sucking 9-5 job doesn’t mean that she is PRIVILEGED. it means she is a driven, bad-ass chick that created a wonderful life for herself and her family. just because her reality and her sacrifices for that life are different than yours don’t make them any less real, or worthy of mentioning. and the fact that she makes a portion of her money with sponsored posts doesn’t matter any more than someone working for McDonalds or your local retail store. don’t you get it, people? we are always selling each other shit. whether it’s done on social media or in person doesn’t even matter. personally i’d rather someone show me their sponsored posts about products that they sincerely like and use in their family than someone try to upsell me on some product at a store that is shit and don’t even care about.
maybe a simple “hey, Jillian, big fan here. read your blog and liked it but would love to see a little less sponsor influence for the next one” would work better next time. and if you’re not a fan to begin with, just go away. you’ve already made up your mind to be negative so why even bother coming to the site to begin with.
Jillian, I don’t know you but I admire your hustle, and I admire the life you have built. In you I see hope for myself that there is more out there for me than my boring AF desk job that I dream about leaving everyday. Sometimes I like the products you post, sometimes I don’t, but never in a million years would it occur to me to hate on you for sharing them. GOD, people! give your heads a shake.
Keep doin you, girl!! It’s working!
I have a baby girl who was born on the same day as Leo, so I’ve always felt we were soul sisters in a way! ha! But I just want to say, I LOVE, all your stories of Leo and I think you are such a good mom! I don’t have a nanny, but I have tons of help from my mom and mother-in-law and I am not ashamed at all to get help! And neither should you! Unfortunately, some of us have to work in order to make ends meet for our babies, and we shouldn’t be shamed for being working moms and getting help.
I will always continue to follow your instagram posts and your blog because you truly do inspire me. And guess what! I especially LOVE your sponsored posts because they introduce me to so many amazing products! 🙂
Please keep being the person that you are and don’t let anyone get your down. I know it’s hard, especially with the cruel comments some people can write, but just remember, they are not perfect even if they think they are.
Much love xxoo
Jillian, I just saw your Instagram story and I want to give you a giant hug!!! I can’t believe how mean people are!!! Cruel! You do not deserve this! Xoxoxo
I too came over from IG. I don’t read many blogs anymore because they are mostly sponsored. It was different years ago. Nothing wrong with it, I just don’t enjoy them as much.
You said you work and do sponsored posts to support your family yet are heartbroken and cry when you leave Leo. Does Justin work? Could he support you and the baby? I think people were turned off when you said you HAVE to work to support your family when maybe it’s to support your lifestyle. It’s really a matter of choice. Giving up a lavish lifestyle so you can afford to stay home with Leo or choose to work which means you can have extras. Each mom makes decisions they think are best for their family and you’re doing what you think is best for yours. Little Leo looks well loved to me.
Wow..if you don’t like it…move on. Also maybe you got your MBA in 1989 before the Internet but she is doing everything correctly.. #mbamightneedanupdate #ivegotonetoob utwelearnedabouthisthingcalledsocialmediaandmarketing
I also couldn’t see anything on my tiny ass phone so excuse my horrendous grammatical errors!
I am a mom of three and I have never commented on Facebook, instagram, or your blog ever. But after seeing your videos today I had to tell you that I have absolutely adored you since the bachelor. As a mom of three I have found everyone from family to the random stranger in the grocery store will give you advice on what to do what not to do how they did it etc etc. At the end of the day YOU and only you makes these decisions. As moms we struggle each and everyday about what we are doing wrong what we should be doing differently or better and constantly beat ourselves up about motherhood. For anyone to break you down like that is absolutely horrible but do not let people break you because the only people that matter is your family. That adorable son of yours looks at you with such happiness and love that right there is your answer you ARE doing it right and thats all that matters!!! You have inspired me lots over the years to get in touch with my decorative side to making healthy lifestyle choices to purchasing the sweater I really didn’t need to buy. As I write this post my dinner is burning on the stove and my child is crying because the no friendo system won’t turn on LoL Does this make me a bad mom ladies…..NOPE it doesn’t it makes me human!!!! No one is perfect so all you ladies behind the computer screens get your heads out of your ass!!! Don’t follow someone if you don’t like what they do!!! Jillian you keep being the BEAUTIFUL BOSS lady that you and us true die hard followers will wake up every morning grab our coffee and watch your insta stories love every second of it while our children eat sugar cereal!! LoL jk my kids don’t eat sugar cereal duh
All my love,
another crazy mom of three trying to get it all right xo
You do all realize that majority/all the bloggers you follow have sponsored ads. Do you think they put all this time and effort in to a blog just for fun? Do any of you run a blog? If you want to read a blog that doesn’t have a sponsor involved or that people aren’t getting paid for the content they post, or ads on the blog or Instagram then start one yourself. You will quickly find out that you want those sponsors and to get paid for what you do.
Would you go to work and tell your boss not to give you a paycheque today? Also if you were able to make the money to have the help of someone with your children would you turn it down? I don’t think you would. Have any of you worked in television or in the public eye? It may look glamorous but its not and its a lot of work to be on all the time, so yes she does need help and she’s a better mom for getting that help because clearly Cassandra adores and loves Leo and who wouldn’t want that love for their child when they can’t be there.
So if you don’t like Jillians content, the way she raises Leo, The food she puts in her mouth, The fact she has a nanny, The fact she makes a living doing something she loves, The products she uses or the way she wipes her ass then move the hell on! There are a lot of bloggers/influencers to follow.
Lastly if you think her business model is horrible you should check if that MBA is real because I’m pretty sure her bank account isn’t hurting.
Love you Jilly!
Jillian, I am so sorry you have to deal with the negative comments. Please continue to be you and don’t change! There are many many people out here who look forward to hearing from you, we enjoy all your Instagram stories & your web site. Stay positive! Best wishes, love & happiness! Stay strong. Don’t leave us!
Another marketing team win! Cry in Instagram stories and say you don’t want sympathy but really it’s a marketing ploy to get people to defend you. Genious!
It’s a marketing ploy to get people to click on her blog. Paid per click, yo!
She’s making money stirring up controversy. Damn girl, you got it good!
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Jillian, I realize your Instagram story was NOT a marketing ploy.
Don’t listen to these people! The only reason people criticize is because they are jealous! Stay strong Jillian. There is more kindness out there than hate!
I feel really really sad for your heart and I’m especially sorry for whatever it was in your life that made you so bitter.
Must suck having to carry so much negative energy around.
Good luck out there.
Wow! You can sure tell when people aren’t happy with their own lives… some people just want to bring you down with them, so sad. This Lola girl is clearly jealous of your success!
Hi Jillian,
I wanted to add to the all of the support on this page.
Your instagram stories and posts bring light and happiness to my day. You inspire me to work for a successful career that allows me to be who I am and do what I love, and I don’t know if there is a greater compliment than that!
These negative comments have a lot more to say about the people that wrote them than they do about you. I’m not going to give any credit to words written by someone who takes time out of their day to personally attack another human being. No one deserves to be treated that way.
You should be very, unapologetically proud of the life you have built for your (so freakin’ cute!) baby.
Sending love xo
Dear Jillian,
I know I am one amongst the many comments, both positive and negative on this post but I’m hoping my few encouraging words are able to brighten your day slightly. I am so sorry to see, not only all these negative posts, but also just how much they impacted you in a poor way. I want you to know that you truly are an inspiration and role model to not only myself, but countless of my friends and family as well. I constantly find myself checking to see if you have posted anything as I really do find EVERYTHING you post to brighten my day. As I struggle through my Nursing degree in University your pictures of not only Leo and Nacho, but your days on set with Kaitlin (LOVE her!) to your advice on living a plant-based diet – I genuinly admire it all… I’ve even managed to get my family to try the Tofu wrap and we all LOVED IT. I’ve followed you since your days on the Bachelor, to your own season of the Bachelorette and on! You are a strong, wonderful boss mother and I have faith in knowing you will overcome the negativity. I understand your want and need to take a break from social media, but will be patiently awaiting your return 🙂
Jillian! You are amazing. You are so real about everything and many people, including myself appreciate that. You have such a lovely family & you appreciate what you have, and what you are today. Those tears were real today & it was so sad to watch, but the things that were said were so untrue and very hurtful, just know that you make many people smile & laugh everyday! You’re awesome.
My sister and I both love watching your updates on Instagram, keep it up! Love Mac & Christina from halfway across the country here in Ontario XX
What the heck is going on here!?!
After putting my son (who is around Leo’s age) to sleep for the night, I always look forward to catching up on your Insta stories. It’s my ‘me’ time, and I love that I feel like I can relate to you, even though my life is quite different and I don’t lead this ‘privileged’ life these haters keep posting about. After seeing your post, I had to check out your blog to see what this was all about and can’t believe at how DISGUSTING some of these comments are. I find it so sad that there are people out there who are so jealous and unhappy with their lives that they feel the need to try and bring you down. You seem as genuine as they get Jillian, and please don’t give these people another thought!!
FYI- I use a ‘sing-songy’ voice with my son, Hudson, hmmm…I don’t know, maybe a good 65% of the day!?! I also make up songs about him using top 40 tunes since I don’t know the lyrics to half of them (or I do but my Mom brain kicks in halfway through), I carry on full-blown conversations with him and when he babbles, I pretend I know what he’s saying and continue to respond, and I also do all of this in public places (admittedly, sometimes forgetting I am in public and then realize I should probably stop my attempt at rapping about how great of a sleep he had last night). As a new mom, I say, you do you!! We receive so much criticism and advice, and you just have to go with what feels right! Leo seems to be thriving, so you guys clearly are doing something right!
Now go enjoy your beautiful family and all the wonderful things you’ve rightfully EARNED, and if you’re feeling you need to have a little Insta story rant, may I suggest one of your bathroom floor and wine sessions!?! Just kidding 🙂 But seriously girl, you are awesome and take your own advice…YOU ARE A BOSS MOM!! xxx
why do people feel the need to tear each other down instead of build each other up? I just don’t get it.
You are an inspiration to me and I hope these awful things people are saying don’t hurt your heart too badly, because you don’t deserve it.
I never comment but I too enjoy your positivity, style , and decor. When I see your blog as any other I know what is sponsored ,I have no problem , I appreciate your feedback and I can make up my mind if it is something I want. You do a wonderful job with charming writing, beautiful photography & inspiration I look forward to. Please, please don’t let faceless people define or lessen what you have managed to build.
I hope you do not take too long a break as I along with the majority will miss you ! I hope you see the grand majority of the responses are postive and supportive..
I know you are a strong woman with a great support system and you will not let this dull your radiance! XO
Hang on a second here Jillian, I sure hope you read this, pick yourself back up shake off those tears, hang your head high and keep doing what you do!!!! Please do not let a few “followers” get to you. If they do they will win!
Please just spend a few moments scanning how many comments here are supporting and praising you and probably 3% are negative. Yes, their words are hurtful and unnecessary and it can’t be easy but again DO NOT let them get to you and DO NOT give them the power.
You have created an inspiring community that many women CHOOSE to follow, please do not forget that. This is key no one is forcing anyone to read your content.
Please do not take a break from social media, this community of ladies wants to hear from you.
I do love Jillian’s Instagram stories. Especially all of the renovation details. Taking notes! I thought that’s what I’d be seeing just now, but that is far from the case.
I primarily follow on Instagram and I’ll click on a blog link here and there. I didn’t read this blog (I’m not a mom so it seemed irrelevant for me) until after I read the comments, but even still I didn’t take issue with it. I guess I expect paid content to be on a lifestyle blog. I look at it as new found awareness of brands/products I may not have been familiar with that I’d like to try personally as a result. Or not! Because I can make my own adult decisions like that when I see content from an influencer on social media. That is in fact why I follow life style bloggers… I like their style, tips, insights and so on. So yes, show me the things, and I’ll decide from there if I like them and you. If I don’t, I’ll unfollow. It’s quite civil really.
If and when I start to see Jillian promoting something “off brand” and therefore irrelevant to me, I will unfollow her. But I don’t foresee her showcasing cigarettes or KFC anytime soon just because someone offers to pay her for it. I think we are safe!
All that being said, a lot of the comments are quite unfair. It appears that if she’s sad on Instagram, it’s orchestrated to drive clicks and revenue on her website. If she’s angry, she’s finally showing her true colours! If she’s happy and talking in a lovey baby voice to her child or dog, she’s a phoney. And if she chooses to have a nanny and go to work because she enjoys her job(s) or feeds her child with the brand she and he prefer right now, she definitely doesn’t have her child’s best interest in mind. Damn.
I don’t think it’s worth anyone responding to these particular commenters because you won’t win with them no matter what you say.
If Jillian is in fact taking a break from social media this weekend, I’m really annoyed at these crazies for ruining my renovation updates via Jillian’s Instagram story. I need these!
But seriously, I do hope you can look past the negativity in the comments and keep doing/feeling your best Jillian. And keep the renovation stories coming too ok???
Keep following along jealous @&$! B*tches!!!
Maybe one day you’ll be an amazing famous blogger and icon like Jilly. However your posts will probably be sponsored by Viagra cause ain’t no guy going get a solid around you 😉
Jillian – grow through what you go through xo
My goodness! Don’t focus on these negative comments. Clearly comes from a place of petty jealousy.
Keep doing what you’re doing and enjoy your beautiful life.
Wow, these comments…
The sponsored shit doesn’t bother me, those pink Nike’s though!!
What upsets me, is looking at that perfect loaf of bread & dying because I’m watching my carb intake. #workingonsummershred #mombod24/7 (even though I’m not a mom). haha! xoxo
Sheesh. Jealousy and hatred is so ugly. You do you, Jillian. And geezus, I talk to my nieces and nephews like that every single time I see them. How else do you talk to a baby?? Like you’re in a business meeting? Please try to ignore the losers. And they are just that . . . sad, hateful, losers who only feel better by bringing others down.
And they’ll get back what they put out into the universe because that’s what they’ll attract. Stay strong and skim right past them. They like to hide behind things like “free speech” but it’s just that – “free speech”, it’s not freedom from consequence of the speech they just spewed so if people go after them to defend you, they really shouldn’t be surprised, because hey, free speech.
I went through some of the comments and it really sucks that people feel the need to pour their negative energy at someone they don’t even know!
It’s a blog, if you don’t like it there are millions of other ones you can read.
I feel bad for the people who are wasting there own time on this earth to post hurtful things.
Keep going Jillian! Do what you love! We only live once, save your tears for something worthy.
Oh my gosh, Jillian, don’t ever let the haters get to you! Don’t you realize that you are never going to escape them in this social media world? You are a beautiful, intelligent, loving woman, mother, wife, boss…the list goes on. Focus on the fact that you have a “gazillion” followers who love you and love that you make up words and that you are so REAL. Just so you know, I never, ever comment, but I felt compelled to do so when I saw your instagram story (which I always watch). Keep being you. You are imperfectly perfect.
WOW! I cannot believe how these women can speak down to other women… Are you serious? At such a sensitive point in time….the only thing that should be happening is lifting one another up. No one should ever speak down to someone that way. Especially to women!!!! It is bone chilling that still….we should have to defend ourselves …Against other women? What is the purpose of putting someone down? It definitely breaks down any respect you should have for yourself. Come out from behind the screen girls!!!!!
I look forward to seeing your Insta stories/snapchat/posts Jillian! You are exemplary! I follow and love your hustle. Keep on keepin’ on. This is one of the many hard parts of being a strong boss mama! <3
Where have the days gone where we rally together as women, mothers, team mates, and friends? Where have the days gone where we accept that there are many ways of living and loving? Where have the days gone where we build each other up, instead of knocking each other down? Jillian, I have been following your journey for a while now; as a woman, you make me remember that I am my own type of boss, and you make me feel confident to try new things. And although sometimes I think to myself ‘vegan mayo no thanks’, I’ve never doubted your ability to show the world your true self.
To you, and all the other individuals who experience hateful words and unlawful comments, remember there are even more people who love and support you. So let’s bring forward the days where although we may not always agree, we can support other females, vouch for them to try new things, and if they don’t succeed, to help life them back up. Because at the end of the day, all we have is each other.
Adrienne – a beautiful reply and so true. Jillian – she is right, there are even more people who love and support you. Don’t change your wonderful funny self!!
Kind of sounds like you said enough to be identified anyway doesn’t it?? How many photo shoots do you think she did with non profits in Kelowna within the last two years? She probably would have given it a shout out so maybe Mamas for Mamas? If you don’t want to tear her down, then don’t tear her down. You could have even told people to defend her blog but that they be don’t necessarily know her without calling her a racist (yes you did, you just chickened out and didn’t use the word). You did tear her down and I full believe you meant too. You said she’s against people of colour, poor people, and the disabled and compared her to Trump and said she’ll be like Mel Gibson. if you’re going to call her out, then call yourself out too. You meant to wound and you probably did. Not all people who work for non-profits are well meaning, you just proved that.
I have worked with Jillian recently, in the past 2 years. I work for a non-profit in Kelowna, and Jillian has “donated” her time to us in the past. We have actually decided not to seek her out again, because working with her was such a nightmare. I have worked in the non-profit world for over a decade, and never in my life have I encountered such a textbook narcissist. The only thing she cared about was looking good on the camera, she couldn’t be bothered to learn anything about our organization, and I heard her making fun of some of the clients we served on her “downtime” from the full-blown photo shoot that she required in order to take part in our project. We saw no money, no resources, and her “team” insisted that we needed to grovel with gratitude because we were graced with her presence. It was honestly a nightmare.
I am not saying this because I want to tear her down, though of course I know that this post has a very negative tone. I am saying this because a friend of mine showed me her instagram videos with the crocodile tears, and I felt sick. This woman is a narcissist, people. She is crying because she is upset people don’t like her, not because she felt “hurt” by their words. She is like Donald Trump, with his social media outbursts when people criticize him. This is not a person who has any self-awareness at all. A quick scan of her responses gave me the phrase, from her, claiming she is simply “trying to stay afloat”. This is a millionaire with an extraordinarily decadent lifestyle and a palpable disdain for people who are different from her – people of colour, poor people, the disabled.
To the people who are jumping to her defense saying what a good person she is…you do not know her. Defend her blog, her business practices, her right to live the lifestyle she does, but do NOT defend a person you have never met based on the image of herself that she sells to you. I am speaking from experience, and perhaps to send a warning to would-be “sponsors” that you are engaging with someone who is prone to abusive outbursts and hostility when things are not going her way. Her demands that people recognize her for all she does – for the community, for her family, for her staff: these are not normal responses to criticism.
I have posted this anonymously because I fear reprisal from Jillian and her team of paid “friends”. Read and love her blog, but think carefully before you defend someone who I am pretty sure is bound to have a Mel Gibson-esque public breakdown in the future. You have not met her. You truly do not know what an incredible business she has built around an image that does not exist.
Kind of sounds like you said enough to be identified anyway doesn’t it?? How many photo shoots do you think she did with non profits in Kelowna within the last two years? She probably would have given it a shout out so maybe Mamas for Mamas? If you don’t want to tear her down, then don’t tear her down. You could have even told people to defend her blog but that they be don’t necessarily know her without calling her a racist (yes you did, you just chickened out and didn’t use the word). You did tear her down and I full believe you meant too. You said she’s against people of colour, poor people, and the disabled and compared her to Trump and said she’ll be like Mel Gibson. if you’re going to call her out, then call yourself out too. You meant to wound and you probably did. Not all people who work for non-profits are well meaning, you just proved that.
Wow – it’s one thing to say she was a pain to work with but to say she is racist, classist, and ableist is a really extreme accusation and came out of nowhere…did you have an example that demonstrates this?? From what I’ve seen Jillian seems to recognize her privilege and uses it to help others the best she can!
Hey Anonomous – MOVE on with your life girl. What are you doing wasting your time and energy still reading Jillian’s social media accounts? Let along reading her blog posts!! I think someone doesn’t actually dislike her as much as they say huh? Obviously your thoughts are invalid to her followers. Must stink to be you and feel like you don’t have a voice in your life. You won’t make your point on this page either lady. Go find a chat room to vent and spend your time 😉
The ignorance and lack of compassion in some of the comments here blows my mind. It’s so easy (for some people) to criticize people in the public eye because of this current trend to criticize EVERYTHINGGGGG. My God, leave people be. I highly doubt any of you would agree to have your lives documented because of how imperfect it is. Which is how it’s supposed to be- we’re learning, we make mistakes. One false move and people in the public eye like Jillian are swarmed and bullied. Many of you must live perfect lives if you have never experienced negativity to be able to sympathize with others.
Thank you Jillian for opening your life up to us, helping us grow and learn along with you. I thoroughly enjoy your insta stories and by the many lovely comments here, you clearly have a wonderful following! Take all the time you need away from social media, you deserve a break!
Sending you love from MN! I love your blog and insta stories- Leo is absolutely ADORABLE! Can’t wait to see the end product of your house for future inspiration 🙂 So many people are rooting for you!! XO
This is all SO sickening to me. We live in world where we should be supporting one another as woman and mothers and not shitting on one another. This is a BLOG you choose to read and follow – you do not have to read and follow it. It is for our entertainment. Jillian don’t even dignify any of these negative people with responses . They are bullies – guess what the world doesn’t need any more bullies so fuck off.
This is so terrible – And you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I really hope the positive comments out way to negative.
Keep doing what your doing Jill its working for you! ❤️
i’m not sure if there’s any other reason that I’m commenting except that I feel that maybe numbers will help make it clear that mean, ugly and demeaning comments are never acceptable. EVER. I’ve never met Jillian but I don’t think that I need to have met her to be able to make this point. Jillian aside (sorry, Jillian…no offence!), comments that are so filled with jealousy and bitterness are just unacceptable. If you know her personally and have an issue with her, why wouldn’t you approach her privately? For the rest that don’t know her personally, what would bring you to the point that you felt it right to attack someone you don’t know? It saddens me that people find it ok to verbalize such ugliness. Any of you who have daughters…how would you feel if someone spoke this way to your daughter and yet had never met her? Freedom of speech does not trump common courtesy. That’s a cop out. It’s time to remember that old thing called the Golden Rule and extend a bit of grace.
Imagine being so sad and miserable that you would need to go out of your way and post negative comments on a blog. It must be exhausting being that kind of person. Misery loves company.
I’m here because I saw your insta story and felt so bad you were so upset. Easy to say it ignore the negativity. It’s a reflection on them, not you.
@ Anonymous
SHAME on you! If you or the non profit you work for had such a low opinion of Jillian then you should have had the decency to discuss this with her face to face and not on this type of platform. What you just did was so unprofessional. If anything, you should fear the repercussions of your own words and how they might affect the non profit you work for! Regardless of the experience you say you had working with her, no one deserves what you just did. Hope this made you feel good…..shame, shame on you!
Mom shaming at its best, obviously all those women are jealous. Keep doing you, us educated fans understand why you do what you do. You’re baby looks happy, healthy and loved and that’s all that matters. You’re social media accounts are all always light and fun, and who doesn’t need or enjoy that when there’s so much heavy news all around the world. Thanks Jillian for being the easy part of my day.
I commented a little while ago on another post but I just have to say something on this one now that I’ve had read the disgusting shit from Bojinder and Emma. These two fluff heads need to back off from our beloved Jillian. She’s our BC girl and she’s let us into her life wholeheartedly. So what if she mentioned the Nike shoes she’s wearing and likes. She has to put food on the table and needs to pay for that beautiful reno she and Justin are doing. Jillian – I love you so much and felt my heart drop when I saw your IG stories earlier. I hope you get some rest and refresh to face the (sometimes ugly) world we live in these days. Those silly bitches are just jealous and have nothing better to do. Keep smiling and don’t let them get you down. xoxo
Ohhhhh helllll nooo, you moody ass mom shaming, success hating, troll ass anonymous bitches. I don’t know Jillian, but I have met her a few times, and am a total creeper on her social media because it’s the best! My boyfriend always bugs me about my girl crush ? Jillian was a guest at a dear friend of mines wedding, and I had to give a speech and was super nervous. After a few words, I heard her infectious happy laugh, and that helped me get through it honestly. She’s actually that positive in person if you can believe it, and had zero to gain from being sweet to me. That aside, I’ve always been inspired by her success and charitable heart. Period. If she doesn’t inspire you than beat it! Seriously, you are embarrassing yourselves. Go to sleep tonight knowing you’re sorry asses hurt someone’s feelings. Well done. What a successful day you had. PS: You’re gross.
Love ya Jillian ?
Dear Jillian,
Please ignore the “haters” and continue doing what makes you happy…I don’t think there is a way to please everyone, however i know you have all kinds of Mom Boss fans (including myself) and we love waking up to your posts and insta stories! Seriously i look for them everyday, whether it be to seek out something new to buy at Sephora or Aritzia or even just to see your sweet babe’s (Leo’s) face!
You do you! Because you are pretty GREAT!!
Jillian, I first started following you on IG because I admire your style and am a fan of Love It Or List It Vancouver. I recently started going to school for interior design and became an even bigger fan and am loving watching the progress of your house. And a huge bonus for me is that not only are you in Canada but even in B.C.! The more I learn about you and your beautiful family, the more I find you relatable and down to earth. I am also a Mom (of two young girls) and I fed my kids Love Child too and talked to them AND my dog in a sweet voice! I applaud all you have accomplished and made for yourself and your family. In a world where women are still struggling for equality, you are doing your part and you should be proud. To live a happy and fulfilling life is a great gift to give our kids and you are setting a wonderful example for your son.
My oldest daughter is in preschool and she came home telling me that she learned about being a “bucket filler” and treating each other with kindness. After I saw your IG story, I thought that I could either do nothing and keep opinions to myself or I could take a lesson from my four year old and be a “bucket filler”. So, all the best to you and your family, your hard work shows and you should be rewarded for it!
Jillian – I’ve never commented on a blog post, but I just saw your instagram story and it broke my heart. I watch your story every single day and look forward to seeing what you’re working on, wearing, your ADORABLE son Leo, and everything in between. You’re so inspiring and have such a positive attitude. I love that you’re REAL. The fact of the matter is, people suck. Shaylene sucks, Shay sucks, Emma sucks … I was taught that if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all. I don’t get why people have to take the time to write such long, hateful messages. I didn’t read all of the comments, but as I was scrolling through I saw how many women wrote positive notes to you like this, which hopefully means something to you. Like me, I’m sure a lot of these women don’t comment regularly or at all but felt the same need to let you know that we’re behind you. We want you to keep sharing. I could care less if a blog post is sponsored. Kudos to you if they are because that’s a form of income YOU worked for and YOU made happen. You’re not “privileged” … you worked for it and congrats on your success! You keep doing you, girl. Haters/unhappy people that suck are going to continue to suck. Just do you because you have so many people who love you. Shaylene, Shay, Emma … whoever the other rude people are … go find something better to do.
Same! never leave comments but just had too 🙂
I am a first time commenter, long time reader, and just had to voice my support for Jillian. You are a fantastic mum, definitely a mom boss, and are an inspiration to me. My daughter is a few days younger than Leo and I have loved watching them both grow. You provide moments of levity when I need it most, you have introduced me to cool baby products, and you really do a great job as a working mum balancing it all. I’m in awe. Keep up the great work, please don’t let a few negative comments outweigh all the positive support from the rest of us. And yes, that nasty commenter couldn’t have been a mum because she would totally know that mums use the high pitched baby voice, all day every day, when we are talking to our incredibly adorable baby- at least i do! 😉
You are a bad ass! I admire you and the life YOU have created for yourself and your family! You deserve it! Keep the awesome posts, vids and snaps coming!!
PS all y’all internet trolls… get a life ?
What’s the issue with sponsored content? In order for a blog website to successful and to have content for you to read all the time the site must make money. That money comes from sponsored posts, discount codes, click baits etc. If you don’t like that, move on.
Also, DON’T BE A DICK, shame they don’t teach that in business school.
Keep up the good work Jill. Focus on the positive comments, we support you and the content you and your team create.
Hi Jillian,
You have many people that follow you because your opinion matters to them and really enjoy reading your posts and following you on Instagram. I, for example read your post and decided to check out the shoes, because, why not? I follow “influencers” and now very well that these people are successful at doing what they are doing, otherwise they wouldn’t be where they are.
I am also a mother and enjoy reading your posts about motherhood because I like reading different opinions, likes or dislikes, and use this information to form my own personal opinion of what is good for my child.
As said before, the internet is a place where people can hide behind a screen and give their opinion freely, but it should not be a place for people to bully others. I feel that if I don’t like what someone is saying, I simply scroll down and move on. Why go out of my way to attack someone who does not deserve it? I believe that you should treat other they way you want to be treated, and that means that I wouldn’t want someone to attack me for something I say.
All I wanted to say is that I can see you are a great mother, that you work hard to be successful and be able to give your family the life that many of us would want for ourselves, and that I hope you continue to be true to yourself.
Your blog is my FAVOURITE! I was pregnant at the same time as you, and had my baby boy just one month after you had Leo. I love everything you share, and always looks forward to your posts and instagram stories. You are so positive and inspiring! I can’t imagine how you balance your busy schedule, I am just getting ready to go back to work from maternity leave and it makes me so sad, you have been balancing so much! And amazingly, might I add! Your instagram story honestly made me tear up today, no one deserves to be spoken to in the way you were today! I am sorry that that happened to you.
Thank you for sharing your life, and being your true self, who says it’s okay to try different things and change your mind towards stuff! Who doesn’t right?!
I hope if you see this comment, it can make you feel a little better. It is so easy to focus on the negative, but I honestly know so many girls who look up to you!!! Myself included. 🙂
Jillian! You are amazing. I watch your Instagram stories and read your blogs daily. Don’t let the haters get ya down because you have so many that support you and love what you doing. Girl… you do you! ??
I came over from the insta story to see what all the emotion was about and after reading the blog which was cute and giving a shout out to moms (which we all need because mothering is a full on job), all I could think was “what is the problem with it” and “damn, she got Nike to sponsor her ad, go girl”. That’s how to run a business and a blog. None of us like working for free.
This is a business. She has a right to run her business which appears to be quite successful and growing, the way she wants too. While every business has missteps and things to learn and grow from, when you are putting yourself out there on social media as a lifestyle blog, the desire to tear someone down, give unsolicited opinions, bad advice and call someone out unfortunately comes with it.
That said, perhaps a personal message might have been more appropriate in this case. It’s a blog. She has staff. She needs to pay them. As long as she uses the product, l love the fact the fact that she endorses it. Anyone who has a blog should be doing it if they are running a business and create income to support their family and their team. And I love when someone has already tested something prior to me thinking about purchasing it.
Whoever she was in the past, true or not, is in the past. Not cool to drag it into this (all it does is reflect poorly on you truly) and for the non-profit in Kelowna, I question your business integrity by feeling that you could post those defamatory statements in this forum.
Jillian, do you. And keep doing it. There is lots of love over here on this blog and you are changing lives, helping women and making homes a beautiful, nourishing place to be. You are creating the life you want.
Take a break if you need but don’t let them win. Easier said than done but don’t stop shining your light. And, from a mother of 3, you are a great mom. I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice. And I’ve talked that way to my girlies for years and they are 17, 9 and 7. He lights up when he sees you. And that only comes from having a close relationship and being very present with him.
You are building a business, a life and a home….keep going. This is your life. Don’t change it because someone didn’t like your blog post. You will never please everyone.
Jillian – I for one LOVE your blog and look to it for creative inspiration for a number of different parts of my life. In addition to that it is so clear to me that you try your hardest to be the best version of yourself every day and that is impressive!!! There are so many people including myself that are rooting for you, your family, and your success. Sending positive vibes your way!
P.S. I freakin’ love those pink nikes
Hey ladies ❤️
One of Jillians unpaid very best friends since we were 5 here …..
whatsupp ……..
this grateful bff has been lucky enough to travel the world with her, see sunrises in the most incredible countries with her not bc we are privileged bc we are smart and figured out how to get there, camped under stars with her, laughed till 6 am with her on more nights that I could possibly remember and oh ya there was that summer she slept in my bed with me every night for 14 nights in a row bc I had a broken heart and I was having nightmares.
I wish I was in Kelowna tonight with my bff so we could cry and laugh and then she would probably convince me to skinny dip in the lake in April bc she’s kinda badass like that and it would def make her feel better. ❤️❤️
To all those *ahem *cough *cough “ladies” I couldn’t possibly name you all as I was bored after Emma Emily whatever posting negativity about my badass babe mama bestfriend ….. Jilly is hosting us this summer for our annual best friend week …. why don’t you meet us for a cocktail and tell Jillys best friends a lil more about her annoying pink shoe ads ❤️❤️
I am totally shocked af at how “women” can slam another woman that they don’t even know anything about? Nice EMPOWERMENT!! Let’s lift each other up. There is enough termoil in this world. Ok, now…Jillian: I look at your webpage daily. I love your style. I love your decorating. I especially look forward to your Valentine’s day post with all the ❤️ Merchandise. I pin your paint colours, and marble countertops! I love the fact that you are so real with your posts. I totally just bought all the face creams you suggested from Sephora!!! (Eeeep). Lol. Bottom line: you keep being you. You rock!!!!!
I am totally shocked af at how “women” can slam another woman that they don’t even know anything about? Nice EMPOWERMENT!! Let’s lift each other up. There is enough termoil in this world. Ok, now…Jillian: I look at your webpage daily. I love your style. I love your decorating. I especially look forward to your Valentine’s day post with all the ❤️ Merchandise. I pin your paint colours, and marble countertops! I love the fact that you are so real with your posts. I totally just bought all the face creams you suggested from Sephora!!! (Eeeep). Lol. Bottom line: you keep being you. You rock!!!!!
I am totally shocked af at how “women” can slam another woman that they don’t even know anything about? Nice EMPOWERMENT!! Let’s lift each other up. There is enough termoil in this world. Ok, now…Jillian: I look at your webpage daily. I love your style. I love your decorating. I especially look forward to your Valentine’s day post with all the ❤️ Merchandise. I pin your paint colours, and marble countertops! I love the fact that you are so real with your posts. I totally just bought all the face creams you suggested from Sephora!!! (Eeeep). Lol. Keep being you! You rock!!!!!!
Ah yes. Shannon, the most opportunistic fame-craving one of Jillian’s “friends”. You seem more interested in telling everyone how Jillian Harrris is your “bff” than anything else. Funny, if she was really such a good friend, she would have helped you deal with those spiders on your eyelids that I think you think are…eyelashes? You are actually saying Jillian isn’t privileged, just a hard worker? The girl got famous for saying sexy things in a hot tub, and literally had a baby in order to increase her market share. But ok. ???
Marie, in summary…you’re effing nuts
All of these negative, HARSH, HURTFUL comments are ridiculous!!! I just viewed Jillian’s Instagram story and it BROKE my heart to see how these comments have affected her. People need to think before they speak or type words while sitting behind a screen. Would you say those hurtful things to her face? I’m sure some of you would which is a sad, sad reality. THIS is what’s wrong with our world. People with hate in their hearts. Yes, Jillian is probably more ‘privledged’ than a lot of us. If any of us were given the same opportunities as her, we would probably all take them! Her ‘privledge’ isnt what makes her kind, caring, and selfless. Jillian makes mistakes like we ALL do. Jillian is a human being who is just trying to be the best possible Mom for her sweet baby boy while balancing a busy work schedule and family life like we all are!!!! I never take part in internet arguments but I felt the need to say something about this. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but when that opinion is directed at another person with nothing but HATE it HURTS. Be careful about what you say next time you open your mouths or go to type a comment – you don’t know how those words are going to affect someone and you defintely don’t know what other people are going through! Don’t follow her blog, Instagram, Snapchat, etc if you have such strong negative opinions and don’t agree with her lifestyle!!!! I don’t understand why you’re even reading if you have these things to say. You’re wasting your time.
Jillian – I’ve been following along for the past few years and all I can say is keep doing what you’re doing! You’re inspiring, beautiful, sweet, caring, KIND and a wonderful momma to little Leo!!!! The list goes on.
Bless your family xoxo
mmmm girls girls girls…… lets just all take a break here, for both the peanut defence gallery and the prosecution. I can only assume very few (if any) of you ACTUALLY know her. Meaning KNOW know, not just “I watch you on instrgram and read your blog” know. The haters likely don’t KNOW you, and the defenders also likely don’t KNOW you. So, if we boil it down, we are not even talking about any fact or truth in the majority of these posts, positive or negative.
These comments are all an invalid set of arguments if they are not based on fact. Your “opinion” of her doesn’t dictate fact. Sorry girls, this whole post is riddled with opinions and little fact (expect for the posts from those who know here and have worked with her).
Facts speak the truth and sorry to hear she is a difficult person to work with or be around. She sure doesn’t come off that way on her online persona….
Wow, this is really f*cked up.
1. Haters guess what…I know you’ll find this absolutely shocking but you actually don’t have to follow Jillian if you don’t like her.
2. Jillian doesn’t “belong” to anyone, she can promote anything she wants, she can defend herself when attacked.
3. What do you get out of this by saying mean hurtful things to someone who has worked hard to achieve success?
4. Women need to support one another, build each other up not tear them down.
So many disgusting hateful comments that make me embarassed to be the same gender. Grow up.
PS – I know I talked in that voice to my daughters until you are a mother you won’t understand.
Shan ?????✌???
Carly. Well said. ??
Can we all move on now? For me to post anything means this hit home.
We all woke up this morning, most of us swung our legs out of bed, yes? Our heads were covered with a roof? Likely we ate food, and probably even had a choice in that food? Maybe we have our health? Someone to hug? A job to go to?
We all know someone who didn’t wake up, can’t move their body the way they wish, got diagnosed with a disease, don’t have good food options or don’t know where they can sleep tonight that may be out of the cold and wet.
So it’s concluded. We are ALL privileged.
PEOPLE! Posting comments like this is NOT OKAY. Y’all should have your mouths washed out with a bar of soap if you actually said these mean, hurtful things out loud. The fact that Jillian’s blog is her job, and she is lucky enough to have been successful with it, is besides the point. She is a PERSON. She is KIND, she is SMART, and she is IMPORTANT. None of you have the right to make her feel like any less of a person for the decisions she has made in order to make a living. You all have choices to make in your own lives – you TOO can start a blog. So don’t HATE on her for what job she’s chosen for herself. Do you harp on the person working at DQ because they chose that particular job to help them get through school? Also, it’s HER blog and she can choose to do whatever she wants with it. Are you going to get on the bus tomorrow and tell the bus driver how to drive? Exactly. So just leave her be! And to whoever says that internet shaming comes as part of the package for running a blog… Say what??? Find me a disclaimer that warns people of this when they sign up with WordPress or Wix to start a blog.
I’m not a groupie, paid “friend”, or whatever you want to call it. I’m just someone who cares about the way we treat one another in today’s society. Lets be friendlier.
@shay you are a straight up dick. I would lovvve to see you try and say a single thing you wrote to Jillian’s face. She would destroy you with kindness and her brain. Go hate on someone else.
I have never commented on a blog before but your instagram video this morning almost brought ME to tears.
You are an inspiration. I enjoy watching your videos everyday and love seeing the progress on your house. Thank you for sharing your world with us. Be true to yourself and ignore the haters ❤️
Dear Jillian!
It is true, we don’t know you and we can’t tell if you are a good person or not. But I follow your instagram because i like your post! As simple as that. I like your story’s and the products you show and i get inspired. And I would not follow anyone on insta or on blogs if I didn’t like them! I don’t have time for that and I believe people who write hate speech like that just don’t have anything better to do. I understand attacking websites that promote eating disorders or other unhealthy lifestyles because it is wrong that they push this on young girls and women. But you seem to show your true self and I don’t see anything wrong about that. I too have a MBA and I do not support people who hide their hate behind an internet post. Don’t hate yourself. Keep going!
If you actually watched Jillian’s instagram stories, followed her blogs for awhile and actually maybe took the time to see her life you would know everything you said it rude and untrue. She is a blogger and it’s literally her job to inform us of brands that she likes because they can improve our lives. If you ever took the time to get to know her morals and quality outlook on life you would know that she is a great genuine person who brightens my day everyday with her snapchat stories and positive attitude. She’s a great mom and is just trying to help other great moms. So instead of bashing her how about you take sometime to look at your own life and as to why you felt the need to make such a fantastic person feel so sad.
Also I hope you know that I look forward to your instagram and blogs posts everyday. They truly make me feel better about life in general and I feel that you are such an inspiring woman. I’m currently a student and watch everyday in admiration of your grace, humor and work ethic. Please don’t let these haters get you down. Just remember that to many including myself, you make their days better and their smiles much bigger.
Jillian, first of all: I think you are doing great with your posts. They make me laugh and make ME feel less imperfect myself – the one in the sexy hospital undies after having Leo was SO good. I consider myself a real person but I would’ve never had the guts to post a pic of myself like that. That post alone shows me that you want to share with people and help them and that is a wonderful thing! So what if you get paid for some of it. Bottom line is: I truly don’t think you just try to “sell stuff” for the cash if you personally hate it. I would gladly take money to talk about the products I enjoy using…As a mom I find myself loving certain things more as well and wanting to share with my friends. You just have more “friends” … 😉
I don’t know what some of those people commenting have as their reality? Have you not gotten the idea that bloggers with substantial followers get sponsored products? Look at every magazine, every website, tv etc. – everything is trying to influence your purchasing decision… it’s how marketing works these days. If you don’t like it, don’t look at IG, FB, and all the other channels… And just TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT.
Suprised our MBA genius @Emma hasn’t caught on to that grander scheme of things lol.
The WRONG thing that truly ANGERED me is the comment about the “fake voice saying “How are you Leo?” and Jillian not being sincere about that. Sorry, but ARE YOU F*** kidding me right here? I am a mom of two (5 months and 4.5 years old) and I speak to my son who is little like this AALLL DAY. It’s what we do when we are utterly in LOVE with those tiny crazy creatures. And to say that is fake makes my blood boil. Do you have any kids yourself? And if yes and you don’t talk like this, does that mean others can’t mean everything they say when they do?
I would actually personally be more shocked and question your credibility Jillian, if you DIDN’T have Leo in your posts. Cause you CLEARLY LOVE him and he is part of your life. This whole overrated – “don’t post kids-thing” that some people have? Not sure why. Cause they are part of our lives. So not post them cause there are some idiots taking it the wrong way possibly? Makes no sense.
Bottom line of my rant: Jillian, don’t let people like that get to you. There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism. At all. But there is a way how to do so and a tone to use when having good intentions. People like that (from my experience) rarely have a problem with someone else but themselves and haven’t found a proper outlet to deal with that yet.
To all the trolls: I am not perfect and certainly haven’t figured life out myself but one thing I have learnt so far: negativity doesn’t help anyone. Try to be positive and happy and of help to others and your wildest dreams will come true and your life will be so much richer!
Hang in there Jill, don’t let them get to you. Not worth it! xo from Germany, Stef (with an MBA myself, haha)
All of this is breaking my heart! I’ll just let you know, like the tons of other supportive followers and fans, that I think your representation of who you are online is as authentic as it comes and we love you for it. My sister-in-law and I were talking about you at Easter like you’re our friend! And as a woman who hopes to become a mom very soon, I’m mentally cataloging all of your experience and advice as a new mom. (The vast majority) of us are here because we want to be, and I’m grateful you’ve created a blog and an incredible Insta that’s real while also being #goals. Love you for it.
Wow. It is mind blowing that people can be so negative! I will never understand the point of someone following and commenting on a blog/picture/post just to be a dick. I understand everyone has an opinion, but this is a LIFESTYLE BLOG! The reason pretty much ALL of us are here reading (except a few obviously) is because we are drawn to Jillian’s personality and lifestyle and love the raw, realness about her. We follow along because we WANT to know her opinion on beauty products, fashion, baby stuff, etc.. so that’s what she does! She tries different products and tells us all about them. If you don’t care, simply stop following the blog… it’s THAT simple. No one forces you to come read the posts! Just leave it alone and keep the negativity away… there’s no need for it.
PS… Leo is a friggen adorable baby. I love seeing his outfits (even the ones that are sponsored) and I love getting mom tips because every mom is just learning as we go and every ounce of advice helps! Oh and you wouldn’t believe the weird voices and made up words I use all day to my little babe. It’s called being a happy, loving mother. Not being fake!
It’s disappointing to see the negative, hateful comments, but it makes me SO happy to see the outpouring of sweet, supportive, defensive posts that followed! We love you, Jillian, so keep it up!
Jillian. You are amazing and inspiring.. My go to blogger & public figure. You are SO REAL. Xo
I love Jilly!!
First of all, to all the haters that took time to comment (even multiple times!)- good on ya! Your nasty, hateful words are helping bring more readers to this blog, providing her with more views, and raising up a little army to back our girl! Even through your hate, you are inadvertently supporting her. Love the irony of that! 🙂
Jillian, you do you girlfriend! My friends and I were texting back and forth last night about how much we obsess over your insta stories, and about how shocked we were about the negative comments. People are allowed to have their opinion and allowed to disagree, but there are DEFINITELY ways to do that without coming across like a complete troll. Also, Jillian is a BRAND. Of course her blog is going to promote products! Isn’t that why lots of us are here? Because our girl has amazeballs style and her hair is GORG. so we want to see what her tips and tricks are! And the adorable pics of Leo help too 🙂
If you don’t like it…then BYE. No need to spew your hurtful words! Just unfollow and move on.
Girl, do not let the haters get you down!! I love your blog and your insta stories. You inspire me in your home decor and business model every day!
People who criticize others online need to get a life—-STAY IN YOUR LANE PEOPLE!!
You do you and keep spreading the love and positivity every day!
I’m so going to miss your instastories this weekend if you do infact take a break from them. Although I think taking a break might be for the best. We all need a social media break once in a while.
I’ve got two little guys myself and watching your stories is actually the highlight of my not-so-exciting days.
I don’t have to write this, and I’m not sure if you’ll even see it. So know that this is honest. I’ve never commented on anything. Ever.
But I really think of you as such a humble, kind, HILARIOUS, and down to earth person.
THATS what I see through your stories.
Go do you this weekend. Take some time for yourself and love up on that sweet boy of yours. And just remember that’s who you do this all for.
This breaks my heart reading these posts. This is classical act of these women who are making hurtful comments because they are not satisfied with their own lives. This is cyber bullying and I have no tolerance for it on top of I have twin girls who I am scared for growing up in a social media environment with people like these women. What happened to empowering women? What happened to having everyone back not having mean things to say? Jillian shares her life and I honestly look forward to it everyday because she is a hard working mom and loves her family. No one should be mean and I hope these women feel ashamed of themselves.
You’re awesome!! You don’t need a thick skin to deal with these haters… just a powerful perspective:
If someone is unkind or petty, it truly has nothing to do with you. Don’t turn in it into something about your self worth. Bottom line… don’t own peoples crap. Keep living a beautiful and positive life!
Love the pink shoes … so buying those! 🙂
You are spot on! Power to the working mama!?? Congratulations on being a boss woman in a male dominated field, all while balancing the multitasking life as a mother of your precious rainbow baby!
Saw your insta post and I literally was crying. Then I had to look up what that person said… and my momma bear is about to come out. That little lady who so kindly bragged about her MBA is living a very IGNORANT life! I am a Mechanical Engineer who is a female who is killing it in a highly male dominated field, I even work in a manufacturing facility where that ratio is even greater. I also have a daughter that is 5 months older than little Leo… I was thrilled to start following you on snapchat/insta because I had just gone back to work the month prior and was having a hard time dealing with it. Your snaps literally made my day bearable. It is extremely difficult to find the balance between work and family. I think you are doing an amazing job, and there are definitely days that it is hard and people are shitty, just know you have a million followers that love you and care about you. Please don’t let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch. I totally hear you on the fact that you have a completely different perspective after having a child… my girlfriends and I were talking about it just yesterday… we call it I don’t give any more f*cks about what people think. My priorities have changed, my body has changed, my emotions are different, and its one hell of a rollercoaster. I now have this amazing gift, my daughter, that after a year of trying and a miscarriage, I can’t believe she is mine. I also talk to her every day and somewhat sing to her “hey baby, how was your day!” and she lights up every time. Yes you talk to your child in ways they respond to, she love to hear things in a little higher pitch and I oblige. It is so difficult to be away from her while I am working but I want to be an example for her and show her that you can do whatever you want and still be a kick ass woman. Since I have started following you I have realized you are funny, thoughtful, kind, giving, and extremely appreciative of your team around you. You have built a life that many are envious of, but its not a life that is easy by any means. You probably have to work more hours a week than I do and some of them at odd hours with an inconsistent schedule. The reality of a blog is- sponsored posts ensure the people running the blog make an income, this is a reality, if you don’t like it go away, or go pay for your content so that someone doesn’t have to get sponsors and ads. People want to have their cake and eat it too… get a life. I never for once felt you are exploiting Leo, not once… and that is absolutely a cruel thing to say. I made 90% of my daughters food and still that “gross mush from a tube” is actually pretty delicious and has saved my ass multiple times. I even grab one when I don’t have time to cook or forget to eat! This BOSS MOM life is a tough one to navigate keep doing what you are doing because we all love following along and love you!
You are spot on! Power to the working mama!?? Congratulations on being a boss woman in a male dominated field, all while balancing the multitasking life as a mother of your precious rainbow baby!
Jillian, You are an incredible, talented, beautiful woman. Your friends, family, followed LOVE YOU for who are ARE. Don’t let negative people bring you down. For every bad apple, there’s got to be WAY more people that truly love what you do. I watch your Instagram stories throughout my day as a working mom of two & you ALWAYS INSPIRE ME. Your passion for life, Leo, Justin, Nacho and all things design is all I see. Keep it up, you boss mom, Jillian!
Designer, Wife & Mom of Two
I think it’s easy to be peanut butter and jealous over Jillian’s life and lifestyle, but it is clear that she does work HARD. It doesn’t matter who helps, paid or unpaid, girl HUSTLES! I think that’s pretty clear from her IG stories. Did anyone notice the time and care that she put into getting her home ready for the new homeowners? She didn’t pay a company to make that house perfect for them with flowers. She did it with family and friends. I thought that was so endearing of her. I’m a single, working full-time mama and I travel 100km one way to see my boyfriend on weekends. It sucks. I can’t imagine traveling between two homes weekly. Money or no money, it’s exhausting! And forgetting one thing at one house it just annoying. Having double of everything is impossible.
All women and mom’s work hard and shoulder massive guilt when it comes to their children’s livelihoods no matter the income. Can’t we just all admit that we struggle, no matter how privileged?
Keep doing you Jillian! Sending love from the Maritimes!
Hi Jillian,
The reality is that you are not a childcare expert. You are a first time mother with a nanny and incredible economic privilege. You are not in a position to be writing this kind of post as your experience is in no way reflective of the experience of the average woman. Further, some of the initial criticism was both warranted and constructive. It is reasonable to question the ethics of using you son in advertisements. At times you do not meet the journalistic standard of admitting when something is a promotion and you should be accountable for how you choose to present you child on social media. I personally do not object to having Leo in promotional materials, but you should be able to appreciate it could be a controversial choice.
Secondly, you have no right to put down women that choose to live a childless existence. There are many reasons women may choose not to raise children, this can include illness, infertility, trauma, or simply recognizing that parenthood is not the right choice given life circumstances. Part of supporting women is supporting the decision to have control over how we choose to live our lives. One of the consistent comments on here is that you act superior, or put down others that are different. Given this has been repeated by multiple people, even people who know you personally, I think you need to reflect on how you treat others and the judgement your project.
The reality is that when you put your life on the internet you have made your life subject to criticism from the world. This does not necessarily mean developing a thick skin, but it does mean that you must learn to tolerate some criticism. You seem completely unable to receive any feedback without completely overreacting. Compared to other bloggers who receive criticism about appearance, life choices and journalistic decisions on a daily basis, I think you actually have a very supportive readership. Your choice to make that post on Instagram was churlish, passive aggressive and disingenuous at best. That was poor judgement and this is generally your response whenever you face criticism; you react emotionally rather than taking time to reflect and post a thoughtful response.
Your life is not perfect. You are not perfect. Accept this and own it and maybe you can improve your life for the better. Stop pretending your relationship is harmonious, stop pretending that you are always happy. Life is messy. We get this and we would be willing to accept a Jillian that was real.
Wow Jenna! Who are you? What are you an expert in besides kicking a girl while she’s down. If you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all. This wasn’t constructive it was piling on. You and the other downers need to hop off now! Shoo! You’ve done your job now move along. Find someone else to hate on.
Jillian! I’ve followed you on your pregnancy journey and now motherhood journey and had my first baby about three months after you had Leo. Your IG stories are the first ones I watch each day because they are so funny, positive, and real! You aren’t all done up everyday and you show what it’s like to be a new mom who’s trying her best to figure things out. Being a new mom is the hardest thing I have ever done and to follow a new/working mom who is so honest and who openly shows their ups and downs balancing work and having a new little one is so refreshing.
Keep doing what you do, please don’t change or stop! You have so many people behind you who LOVE what you do!
Hey Jillian,
I saw your insta story, was confused and curious about all the comments you were talking about, and so found my way over to this blog post. I haven’t read through all the comments but read a few that were nasty. I first learned about you through Love It or List It Vancouver. Needless to say, you’re talented, smart, and beautiful and it’s clear that you work hard and have earned all the things that you have now in life. But you don’t need affirmation from me or anyone. I can understand that putting yourself out there in public is difficult and that many people – down to the last dumb ass – will feel the need to share their opinion. But that’s just it – they’re stupid. I’ve been subject to bullying before in my life but in the end, I’ve found it easier to ignore them than to respond and empower them. Once I accepted that trolls will be trolls and haters are going to hate, I clumped them all together in one box and pushed them aside. If it wasn’t for your insta story, I never would have known that you were getting these comments. I recall during an Instagram live you were doing a Q&A and were also calling out some of the pervs and wondering out loud how you can block them. I guess what I’m trying to say is that myself, and many of your other followers, probably would have never known about these haters if you didn’t mention it. There’s a reason why so many thousands of other people follow you, enjoy your content and listen to what you have to say – don’t let the haters get in your way. You know who you are so just keep doing you 🙂 much love! – Gail
Hi Jillian! I am sure your inbox is flooded with loving messages. I don’t usually comment on social media, but your the second “real” mom I follow in social media who has had to take a step away because of internet trolls. It’s breaking my heart. I follow you guys because you don’t just post your highlight real. My son in two months younger than Leo and watching you is inspirational and I feel a little more “normal”. Moming is darn hard and I can’t imagine doing it in the spotlight! You are such a great mom, as women we should make each other stronger and not bring each other down. We are all doing our best. I too work from home, have many projects, and I try hard to balance it all. I get strength from watching you. Thank you Jillian, for being real, for being strong and for being you! Have a great weekend. Give Leo all the cuddles today and spend time with your friends and family! That’s what us moms do ??
All of these harsh & nasty comments are so over the top – or are you woman just so completely unaware of yourselves? I’m so sorry for you. It won’t end well for you, unhappiness is a curse.
Jillian will go on, doing what she does – because she is wonderful and is making a difference. Making a difference in her own life, her sons life, her family’s life, her employees life and in all of our lives, just by being real and putting herself out there. It’s not an easy thing.
Above all else….what the EFF is with all of this judgement? It’s 2017. Please check yourselves.
In a world where woman are trying SO hard to band together, promote equality and show encouragement for all, regardless of size, shape, ethnicity, finances, social status, etc – you outwardly and expressly choose to be a BULLY? Did you read me right?….
It is quite shameful.
I watched Jillian’s insta-story with my almost 5 year old daughter this morning. Her eyes narrowed and she became so sad. She asked why she was crying, and I told her that some people were not nice to her and we discussed how no matter what, the first rule is to treat people as you would want them to treat you. She said, “Mommy I want to hug her…” I got choked up. Even at the tender and inexperienced age of 4.5, she feels compassion and a sense of right and wrong – and understands that NO ONE deserves to be hurt by others.
Thank you Jillian, you are helping move the world, and you have helped me today to give my daughter a very special lesson.
A & E
Seriously cannot understand. This social world brings out the best and the worst in people because it’s inherently that – about people. There’s good people and there’s bad people and of course everyone in between. Hang in there Jilly. As a “marketer” I know 100% you are succeeding because you are real. Don’t go changin’ xTHP
I love love love following you and I look forward to seeing what you do on a daily basis! Your life inspires me to be a better person! Stay strong lady! Leo is one cute babe also!
Finally came on here to see what the insta-story was actually about.
I’m shocked that these people were enough to bring you to tears.
Please don’t worry Jillian. You have a ton of woman (and men) who adore you and look forward to your posts.
We know your true colours, you’re so relatable, it separates you from a lot of other bloggers/ tv celebs. It’s a big reason why you’re fan base is so big.
Just keep doing you and being great.
Let the haters hate
Please don’t stay away for too long 🙂
Jillian, you are a class act! I love following you and love how you are always real and honest with your followers! It’s what makes you likable! I disagree so much with the mean comments that were said! Keep doing you, you obviously have a lot of support behind you! XOXO
Hey Jilly,
I saw your instagram storey today and It was just awful to see you being so sad over such terrible comments, I just want you to know that you are a kick ass women, seriously. I don’t think you realize how much impact you have on our lives, I am a young women trying to make it in the Interior Design world and you are my inspiration! You are the reason I followed my dreams in this world seeing how successful and strong you are, you can do it all! You are an amazing women, girlfriend, designer, tv host. Don’t let negative people get you down, just know you are so inspiring to so many of us!
Keeping shining girl!
As a first time mom myself, I really value your posts. My son has a milk and egg allergy and I love when you talk about vegan products. It’s actually given me great advise on what to try for him. Negative comments will always happen and unfortunately it’s because they are jealous. You’ve done fantastic for yourself. Don’t diminish that because of someone’s hateful words. We should all look in the mirror and ensure we are being the best versions of ourselfs. We owe it to our children and the future generations to raise caring, intelligent human beings.
PS. Please don’t stop posting about your house. We are in the process of selecting a builder and you have such great ideas!!!
Hi Jillian! I just wanted to send a quick THANK YOU for your genuine, hilarious, inspiring, lovely posts and insta stories. I absolutely love following you. As a new mom and business owner, you are an inspiration and such a breath of fresh air – being genuine to who you are every day and giving us a glimpse into how you make it all happen. Your family is absolutely beautiful.
Jillian I just want to say that I follow your blog, twitter, insta, and I LOVE you! I think you’re doing us Canadian gals proud. Since I follow you on social media, I saw your instagram stories yesterday and it absolutely broke my heart. To see you so upset because of the comments I’m reading here was awful. I think people don’t realize that even though you are a public figure, you are a human being and that you read what people say and that it affects you. Being a public figure does not mean it’s okay to target you. I wish more people could put themselves in others’ shoes and think before they say/type such hateful things. Women should be lifting each other up, not putting each other down.
You spread so much positivity and love and kindness, the world would be a better place if we were all more like you. Yes, you may be priviledged, but you give back SO much, and you’ve worked your ass off to get to where you are. I think you should be proud of who you are and what you’ve accomplished, and we should look to you as an inspiration for success (I certainly do). There is NOTHING wrong with being successful and I truly believe some people are just negative and jealous and choose to see the worst in the world (even in instances like this, where there is nothing negative to see!) I’m sorry for the novel (lol!!) but I just had to say something after seeing your insta stories.
Keep your chin up girl and doing you, you’re amazing!
Hey Jillian – please ignore the people who have decided to attack you. It is so easy for any of us to treat someone negatively to make ourselves feel better, but so much more rewarding to be a positive person and try to spread some happiness around. You definitely fit the positive person side of the spectrum and I, for one, enjoy reading your blog and seeing your instagram stories. I don’t even care if you have sponsors…that isn’t what makes a human. The way we treat people – well that speaks volumes.
As a mom with 3 young kids, I get it. We need to support each other.
Jillian- I never, ever write any comments online or on blogs, but I have felt compelled to say something. You bring so much happiness and joy to so many people! You are real and you’re doing what any one of us would do if we were lucky enough to be in your shoes. I admire so much about you, your style and your loving relationships. There are always going to be negative haters out there, but don’t let it stop you or get you down. Thank you for sharing your life with us! I look forward to your Insta stories everyday and I hope to be the kind of mom you are. Keep on Mom Bossing!! ❤️
Jillian- I just sat and read these at work. I’m disgusted by these people but I also had an ex boyfriend who made 4 facebook accounts when I was younger and messed with me pretending like they were “friends of his” or girlfriends who were now dating him… when months later I found out they were all fake and just him making the accounts. Honestly… I think its all the same person doing this and making up names- talking back and forth to each other! I love you girlfriend and have followed you for YEARSSSS! I know how hard it is to ignore them- but you have a team of amazing fans out there who love you! Just know that 🙂
Wow how embarrassing it would be to be a Nast person on here… I get so excited every night when I see your Instagram stories. I put my son down to bed, grab my headphones and cuddle in bed and just listen! I for one don’t see Leo being used as a “marketing tool” rather as a mother he’s the biggest part of your day-to-day life! Wish I knew you personally or was your friend so I could give you a big hug and have some wine and just forget about them with you… so sorry you have to listen to people take their “bad days” out on you!
PS! Please don’t take a break from social media..? I can’t be the only one that gets excited to see the progress on your new HOME and your sweet sweet family.. so much love being sent your way Jilly! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dear Jillian,
I stumbled upon your blog about a year ago and I follow your instagram and instastories and you are such a wonderful lady and mom. I am a mother of two precious boys and I am so sorry that you are going through what you are going through for no good reason at all. I just wanted to send a little positivity your way. I watched you on the Bachelor and Bachelorette and loved you then and still love you now. Of course you are working and making money, who doesn’t need to provide for their families. Rock it girl! You seem to be a success story. Are you perfect, no but whoever thinks they are needs to do some further self exploration because NO ONE IS PERFECT. Our imperfection is what makes us grow and form into the people we are. When others point a finger at you they need to remember there are three other fingers pointing back at themselves over the same issues. Judge not lest ye be judged. Keep up the great work. Hang in there. I could never tell you to form thick skin because that is way easier said than done. Just try and keep your chin up and walk tall mama. The haters gonna hate, hate, hate. Shake it off. Look forward to seeing more from you in the future. Have a wonderful weekend.
I don’t normally read the comments when Jillian posts things but I saw her crying last night on IG and my heart broke. First, I don’t believe the negative posts are coming from her regular followers. Could these be people being paid to post these negative comments on the blogs of successful people? If they truly feel as negative as their comments then I feel sorry for the entire lot! I am not a new mom (my son is 20) and I am much older than Jillian, but I started following her because she is one of my favorite people from The Bachelorette. I read her blog and view her posts on Instagram everyday and from day one I knew she was promoting items. With that being said it is like anything else in life. If interested, read on and pay attention, if not – pass over it and move on. I really don’t care much about the products because most don’t pertain to me but I love Jillian’s quirky ideas, comments and I love her pictures of her country and family! Grow up people. I try not to every post any comments that I would say to a person face to face. Also, I love hearing “Good Morning” everyday because it makes my day – especially when we get to see little Leo smiling and interacting. Always be kind. Hope you have a better day today Jillian!
I always tell my husband I hope to raise our future kids like you! Laid back, go with the flow, and it is OK to be a working mom. You are someone I look up to and hope to be like when I’m your age! Know you are inspiring! I am mostly vegetarian but if I am in a situation where I am being served, I may eat meat. I don’t think that is rude; that is my choice and I am doing what I can the rest of the time to limit my meat intake and be responsible with my food choices. You give so much to your personal community and also your online followers! Keep it up and know you have our support and you are a role model!
Love from another Jilly! ❤
Jill –
you should take the comment section out of your blog for all the haters to keep their comments to themselves.
We love you – from one Kelowna girl to another… keep doing you, they are all just jealous of your talent and surrounded love by your amazing group of people you have surrounding you.
– Janie
Thanks for being you. The bad ass mom you are that reminds many of us mom’s out there struggling with similar challenges that we are not alone. Xoxo
While so many of these comments bother me (as a woman, a mother, a human being) one piece that bothers me most…the talk about Jillian being ‘privileged’ or ‘lucky.’ If you win the lottery, you are lucky. If you work your butt off, create business, build brands and create success for yourself, you are a BOSS MOM!
Jillian – I absolutely love following your blog, and insta stories. You deserve every bit of success you have…because you have worked your ass off for it. None of this was luck! Be proud of yourself!
So happy to see your smiling face again on instgram. In a world of so much hatred it’s nice to see such loving, supporting, encouraging, comments. We follow you because you inspire us, make us laugh by keeping it real & sharing your adorable Leo for all to enjoy! Strong women sometimes have moments of weakness that’s what makes us strong! No one is perfect…don’t be so hard on yourself! We love ❤️ and completely adore you! Thank you for sharing your life with us! ? Happy Sunday loves…?
I started reading this post to see where the jeans are from lol. Isnt that what the basics of any blog is? Promotion?
Wasnt expecting to find this hornets nest!
Love you Jilly!
PS. Nothing like a good pair of sneakers!!
I really don’t understand how or why people take the time to bash other people and make them feel like sh*t… you have nothing better to do? Like be happy with your own life?
Jill, your awesome, I love how real and down to earth and HONEST you are. Keep doing what you do…oh and Leo, he’s the cutest! 🙂
Hi!! Would love to know where to find these shoes?! The ones in the link above don’t have the brown soles which are my favorite part!! Am wondering if it’s because I’m in the US? Thanks so much!!
I’m not even sure what to say, I feel so disappointed that people feel the need to be so mean and cruel to one another… is that how you want to raise your children? Aren’t we supposed to lift one another up? Especially as moms… I’m a new mom, and I think the fact that you went back to work so early must have been so difficult, I go back in a few weeks and I have been a wreck, and that’s after a year. Of course it must be awesome to have a nanny etc. but you’ve worked hard for it. I don’t get how people can shame you for it, or make negative comments about it. I just wanted to say thanks, I don’t follow many people but I’ve enjoyed your posts/stories while I have been on maternity leave. I know it’s easy to say but ignore the negativity!
those shoes are amazing. Sponsored posts or not, I have found some awesome stuff and inspiration on here, which is the point of a blog right?! Good job team! 🙂
so sorry you have to put up with what these old hags have to say. Just wanted you to know you’re an amazing person. Love you! ❤
So many people have already said it, but it’s absolutely true: anyone can be tough behind a screen. Don’t listen to what those bitches are saying! You promote products because you’re running a business… it’s never been some kind of secret. I’m not sure why they’re shocked you promote products!
You like what you like, you’re extremely hard working, and you’re an amazing mom. Your Instagram stories are the cutest things ever, and I’m honestly very confused as to how someone could watch them and NOT see that! Obviously ignoring criticism is easier said than done, so just do your best.
Hopefully some day those trolls learn that if you have nothing nice to say….then say nothing!
Good for you for sucking up for yourself Jillian! People can be so cruel… I feel that the only way these people could write the things they are is because they’re extremely jealous of your success. You’re a class act & I absolutely love reading your blogs & seeing your insta stories! Especially the ones with sweet little Leo! Thank you for always being honest. Keep on doing what you go girl! Don’t let the few negative Nancy’s get you down. You’re a boss babe mom & Leo is a lucky duck to have you! xoxox
Sticking *** haha not sucking!
Whoa, these chicks are ruthless. You are called a bitch because you defend yourself. But they give unsolicited negative opinions and basically attack you and that’s ok. Actually, I think they are kind of bitchy. If you don’t like her shit and think she is so horrible then why follow her. Like who gives a shit if she really uses those baby food tubes or not!? What the hell does it matter to you?? And her child has a pretty seeet life and seems to have a very decent mom. You can feel the love she has for him thru her videos. She is a grown ass woman doing what she feels is right. I’d love to see what your life is like and how perfect you are!? Give the girl a break. Stop harassing her and get a life. Dang!
6. Be Kind to Yourself: There is so much negativity in the world, a million ways to do the right thing, not everyone will agree on the path you choose but that does not mean it will not work for you and be right for your family. We all must listen to the advice/criticism out there but it does not mean it is all right for us, listen to it, take from it what works for us/grows us and then move on. Being a boss and a mom (especially a new mom) can be extremely overwhelming and we all need a dose of reality from time to time and that comes from within. There will be times we must pick our heads up, look ourselves in the eye and ask ourselves why we are doing all this? We need to remind ourselves that working so hard often comes from a place of love, to better the lives of our family. We may be a little imperfect at times but when it comes from a place of love and we do our best to better ourselves for ourselves and our family then we may be imperfect but we are an imperfectly perfect mom and boss.
Hi Jillian,
I never take time to leave a comment on any blog but after seeing your sweet insta story today, I have been thinking about you all day and wanted to send you my warm thoughts. I am so sorry this has all happened to you today. I have followed you for a long time and have only thought you were the cutest, sweetest and a very sincere person. (and your little voice to Leo makes my uterus do flip flops- its a loving voice that only comes out of the deepest place of a mother’s heart.)
I applaud you for being so vulnerable with your life and no, you have never claimed to be perfect! If any of us showed as much of our lives publicly there would be a million imperfections, a million inconsistencies and a million blemishes! We are human, that is life and that is what makes us love and follow humans like you.
And you are a BOSS for monetizing your life style. I DREAM of being able to accomplish that someday- I KNOW it takes a shitload of hustle, determination and long hours. I’m sure every post is a moment of wait, will people like this? Will they judge me? Yet you post anyways and show the world your true self. And you’re making money off it? You go girl!! Lead on with your bad self.
And how DARE someone mom-shame you. That is vile, venomous speak and you are probably not alone as the only woman they have mom-shamed. Therefore, I think it is safe to assume those women are lonely, sad and wishing they had your glamorous lifestyle. Shame on them.
And to the women who so arrogantly threw in her MBA, gah! I dare you to compare financials or followers with her! Jillian could run circles around her!
Jillian – you’re a badass Boss Mom and keep running circles around all the other business women out there in your adorable heels. Hey, you have capitalized on something people want to see and made money from it? Wow, that is called being freaking smart and people clearly trust your opinion.
Carry on, Jillian! Never-the-less, she persisted.
Jillian I’ve followed you for a while now, you’re someone I look up to immensely. You show both the good parts of your life and the bad and it’s inspiring. You live a realistic life when it comes to how you try to be as plant based as possible, fitness goals, fashion, and work/life balance. I’m trying to figure out my path in life and I hope that when I do it turns out to be half as balanced as you manage. You’re amazing and I hope that all the messages of love and support overshadow the very few people who choose to be negative.
Hi Jillian. My name is Vanessa. It’s nice to kind of meet you. I’ve never commented on a blog before, so this feels weird. But, like everyone else, I saw the sad insta-story and stopped to see what the fuss was about.
It was pretty intense. The main reason I follow you is because I enjoy your authenticity. I like that you are open and share your internal monologues. It means you’re human and not a perfectly filtered, PR sculpted super-being. And, I love that you’re Canadian, of course.
I’ve never been in your situation, so it’s hard to judge what your response to all of this “should” have been. Part of your authenticity is showing that you were hurt. As we all know, you can’t make everyone happy and people can be cruel. And, finding the balance of sharing your life with the public and making money from it, is tricky. The die-hards will get over the ads. The more casual viewers, like myself, will try to avoid half of them. We all have a choice.
I think we all need to remember that as a human, you’re not perfect. Yes, some of the ad posts feel very contrived, but they kind of have to be if they’re ads…right? We all just don’t walk around living life naturally like a commercial…lol.
Anyway, you’ll get over this hurdle because there will be more to come. Best of luck, and focus on you and your family. It’s all good.
Hi Everyone,
Usually I would just read the comments and continue on but I felt compelled to write something about ‘the business’ side of blogging as I did not already see it addressed by others.
Legally, bloggers must disclose when they have been compensated for a post. I read a lot of blogs, and have to say that Jillian is one of the bloggers who correctly discloses her product sponsorships. I agree that there is an amount of sponsored content associated with her blog and social media pages, but it is always correctly disclosed. Other bloggers use sponsored content just as much – if not more – without readers realizing that they are in fact being paid to support a product. I continue to come back to her site because I give her kudos to aligning with her contracts and legal obligation.
At the end of the day I continue to support Jillian by reading her posts, and sometimes purchasing products through an affiliate link. This blog is both an extension of her, and a business. I’d personally love to be able to stay home with my future kids, write about something I am passionate about and be able to financially support myself.
YOU ARE A QUEEN!! I think you are the realest. Keep doing what you do!
Next time you feel compelled to criticize someone publicly on the internet.. don’t. If you feel you need to address an issue or have a complaint, please do so in a polite and constructive way. You do not have to attack Jillian personally. Please do not act like you know her personally, when you aren’t even an acquaintance. You only know her online persona, have you even met or got to know Jillian in person? No, I didn’t think so. It is not constructive to attack her character, or her parenting. When did it become okay to attack someone so personally on the internet? Just because you will probably never see her face to face does not make it okay to say such hurtful things. These people who are commenting destructive. I have never commented like this before, so I am in no way a “keyboard warrior”, but thought these comments were absolutely disgusting and unnecessary. Please be kind to one another. I hope everyone’s day gets better, because it really seems like there are a lot of people having a shitty day/week.
Take care Jillian and staff.
I don’t usually do this, but man, this pulled on my heartstrings.
Jillian, you are not thick skinned and that’s okay. I love that you’re yourself, raw and honest. It’s hard to always be in the public eye, constantly being judged. You may be the biggest, juiciest peach in the world but there’s someone out there who doesn’t like peaches.
I don’t know you personally but from your day to day stories you’re pretty transparent. It’s not easy doing your job, blogging, trying new things and to top it all off being a mom. There are people who can barely manage the mom part alone. You share your ups and down with us. Your successes, missing Leo, and trying to be vegan-ish (which by the way is perfectly imperfect, and people need to stop being snobs about it. Change isn’t easy).
I’m so sorry these negative comments got you down. Just know there are still people out there like myself who still view you as the quintessential busy bee you always were. Just because you got this opportunity to always be in the public eye does’t make you privileged. There are lots of people who have gone on the bachelor and have made nothing of themselves. You took chances, you’ve made mistakes and that’s what makes you human. It’s what makes you beautiful and that’s how we can still relate to you.
This product placement is part of your job and frankly unavoidable. Realistically if I was given money to advertise those stupid sugar bears for your hair that every bachelorette is doing that claim to grow it or something, I’d do it. You gotta take care of yourself and your family. Besides, women are constantly trying new things, hair products and make up, cleaners and shoes. I read reviews on almost every single product I buy. At least the things you talk about are useful (Theas are my favourite runners and work shoes #nurselife). You do you and just hope people are smart enough to make decisions for themselves about what suits them and their lifestyle. Going to Artizia and buying everything you have in your closet is unrealistic, but oh man that one sweater… I’m definitely going to splurge on!
As for Leo, you’re a great mom. You can see the love you have for him and how hard it is for you leaving him. I don’t have kids so when it comes to the baby stuff I don’t pay attention to it. Also, if you’re not talking to your kids how else are they going to learn words!?!? I don’t doubt you’re going to have the most polite baby whose first words will be “How are you doing?” LOL
I know it’s easier said than done, to not pay attention to the negatives so I’m not going to say it. People will always have opinions. Many of them are trolls (I think that’s the correct term), at least 2 for every 10 people who love you. Now multiply that by your followers. You still have such strong support from the rest of us. I feel sorry for the people who spend time writing our these terrible hate messages. Make better use of your time and spend some time with your family instead.
Sorry for the rant. I hate to see people crushed by so many diminutive opinions.
You are strong, beautiful and an inspiration to all of us. Keep doing you. Love of love an luck to you and everything you endeavour.
I have a negative comment – I’m so in love with these shoes and they are sold out in my size!! Panic attack. Help me Team Jilly ladies! Ladies Size 8. Any other website options? #teamjilly #propeace #howpeopletreatyouistheirkarma #howyoureactisyours
I thought all your advice was great and I just love that you are such a positive and loving person. It really shows in all you do. You can’t fake that.
When I read some of the comments here I was so shocked, I was thinking how could anyone find such negative things to say with all you post. I love your posts and insta stories, by the way I talk to my little guy in almost the exact same way. I have been thinking about it on and off all morning and what I have concluded is those people are just very unhappy. I have been in a place where I have not been very happy and it can be really easy to see negative in everything, so sad but true. It is still sad that they are trying to make others be as unhappy as them. I miss you already but I totally get why you need a social media break. You really do it all. I don’t even get how you do it all but it is really inspiring. This will just be a much deserved break.
Also I love, love child orgaincs. My mom is a super health nut, I mean really healthy and I feel so much pressure to make all my own food but the love child organics are mom approved 🙂
Have a great day! I hope it is as sunny in Kelowna as it is in Vancouver today 🙂
Hey Jillan.
Dont let this piece of s@*!= get to you.
I love your posts and if someone is mad at the fact that you have a platform with a fantastic following and your cashing in on it. So What. If anyone had a chance to do what you they would jump on it.
People follow you because they love what you say and share. Dont let some bored housewife bring you down. Wipe your tears, have a glass of wine and be proud of all you achieved.
When your on top theres many people who will try to knock you down. Jist remember hatred is fueled by jealously.
I love your blog so much it encouraged me to start one myself!
Sorry for the rambling LOL
Hi!First I might be the furthest fan you have -Latvia it is. 🙂 I saw your post and it was sad to see you cry. Your posts are very honest, fun, and you have the courage to share your life with the world. My son was born on 4. of july last year, one month older than Leo. and it ‘s very interesting to see how LEo is growing, and you are the best mother. You inspire me to get my life together,and to have my own business. You inspire people. So please ignore people who talks sh.. and even have phd or whatever. If someone is mean, usually there is something missing in their lives. Just keep your head high girl, and correct your crown. 🙂
I look forward to your blog posts and Insta stories! (they are my fav….seriously!)
I feed my little guy love child organics….like a lot…..seriously. breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks. they are THE best! I have a hard time sharing with him sometimes! give me all the pumpkin coconut purees!!
I talk to my baby the same way 🙂
Love ya!
Sponsored content, love it or hate it, it’s here to stay.
Wow, how the internet is changing and you want transparency, so here’s a little dose of transparency from the business perspective and why you seem to see so much sponsored content.
I work for an estate winery in Washington State and while I’m not a shampoo company or sell organic baby food, I sell wine, which by definition is a disposable income product, meaning you don’t need it (despite what any new mom might tell you, me included). So, as I marketer I have to work EXTRA hard to sell the stuff. Thankfully what we produce is a very good product so my job is enjoyable (plus, that bonus of free wine). We produce about 7,000 cases so a fairly decent size winery with a small advertising budget, and in all my eight years of marketing wine, NOTHING, I mean NOTHING, has ever matched the ROI as sending bloggers free wine. It’s as simple as that.
The average Wine Enthusiast ad (full page is almost $12k, and if you get a manage to get great score, it’s $1,295 just to include ONE label with your score), my return is less than 1% follow up orders, meaning, I got 1 or 2 orders per label I paid to publish – – in the of the LARGEST wine magazines. Now let’s compare that to sending a half case worth of wine to a blogger (average retail price $150/6 bottles).
Two years ago, I sent 7 cases of wine to 14 food & wine enthusiast bloggers (with their permission of course), I never asked them to write a review (I technically can’t, it’s illegal with alcohol), just that I was fans of what they did and thought our wines might match their taste. This is what I received back: 5 wrote food pairings posts featuring the wine with photos (again, without being asked), 13 mentioned it on social media (7 mentioned it 3+ times), all 14 gave specific links to buy the wines, and within eight months, I had 80+ orders of 2 or more bottles of wine (tracking analytic back to the blogger sites or social media pages). Our average bottle of wine is $25, 80 orders at $25, well any person with an MBA can tell you that ROI is a little better. You would be crazy not to advertise this way.
Never once did I feel like I was tricking anyone into anything, we’re all still adults who can make our own choices, spend our money and time how we please, it’s just about exposure. I am so thankful to each and every blogger who went above and beyond to praise & criticize (yes, there were some “it just wasn’t my style”) my products. I still send wines to bloggers and have had nothing but positive results, so I will continue to do it.
Now, I realize there is SO much more to marketing than that one example, but it kills me because NO ONE is blaming the company for sending free stuff, yet we attack the blogger for being transparent about their lives and the soap they put in their hair, #ouch.
Jillian, you do you and while I have been a fan of yours for a very long time, this post isn’t to make you feel better, you’re a tough cookie and one day you’ll laugh at this, but it’s to educate consumers. Marketing is changing, advertising is changing – – exposure is king and consumers don’t have to search for products anymore, they wait for products to find them. So, while bloggers and businesses make nice, the consumer is the ultimate winner, you have FREE access to new product reviews you may have never had the opportunity of knowing, and again, love it or hate it, every single one of us have to make a dime so don’t be jealous of someone who knows how to do it better than you do.
Jillian–You know your heart and mind, as do those who love you and care about you. Try to ignore these negative, pathetic women. I thoroughly enjoy your blog, and show, and see you as being a fun, energetic, creative, caring, sweet, generous, respectful, relatable, person. So don’t worry about comments meant to tear down. Just keep building your life and sharing your many talents. Embrace the affection and appreciation so many of your readers have for you. Now I’m going to go buy a pair of Nike AirMax sneakers–and I’ll keep visiting your blog almost daily. Take care, and God bless you and your family! You really do make the world a sunnier and better place for so many.
Jillian!! YOU GO GIRL!
As a blogger myself, I FULLY understand the amount of time, energy and HARD WORK it takes every single day, even though we are truly passionate about what we do. To have these women strip you of that is AWFUL. Do not let that happen. Do not stop doing what you’re doing.
You are one of the women that inspired me to even START my blog three years ago. The most real part of this entire blog is that you ARE trying new things.
Shay, Yolanda, Emma, whoever else seems to think berating Jillian anonymously is at all helpful, have you ever gone to the drug store and thought ‘HM, maybe today I’m going to try this different shampoo instead’. You still love your original shampoo but wow, this one sure smells amazing.
Then you tell your friend about it.
THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT JILLIAN IS DOING. News flash, she is allowed to like new things and talk about it. I don’t care if Nike paid her for the post. Jillian is the type of woman to try new things and talk about the ones she likes. She isn’t steering anyone wrong. Those shoes are frickin’ cute.
Jillian, people want to believe what they think is interesting.
Thinking that you’re scamming everyone over pink Nike shoes is interesting.
Being a new mom trying new things, isn’t interesting, it’s life.
Now let’s see more insta stories of Leo and Nacho 🙂
Drea Marie
There are so many negative people on social media who should get a life and not poke holes in your blogs. I think you are an amazing woman with a hectic life as a mother, wife , design expert as well as dog lover. l live in Ontario and have been watching your show ever since it’s inception and love your creativity and you are always so upbeat even when you have to give home owners bad news!
You are the bees knees in my book. You go girl!
Thank you, Sharon!!! XOXOXOXOXO
I came on here because I googled Boss Mom, and here we are. I was APPALLED at the amount of garbage left underneath the comment section of this woman’s blog. We all have freedom of speech, and it is the way of the world. We cannot please everyone all the time – yes. But last time I checked? This is Jillian’s blog. She has created it, paid for it and taken the time and energy to share her experiences. HER UNIQUE EXPERIENCES, which means there is no right or wrong. She is doing her best as a mom! If you disagree or don’t like it? Waste YOUR OWN TIME and post your distaste on YOUR BLOG. She shouldn’t have to weed through the naysayers (and please, she is a Mom!!) on her own site. But I was shocked at how much I had to scroll through the trolls who think they should come here and display their know-it-all attitudes to her parenting. And Jillian? If you find yourself feeling you need to defend yourself? Don’t. Unless they have walked one foot in your shoes, who are they to tell you what you are doing is wrong? Negative nellies of the world. I say good job! Being a mom isn’t easy. And hearing the trolls of the world, you don’t need that. This blog and site is your “house”. If someone doesn’t like it, they can leave and go talk about it at their own house-blog and talk sheite.