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A Week In My Closet – Week 15

Happy weekend loves!!! It’s time for another week in my closet. I’ve got some catching up to do since I missed last week… eek, sorry! Hopefully I can make it up to you with all these amazing Fall pieces that I just can’t get enough of! Sweaters, coats, toques… I LOVE Fall fashion and I’m so excited to hear what you think of these looks!

Also, on a quick side note… I just wanted to THANK YOU all again for your love and support with the #JHforPRIV collection that launched this past week. The PJ set included in this post has sold out and I went back and forth on whether to include it BUT I wanted to make sure that I shared ALL my outfits with you so that I didn’t cause any confusion. I’m working closely with the Privilege team to TRY and bring this and other much loved pieces back so please stay tuned. I promise we’ll do our very very best!


Coat | Sweater | Sunglasses


Sweater | Coat | Jeans | Booties | Toque | Sunglasses


Jeans | Booties | Bag


Top | Necklace | Watch


Coat | Sweater | Jeans


PJ’s | Glasses


Leggings | Shoes


Dress | Coat | Booties | Bag | Sunglasses


Dress | Lipstick (or shop the set!)


Thanks for checking out this weeks round of outfits!!! Don’t forget to let me know which look was your favourite and if there’s anything I missed. Until next week…



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  1. Jillian, I am confused- the sweater you are wearing with the pink coat is clearly not the one linked to. The cables are different. Would you consider adding (similar) when you’re linking to something that’s not exactly what you’re wearing? I love the look of your sweater but I think I would have been very disappointed if I’d ordered the UO one expecting it to look the same.

  2. Hi Jillian—Do you endorse Goodnight Macaroon? If so…please warn your audience of the poor quality and horrible customer service. All the clothes ship from Hong Kong and are poorly made and ill-fitting. And, worst of all, their return policy is HORRIBLE (you can only return full priced items—and you have to ship them back to Hong Kong). I bought a sweater from them (based on your great blog—which I still love) all to find out it’s a piece of garbage I’m stuck with. I blame myself for not reading the fine print on their site as well. It’s all there. Just buried. It seems like a USA company. But it’s really hidden in/by oversees.
    You are the best…just please, be careful of what companies you endorse.

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